Prescription Shooting Glasses

Equipment and accessories for shooting. Safes, firearm storage, bipods, carry cases, slings etc.

Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by PaddyT » 14 Oct 2018, 1:52 pm

Ok, am a long time contact lense wearer but my newest prescription has been adjusted because of my age were i have one eye - my left , which is also my shooting eye adjusted for distance vision and the right for reading, this seems to work but my overall distance vision is a bit less sharp that it used to be so after a discusion with my optom she suggested that i get a pair of shooting glasses made with a boost for my right eye to give me better distance vision while hunting. She has a limited range of safety specs and i was wondering if anyone could suggest some brands that i could look at . If i adjust my eyes for distance with contacts then I wont be able to read a map or GPS screen without reading glasses and as i get a bit older i do think that wearing safetys is probably a good idea full stop cheers fells
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by duncan61 » 14 Oct 2018, 2:15 pm

I get $20 readers and fortunately I can see long range and through the scope with them on
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by Member-Deleted » 14 Oct 2018, 2:58 pm

G'day PaddyT mate have you used the scope without anything the reason I ask is i'm like Duncan61 I bought a set of reading glasses
from the servo for $19.75 but found I didn't need them when looking through a scope if you haven't already tried it then I would do so


Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by Gaznazdiak » 14 Oct 2018, 3:10 pm

That's what I do GB, I wear glasses all the time but they're multifocal.

I have the reticle focus locked at clear for my right eye without glasses, and use the parallax focus for distance. Works for me.
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by PaddyT » 15 Oct 2018, 7:31 am

Nope wont work, I am very shortsighted but as my reading vision has with age naturally got a bit worse the way contacts are adjusted for people like me is they adjust your dominant eye (in my case my left) to see well at distance and your other eye they weaken the prescription so you can read- the brain makes adjustments accordingly. The problem i face is that my overall distance vision when hunting (so really concentrating on looking for stuff a long way off ) isnt as "crisp" as id like it to be , and so id like a set of shooting glasses that can be adjusted to improve my distance vision- reading glasses arent what i need. So has anyone got any suggestions or experience with prescription shooting glasses for short sighted folk?
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 15 Oct 2018, 8:36 am

Talk to a good optometrist....not open or other cheap places. Maybe call local ssaa or a f class shooting club to see if their older members recomend an optometrist
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by ClaytonT88 » 15 Oct 2018, 9:13 am

There's a bloke called goggleman in Adelaide who does all sorts of sports glasses. If you got all your details from your optom it's easy. I had some goggle inserts and some impact proof sunnies made for fishing and they were awesome. Easy to deal with and turnaround was quick as
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by PaddyT » 15 Oct 2018, 9:37 am

Got a good optom, was hoping for some brand names for frames so we can have a look, a lot of shooting glasses are wrap around types and for prescription that aint much good, I dont like thick frammed sunnies etc when im shooting as they seem to muck up my view through the scope. Cheers
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by andreweden » 15 Oct 2018, 10:15 am

I use prescription Oakley Carbon Blade. Lenses conform to safety stds.
They have very flat arms too so they don't mess with hearing protection.
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by Ten » 15 Oct 2018, 2:12 pm

Trivex is the toughest material for prescription safety lenses. Have them fitted into large frames such as Rayban.

Eventually you will develop cataracts, and the replacement lenses will solve all your problems! I have been through this and now use Revision Sawfly safety goggles. These are specified for the British army and are said to stop a. 22 short. They come with clear, canary and smoke lenses.
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by Sarco » 18 Oct 2018, 7:23 pm

I mainly shoot competition handguns and an occasional rifle match.

I have prescription shooting glasses with yellow tinted lenses to allow higher contrast with the black sights and the target. These have served me well for a few years. I have noted of late that the foresight is blurring up a bit and it is time for an upgrade.

I have been thinking along the lines of the specific shooting glasses (Champion, Knoblock etc)

While initial setup is expensive, including things like irises, variable arms, nose supports etc. Getting a single lens done each upgrade may well work out cheaper in the long term.

The other issue I have been advised is many optometrists, only do incremental adjustments in to diopters in large (figuratively speaking) increments. Eg. 1.0 - 1.25 - 1.5 - 1.75 etc. Knowing that the eyes will then adjust/adapt to this change whereas you may only need 1.125 change etc. The problem is finding someone who does incremental adjustment "to need" not to commercial availability.

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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by 1886 » 16 Nov 2018, 11:26 pm

I know what you mean about getting on and the eyesight follows.

About 6 years ago I had laser surgery to both eyes but even beforehand I was advised I may still require reading glasses as even laser cannot do both.

As I spend a lot of time in my workshop and having to wear glasses to see small detail etc was not on my agenda the surgeon suggested he could also fit a KAMRA lense in my right eye, which would allow me to read fine and with 20/20 from laser all should be sweet.

But when I asked about shooting he did advise I may need to have some shooting glasses to bring my right eye back to focus past reading requirements etc.

So I had it done and the difference is amazing. 20/20 vision and I can read the paper and small print no problems. When target shooting the sights are crystal clear but the targets were a tad blured due to the KAMRA lense.

He did a small adjusted prescription for my right eye for shooting and I used this US shop and selected the RX5008 curved lense prescription safety glasses as I could not find anyone in OZ who could do curved prescription safety lenses. The US ones are awesome and all up a lot cheaper than in OZ. Just get a prescription fill it in, select some frames and your done. ... asses.html

As Sarco indicates there are only a few adjustments available and not that long ago I went to a local shop that does shooting glasses to see if I could now get another set for slightly longer range shooting. There are now shops in Oz that can do curved prescription saftey glasses and she had some nice curved Austrian safety frames but man the final cost was over the moon compared to those from the US which also only took 2-1/2 weeks to receive.

So curved prescription safety glasses can now be done in Oz but check the total cost.
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Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by PaddyT » 17 Nov 2018, 6:56 am

Thanks for that- sounds like we have similar issues! Was about to book appt with optom so thats great timing
Lance Corporal
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New South Wales

Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by 1886 » 17 Nov 2018, 11:13 am

Get the opto to make up the final setting in their click and fit glasses and take a dummy rifle with you to check outside etc.

I put a set of sights on a piece of pine with same spacing as the real deal. Then go outside and sight it at distances to get an idea if they will do the job.
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Western Australia

Re: Prescription Shooting Glasses

Post by Bent Arrow » 17 Nov 2018, 3:41 pm

Hey mate, look up euro optic Australia, a new gun store in Adelaide 8440 0858. I was speaking with one of their staff today about shooting glasses as my son and I both wear prescription glasses and she was talking about glasses that have the safety lens at the front with a holder behind that which your prescription lens slides into. That way you have one set of prescription lenses that you swap between frames to be able to pick the best lens colour for the day.
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