Denied firearms license (Vic)

Questions about Victorian gun and ammunition laws. Victorian Firearms Act 1996.

Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Member-Deleted » 25 Nov 2018, 10:20 am

G'day again sickooli ,mate I've been reading along at the posts here after your request for some advice at the beginning of the post
Now what has been clear to me is you would rather hear the advice that you agree with and not the advice you disagree with
Hence the unsettling with Gaznazdiak who's advice was to the point not belittling in any way
So only going with the advice you prefer can lead to many grey areas in a discussion and really doesn't solve anything and at the end of it you haven't
gained a thing
Those giving stories about others DVO's are fine we all have a story to tell but they are different to your reason for you getting one and sometimes we have
to bite the bullet , take the kick in the nuts and man up and take the consequences
A couple of posts up you talk about PRO LIFE that's fine yet you took it upon yourself to hit a person which in your eyes is ''ok''
yet in the eyes of the law is illegal and deems you a nasty person ''Hitting is called assault''
Now lets go to the facts- You openly admit to receiving the dvo for hitting your daughter Fact, - you could have handled it with compassion and spoke
to her about the dangers of taking these substances and maybe confine her to the home for a period of time but by hitting her you only showed your
angry side
I used to ground my 4 daughters and it seemed to work as now they tell me they didn't want to hurt me or the mum so they stayed away from things like that
You openly admit to having a driving record Fact,- by continuously being fined being it only for speeding does show you as a person who
doesn't abide by the law not good in the eyes of the law
Mate you can't just flout the law and assault people be it your daughter and expect its ok, because it's not and now your paying the price
You say back further that you only slapped your daughter not your wife it doesn't matter these days assault is assault and until you accept the you
will have trouble accepting advice different to your way of thinking
Sit in a quiet spot and think about what you have done and ask yourself ''would i have done it different if given the chance'' and be honest with yourself
and it will become clear to you why you have been denied a gun licence
But until you own what you have done then no advice in the world will help you
and sorry to be so blunt but that's me and I do know none of us are perfect but most of us do make the proper choices in life which reflects to our
ownership of a gun licence
As I said in my first post as number one to reply is your only chance is seek legal advice and go from there but be prepared for the worst as I
doubt they will change the law just for you

Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Member-Deleted » 25 Nov 2018, 10:21 am

Sorry Gaznazdiak for using your name meant no offence mate

Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Gaznazdiak » 25 Nov 2018, 11:30 am

Sorry Gaznazdiak for using your name meant no offence mate

No need to apologize, no offence taken mate.
We are on the same page with this issue.

Another poster on this thread suggested I was an "authoritarian worshipping boot-licker" because I believe in the rule of law.

I might not like some of the laws and regulations by which society works, but the only reason we have a society at all is the rule of law. Without it we have chaotic, fuedal anarchy.

A prime example, as I have metioned on another thread, I was involved in a high speed collision with a semi in 1996. The impact was such that the engine and gearbox parted company with the car, the seat mounts tore out of the floor, the seatbelt broke and I was ejected through the closed drivers window.

As a result I broke my cervical spine at C3-C4 level and my thoracic spine at T6, T7, T8 and T9 level, broke my scone and my right-frontal lobe.
This has left me with, amongst other, brain injury related problems, constant pain that is often totally debilitating.

All the toxic pharmaceuticals needed to control the symptoms make me quite ill and the high potency opioids like Fentanyl are more dangerous to use than heroin.

There is, however one thing that shuts down the nerve pain and ends the vomiting caused by the pain like flicking a switch. Cannabis.

That said, I live alone a long way from town and need my driver's license. I pay my rent, in part, by controlling the ferals on this property so I need my shooters license.

I could ignore the legalities and my quality of life would be far better, but as a realist I know that I have no choice but to abide by a law I see as totally ridiculous.

Alcohol has a toxicity level of 5, meaning that for the average person, 5 times what it takes to cause recreational intoxication will kill them. The toxicity level of Cannabis is over 40,000, making it physically impossible to overdose on it.

Dr Alex Wodak is one of Australia's preeminent drug and alcohol addiction specialists, he has been pushing for the legalization of Cannabis for many years and once stated that the only way you could die from a toxic dose is if it fell on you, because it would be several hundred kilos.

There are so many people who have fallen for the "Reefer Madness" propaganda surrounding this virtually harmless plant that it is still impossible for medical research to be funded in a realistic way.

The US has had medical Cannabis for decades, but because even though it is legal at the state level, it is still illegal at the federal level, and researchers are unable to get proper funding.

There is also the fact that the last thing the big pharmaceutical industries want to see is a freely available universal panacea that anyone can grow in their backyard.

The main thrust of the above blabber is that regardless of how we might feel about individual laws, whether we agree wholeheartedly or feel they are an impingement upon our liberty, while they are on the books, we have to operate accordingly.

My apologies for a long rant of little interest to anyone but those in the same boat as myself, but sometimes you have to vent or go mad.
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Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Member-Deleted » 25 Nov 2018, 1:14 pm

I'm hearing you mate I don't think I would like to walk in your shoes for a day pain and all I've had my own for 3yrs but nothing like yours
i'm sure we are on the same page of step up and ware your bad if that's the case and don't put blame elsewhere or blame the law because you have decided to break it
some people get a bad deal we've all had bad deals but that doesn't mean the law is an ass because we have broken it
Anyway mate hope you have more better days than bad ones and take it easy :thumbsup:

Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Gaznazdiak » 25 Nov 2018, 1:34 pm

Thanks Granddad.
Mate I'm walking and can look after myself and the biggy, I can wipe my own blurter, so I'm doing a lot better than some.

When I was sent to the Brain Injury Unit I met a 23yo guy who had fallen 2m out of a tree in his backyard. He had a small bleed in his brain, nothing life threatening in itself, but he wasn't found for over an hour.

He ended up as a ventilated quadriplegic who could only move his eyes and facial muscles and was facing the rest of his life in an old people's home because that was the only critical care alternative.

He said his greatest wish was that he could use his hands.
So that he could pull the ventilator tube out of his throat because nobody else would do it for him.

So it's all relative Granddad, things could be better, but they could also be a sh!tload worse.

Although I must admit, I'd be a hell of a lot happier if I hadn't had the world's most incompetent lawyer running my compensation claim. I certainly wouldn't be relying on the charity of the taxpayer.
But that's another rant, for another day.
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Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by sickooli » 25 Nov 2018, 5:06 pm

Mate i am really sorry about your circumstance/ injuries , l will try to make this simple because maybe i didn't express myself well enough, SOME ADVICE NEEDED ON THE 1996 FIREARM ACT AS TO ME BEING DENIED A FIREARM LICENSE, APPEALS, TIME LIMITS ETC, please don't take this personal or the wrong way but anything else l would go and ask dr phil or ricki lake.
Posts: 22

Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by TassieTiger » 25 Nov 2018, 6:13 pm

Geez mate - spent much time on forums? Questions get derailed constantly...and ppl are going to post up their opinions, their circumstance, life lessons etc. your going yourself zero favours by responding like a cock.

I’d say you’ve been given all the advice you need to make a decision on what to do. If you can’t make an informed call, from what’s been said thus far....well maybe you do need to speak with Dr Phil.
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Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Daddybang » 25 Nov 2018, 6:24 pm

, l will try to make this simple because maybe i didn't express myself well enough, SOME ADVICE NEEDED ON THE 1996 FIREARM ACT AS TO ME BEING DENIED A FIREARM LICENSE, APPEALS, TIME LIMITS ETC, please don't take this personal or the wrong way but anything else l would go and ask dr phil or ricki lake.[/quote]

Ok keeping it real simple.
(Personally I think ya pushing sh@t up hill and ya gonna have to accept it but that's ya only real option
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Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Gaznazdiak » 25 Nov 2018, 8:00 pm

You seem both volatile and temperamental Tom, insulting in one post, apologetic in the next and claiming piety, then back to the insults again.

You obviously do not like being told things you don't want to hear and react impulsively in response.

Personally, I am now quite comfortable with the prohibition placed on you, people who can't or won't control volatile impulses definitely should not have access to firearms.
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Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Archie » 25 Nov 2018, 9:11 pm

In Victoria the intervention order bans you for five years from the expiration of the order, automatically. If the terms of the order ban you specifically from having a licence then, for all intents and purposes, it’s permanent with no appeal unless you get the terms of the intervention order changed.

If your order does specify a ban on firearms, when you go to get it altered so you can appeal, the magistrate is going to see a guy with a history of a domestic violence order and a succession of speeding offences asking for a gun. I don’t know whether you deserved the outcome (and I don’t really care) but that’s the reality. If you really want to go hunting your choices at this point are to limited - hire a lawyer or invest in a bow, and honestly I reckon you have better odds with the bow. But you might get lucky with the lawyer, who knows.
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Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by Wombat » 26 Nov 2018, 6:13 pm

Unfortunately for you this is probably a bad place to ask. A few reasons.
The vast majority of members here have been deemed fit and proper persons and have their license, so they would not have knowledge on how to appeal ( Imagine a room full of teetotalers being asked how to fight a .05 drivers license ban.....).
Most agree with the need for restrictions on some people having access to firearms. These are enforced arbitrarily and may not always be just - but that is the system (and why there are lawyers, indeed there are specialists in firearms law).
There are people known as trolls who go on forums such as this and ask for someone to post information that may end up being harmful to shooters in general ( advise someone to do something illegal or ask how to commit an illegal act etc etc).
You have a certain amount of my sympathy, I would advise you to seek out a lawyer that specializes in firearms or be patient and let the clock run out.
Posts: 564

Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by bigfellascott » 26 Nov 2018, 6:29 pm

This always happens when people don't give us the full picture, people reply to the info provided then slowly but surely we are given the full picture.

If you are entitled to appeal then do so, if not I guess you will have to wait until such time as you are entitled to re apply or appeal the decision.

Good luck with it all mate, doesn't sound like a great place to be but I know of a few people who are bringing up grankids due to their kids bad choices (drug habits) hopefully your daughter wakes up to her self sooner than later.

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Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by sickooli » 26 Nov 2018, 7:23 pm

Wombat wrote:Unfortunately for you this is probably a bad place to ask. A few reasons.
The vast majority of members here have been deemed fit and proper persons and have their license, so they would not have knowledge on how to appeal ( Imagine a room full of teetotalers being asked how to fight a .05 drivers license ban.....).
Most agree with the need for restrictions on some people having access to firearms. These are enforced arbitrarily and may not always be just - but that is the system (and why there are lawyers, indeed there are specialists in firearms law).
There are people known as trolls who go on forums such as this and ask for someone to post information that may end up being harmful to shooters in general ( advise someone to do something illegal or ask how to commit an illegal act etc etc).
You have a certain amount of my sympathy, I would advise you to seek out a lawyer that specializes in firearms or be patient and let the clock run out.
so true wombat, l hear what you’re saying
Posts: 22

Re: Denied firearms license (Vic)

Post by bigrich » 26 Nov 2018, 8:09 pm

Wombat wrote:Unfortunately for you this is probably a bad place to ask. A few reasons.
The vast majority of members here have been deemed fit and proper persons and have their license, so they would not have knowledge on how to appeal ( Imagine a room full of teetotalers being asked how to fight a .05 drivers license ban.....).
Most agree with the need for restrictions on some people having access to firearms. These are enforced arbitrarily and may not always be just - but that is the system (and why there are lawyers, indeed there are specialists in firearms law).
There are people known as trolls who go on forums such as this and ask for someone to post information that may end up being harmful to shooters in general ( advise someone to do something illegal or ask how to commit an illegal act etc etc).
You have a certain amount of my sympathy, I would advise you to seek out a lawyer that specializes in firearms or be patient and let the clock run out.

+1 . well written and i totally agree with wombat's post and advice . best of luck. :thumbsup:
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