A Shooter Again

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A Shooter Again

Post by Wm.Traynor » 30 Jun 2018, 9:36 pm

I became a shooter again today with the first shoot on my new licence :D During a target chance I struck up a conversation with the bloke next door, who just happened to have what looked like a new Marlin. With barely concealed curiosity, I asked him its age and it turned out to be new! Well, you know what they say about those things :cry: but this bloke was very happy with his but There's More. He was so proud of his rifle that he offered me a shot :o Was I up for it? :lol: Was I ever, especially since I had spotted the calibre on his ammo packet :twisted: hehehe Top bloke, eh :D and his gun was pretty nice too and not too hard on the shoulder either. He was using lead bullet PMC/PPU or something or other so maybe that explains that but I told my wife when I got home that a bloke had let me fire his cannon :)

But what is this doing in a target shooting forum? Well, I got to try out the CZ at 50 yards with a 36X Weaver instead of the formerly blurry Leupold and things went very well. Would you believe that Bushman grouped in 9/16" with a flier? The Remington High Velocity was so old and decrepit that the cases were coroded :crazy: Never seen anything like it :shock: The real surprise was the vertical dispersion; 3/8". I was ignoring wind, BTW as I had no indicators.
Unfortunately a few things went wrong. I forgot the cleaning gear so there was no removing fouling from the previous ammo or anything religious like that so neither the CZ nor the Marlin got a proper test. I was glad I only brought two rifles. Three would have been too many. As it was I shot all day[nearly 8-) ] with the two I had.
Well, that might do me. It's been a big day :D Seeya next time.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Posts: 1659

Re: A Shooter Again

Post by SCJ429 » 30 Jun 2018, 10:40 pm

What was the caliber of his Marlin, 45/70 hopefully? Sounds like you had a great time judging by the smiley faces. What calibers are your rifles?
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Re: A Shooter Again

Post by Daddybang » 01 Jul 2018, 8:39 am

It's been a while between drinks for ya WM.!!!
Great to hear ya back into it after the hassles!! :thumbsup: :drinks:
This hard living ain't as easy as it used to be!!!
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Re: A Shooter Again

Post by Wm.Traynor » 01 Jul 2018, 10:49 am

SCJ429 wrote:What was the caliber of his Marlin, 45/70 hopefully? Sounds like you had a great time judging by the smiley faces. What calibers are your rifles?

Yes it was and mine were both 0.22lr :) Yes, I haven't had such a good day like that for a very long time. Just sat there all day doing my own thing :D
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Posts: 1659

Re: A Shooter Again

Post by Wm.Traynor » 01 Jul 2018, 10:53 am

Daddybang wrote:It's been a while between drinks for ya WM.!!!
Great to hear ya back into it after the hassles!! :thumbsup: :drinks:

Thanks Db. Now there will be a lot less time spent on the house and more at the range :twisted: Speaking of ranges, Imbil was closed yesterday but weather permitting, it will be my port of call next Saturday which reminds me to ring Mongrel and see what he's doing.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
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Re: A Shooter Again

Post by RoginaJack » 01 Jul 2018, 11:01 am

Welcome back....
Boom, Boom! Tikka, Tikka, Boom! Shoot first, video later.
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Re: A Shooter Again

Post by Wm.Traynor » 01 Jul 2018, 11:10 am

Thanks RJ :D
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Posts: 1659

Re: A Shooter Again

Post by in2anity » 02 Jul 2018, 10:42 am

The new remlins really aren't that bad anymore - very reliable, and at the end of the day that's all that counts. I like the marlin action over the winnies due to the slightly shallower feed ramp angle - my remlin has literally NEVER jammed over many thousands of shots. Less moving parts also. But I think I can say (with a fair degree of confidence), overall the remlins aren't quite as accurate as the older JM stamped, not that that's a huge issue in the hunting/plinking realm. Good all-rounder first gun me thinks.
At what point does lack of maintenance become patina?
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