The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Gaznazdiak » 06 Nov 2018, 3:58 pm

No1_49er wrote:
Homer wrote:G'Day Fella's,

FYI, ... ture=share


You've got me confused, guys.
Just how did you get to write so much s**t about the OP's post.
No, don't bother. Probably only be s**t anyway.

That's 2 attacks on people for digressing in 2 separate threads.
Come on mate, you sound a bit like a prefect telling the other kids not to run in the hallway.

This forum is a medium for conversation, coversations digress and sometimes, terrible I know, people like to have a joke.
Loosen up a tad. :thumbsup:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 06 Nov 2018, 8:09 pm

Daddybang wrote:Bigrich mate it sounds like ya'd shag anything that moves......and if it didn't ya'd give it a push!!!!
:lol: :drinks:

:lol: :lol: :lol: too long between drinks sometimes DB :roll: :D

OOPS , i'm of topic . :o i mean no disrespect to anyone, but i like to joke and kid around :drinks:

the last post i made to the OP's topic was related to median income being pushed up by the mega-wealthy of california. anytime you have large scale imigration it makes jobs scarce, and oppotunistic people take advantage and exploit the poor by lowering pay because there are lots of desparate people (poor latino imigrants ) who will work for less. it seems to me that a lot of trumps biggest critics are mega rich movie stars and celebs who live in secure estates with private security. hipocrites :unknown: in relation to australia, labor (k rudd ) increased imigration in this country putting more strain on resources , hospititals housing , etc. okay who's going to reply :unknown: :thumbsup: :drinks:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 06 Nov 2018, 11:13 pm

Well someone better than me posted it, I am just copying, and leaving it here

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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 07 Nov 2018, 4:44 am

Ziad wrote:Well someone better than me posted it, I am just copying, and leaving it here


Great post, this is the attitude that a lot of aussies need to adopt, instead of just complaining about things and not acting and voting :thumbsup:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Daddybang » 07 Nov 2018, 6:28 am

While I agree with a bit of the fb article being told to vote "women over men" is just for the PERSON who will do the best job regardless of sex!!!
A huge part of the problem in qld is a govt made up of women who are there because they're women NOT because they're the best person for the job!! :thumbsup: :drinks:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 07 Nov 2018, 9:13 am

Daddybang wrote:While I agree with a bit of the fb article being told to vote "women over men" is just for the PERSON who will do the best job regardless of sex!!!
A huge part of the problem in qld is a govt made up of women who are there because they're women NOT because they're the best person for the job!! :thumbsup: :drinks:

You can’t say that DB. I‘ts incorrect ,politically incorrect. Don’t you know mate th politicians have decreed that there are quotas to fill . Business must have a percentage of female employees. Regardless of whether or not their the best person for the job. God I love political correctness and beurocrats ! NOT !
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 07 Nov 2018, 11:35 am

I think women before men likely referred to how trump allegidly treated some women, or how the supreme court judge still got elected even though he had a reasonably credible accusation about sexual misconduct
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Daddybang » 07 Nov 2018, 12:38 pm

Sorry ziad but we'll have to agree to disagree on what constitutes a "credible" accusation. :thumbsup:
Also I don't think it is about trumps alleged treatment of women I reckon the poster is simply a feminist thats living with her head in the clouds. Good leadership is not always about doing the popular thing its about doin the right thing for the majority of the people. and making the best decisions possible with the available information!(Just my way of looking at it) :drinks: :drinks:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 07 Nov 2018, 2:11 pm

If I got the facts right, when the judge was 17, after a few beers he groped the woman. I’m not saying it’s right. But I don’t think that’s a isolated case with teenagers. As for trump, well trumps trump . From what I’ve seen a porn star is trying to cash in $$$ if they weren’t rich, in the public eyes and had political enemies, would we even know about it. Would anyone even care ? He said, she said :unknown:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by ponkychonk » 07 Nov 2018, 4:48 pm

Ziad wrote:I think women before men likely referred to how trump allegidly treated some women, or how the supreme court judge still got elected even though he had a reasonably credible accusation about sexual misconduct

Mate don't usually jump into political discussions but if you think that absolutely disgraceful smear job on Kavanaugh was anything other then a politically motivated sham you haven't been paying enough attention to American politics.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 07 Nov 2018, 7:50 pm

american politics is deffinately interesting and polarising at the moment that's for sure :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Homer » 18 Nov 2018, 8:34 am

G'Day Fella's,

Wow! over 1400 views.

FYI. ... Iiz_z9ZcZo

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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 18 Nov 2018, 9:46 am

Finally one thing I agree with homer on. I think the minimum wage in australia is ridiculously high.

As an employer I would support decreasing the minimum wage to 7 bucks an hour and repealing casual paying from 25% to zero and lastly weekend loading to zero.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Gaznazdiak » 18 Nov 2018, 10:08 am

Ziad old mate, I would respectfully suggest you're talking out your blurter on this subject.

Of course, as an employer, you would like to only have to pay $7/hr, but how about trying to run a single income houshold on that money first to find out how hard it would be, particularly if it was a family.

I agree with you wholeheartedly on weekend and public holiday loadings, but think about the casual worker for a second: no sick pay, no holidays and just basic workers comp protection, there needs to be something in it for them.

One of the innumerable reasons that Australia is the best place in the world is that we don't treat our workforce like serfs.

I understand that our high wages have caused many industries to move to offshore locations where people are paid such slave wages, but would you want to live in any of them?
Would you like to be one of those workers, busting your arse for 40 or 50 years just to survive?

Empathy, my friend, it seems we all need a little more of it, eh?
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Member-Deleted » 18 Nov 2018, 1:22 pm

Ziad mate I don't agree that the minimum wage is too high you have to look at all aspects of why the wage was set at that value in the first place
I too had a business hiring people and had a young man with a family who was forced to travel 60klm one way to work for me or loose his centre link payment
at the end of the week his pay after fuel was very medioker to solve this I gave him an extra 1/2hr a day to put to his fuel costs
Now this could be an example of why the minimum wage is set to counter these extra costs to people wanting to work although there are many other reasons
As far as this is the reason companies go overseas well that is so in a way but the facts are they would go even if the hourly rate was only $1 more than
the overseas countries the companies left because of the millions of dollars they could make by using under privileged labour far below world standard rates
They use these poor people in ways they can have no future except work for these companies or poverty then Australia funds most of these through overseas aid
So the only winner out of this is the big companies that screamed it was to expensive to manufacture here but they would have gone anyway unless they could have paid us third world wages

To me it would be unfair to many to drop the basic wage as it is set by people that just don't give any more than they have to also it would put hardship on many
of those trying to survive on the little they do have
And yes there could be discussion on penalty and loading rates but a lot although not all is regained through pricing
Where I live in a small community we had a shooting club ,cricket club, fishing club, bowls club, football club now all gone and the reason was the sugar mill
moved to continuous crushing which meant there was no weekends an extra shift was put on we lost our penalty rates and worked Saturday and sunday at flat rate

All this to save penalty rates because of the continuous shift work people were not able to catch up and do things as others were at work and it took as little as two
years to collapse all of the clubs
So removing weekends and time to play which comes with removing penalty rates is not only a money thing it can actually collapse whole communities as it
did with this one
We find it easy to judge from afar when it affects our business I know but when you are caught up in the opposite then judgement may differ in some way

Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 18 Nov 2018, 3:04 pm

MatevGDB, I suppose you didn't read the article posted by homer. In the article it made mention how policies like higher (than rest of America) minimum wages in California is the reason of most of California's issues.

Thus my quibble that maybe we too should move to $7/hr minimum wages like America and we too can be great again.

[Quote]the overseas countries the companies left because of the millions of dollars they could make by using under privileged labour far below world standard rates[\quote]
While I agree with most of your other arguments. I don't agree with last bit. The is no such world standard labor rates. You can say they are based by country by country. Standard labor rates in Australia are far higher than America or most of Europe. Similarly labour rates in say Mexico will be far lower than America.

But what this implies (in a perfect case) that cost of living is higher in countries with higher wages and lower in lower wages. Furthermore you could imply that A rich person in Mexico is still likely to have less assets (in USD) than a rich person in America.

Back to the topic companies moved out cuz they found other countries that have them subsidies and cheaper labor and less red tap to invest in their countries. Many times the wages in multinational company factories is actually higher than locally run factories with better conditions.

Mate I applaud you as a perfect example of a good employer. But not many are. This includes many small and some large employers. I always have always paid my employees atleast the minimum or higher wages plus been as flexible as possible, and treated them as a family member. (even if paying cash)
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Gaznazdiak » 18 Nov 2018, 3:15 pm

One day Ziad, your tongue will poke a hole in your cheek :lol:

I too have tried, on more than one occasion, to be facetious only to be taken literally. It's disappointing.

I'll try to lift my analytical game, mate :lol:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Member-Deleted » 18 Nov 2018, 3:47 pm

Fair enough Ziad mate I do see where you are coming from but I still maintain companies exit because of the money they can make elsewhere from cheaper
labour not all but most.
I realise there is no right or wrong way to this it is just the fact of the matter of where we are with things in the world at the moment
Bad political decisions don't help the matter either
The wage standard thing was in a book I read on national wages and for the love of me I cant remember its name but what it related to was if the living in a said country was low then a rate was then estimated to what pay rate could be worked on for that country cut a long story short if the cost of living was low the wage rate was low
or vice versa I should have explained it clearer to what I meant which the same as you mentioned about different countries '' My bad''


Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 18 Nov 2018, 4:41 pm

All good mate, in that case we just reading from the same book... probably just in different languages.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by bigrich » 18 Nov 2018, 9:28 pm

one of the highest costs for australian families is child care. a lot of the time the costs for childcare for two kids almost eqauls what some people earn in a week. i new a fella who worked as a bus driver in that industry, some of the stuff that goes on is just wrong, and mate there should be a enquiry into that industry. the people who own those businesses are making big bucks. two big reasons why businesses move offshore , unions pushing wages up to uncompetitive levels, and the madness that is OHS .
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Member-Deleted » 18 Nov 2018, 10:01 pm

yes bigrich you're right about the OHS when I was contracting in the mines a top staffer told me that they received money from the gov
for not having any accidents on site
He didn't give me any dollar amount of its worth but did say it was substantial enough to implement the ''NO HARM BONUS'' into the industry
which has now spread into many areas of the work places and businesses
No harm or accidents on the work site meant a large cash hand out to the company

As far as the child care goes I agree , My son put his daughter into day care @$50 per day then they uped the price$20 or something which was now around $70
a day and if your child didn't go on a day you still had to pay the reason they gave was ''you booked in for 5 days in the beginning and that's it ''
Daylight robbery if you ask me they've cut it back to 3 days a week this term and me and the mrs look after her for the rest

Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 18 Nov 2018, 10:53 pm

Well sorry guys, childcare you don't paint the full picture. Yes it's expensive, and if you live inner city its highway robbery, but the are centers that are reasonable quality of care and costs in outer middle suburbs (I have 3 kids which went childcare, so I suppose I have first hand experience). Also you get truck load of subsidies, in our time there were two different payments, now it's one, but still works out upto 80% of the fees are subsidized depending on income. Eg a family of two kids where the family earns 100k a year, and taking the 70 bucks per day per kid example from GDB, let's assume both kids goto childcare for 5 days a week. Even though the cost are $700 per week the family will only have to pay $208 out of pocket.

There are plenty of costs that are high, but depends on what the personal income is. What I see as killer is rent, tolls, petrol taxes, parking costs, and ofcourse alcohol and cigarettes for those who partake in those activities. Then add indirect taxes, like council fees, fines esp road fines. And OH&S costs.

These are more under control of the government but they are addicted to the revenue.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by PoorShot300 » 18 Nov 2018, 11:06 pm

Subsidies from the Gov't still come from the taxpayer, so indirect tax as part of income tax is why it's so; you still pay twice.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Member-Deleted » 18 Nov 2018, 11:48 pm

I see what you mean Ziad but $208 out of a single income is still a load of money

Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 19 Nov 2018, 5:58 am

Agreed, as I said depends on situation. Esp if single parent, it would be really hard.
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Daddybang » 19 Nov 2018, 8:56 am

Daycare is highway robbery any way ya look at it. I've currently got my daughter in and can only just afford it with a fairly decent household income. The subsidies cover f@#kall. :thumbsup: :drinks:

Ps and I don't live in any inner f@#kin city :thumbsup:
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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Homer » 03 Dec 2018, 7:36 am

G'Day Fella's,

Whilst this following video, is USA based, the same applies to the rest of the free (while it lasts) planet. ... 233142195/

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Re: The Looney Left's (America) Utopia, in 2018.

Post by Member-Deleted » 03 Dec 2018, 8:46 am

Well Homer that sounds like it's ringing true who would know but going by that we're done for in a round about way
maybe that's why all those preppers are getting under way over in the US of A nothing is short of possible this day and age
with the arse holes we have running the countries now but what does one do aside from all out war
maybe Trump isn't so bad after all trying to bring people together again ''Make America great again'' slogan
People have lost the power to turn the tides without conflict now days they have lost many rights, many rights in the courts
too expensive for some laws being placed removing the rights of people to choose governments turning their eye to corruption
the gov being corrupt themselves in areas and the list goes on
But on another note who's to say that that bloke is not a plant also so then we're feked if we do and feked if we don't
Jesus where's that roll of tin foil


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