Federal Elections

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Federal Elections

Post by No1_49er » 26 Feb 2019, 9:48 am

This is an old piece of info' but worth remembering when the time comes.

http://www.sportingshooter.com.au/news/ ... -anti-guns :thumbsdown:

And, make sure you understand how the preferential system works :!:
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by bigfellascott » 26 Feb 2019, 10:44 am

Can you explain to me how the preferential system works, I don't have a clue about it, I just vote for the local SFFP fella.

P.S. I hate voting, to me it's just a wank fest and a waste of my bloody time and effort, nothing will change and nothing ever changes regardless.
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by wolfthomas » 26 Feb 2019, 10:47 am

This comic is very useful. There is a left-wing bias. The message and explanation is correct however.

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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Gaznazdiak » 26 Feb 2019, 11:16 am

Where is the bias wolf?
There was no mention of left, right or in between that I could find.

Not taking the piss mate, just genuinely interested.
It seemed a totally neutral piece to me.
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by wolfthomas » 26 Feb 2019, 11:40 am

It's mild and I didn't know whether to mention it or not. For transparency I did. For the record I am a filthy leftist.

It's my impression that the "Complete Scumbag Party" is meant to be the LNP. The "Discreet Scumbag" is Labor and the "Nice Party" is the Greens in this cartoon. But maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Posts: 21

Re: Federal Elections

Post by Gaznazdiak » 26 Feb 2019, 11:50 am

wolfthomas wrote:It's mild and I didn't know whether to mention it or not. For transparency I did. For the record I am a filthy leftist.

It's my impression that the "Complete Scumbag Party" is meant to be the LNP. The "Discreet Scumbag" is Labor and the "Nice Party" is the Greens in this cartoon. But maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Actually, on rereading it with an eye to seeking bias, it seems to me, and I'm not being a contrarian here, that it actually has a right bias from one point of view, with the aggy waggy party (I also saw them as the greens) wanting to "smash the state".
That's full on right wing for anyone left of Adolf.

It's often just the point of view of the reader that supplies the bias.

This is why all this left right crap is so divisive, people decide they are one or the other and never the twain shall meet, to put Rudyards words to diiferent use.

I think both left and right should be left right out :D
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by wolfthomas » 26 Feb 2019, 12:07 pm

I guess I'm damned if I do damned if I don't. My worry was not mentioning any perceived bias would invited criticism I was dropping left wing propaganda.

But I agree. For this comic really just the message should be looked at. Which is you can't throw away your vote. Put minor parties you like before majors and so on.

"Smashing the state" is more a libertarian-ism versus authoritarianism thing, rather than "right" and "left" anyway. Both anarcho-capitalists and anarcho-communists want to get rid of the state. But in the context of this cartoon I assumed it was a subtle jive at the more militant socialist elements in the Greens party (the red in their watermelon so to speak). The juxtaposition of the benign "hugs and a cup of tea" image with the "smash the state" image which conjures a bandanna wearing anarchist with a molotove cocktail in hand.
Posts: 21

Re: Federal Elections

Post by bigrich » 26 Feb 2019, 12:19 pm

Vote for the independent or minor party that best represents your views is what I have been telling people for years. The worst thing in this country is the my one vote won’t matter apathy. People need to get of Facebook and off their ass
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Gaznazdiak » 26 Feb 2019, 12:21 pm

wolfthomas wrote:I guess I'm damned if I do damned if I don't. My worry was not mentioning any perceived bias would invited criticism I was dropping left wing propaganda.

But I agree. For this comic really just the message should be looked at. Which is you can't throw away your vote. Put minor parties you like before majors and so on.

"Smashing the state" is more a libertarian-ism versus authoritarianism thing, rather than "right" and "left" anyway. Both anarcho-capitalists and anarcho-communists want to get rid of the state. But in the context of this cartoon I assumed it was a subtle jive at the more militant socialist elements in the Greens party (the red in their watermelon so to speak). The juxtaposition of the benign "hugs and a cup of tea" image with the "smash the state" image which conjures a bandanna wearing anarchist with a molotove cocktail in hand.

It's amazing isn't it, so much is dependent on perceptions.

Basic human tribalism is the root cause, I believe.

No matter what we do, if we form a group, the monkey brain rears its head and "them and us" comes into play.

Whether it's politics, religion or a footy club, if you're not with "us" you're automatically against us.

It gets truly ridiculous when some people can't even discuss it rationally, it's good to discuss it with someone who's mature enough not to see a request for information as a personal attack.
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by wolfthomas » 26 Feb 2019, 12:59 pm

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Re: Federal Elections

Post by bigrich » 26 Feb 2019, 1:41 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:
wolfthomas wrote:I guess I'm damned if I do damned if I don't. My worry was not mentioning any perceived bias would invited criticism I was dropping left wing propaganda.

But I agree. For this comic really just the message should be looked at. Which is you can't throw away your vote. Put minor parties you like before majors and so on.

"Smashing the state" is more a libertarian-ism versus authoritarianism thing, rather than "right" and "left" anyway. Both anarcho-capitalists and anarcho-communists want to get rid of the state. But in the context of this cartoon I assumed it was a subtle jive at the more militant socialist elements in the Greens party (the red in their watermelon so to speak). The juxtaposition of the benign "hugs and a cup of tea" image with the "smash the state" image which conjures a bandanna wearing anarchist with a molotove cocktail in hand.

It's amazing isn't it, so much is dependent on perceptions.

Basic human tribalism is the root cause, I believe.

No matter what we do, if we form a group, the monkey brain rears its head and "them and us" comes into play.

Whether it's politics, religion or a footy club, if you're not with "us" you're automatically against us.

It gets truly ridiculous when some people can't even discuss it rationally, it's good to discuss it with someone who's mature enough not to see a request for information as a personal attack.

So, who are you with gaz ? Them or us ?

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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Gaznazdiak » 26 Feb 2019, 3:18 pm

I'm in the middle rich, shaking my head at the lunacy on either side.

I've tried to make that point countless times but the socialists insist on branding me as a fascist and the fascists on branding me as a socialist or a sheeple or a stooge or the worn out and tattered old cliche, convenient idiot.

People who identify themselves on one extreme or the other seem incapable or unwilling to accept there is any other stance.
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 26 Feb 2019, 4:50 pm

The thing is.... that's your problem.... you wanna be centre... so the left hate you... and the right despises you
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by rinkydink » 26 Feb 2019, 4:54 pm

SFFP are fudd morons. Vote Liberal Democrats if you want to truly advance gun rights in this country.
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by bigrich » 26 Feb 2019, 5:26 pm

rinkydink wrote:SFFP are fudd morons. Vote Liberal Democrats if you want to truly advance gun rights in this country.

what are their goals and aims in regards to gun rights ? i'm quite happy with my FUDD firearms i have ATM . cap and ball pistols are the only cat H weapon that interests me right now....

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Re: Federal Elections

Post by bigrich » 26 Feb 2019, 5:42 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:I'm in the middle rich, shaking my head at the lunacy on either side.

I've tried to make that point countless times but the socialists insist on branding me as a fascist and the fascists on branding me as a socialist or a sheeple or a stooge or the worn out and tattered old cliche, convenient idiot.

People who identify themselves on one extreme or the other seem incapable or unwilling to accept there is any other stance.

such is the human condition gaz ..... ;) if we're catagorising , i'm a middle right wing urban based rural lifestyle enthusiast imperialist . :lol: :lol: :lol:

i've since changed allegences and am now a member of the extreme right ranger socialist fascist party :wtf:

HEIL HANSON ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

rangers are taking over, deputy prime minister to be, the hon. ronald macdonald has the fast food industry under the heel of his big floppy jack boots, grand wizard trump has america pinned down tighter than his comb over , and our glorious leader hanson ( the pollie , not the band :lol: ) will lead this country better than before. the singer ed sheran is lined up as public relations officer

politics can be so much fun.......

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Re: Federal Elections

Post by ponkychonk » 26 Feb 2019, 5:58 pm

bigrich wrote:
rinkydink wrote:SFFP are fudd morons. Vote Liberal Democrats if you want to truly advance gun rights in this country.

what are their goals and aims in regards to gun rights ? i'm quite happy with my FUDD firearms i have ATM . cap and ball pistols are the only cat H weapon that interests me right now....

:drinks: :drinks: :thumbsup:

You know there are a bunch of other firearm owners out there who have different tastes to you, right? Why don't you support the best gun party, even if you are happy with what you personally have? I'm certainly not happy with what I am limited to.
Posts: 92

Re: Federal Elections

Post by Gaznazdiak » 26 Feb 2019, 7:43 pm

Ziad wrote:The thing is.... that's your problem.... you wanna be centre... so the left hate you... and the right despises you

Yeah mate, all you seem to get from sitting on the fence is splinters in your arse :lol:
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by bigrich » 26 Feb 2019, 9:39 pm

ponkychonk wrote:
bigrich wrote:
rinkydink wrote:SFFP are fudd morons. Vote Liberal Democrats if you want to truly advance gun rights in this country.

what are their goals and aims in regards to gun rights ? i'm quite happy with my FUDD firearms i have ATM . cap and ball pistols are the only cat H weapon that interests me right now....

:drinks: :drinks: :thumbsup:

You know there are a bunch of other firearm owners out there who have different tastes to you, right? Why don't you support the best gun party, even if you are happy with what you personally have? I'm certainly not happy with what I am limited to.

i fully intend supporting a gun freindly party , but what are the intentions of the liberal democrats ? why are they more suited for firearm owners ? not being argumentative, just asking questions so i have a better understanding of what they represent . i did say i'm happy with what i have ATM. that's not to say i wouldn't want something more if the choice was there :unknown:

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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Sarco » 26 Feb 2019, 9:40 pm

wolfthomas wrote:This comic is very useful. There is a left-wing bias. The message and explanation is correct however.


Forgetting all the bias and which party representing which party crap, it applies ONLY to the lower house.

The upper house (Senate) preferential voting works differently. This is why the preference whisperers can get candidates elected with ridiculously low first preference vote figures.

VOTE below the line!
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by bigrich » 27 Feb 2019, 5:03 am

Bottom line, the majority are corrupt b@rstards, a lot of them all too keen to sell us out to foreign interests for $ and a cushy job after their out of political office. The hard part is trying to find and choose the least corrupt out of them all ...... :unknown:

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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Daddybang » 27 Feb 2019, 8:00 am

Yep BR and if anyone needs evidence of just how correct Rich is just look at the fact that cum stain piece of filth palmer is not rotting in the Grey wall hotel and is actually allowed to reinvolve himself in politics. ...what a fkn joke!!!! :twisted: :evil: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by bigrich » 27 Feb 2019, 9:13 am

Daddybang wrote:Yep BR and if anyone needs evidence of just how correct Rich is just look at the fact that cum stain piece of filth palmer is not rotting in the Grey wall hotel and is actually allowed to reinvolve himself in politics. ...what a fkn joke!!!! :twisted: :evil: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Didn’t ya know DB , when ya got money ya can buy ya way out of legal problems and ya don’t pay tax ! The labor party accepting “donations “ from a group of Chinese businessmen is traitorous. And yes I know, some libs are just as bad.
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Daddybang » 27 Feb 2019, 12:53 pm

Yep rich it doesn't matter what "side" of politics they're on they're just poliscum that'll promise us the earth and tell us they got our interests at heart and then prison f#$k us the moment it means they can get their snouts deeper in the trough by doing so!! :thumbsdown:
Bring on the asteroid :lol: :lol: :drinks:
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Gaznazdiak » 27 Feb 2019, 1:35 pm

Daddybang wrote:Yep rich it doesn't matter what "side" of politics they're on they're just poliscum that'll promise us the earth and tell us they got our interests at heart and then prison f#$k us the moment it means they can get their snouts deeper in the trough by doing so!! :thumbsdown:
Bring on the asteroid :lol: :lol: :drinks:

Spot on DB.

The fact that we are the only OECD member that doesn't have transparency around political donations says it all.

We are not allowed, by act of parliament, to know who donated what to whom until after an election has been held.
Then if we find out that it was some communist influence peddler like Huang Xiangmo, stiff sh!t, we have to wait until the crooked cvnts have been in for a term before we get a chance to toss them.
What an absolute clusterfvck of a system.
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by No1_49er » 27 Feb 2019, 2:23 pm

bigfellascott wrote:Can you explain to me how the preferential system works, I don't have a clue about it, I just vote for the local SFFP fella.

P.S. I hate voting, to me it's just a wank fest and a waste of my bloody time and effort, nothing will change and nothing ever changes regardless.

Go here https://www.aec.gov.au/Voting/How_to_Vote/ and see how easy / confusing it can be.

Dependent on the type of election, the preference system may, or may not, be used. When it is, and you use the "above the line" vote, your preferences go to wherever the parties have bought favour. "Below the line" there are, in essence, no transferable preferences. You vote is your vote, not a transferable "deal" done in some way that you have no say.

Ask your candidate where their preferences are to be directed. You might be surprised. Or appalled.
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Ratsmitglied » 02 Mar 2019, 2:25 pm

Senate. Vote below the line, especially if you're in the ACT so Zed can go where he belongs (last, don't care if you put the second liberal candidates number one, just put Zed in last place as he doesn't represent anyone except himself)

Trick is knowing how many boxes you have to number!

At least with Senate voting they've changed the worst of the preference whisperer games (you can number multiple boxes above the line, and when they get to the end of that your vote is exhausted and doesn't go any further)
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by Patriot » 02 Mar 2019, 2:43 pm

Gaznazdiak wrote:
Daddybang wrote:Yep rich it doesn't matter what "side" of politics they're on they're just poliscum that'll promise us the earth and tell us they got our interests at heart and then prison f#$k us the moment it means they can get their snouts deeper in the trough by doing so!! :thumbsdown:
Bring on the asteroid :lol: :lol: :drinks:

Spot on DB.

The fact that we are the only OECD member that doesn't have transparency around political donations says it all.

We are not allowed, by act of parliament, to know who donated what to whom until after an election has been held.
Then if we find out that it was some communist influence peddler like Huang Xiangmo, stiff sh!t, we have to wait until the crooked cvnts have been in for a term before we get a chance to toss them.
What an absolute clusterfvck of a system.

I don’t think the public has a right to know, period. Why is it anyone else’s business if I donate,say, $50000 to a political party. People have right to privacy others should just mind their own business.
Posts: 264

Re: Federal Elections

Post by Gaznazdiak » 02 Mar 2019, 3:01 pm

Patriot wrote:
Gaznazdiak wrote:
Daddybang wrote:Yep rich it doesn't matter what "side" of politics they're on they're just poliscum that'll promise us the earth and tell us they got our interests at heart and then prison f#$k us the moment it means they can get their snouts deeper in the trough by doing so!! :thumbsdown:
Bring on the asteroid :lol: :lol: :drinks:

Spot on DB.

The fact that we are the only OECD member that doesn't have transparency around political donations says it all.

We are not allowed, by act of parliament, to know who donated what to whom until after an election has been held.
Then if we find out that it was some communist influence peddler like Huang Xiangmo, stiff sh!t, we have to wait until the crooked cvnts have been in for a term before we get a chance to toss them.
What an absolute clusterfvck of a system.

I don’t think the public has a right to know, period. Why is it anyone else’s business if I donate,say, $50000 to a political party. People have right to privacy others should just mind their own business.

Quite amazing you can't see the connection between donating some heavy $ to political parties and influence peddling.

People don't donate large amounts of money to politicians without expecting a quid pro quo.

Do you seriously believe that it isn't in the public interest to know if say Sam Dastyari sells himself to the Chinese Communist Party?
Look at the way the LNP bends over for the fossil fuel industry, look at the amount of money from communist Chinese going to the Labor Party, do you really think these donors do it to get a "warm and fuzzy"?
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Re: Federal Elections

Post by TassieTiger » 02 Mar 2019, 3:23 pm

Patriot wrote:
Gaznazdiak wrote:
Daddybang wrote:Yep rich it doesn't matter what "side" of politics they're on they're just poliscum that'll promise us the earth and tell us they got our interests at heart and then prison f#$k us the moment it means they can get their snouts deeper in the trough by doing so!! :thumbsdown:
Bring on the asteroid :lol: :lol: :drinks:

Spot on DB.

The fact that we are the only OECD member that doesn't have transparency around political donations says it all.

We are not allowed, by act of parliament, to know who donated what to whom until after an election has been held.
Then if we find out that it was some communist influence peddler like Huang Xiangmo, stiff sh!t, we have to wait until the crooked cvnts have been in for a term before we get a chance to toss them.
What an absolute clusterfvck of a system.

I don’t think the public has a right to know, period. Why is it anyone else’s business if I donate,say, $50000 to a political party. People have right to privacy others should just mind their own business.

Oh dear....I don’t even know what to say.

Turn a blind eye to corruption and pretend it doesn’t exist?
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