Need A Laugh?

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 03 Dec 2018, 3:27 pm

And ppl believe their crap. Have a friend loyal union guy. I remember when I got given my retrenchment orders the union told me to fk off as I wan't their member. Then my work colleague had a chat with the guy (as the were a couple other employees getting the arse and they were members) and the reply was the union cannot do anything.

The thing is union would rather sell out their members (eg shop front employee union at woolies and coles) or never give up their conditions even if it meant that in the long run all the workers lose their jobs.

And where did Shorten come from? Lol
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by mickyj » 04 Dec 2018, 11:05 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:Rabbott, the climate change denying, mysoginistic, homophobic, narcissist who wants to ramp up coal production in the face of worldwide acceptance of the damage it does is they best the LNP have homeboy?

Look at the alternatives, the Labor party, bought and owned by China and the unions or the rabidly anti gun Greens

Like I said, Christ help us.

Mate with language like that I’m guessing your hair is purple or maybe blue and you have a degree in women’s studies. Seriously.
Posts: 57
New South Wales

Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by mickyj » 04 Dec 2018, 11:20 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:G'day Straightshooter,
This is Abbott we're talking about.
That's Tony Abbott, the bloke who is totally owned and in the complete thrall of the fossil fuel industry

Mate I'm not taking the piss, everyone has an opinion, hell I'm full of them.
But how do you see the man whose deliberate sniping and backstabbing is almost solely responsible for the total dysfunction of the Australian Federal Government for his own revenge and ambition as the least corrupt?

His behaviour is the direct cause of so many policy failures and fvckups, he's probably the worst PM I can remember since Billy "big ears" McMahon.

Ok going out on a limb here but anecdotally what industry has contributed more to the raising of living standards of the biggest number of people in History than the the fossil fuel industry?. Inconvenient but a truth nonetheless.
Posts: 57
New South Wales

Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by mickyj » 04 Dec 2018, 11:24 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:G'day Straightshooter,
This is Abbott we're talking about.
That's Tony Abbott, the bloke who is totally owned and in the complete thrall of the fossil fuel industry

Mate I'm not taking the piss, everyone has an opinion, hell I'm full of them. .

Yeah mostly left wing.
Posts: 57
New South Wales

Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 05 Dec 2018, 3:51 am

mickyj wrote:
Ok going out on a limb here but anecdotally what industry has contributed more to the raising of living standards of the biggest number of people in History than the the fossil fuel industry?. Inconvenient but a truth nonetheless.

Ok I'll bite can you please tell us what industry that has done it... just please don't say it's the OH&S industry.... including clipboard holding hard hat wearing workcover/worksafe type ppl.
Sergeant Hartman
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by bigrich » 05 Dec 2018, 4:54 am

Stix wrote:Personally i dont understand the hoohaa about Abbot...

EDIT...sorry ill rephrase that...i understand it but think its better out & exposed...

My belief is that his behaviour, despite it being disfunctional, is all just a byproduct of knowing the state of poloitics in this country is kaputskees...

He & Turnbill would no doubt both see & think did many of the Labour MP's that resigned do/did when Shorten did his Rudd/Gillard/Rudd moves...!!

The king of this backstabbing, the God of corrupt politics for the single good of a power rush with complete contempt for the good of this country & its people is apparently going to be our next leader...

Remember the Labour debacle....all the Libs did since being in power was a case of monkey see monkey do...Shorten is the King of destruction in this country...he wont stop untill we are beyond recovery & there are no brains left to brainwash...!!!

Personally i think all this stupid behaviour (politics) is for the better--& i hope both--err---all parties continue it in a big way....!!!

The reason being this is the only way to have any hope of things changing, by way of the "real behaviours" of the people & bodies that run our country being exposed in its entirety.
While it is all hidden it will continue unchecked so lets encourage it to come out... :thumbsup:
No point in thinking it doesnt happen just because we cant see it. :unknown:

I hope it all implodes & the everyday consumers who think 60 mins is a top notch current affairs program, & that their steak comes from a cow that grew on a foam tray, & that a carbon tax &/or emissions trading scheme actually saves the environment, & that Coles & Wlworths advertising is telling the truth that they help our farmers, grow some fukn brains & oust our entire system & its narcissistic ways...

My only fear is that Shorten is good--he's real good at keeping his ways under wraps...he's finally picked his loyal soldiers & got rid of all the do-gooders who are there for the people...a real clever hitler but without any balls...

that's all pretty accurate stuff stix, and i agree 100% . sadly, even with the post title "need a laugh " , i'm not laughing. tony mundine slipping on bunnings onions, that's pretty freakin' good :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :drinks: :thumbsup:
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by bigrich » 05 Dec 2018, 5:10 am

Ziad wrote:And ppl believe their crap. Have a friend loyal union guy. I remember when I got given my retrenchment orders the union told me to fk off as I wan't their member. Then my work colleague had a chat with the guy (as the were a couple other employees getting the arse and they were members) and the reply was the union cannot do anything.

The thing is union would rather sell out their members (eg shop front employee union at woolies and coles) or never give up their conditions even if it meant that in the long run all the workers lose their jobs.

And where did Shorten come from? Lol

bob hawke was one of our better prime ministers, he came up through the union. but he's an exception. the union helped me battle a multi national company when they tried to shaft me over work related illness. but i also remember when they tried to "advise" people who to vote for at election time . on several high rise developements in inner city brisbane the union has guys on stupidly high pay rates that in the long run are going to hurt the industry. flying in overseas workers is something developers have been working on. i'm a sheetmetal worker, i make commercial air con ducting for big building projects , shopping centres and the like. the air ducting is starting to be imported from china in "flat" form in shipping containers. the governments dropped the ball on several fronts in protecting local jobs. am i gunna have a job in 5 years ? are we going to make anything in this country in the future ? holden and ford no longer manufacture in this country because of silly high pay rates made them uncompetitive and unprofitable. and i've seen the bully boy tactics used by union officials on job sights. :thumbsup:
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by straightshooter » 05 Dec 2018, 7:53 am

Dear Mr. Gaznazdiak
Please excuse some of my snarkier questions and comments. They are not meant to offend but enlighten.
Gaznazdiak wrote:G'day Straightshooter,
This is Abbott we're talking about.
That's Tony Abbott, the bloke who is totally owned and in the complete thrall of the fossil fuel industry

Do you know Mr. Abbott personally?
Do you know anybody who knows Abbott personally?
Do you know anybody who knows somebody who knows Abbott personally?
I suspect the answer is NO so in reality you have imbibed excessive quantities of green/left propaganda and are now simply regurgitating it.
The green/left echo chamber can be quite addlepating.
You must understand that it is only feasible for ultra green and / or ultra left leaders to be living saints and thus be beyond criticism.

Gaznazdiak wrote:G'day Straightshooter,
Mate I'm not taking the piss, everyone has an opinion, hell I'm full of them.

Too true.
Opinions are like dorsal posterior waste orifices, everybody has one.
But opinions take a number of forms.
There are informed opinions, there are 'handed down' opinions and there are ignorant opinions. All types tinged with a lesser or greater extent of bias. That bias is sometimes "bought" or sometimes sincerely inherent.
Thus in many cases opinions are of the same worth as the output from a dorsal posterior waste orifice.

Gaznazdiak wrote:His behaviour is the direct cause of so many policy failures and fvckups, he's probably the worst PM I can remember ....

Such as!
Gaznazdiak wrote:...since Billy "big ears" McMahon.

So just how old were you when McMahon played the same seat warming role that Scummo is playing now?

Politics is like a conjuroring trick where the politicians are merely marionettes put up to divert public attention and attract public odium while those with real lasting power pull the strings.

If you are as old as I am then you will see that history is definitely rhyming but now in a much less genteel way.

Start getting ready for the antipodean version of Venezuela in 2019.
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by Gaznazdiak » 05 Dec 2018, 9:55 am

Dear Mr straightshooter,

Seems that the bug up your arse took hold of that stick up your arse and gave me the business, huh?

No, I don't know Abbott personally, do you?

Is he your besty?

Is that why my opinion got your panties lodged so far up you?

I don't need to know Abbott personally to know he's one of the LNP far right who claim that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the renewables industry.

I don't need to know him, or someone who knows someone who knows him to have seen this character state that coal and an increase in its use is good for humanity.

As your response is for my enlightenment (lucky ME) one can only conlcude you hold your opinion in very high regard in relation to those of others, narcissistic, much?

One can easily see from the tone of your above pontification that you consider your opinion to be in the "informed" subset and those upon whom you look down as being in the "ignorant".
Fair enough, some people have innate low self esteem. This is quite often characterized by delusions of grandeur or superiority, as the above lecture would suggest.

Your "Such as" question in regards to my claim that Abbott is behind the LNP Coalition chaos would suggest you've either been living in a cave since Mal took the Head Boy seat or simply don't follow current events. Abbott's sniping and whiteanting has been so prevalent and barefaced you make yourself look even sillier by asking.

I was entering my teens when Billy McMahon, to whom I'm distantly related by the way, was in the Lodge, well and truly old enough to understand what was being talked about around me.

Anyway MR straightshooter, you've had your vent, I've given you a touchup in return, so now we can both enjoy the inner glow.

Merry Xmas
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by bigrich » 05 Dec 2018, 6:40 pm

straightshooter ! gaz ! please think of the children and play nice ! :lol: :lol: :lol: and have a merry christmas my wonderful, free,( :allegedly: ) fellow australians

:drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :thumbsup:

after all, the post title is "need a laugh "
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by Gaznazdiak » 05 Dec 2018, 8:51 pm

bigrich wrote:straightshooter ! gaz ! please think of the children and play nice ! :lol: :lol: :lol: and have a merry christmas my wonderful, free,( :allegedly: ) fellow australians

:drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :thumbsup:

after all, the post title is "need a laugh "

:lol: :lol: :lol:
:drinks: :drinks:
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by Stix » 05 Dec 2018, 9:33 pm

Well...i gotta tell ya...that took a bit of reading...phew'..

I mean...


Are just some of the words i had to check definitions on to get through that... :huh:

I even had to get a second icecream from the freezer...! :clap:

Bugger it...ive waited 20 going for a third...!!! :shock:
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by tom604 » 05 Dec 2018, 11:42 pm

Antipodean,,used by northern hemisphere people to describe Australian or New Zealander's ,,,according to google (the font of all knowledge )

my new word of the day,, :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by TassieTiger » 06 Dec 2018, 1:14 am

bigrich wrote:straightshooter ! gaz ! please think of the children and play nice ! :lol: :lol: :lol: and have a merry christmas my wonderful, free,( :allegedly: ) fellow australians

:drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :thumbsup:

after all, the post title is "need a laugh "

Hey - let em said it, title of post is need a laugh and I’m not getting it from reading about our incompetent puppet masters so;

Left corner - you ready? Right corner - you ready? You know the
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by bigrich » 06 Dec 2018, 4:45 am

TassieTiger wrote:
bigrich wrote:straightshooter ! gaz ! please think of the children and play nice ! :lol: :lol: :lol: and have a merry christmas my wonderful, free,( :allegedly: ) fellow australians

:drinks: :drinks: :drinks: : :lol: :lol: thumbsup:

after all, the post title is "need a laugh "

Hey - let em said it, title of post is need a laugh and I’m not getting it from reading about our incompetent puppet masters so;

Left corner - you ready? Right corner - you ready? You know the

Yeah, I’m getting into the Christmas “goodwill “ vibe. I’ve come across too many high strung people and wanna be road ragers just recently brothers and sisters of the forum. Peace on earth and all that. Being a single man I’ve decided to follow Santa’s advice and engage the services of three hot female relaxation therapists over the Christmas break. Ho, Ho ,Ho. :lol:
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by Gaznazdiak » 06 Dec 2018, 10:19 am

Celebrate carefully though bigrich,

You know the old saying, the only thing worse than finding a dead dog on your piano is discovering you've had an infected pussy on your organ.

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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by TassieTiger » 06 Dec 2018, 11:36 am

bigrich wrote:
TassieTiger wrote:
bigrich wrote:straightshooter ! gaz ! please think of the children and play nice ! :lol: :lol: :lol: and have a merry christmas my wonderful, free,( :allegedly: ) fellow australians

:drinks: :drinks: :drinks: : :lol: :lol: thumbsup:

after all, the post title is "need a laugh "

Hey - let em said it, title of post is need a laugh and I’m not getting it from reading about our incompetent puppet masters so;

Left corner - you ready? Right corner - you ready? You know the

Yeah, I’m getting into the Christmas “goodwill “ vibe. I’ve come across too many high strung people and wanna be road ragers just recently brothers and sisters of the forum. Peace on earth and all that. Being a single man I’ve decided to follow Santa’s advice and engage the services of three hot female relaxation therapists over the Christmas break. Ho, Ho ,Ho. :lol:

A single man...? I’ve heard rumours of such talk but not convinced...I’ve heard about them...they are like the Demi gods that answer to no female??...thought they were like unicorns though...someone told me once that a rhinoceros was a unicorn that found chocolate. It’s funny, because it’s kind of relative to women...where the unicorn found chocolate and got fat and turned into a big rhino, the women gets a ring on her finger and the same thing happens...oh my heavenistic and historical single life, where art thee gone?

Okay. Password change time. L8rs. :-)
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by bigrich » 06 Dec 2018, 11:38 am

Gaznazdiak wrote:Celebrate carefully though bigrich,

You know the old saying, the only thing worse than finding a dead dog on your piano is discovering you've had an infected pussy on your organ.


:lol: :lol: :drinks: :thumbsup:
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Re: Need A Laugh?

Post by mickyj » 16 Dec 2018, 2:18 pm

Ziad wrote:
mickyj wrote:
Ok going out on a limb here but anecdotally what industry has contributed more to the raising of living standards of the biggest number of people in History than the the fossil fuel industry?. Inconvenient but a truth nonetheless.

Ok I'll bite can you please tell us what industry that has done it... just please don't say it's the OH&S industry.... including clipboard holding hard hat wearing workcover/worksafe type ppl.

Hi Ziad,
I think you misunderstood my meaning. I wasn't that clear. My bad,

I meant that the fossil fuel industry or just man's continued use of fossil fuels has indeed been responsible for an enormous, perhaps unprecedented increase in productivity, wealth and health and elevation of livings standards of literally billions of people. This is something that generally those on the left fail to see or choose not to see.
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