Dissappointing political result-super rant

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Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by mickb » 22 May 2019, 8:34 pm

Not that liberal got in, just that so many people think it matters. I have only been alive mid 40 years, but in my time I haven't seen much difference to the policies regardless which bunch of UN/USA controlled aussies stooges were in power. Its been the same selling off of national assets to private companies who have enjoyed it like pigs in a trough, electricity bills tripling, house prices quadrupling thanks to foreign groups being allowed to buy and trade property like stocks, they block boats but triple immigration, sending almost all manufacture offshore, selling our currency to foreign groups in a bunch of ways that was supposed to be banned after the great depression nearly killed the world, crime is up, even where it hasn't gone up, increase of police numbers per capita, police now dressing like paramilitary( bad sign guys, I worked in 2nd and 3rd world countries, the freer the country the less police need to look like army) and persons incarcerated, means crime isn't the same, its much worse, mass regulations in everything- we have so many more laws, acts, regs, safety policies fines and fees to maintain basically the same 1st world standard.

Can anyone point to a political change that reversed any of the above big time? Some Prime Minster going, well selling off the power grid for internationals to build has only tripled the price we are paying, I'm taking it all back, for aussies. Or saying screw the US trade deals, we are using our resources to make the stuff here. Or screw the forieng nationals bubbling real estate 300% more than it should be from natural population growth, we are taking it all back!

LOL, maybe I was asleep if it ever happened.

I'm looking at the next generation who will struggle to able to afford a house in cities( which is about 75% of our population). They are being told they can have smartphone and 35 different genders, but they will be paying my generation rent until we are retired. Not a great deal, but they are being sold they are getting a great deal, and sadly a lot believe it.

And all these people excited or worried which scottmorrisokeatinghowardwhitlamhawke clone is in power right at the moment, as if it makes a lick of difference. They don't control global affairs, they don't control the country, Prime ministers haven't even shown much evidence they can control their own parties the last 10 years. But roll-up roll-up get your tickets to the next 4 year punch and judy show while we .....continue to do all the same stuff I mentioned in the first half the post.

I could sit back and say well I'm glad my generation could make bank. By 1993 after the USSR collapsed, western business expanded into their former territories in the biggest economical expandsion since end of ww2 . It was a great time to be young, we had 20% stock returns, the first generation in human history a 20 year old could get multiple house loans while paying off a prado and HSV and have them paid off within 15 years. And we did.

The funny thing is these kids now all blame the baby boomers, forgetting the boomers started out poorer than anyone. Complete wage inequality in the 50's and 60's, I'm talking women actually on half the wage becauese they weren't allowed to do certain jobs, limited work safety , education was often full fee( like internationals have to pay, so if your folks weren't well heeled, you didn't go), they inherited a cold war from their parents that had closed off half the world to business( the iron curtain). Yet they turned it all around, worked their butts off and made themselves rich, the western economies rich and and their kids, my generation, even richer. If you want to be angry it probably should be at us. We had the easiest run of all, and unlike the boomers, didn't even earn it. :lol:

But I feel genuinely bad for the next generation because they are my kids, or my brothers kids anyway.. Running about with all their toys, smartphones, internet, online baking, weather apps, data, hiluxes with the fruit hanging off, computer games and other completely worthless sh**( and all invented by generations before them, even social media was pioneered by guys who are 40 now) and looking down the barrel of an increasing pension age( who knows, 70, 75, 80?) .Will they even get to retire after I am gone?

Hell of a rant for a reasonable wednesday, just had to let it out after these 'Elections' :roll:
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by bigrich » 22 May 2019, 9:39 pm

you've made a lot of valid points mick. i'm 51, and i've seen a fair bit of change in this country, and our culture and social attitude . i speak up when i can, and do what i can to try to make change for the better. i bought a new microwave the other day at a store, and the young sales assissant was telling me about our asset sell off to foreign powers , etc. not all the young are facebook zombies thank god . i grew up dirt poor and have had to work blue collar jobs my whole life to attain a reasonably comfortable lifestyle. by blue collar standards anyway. i changed my outlook to one of focusing on positives and living as well as i can (hunting,fishing,travel etc), while i can. to only focus on the negatives is depressing and not helping to live happily
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by bladeracer » 23 May 2019, 7:34 pm

We won't see any improvement until we can break the hold that Lib/Lab (the party with two heads) has on our country.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by bullzeye » 26 May 2019, 8:45 am

I’m happy that the LNP got in.

Bill Shorten and the Labor party have lurched so far left. Australia doesn’t want them.

Shutting down coal mines and jobs for the climate. Where in other parts of the world they are building many more coal mines than Australia..

Look at other recent election results around the world picking a conservative government:


To the OPs point - the world is changing, we can sit here and complain, or we can work hard and try adapt to the change.

The least our government can do is provide good economic management and jobs to improve the way of life for future generations.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by bigrich » 26 May 2019, 9:18 am

bullzeye wrote:I’m happy that the LNP got in.

Bill Shorten and the Labor party have lurched so far left. Australia doesn’t want them.

Shutting down coal mines and jobs for the climate. Where in other parts of the world they are building many more coal mines than Australia..

Look at other recent election results around the world picking a conservative government:


To the OPs point - the world is changing, we can sit here and complain, or we can work hard and try adapt to the change.

The least our government can do is provide good economic management and jobs to improve the way of life for future generations.


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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Member-Deleted » 26 May 2019, 10:47 am

Yeah Bullzeye adapt, toughen up and move forward I agree :thumbsup: :drinks: :drinks:

Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Bill » 27 May 2019, 9:49 am

bullzeye wrote:I’m happy that the LNP got in.

Bill Shorten and the Labor party have lurched so far left. Australia doesn’t want them.

Shutting down coal mines and jobs for the climate. Where in other parts of the world they are building many more coal mines than Australia..

Look at other recent election results around the world picking a conservative government:


To the OPs point - the world is changing, we can sit here and complain, or we can work hard and try adapt to the change.

The least our government can do is provide good economic management and jobs to improve the way of life for future generations.

you do realize a renewable energy industrys provide more jubs than the uncompetitive coal industrys.

Please point out Coal mines that have recently shut and which party was in power..... ;)
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 27 May 2019, 4:16 pm

Have you got any solar panels on your house... have you looked at their output during the day.... they only make the max power between 11 and 3pm during summer... and how do we use power during a day? A factory likely uses similar during the morning or evening or even the night. Business usually from 9am to 9pm. And Jones usually from 6pm to 11pm. So we put batteries... the $100m battery in SA only can run a few thousand houses for 4hours max..... so how many batteries do we need to power all of Australia. Yes new coal powered generator is not an answer...but something else has to be

RE solar panels add in recycling cost after 20 years, and manufacturing cost including cost to recycle.......in short wind and solar panels don't make sense as environmentally friendly as well, It just doesn't
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by bigrich » 27 May 2019, 4:40 pm

Ziad wrote:Have you got any solar panels on your house... have you looked at their output during the day.... they only make the max power between 11 and 3pm during summer... and how do we use power during a day? A factory likely uses similar during the morning or evening or even the night. Business usually from 9am to 9pm. And Jones usually from 6pm to 11pm. So we put batteries... the $100m battery in SA only can run a few thousand houses for 4hours max..... so how many batteries do we need to power all of Australia. Yes new coal powered generator is not an answer...but something else has to be

RE solar panels add in recycling cost after 20 years, and manufacturing cost including cost to recycle.......in short wind and solar panels don't make sense as environmentally friendly as well, It just doesn't

there are quite advanced coal fired power station technology these days that are far more efficient than the really old out off date stations our government is using. it's about money . revolving door courts with no serious jail time for crims - not enough jail cells to house them and the pollies wont build more . a lot of the crime these days is caused by homeless people who need mental health help - the government closed mental health hospitals and put them on the street . inefficient polluting power stations - the government won't spend the money to build new ones. cause and effect , and all pollies blame the previous government . and round and round it goes, no real solutions, and some shifty buggers at the top are making money from the situation. you know malcom turnbull has invested a lot of his own money into wind generators . that's cause to make me think ........ :huh:

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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Stix » 27 May 2019, 5:43 pm

Bill wrote:you do realize a renewable energy industrys provide more jubs than the uncompetitive coal industrys.

Please point out Coal mines that have recently shut and which party was in power..... ;)

Just my observation...& not a crack at anyone here... :D
But the constant arguement that solar/renewables is a great double whammy becsuse its not only "environmentally friendly", but creates more jobs is actually a false economy, if the environment & the carbon volumes it carries are REALLY what is at stake.

As Ziad says, add in manufacture & recycle costs, & the renewable sector actually makes money by pumping more carbon into the atmoshere in one hit, butt makes less power than other mineral sources...
This is all so obvious, yet we foolishly choose to be sucked into either "climate change" or "economic growth" propoganda...

But...its (renewables) popularity is only due to government subsidies (their investment to make more money :idea: ) & ever improving manufacturing efficiencies just make it affordable & make it easier to keep up with the required growth on GDP our capatilistic society & ever inefficient governments need...

If we truely want to look after the environment & have economic growth , we should look to cull the population, or stop the ever increasing desire for self righteous greed, return to the village mentality of the locally sourced sustainable food bowl, & completely boycott self serve checkouts...!!

Id be happy to pay 10c more for my bread to give several jobs to checkout operators, instead of one high wage to a software programmer...

But as much as we all claim to be willing to do what we can, we all continue to buy milk for $1/ltr, fill our soils & waterways with the plastic we insist our unnecessary purchased items come packaged in, insist on driving 50 cars to the same place every day instead of getting on an lpg powered bus, & continue cutting our forrests down....

We're happy to wear leather & wool, eat lamb & beef, but its "cruel" to make clothing out of fox fur & Roo's...& eating Roo is frowned upon &/or its "too gamey"...FMD... :unknown: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Why is it not mandatory everywhere to have sognificant water storage built into every new domestic dwelling...?
Why do we willingly waste so much food knowing people die of basic malnutrition...?

Yep...replace Trump with a few Bil Shorten branded solar panels...that'll fix it... :thumbsup:

Bloody hell...better have a beer... :lol:
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 27 May 2019, 7:36 pm

Mate the software programmer is likely in India so likely on low wages.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by bigrich » 27 May 2019, 8:57 pm

your right their ziad . low paid worker in india do the hard stuff so company stock holders and executives can reap the cream :( your onto it stix. to make enviromentally friendly new cars probably generates more pollution to make the car than the green car prevents . i like that last suggestion about having a beer too stix. oh, by the way , i'm settling down to a deer stew for dinner :D

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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by mickb » 28 May 2019, 1:34 am

Yeah Bullzeye adapt, toughen up and move forward I agree :thumbsup: :drinks: :drinks:

Easy for our generations to say toughen up and move forward mate, we are financially settled. My point was its the younger generation starting out with poorer purchasing power than any generation since the depression era that is going to struggle.

Regards change itself the problem is the two parties never offer any. They both follow the same script the other 1st world countries offer and all their parties.

As to governments in the third world you mentioned. They are even less distinguishable corrupt thugs than ours, their party policies have even weaker differences. I lived in those sort of countries for almost 10 years.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by TassieTiger » 28 May 2019, 2:00 am

There is some serious buildings going up / on in Hobart at present...I know a few tradies managing some of the work.
200 Phillipines tradies have just been granted visas to help (I’m told that 1 in 4 are locals) - we do not have anywhere near enough and those that we do have a writing their own value.

This is a serious issue...and a flaw in the system that’s being exploited.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 28 May 2019, 8:52 am

Going back to fat cat profits... well here is a spanner in the works. The shareholders are usually our (and foreign) superannuation companies or mum and dad investors... so if a company makes a profit and pays a dividend then we all (as most of us have super) benefit.

Mate it's not that hard to still find a reasonably priced house or apartment in the major cities. But what definitely had gone up I'd the actual cost to build houses... land usually (unless inner city) is not the biggest cost of a new house. And why is that...tradies and building material cost... and depending on which state...its the state, council taxes and costs
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by mickb » 28 May 2019, 3:25 pm

Mate it's not that hard to still find a reasonably priced house or apartment in the major cities.

Are you kidding? Though I notice you put in 'apartment' in there. ;)

A reasonable priced house(not an apartment) to my generation is only 2x or worst 3x annual salary. And you could get the loan on a single salary with family Wifey didn't have to put in 40-50 hours to make ends meet.

But what definitely had gone up I'd the actual cost to build houses... land usually (unless inner city) is not the biggest cost of a new house. And why is that...tradies and building material cost... and depending on which state...its the state, council taxes and costs

Mate thats just inflation. not supposed to triple or quadruple prices in a generation. House prices bubbled when the government allowed property to become another derivative. It puts a house on a stockmarket floor where the value is no longer just population growth+ location+ materials etc and demand driven by some couples looking to buy, its how many thousand screaming folks place bets on it each day. Its a bookies market. This is what the 'fat cats' did lobbying government to link everything to dodgy stock practices in the 90's.. You got a few % returns from these funds , in return for now needing two salaries to maintain the fund driven house and living....
Last edited by mickb on 28 May 2019, 4:41 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Blr243 » 28 May 2019, 4:16 pm

Awesome political result
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by mickb » 28 May 2019, 4:26 pm

Blr243 wrote:Awesome political result

So millenials will soon expect to be able to buy houses in the city and you and I can go back to maintaining a house and family on a single income? They will separate assets from stock manipulation. Maybe even stop letting foreign nationals buy all our companies and land and just go back to the old mode of "goods trading" not land trading. Reverse all the liberal and labour policies for the last 20 years that put the latest generation in the poorhouse. Hell that will be an awesome result mate, I cant wait. :lol:
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Blr243 » 29 May 2019, 8:27 pm

Mick. I’m just a pig hunter who only finished grade three. All of that stuff you write is way too complicated for me. I’m not so happy about which party we have in power..... I’m just delighted about about what party we don’t have in power. I cringe at the thought of us being led by labour ....do u remember Julia Gillard .....I have a tip for you to assist you with dealing with the current predicament. When labour wins I cope better knowing that I have to tolerate a labour govt , if I remind myself that there is a ton of stuff I can do better my financial situation and that the way I conduct myself will have a much stronger influence on my success and happiness than who is currently in power..... ie carefull spending, planning. Driving to the speed limit , servicing my Ute every ten thousand kilometres ,smarter marketing and advertising, sensible diet, no smoking , drugs or alcohol, taking my dog for walks and to the dog park every day , making an effort to go hunting as mush as possible .......to hell with sco mo or bill shorten,,,,,I really can make a huge difference to my life all by myself.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Member-Deleted » 29 May 2019, 8:34 pm

I tend to agree Blr243 but it is nice to have a little help along the way but just don't rely on it mate

Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 29 May 2019, 11:36 pm

Mate I think I do understand what you saying.... but I don't understand what do you think the solution should be.

What can a government do to make houses affordable again where it takes 5 years on a single income to pay off a house.

And don't you (figuratively speaking) think it's rather mean if you don't divide up the numerous investment properties you are fortunate to own among your children..... and I'd you only own the 1 house ... don't you think you have wasted your life and could have done better.

Anyway still plenty of options to find a house for about 250k in Melbourne... with average wage of nearly 80k it is still possible to own a house easily. It might not be a mansion... but I am sure your (and most of us) first house was a basic one...... and that's the problem the media is setting it up as if the expectation should that the first house people get now a days is a 6 bedroom house in an inner suburb.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by TassieTiger » 30 May 2019, 7:25 am

I agree Z - I’ve got a few cousins buying into the market now.
I’ve (we’ve) told them to go out of town, buy something cheap that’s a little run down, so they can fix it up after work and jump ahead in 5 years - cost should be about 260k...

So what do they do, find out how much they can borrow, go and find the newest, 4 bed, 2 bath marble floor house and buy it for 450k then sit back whining about the repayments - THIS next generation...Grrrr. It’s why there is a huge short fall in tradies down here...”hands dirty ? Are you serious... - pass me my lap top” - many that I engage with have an attitude that the world owes them...
I bought some 2nd hand roofing off a retired 73yr old plumber the other day who was making a $1k a week in cash from selling recovered building products. He asked me if I knew anyone who would take over his little side business as he wanted out...and he had exhausted all his known options...sadly, I couldn’t give him a name either...it’s insane.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by flutch » 30 May 2019, 3:19 pm

Two things people should do,

1. Don't watch TV

2. Never vote major parties,

They weren't always the only major parties, but they have had a bipartisan Monopoly for so long now that they think they're right and are most sanctimonious and self righteous. They need showing that they DON'T have popular support.... People who watch TV tho, literally the worst
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by bladeracer » 30 May 2019, 4:23 pm

flutch wrote:Two things people should do,

1. Don't watch TV

2. Never vote major parties,

They weren't always the only major parties, but they have had a bipartisan Monopoly for so long now that they think they're right and are most sanctimonious and self righteous. They need showing that they DON'T have popular support.... People who watch TV tho, literally the worst

I gave up TV around 2000, although I ran a card in my computer for a couple of years so I could watch the motorcycle racing.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Jon79 » 30 May 2019, 5:59 pm

Another big killer for Labour was them jumping in bed with the looney Greens that turned a hell of a lot of people off them, also their lefty gender centre and other alphabet rubbish
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by duncan61 » 30 May 2019, 9:08 pm

I think mainstream people have woken up to the Green party,vegans and climate clowns.It showed in the voting
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Madang185 » 02 Jun 2019, 10:35 am

Certainly this election showed that despite claims to the contrary politicians DO NOT listen to the electorate.

Over many years I have lost count of the numbers of letters to politicians about a range of subjects, the return rate about 1%
never rude, polite at all times.

The only time they are interested is when they want your vote.

The polls also told NSW Premier Barry Unsworth that he would win the election in 1988, he went top the people on
Gun Control. Either the polls asked the wrong questions or those polling lied about the answers, you cannot have it both ways.
applied in 1988 and again in 2019.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Bill » 02 Jun 2019, 11:25 am

Polls didnt take into account the fake Death Tax scare campaign the Liberals pulled off via Facebook.

Arguably more successful than the previous Mediscare campaign.
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 02 Jun 2019, 8:09 pm

True.... it allowed then to claw back some support in key seats. But it's obvious that the biggest thing was QLD... and probably the biggest issue there was the adnani mine.

Which brings us back to labour, I think they went into the election with a view they were going to be a shoe-in and thus took to many policies..aka made to many enemies. And as their current leader said, if you don't like labor policies don't vote for them. Looks like many didn't like their policies
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Re: Dissappointing political result-super rant

Post by Tiger650 » 07 Jun 2019, 9:55 pm

Excellent comments Mick.
I would add the recent huge natural gas retail cost increase
Few realise that we Australians effectively do not own that gas, it is the property of both The State and also Eastern Standard Oil [ESSO].
Neither of the above give a rat's arse about ordinary folk trying to stay warm in a Victorian winter.
We are governed by filthy thieving traitors with the blessing of sheeple who are more interested in ritual warfare "footy" and morally perverted reality TV.
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