Crown land rivers along private property lines

Questions about Victorian gun and ammunition laws. Victorian Firearms Act 1996.

Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by John 60 » 01 Jan 2018, 2:32 pm

hi from my fishing escapades as a kid, I believed I could walk along rivers without the land owners permission, as a chain back from the river flats was deemed crown land and the landowner could not refuse you access. If this is the case, would the same be applied to shooting? I had intended to walk along the edge of a river with my pcp air rifle popping rabbits, and in the event of being confronted by any concerned party , My go to line was this is crown land. john victoria.
John 60
Posts: 5

Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by sungazer » 02 Jan 2018, 9:52 am

Yep I used to do that when I was young with a 22. Dont know about these days how it would go. People are generally a lot more uptight and righteous I would think the landowner would think it is there land and give you a hard time.
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by AusTac » 02 Jan 2018, 10:09 am

Before i rage quit fishing 10 metres of river bank each side was classed as crown land, personally i wouldn't be using firearms in there, however if you ask property owners you might get lucky at some point, best to ask depi face to face in the local office what the go is
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by Supaduke » 02 Jan 2018, 10:31 am

Which begs the question, how does one 'rage quit' fishing? I thought it was supposed to be relaxing.

As far as rivers and crown land go, sorry I'm no help there at all.
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by AusTac » 02 Jan 2018, 10:54 am

Supaduke wrote:Which begs the question, how does one 'rage quit' fishing? I thought it was supposed to be relaxing.

As far as rivers and crown land go, sorry I'm no help there at all.

I'm about as good of a fisherman as i am a shooter :lol: but i'm way happier blasting away at inanimate objects all day and missing rather than casting time after time loosing lures and breaking line and falling into rivers ( true story ) i guess i just like guns more ;)
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by duncan61 » 02 Jan 2018, 10:56 am

Some old titles in W.A. go to centre of river line.I lived in a small country town where we had access to freshwater angling that was nearly all on private land.The only time you had trouble was when a new owner took over and got all defensive and claimed private use only however the stocking is done for public angling so it gets interesting.On the few occasions I met the owners we could work out a deal as you could never keep the local school kids out regardless.One of the reasons I like hunting private property is If police or any other authority turn up I have the right to be there and the paperwork to prove it.I dont carry any firearm in public areas legal or not the general public dont get it
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by No1Mk3 » 02 Jan 2018, 12:14 pm

Be aware only about 20% of Victorian water frontage has Crown Land easement. The actual width of that can vary as well. Of that 20% a good deal is used by landholders under Licence, and carriage of firearms is forbidden on Crown Land under Licence without written permission of the licence holder. Visit the DELWP website for more info. Cheerrs.
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by FuzzyM » 03 Jan 2018, 8:20 pm

I actually contacted the DELWP about a similar issue.
I have had rabbits, foxes and deer walk onto the crown land along a creek that borders the farm that I hunt on.
I asked them if I could hunt pest animals on the crown land in question.

Their answer:
Dear M*******

Thank you for your recent enquiry to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Customer Service Centre.

The Department's response is:-

If the area is licensed crown land, you would need to seek permission of the licensee to hunt for pest animals. If it is unoccupied crown land, you are allowed to do so.

The following link to the website may be of assistance to you:

If you require clarification or have a further enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact the Customer Service Centre on 136 186 between 8am - 6pm weekdays or email :
Last edited by FuzzyM on 03 Jan 2018, 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by FuzzyM » 03 Jan 2018, 8:23 pm

Bear in mind I have permission to hunt on the private land that this area adjoins, I doubt you could really call hunting the narrow strip of crown land by itself appropriate.
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by Gwion » 03 Jan 2018, 10:05 pm

Good call, Fuzzy.
I'd be assessing the likely hood of random fishers or other wanderers being within shot and then just going for it; if i had permission on adjacent land.

Most of Vic has right of access to waterways, even over private land; carrying a firearm and discharging it is a different story.
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by Antie » 18 Jan 2018, 11:01 am

AusTac wrote:Before i rage quit fishing

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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by Col » 18 Jan 2018, 12:06 pm

John 60

Please note that the laws in NSW are very different to Victoria regarding the easement along waterways and are well worth investigating if you venture north of the border.

I live not far from the border (120 km) and have some quite "interesting" discussions with people regarding access to waterways on my property. As in NSW there is no access across private land to a waterway or watering reserve without the land holders permission etc. No shooting/spotlighting on public land or from public roadways etc.

So if venturing North just check up or ask the landholder.

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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by Tomche » 13 Mar 2018, 6:57 pm

So what rivers / creeks in Vic have crown water frontage on them? I too am looking for local spots i can use my air rifle.
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by John 60 » 06 Apr 2018, 6:29 am

thanks for all the replies the obvious course of action would be to approach the land owner and ask.
John 60
Posts: 5

Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by black fox » 15 Sep 2018, 3:41 pm

About 6 years ago i was thinking of buying a large bush block in vic mountains ,, 800 acres. There was a river running through the block.the r/e agent gave me a thick wad of papers, and it was all about public access to the river banks, it said people could camp, fish ride bikes etc. If the owner of the land adjacent to the bank interfered with the said people in anyway from enjoying there pursuits he would be committing a criminal act.and had serious consequensous, ive still got paperwork somewhere. But things might have changed, since They now have to fence off the river banks, in vic.
black fox
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Re: Crown land rivers along private property lines

Post by John 60 » 14 Dec 2018, 1:52 pm

i googled crown land water frontage vic and was led to a government site ran by the north east catchment authority, here is an extract " A licence over a Crown land water frontage provides personal permission to enter and use the land for a specified purpose but does not offer exclusive use to the licensee. When a Crown land water frontage is licensed, the public retains the right to enter and remain on the land for passive recreational purposes, e.g. walking, fishing or bird watching. However, members of the public are not permitted to camp, light fires or carry firearms on the land." and another "
Not all water frontages are Crown land. Only 20% of Victoria’s 128,000 kilometres of water frontage is Crown land. The rest is generally privately owned land."
John 60
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