A few less ferals

Varminting and vertebrate pest control. Small game, hunting feral goats, foxes, dogs, cats, rabbits etc.

Re: A few less ferals

Post by bigrich » 31 Jul 2018, 4:56 pm

HHMMMMM , the meat cant leave the property ay ? next time ya have a cull GDB, how about a BIG BBQ for all ya friends on "enough gun" ? stix would probably drive up from south oz for it :lol: with a HUUUUGE doggy bag :lol: i got a mate in the trucking game, i'll see if he can get a pallet of beer to go with all that beef :drinks: then all we need is a chaff cutter and a bathtub to make a salad....... :thumbsup:
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 02 Aug 2018, 5:24 pm

Sounds good bigrich we''ll just feed the salad goods through the cane harvester she'll chop it into tiny pieces :D :lol: :thumbsup:

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 27 Aug 2018, 7:30 pm

Got this one about ten minutes ago :thumbsup:
They're starting to move now getting dry and the bitches are coming into season
This one was a bitch and only 75yds from the house
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Aug 2018, 7:51 pm

Sheesh. There must be truck loads of dogs up your way. Same for foxes down here.

Well done mate.
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 12 Sep 2018, 7:07 pm

Another pest down she's about 3-5yr old X :thumbsup:
I haven't really chased them hard this year but still knocking them over in numbers this one is number 20 :thumbsup:
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 12 Sep 2018, 9:18 pm

Nah Stix mate they are nearly all shanky this year and being dry as a dog turd in a desert up here they stink like a dead carcass
because most of their food now is rotting animals that have died from the dry
I don't keep skins at all tried tanning a few years back but don't bother now but my son is starting to get into it and he gets enough for himself

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Oldbloke » 12 Sep 2018, 10:00 pm

Did you use the 7m mag?
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 12 Sep 2018, 10:11 pm

No Oldbloke it was locked away i was cleaning the 22-250 when the farmer rang about the dog so i took the 22-250

Re: A few less ferals

Post by duncan61 » 13 Sep 2018, 6:21 pm

When I was living at the dairy farm we had a hill block that we kept our herd that was too young to impregnate.The adjoining property was about 3000Ha and the owner bought down a lot of wild N/W cattle to tame down and fatten up.They must of had babies cos we started getting juvenile bulls in with our teen Fresians.Happy days when the farmer called and told me there were bulls in the herd and I would go straight up and deal with it.I got 2 small tan bulls one time however the coolbox was in Bunbury and my mates dad boned them all out and sold it.I never even got a piece of steak.The roo burgers he made were very good though
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 13 Sep 2018, 7:01 pm

I don't think you missed much Duncan as sometimes the wild cattle taste like what they eat
It would depend on what they've been eating up here we have a massive problem with lantana and the scrubbers have a twang
taste in their meat especially the ones around here from the lantana country
I've hung them in a cold room for a bloke for 2 weeks and the taste was still there he fed most of it to his working dogs
If you cut their throats instantly it does take some of the taste out but most times you have to walk in to them and that can be between 10min to 20min
and some you just couldn't get out the country's too rough

Re: A few less ferals

Post by duncan61 » 14 Sep 2018, 9:59 am

The little Micky bulls I shot were trying to hump our Friesians but were obviously not getting anywhere as the height difference was an issue the back legs weighed 35 Kg and the front quarters 45 Kg so they were very small and young.It kinda finished my relationship with the Bunbury connection as the son had done a good job of putting one of my coolrooms in at his house and we were culling roos as a business.Soon after we started his dad asked us if we get small ones could he bone them out and make burgers we agreed and deliberately shot small roos for him but over time he started to bone everything as he had a ready market with the Aborigional people living in the area.The burgers he made were first class and he had an industrial mincer and started buying carrots and onions by the sackful.I put 45 kangaroos and 3 cows in the box over 3 weeks and when the truck came there were 17 roos left.It got a bit silly I still paid the power and paid the son half but was losing all the meat.There was no bad feelings He just got in to it full on and even moaned at me once for not getting him enough meat that month.He ended up getting broke into by the customers he had generated and they stole his money tin which had over $10,000 AUD.I totally get where he was coming from some idiot gave him a Coolroom and put super fresh meat in it and he just got a cottage industry he could make his beer money from.Where the Coolroom was before the same stuff happened I delivered quartered cows to the factory and when we lifted the skin all the fillet was gone.I ended up going to the Gascoyne and doing it properly on my own and now I am back I dont get too excited when people promise me the moon and the stars.There is a limited market for kangaroo in Perth as most proccessers have gone and the few remaining have their own loyal guys.Had a lot of fun and ate a lot of burgers. :D :D :D
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 14 Sep 2018, 10:11 am

Daddybang I bet they taste funny then mate especially after being dead for a day or so :) :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes I don't know they say lantana is poisonous to cattle but when wild cattle have little to eat they do nibble on lantana :thumbsup:
i'm not sure at what stage of growth they eat it but you can smell it in the stomach contents :wtf:
A few farmers around here bought camels as they were told they'd eat lantana but I know a few farmers that had camels die from lantana
whether they ate too much or not is unknown :unknown: :crazy:
But camels will eat the grass before they eat the lantana so they have to be put into a paddock with mainly lantana before they will eat it
Fekken waste of time and effort if you ask me :silent: :silent: :|

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 14 Sep 2018, 11:56 am

We had a couple of tea leaf smokers come up from down south and after being told that lantana dried and smoked gives you a
good high they tried some :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
When asked if it give them that feeling they said yes but were too sick to enjoy it fekken nearly killed me one said :lol: :lol:
Marvelous what people will believe without proof :lol: :lol: :crazy: :crazy:

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Daddybang » 14 Sep 2018, 12:49 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :clap: :clap: :clap: :drinks:
That's one of the F@#ken funniest things I've heard all bloody week :thumbsup: :friends: :drinks:
I've got smaller breeds of cows we're experimenting with so yeah its probably a size +amount eaten+ stage of growth that kills'em we lost 6 before we figured out what it was !!! :oops: :drinks:
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 14 Sep 2018, 6:23 pm

Geez 6 mate that's a bugger another one to watch for is what we call ZAMIA or however you spell it it grows like a grass tree
which is sometimes referred to as blackboy
but it has a fern type leaf and usually has round green seeds the size of a big marble clustered around the leaf butts
This plant if eaten will cripple the animal in the back legs
It also grows in grass tree country but not restricted to that a lot of plant lovers used to buy them from plant nurseries
and plant them in their back yards so they could be anywhere :thumbsdown:
I my memory serves me right I think they are a family of the cicad
Just a bit of trivia that might be handy mate :thumbsup: :drinks:

Re: A few less ferals

Post by duncan61 » 14 Sep 2018, 7:55 pm

You people must be in the north.I did a bit of time at Tully battle school and you cant stir your tea with a stick up there cos you will probably die
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 14 Sep 2018, 8:32 pm

Only if the fuse is lit ;) :) :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :silent:

Sorry Duncan mate just my silly sense of humor :thumbsup: :drinks: :drinks: :friends:

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 14 Sep 2018, 9:25 pm

Yeah Duncan61 mate I am from north and yes there a few poisonous plants and vines I would class the moonlighter
is the one to avoid , its sting is very painful i've been hit a few times whilst walking through thick scrub
You can't see it unless you're looking for it especially when racing through the scrub while trying to keep up with the
dogs on a pig

Re: A few less ferals

Post by duncan61 » 14 Sep 2018, 11:26 pm

I get it A stick of dynamite.I knelt on a stick by accident at Fitzroy crossing in The north of W.A. and a bit snapped off in the skin.On Tuesday it dropped me like a rock until it was removed at the local hospital then I was better 10 min later Tiny piece of wood can do that
.22 winchester .22hornet .222 .243 7mm rem mag cbc 12g
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 15 Sep 2018, 1:43 am

Yeah Duncan it probably had a bit of dirt on it and it got infected no doubt
cheers mate

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Daddybang » 15 Sep 2018, 7:56 am

Yep cycads and zamia palms are.lethal . as Duncan said some sticks will kill esp things like Cookstown ironwood or gidee gidee (crabs eye). I love educating the tourists on this kinda thing and seeing the surprise on their faces when ya explain how a innocent lookin plant will make ya sh@t yaself to death :lol: :drinks:
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 17 Oct 2018, 7:44 pm

Went out today as we've had some rain and a cloudy day is good for dogs brings them out into the open :thumbsup:
This bitch was wobbling along so I took a shot at her and the rest is history :thumbsup: :clap:
One less killer I say :thumbsup:
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Daddybang » 18 Oct 2018, 6:46 am

Nice work as usual!! :thumbsup: :drinks:
She looks a bit thin in the arse or is it just how she's layin? :drinks:
This hard living ain't as easy as it used to be!!!
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Oldbloke » 18 Oct 2018, 5:53 pm

Went out today as we've had some rain and a cloudy day is good for dogs brings them out into the open :thumbsup:
This bitch was wobbling along so I took a shot at her and the rest is history :thumbsup: :clap:
One less killer I say :thumbsup:

You just keep getting them. Must really know what your doing.
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 19 Oct 2018, 12:28 am

Yeah DB it's just the way she's layin but she wasn't in the best of nick though 'Pretty dry up here at the moment
although we did get some steady rain the other day but not much

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 19 Oct 2018, 12:38 am

Geez Oldbloke I don't know about knowing what i'm doing as you say I think it might be dog in the right place at the right time
Although if you don't have some idea then they will out smart you every time

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 19 Oct 2018, 12:47 am

What meat mate like you mean dog meat ?

Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 19 Oct 2018, 7:45 am

Yes DB sticky and stinky I've eaten a lot of different things in my 64yrs but I would gag at wild dog they stink too much :thumbsdown: :D :D
Mind you if your starving it could be a different matter but geez i'd want to be hungry :shock: :shock:

Re: A few less ferals

Post by winton » 19 Oct 2018, 12:46 pm

I'm late to the thread. I meant the feral scrubbies.
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Re: A few less ferals

Post by Member-Deleted » 19 Oct 2018, 10:31 pm

Ok winton mate i'm with you now ,No mate I haven't got any meat from the scrubbers not allowed to remove the meat from the property
at this stage


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