Interesting changes to paintball laws..

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Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by Chappo » 07 Jul 2019, 2:53 pm ... ntball_gun

Played paintball on the weekend and as we have done every time we’ve gone to play, my friends and I have said that we should look into becoming licencensed and getting into the sport.

These changes actually sound sensible and i thought they may be of interest to some of you......
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New South Wales

Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by mickb » 07 Jul 2019, 10:01 pm

interesting. I know nothing about paintball but at face value seems like an improvement for enthusiasts?
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by on_one_wheel » 07 Jul 2019, 11:10 pm

Definitely a step in the right direction.

On 1 July 2019 the Paintball Act 2018 (the Act) and Paintball Regulation
2019 (the Regulation) will commence and make various amendments
resulting in the removal of paintball regulation from the Firearms Act 1996.
The regulation of paintball will be transferred from NSW Police Force to
NSW Fair Trading in the Department of Customer Service which will
establish a separate system for permits for the regulation of paintball
markers, paintball venues and paintball activities.
Some of the notable changes include:
• Paintball markers will no longer be considered prohibited firearms.
• A permit issued by NSW Fair Trading will still be required for the
possession of paintball markers.
• A permit issued by NSW Fair Trading will still be required for the
operation of a paintball venue.
• The responsibility for the administration and oversight of these
permits rests with NSW Fair Trading.
• Permits to Acquire issued by NSW Police Force are no longer
required for paintball markers.
• Firearm Dealers who are currently authorised to supply paintball
markers and paintball venue operators will be authorised to supply
paintball markers and have recording and reporting responsibilities to
NSW Fair Trading.
• Paintball venues are permitted to supply paintball markers to
participants for use at the venue
• The minimum age for participants has been reduced to 12 years old
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 3:15 am

The minimum age for use of a paintball marker is reduced to 12 ??

My issue with paintball is that I was taught to NEVER ever point a gun, any type of gun, loaded or otherwise at anyone, at any time - and paintball contravenes that big time.

Whilst any reduction of draconian laws is a step forward Is a positive, allowing a 12 year old to operate a semi auto air rifle (sorry - “marker”), built specifically for the purpose of shooting at someone - seems a little “weird” and maybe? A little irresponsible. I have a couple new gen 12 year olds running around this house and they do not have the wisdom of an “old school” 12 year old and neither do any of their friends - I doubt they’d mentally differentiate the capabilities of a paint ball marker vs a cat A firearm.
And besides that - the little bastards are going to cry for a long time, if/when they get nailed in the wrong place by a paintball.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by mickb » 08 Jul 2019, 5:24 am

Tassie tiger I think its taking safety way too far- if a type of gun can kill - it needs to be pointed in a safe direction, so, by definition, people don't get killed by it. If its purpose it to be pointed, and it can be done so safely, its acceptable. I can understand you are saying the practice may create a bad habit, but how far do we want to take it?

Kids start the sport of sword fencing at 9, using almost real swords to stab the hell out of each other, which is the entire purpose of the sport. Does this turn them into random killers they first time they get a real blade in their hands? No.

Technically nerf guns can cause eye damage and do we teach kids not to aim cowboy guns in case they kill each other the first time they have a 22LR? What about water pistols, they clock up more kills than paintballs lol. How about banning swinging plastic pirate swords? Cmon....
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 6:23 am

mickb wrote:Tassie tiger I think its taking safety way too far- if a type of gun can kill - it needs to be pointed in a safe direction, so, by definition, people don't get killed by it. If its purpose it to be pointed, and it can be done so safely, its acceptable. I can understand you are saying the practice may create a bad habit, but how far do we want to take it?

Kids start the sport of sword fencing at 9, using almost real swords to stab the hell out of each other, which is the entire purpose of the sport. Does this turn them into random killers they first time they get a real blade in their hands? No.

Technically nerf guns can cause eye damage and do we teach kids not to aim cowboy guns in case they kill each other the first time they have a 22LR? What about water pistols, they clock up more kills than paintballs lol. How about banning swinging plastic pirate swords? Cmon....

We arent talking about water pistols, or tin “foils” - these markers can shoot at 300fps - faster than many compound bows. The reason they don’t injure / kill, is generally the target has armour and is at distance - if someone was shot at point blank range, in the wrong body location - even with a plastic pellet (which I’m sure you’ll agree can easily be swapped out for a bearing) - then serious injury can and will result.
I attended a work event some time ago out of curiosity. Many younger players wore the mandatory goggles and nothing else. Several were off on sick leave the following days as huge welts, heavy bruises resulted from being struck at 50m - whilst I loving slapped each welt when they did return and chastised them for being sooks, there were 20+ year old men...not 12 year old boys / girls...
Dunno - it just seems a bit strange to me.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by mickb » 08 Jul 2019, 7:00 am

TassieTiger wrote:
mickb wrote:

We arent talking about water pistols, or tin “foils” - these markers can shoot at 300fps - faster than many compound bows. The reason they don’t injure / kill, is generally the target has armour and is at distance - if someone was shot at point blank range, in the wrong body location - even with a plastic pellet (which I’m sure you’ll agree can easily be swapped out for a bearing) - then serious injury can and will result.
I attended a work event some time ago out of curiosity. Many younger players wore the mandatory goggles and nothing else. Several were off on sick leave the following days as huge welts, heavy bruises resulted from being struck at 50m - whilst I loving slapped each welt when they did return and chastised them for being sooks, there were 20+ year old men...not 12 year old boys / girls...
Dunno - it just seems a bit strange to me.

mate, whether correct safety measures and supervision can allow younger members to enjoy the sport is a separate issue and not one I mentioned or have an opinion on.

Your points I was addressing was

1. Including paintballs in the caveat all guns should be pointed in a safe direction at all times. Well no, fake guns designed for recreational use to shoot other people, obviously need to be pointed at people at certain times, for the sport to work.

2. The idea of kids not being able to differentiate from fake weapons and real weapons and the effect this may have. Again, its manageable or we wouldn't be selling toy guns to kids either, and sports fencers would be killing their families by now with real swords. A sword or blade is still deadlier than any paintball, or ball bearing.

And as to huge welts and bruising? good, warms my heart :) And still less chance of a kid breaking bones falling off a horse or missing a big jump on a skateboard.
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 7:19 am

Oh - I crystal ball was down on battery power so I wasn't sure of your dedicated points.

So lets see if I can argue back;
1. Where are the "fake" guns you keep referring too ? Paint ball guns are NOT fake guns. they are 10000% legitimate as per the firearms definition.
2. Again - you are on the fake/toy weapon bandwagon, but a paint ball marker IS a firearm. as for your comment that a sword is deadlier than a paint ball marker with ball bearings ? IF I gave a 12 year old a semi auto paint ball loaded with ball bearings vs the same kid having a sword ? Clearly, you've never attended a paintball field or have any understanding of how a "marker" works.

Have a look at this - which is with soft paint ball projectiles.... ... 0&bih=1009
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by sungazer » 08 Jul 2019, 8:47 am

FFS did you never play cowboys and Indians with cap guns or even cork popping rifles and the arrows were probably more dangerous. The world is to PC and wants to protect everyone.
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 9:49 am

sungazer wrote:FFS did you never play cowboys and Indians with cap guns or even cork popping rifles and the arrows were probably more dangerous. The world is to PC and wants to protect everyone.

FFS?? Ummm?...just felt the need to acronym swear?
What does cap guns, cork pop guns - have to do with the conversation at hand?
Talk about reinforcing a stereotypical ideal of what gun owners are....geez.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by trekin » 08 Jul 2019, 10:01 am

Taz, they are only firearms because the laws here (except now in NSW, and about time too) says so. Paint ball, airsoft and gel blasters are considered as toys, and rightly so, in nearly all other countries in the world.
And if you allow a 12 yo to shoot bearings from a marker, who's the bigger irresponsible fool, you, or the 12 yo??
Edited to add,
My, at the time 4 yo granddaughter broke her arm in five places, between the wrist and elbow, playing on a slippery slide at daycare, should we ban them?
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by bigrich » 08 Jul 2019, 10:24 am

I get taz’s Point. A paintball marker is not a lethal weapon, but “taught “ behaviour that may overlap common sense associated with lethal firearms is a concern, because there are a lot of modern kids that aren’t common sense for mature enough to differentiate between the two in a given moment of emotional reactions. Yes, they are just paintball guns , and rough play and injuries are part of childhood. With the political correctness bogey man of GCA, I can see them winging about 12 year old shooting at one another. I’ve done paintball years ago, good fun . I can’t recall seeing any kids that young involved back then but. Just a few points I thought I would throw in the discussion.
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by trekin » 08 Jul 2019, 10:35 am

bigrich wrote:I get taz’s Point. A paintball marker is not a lethal weapon, but “taught “ behaviour that may overlap common sense associated with lethal firearms is a concern, because there are a lot of modern kids that aren’t common sense for mature enough to differentiate between the two in a given moment of emotional reactions. Yes, they are just paintball guns , and rough play and injuries are part of childhood. With the political correctness bogey man of GCA, I can see them winging about 12 year old shooting at one another. I’ve done paintball years ago, good fun . I can’t recall seeing any kids that young involved back then but. Just a few points I thought I would throw in the discussion.

Yep, and it is easier for the nanny staters to ban, or age restrict, an activity than it is for them to take the responsibility to teach the correct behaviour. Probably why you rarely see field hocky or vicoro played at schools any more.
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 10:48 am

trekin wrote:Taz, they are only firearms because the laws here (except now in NSW, and about time too) says so. Paint ball, airsoft and gel blasters are considered as toys, and rightly so, in nearly all other countries in the world.
And if you allow a 12 yo to shoot bearings from a marker, who's the bigger irresponsible fool, you, or the 12 yo??
Edited to add,
My, at the time 4 yo granddaughter broke her arm in five places, between the wrist and elbow, playing on a slippery slide at daycare, should we ban them?

Gel blasters are completely different - a paint ball marker is an air rifle - regardless of how the law is painted (excuse pun lol). A slippery slide is a pathetic comparison and as per Sungazer - has zero to do with the exact points here. I’m happy to take a 12 year old shooting and show them safety, the dangers, etc but if a 12 year old turned up at my place and said, I know all about the dangers of guns - I played paint ball last week and shot 7 ppl in the face...I’d feel a little different.

Have you looked at the link provided above? Have you ever been shot with one - straight skin?...I have, several times, it farkin hurts!. Yes, It’s a game - but in my opinion, it’s NOT a 12 year old game. And yep - there are exceptions to the rule where it might suit some 12-13 year olds, but in general, across grade 5-7...

Ppl have died, lost eyes, teeth, etc.
“If you allow a 12yr old to shoot bearings? “ Were you ever 12? I have a 12 yr old - they do not ask permission, they are not responsible, they are kids...and they KNOW everything...ask them.

Have a look at some of the paint ball gun injuries and tell me how a 12year old in pain and agony, lying on the ground - is going to control their emotions with a semi auto 300fps “air rifle / marker” in their hand...sorry, but from personal experience, I just don’t agree. I have zero issue with the rest of the changes - I just think 12 is too young.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by Member-Deleted » 08 Jul 2019, 10:51 am

G'day Taz mate I understand your point and it is a valid point but it would be for a very small amount of 12yr olds it would be up to the adults to train or make sure that the difference between real or what was said fake guns was clear and I think that after being hit in some tender spots with a paintball gun they soon will get the gist of things that both hurt but only one is lethal we have to give kids credit where credit is due and train when it is needed not just say no you can't do that because I think you aren't capable of doing it, it is a learning world this may be a good thing in teaching kids how to handle guns kids who would otherwise never use one and when hit in the tender spot realise it hurts I don't think dropping the age on paintball use would do any harm just look at what they watch on tv I would prefer my 12yr old to be out playing than sitting watching tv. mate we can't keep them wrapped in cotton wool forever and if they do muck up in any way because of using paintball guns and not listening to adults then they will have to deal with the big boys same as anybody else

Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 12:28 pm

It’s not about wrapping anyone in cotton wool - I’m more than happy for kids to take on MX, kart racing. Muay Thai kick boxing, what ever - but pointing a firearm at some with the intent of pulling the trigger to “kill” them aged 12 is not right in my mind...
It’s the age vs learning capacity vs responsibility.
Put it another way...
Would you prefer to take a class of 12 year olds clay shooting or paintball ? It’s a similar the end of that day you’d have a heap of kids all very excited about their day group would be comparing bruises, clays hits, etc...the other group would be screaming about their “head shots”.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by Member-Deleted » 08 Jul 2019, 1:00 pm

Yes you're right Taz but you can buy computer games that are virtual reality that are doing exactly the same as paintball without the pain I've seen some games so real that it trains the kid to become a sniper where to hide, distance shots it's unreal to me as I come from an age where we never expected to land on the moon the kids playing these games are becoming desensitised against violence and the responsibility or using a gun so where does it all stop I think it's all up to the parent or guardian to make that decision for that specific kid if they think it is going to affect them in any way

Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by pomemax » 08 Jul 2019, 1:42 pm

sungazer wrote:FFS did you never play cowboys and Indians with cap guns or even cork popping rifles and the arrows were probably more dangerous. The world is to PC and wants to protect everyone.

No we used real air rifles and i still have the marks to show from digging out the slugs I dont remember that but i do remember the ass whopping from dad later
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 2:02 pm

But GB, A computer game doesn’t have consequences - it theoretically lives and remains in the mind.
A game of Paint ball, people literally drop on the ground in pain from your shooting, your running around on adrenaline trying to not get hit, but constant banging of bullets into obstacles, around your head, reminds you, this is going to hurt - and has real consequences...emotions are running high...
On the other side of the coin maybe - if you were an adult player, you do not know whom is on the other team - imagine shooting someone in the head and it turns out that it’s a 12yr old kid, now screaming in agony from your do you feel - harden up? Don’t play ? Stuff him - he chose to play, he should know better??
How about wait til 14 or 15 when a little more maturity helps make a more informed decision.

Put it this way for those that haven’t played it - would you be happy for your 12 year olds to go to a “game” carrying your 800 feet .177 pellet rifles - shooting cotton tips at each other - wearing safety glasses?...they hurt about the same at 15 ft lol. A decent shot in the gonads and the kid won’t be paying csa...
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by trekin » 08 Jul 2019, 2:23 pm

TassieTiger wrote:But GB, A computer game doesn’t have consequences - it theoretically lives and remains in the mind.
A game of Paint ball, people literally drop on the ground in pain from your shooting, your running around on adrenaline trying to not get hit, but constant banging of bullets into obstacles, around your head, reminds you, this is going to hurt - and has real consequences...emotions are running high...
On the other side of the coin maybe - if you were an adult player, you do not know whom is on the other team - imagine shooting someone in the head and it turns out that it’s a 12yr old kid, now screaming in agony from your do you feel - harden up? Don’t play ? Stuff him - he chose to play, he should know better??
How about wait til 14 or 15 when a little more maturity helps make a more informed decision.

Put it this way for those that haven’t played it - would you be happy for your 12 year olds to go to a “game” carrying your 800 feet .177 pellet rifles - shooting cotton tips at each other - wearing safety glasses?...they hurt about the same at 15 ft lol. A decent shot in the gonads and the kid won’t be paying csa...

You do understand that there are lower powered markers just for kids, don't you; ... -for-kids/ I would be very surpised that ANY club/Assc would entertain the thought of letting children go into the field with the standard stuff, or let them play against adults using the same???
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by Member-Deleted » 08 Jul 2019, 2:38 pm

Yeah Taz all that could happen but it would be a irresponsible person to let this happen for instance one would think careful consideration would be taken on who the game involved and adults involved should take care of 12yr olds playing with them same as martial arts ,boxing, football what ever sport where there is a chance of injury then it comes back to the parent/ guardian deciding whether it is appropriate for that 12yr old to join in considering any dangers involved

Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by trekin » 08 Jul 2019, 2:54 pm

Yeah Taz all that could happen but it would be a irresponsible person to let this happen for instance one would think careful consideration would be taken on who the game involved and adults involved should take care of 12yr olds playing with them same as martial arts ,boxing, football what ever sport where there is a chance of injury then it comes back to the parent/ guardian deciding whether it is appropriate for that 12yr old to join in considering any dangers involved

Quiet right there GDB, problems is, there are now too many people not wantng to take that responsibility, and are willing to let others legislate nanny state laws to absolve them of those responsibilities.
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by on_one_wheel » 08 Jul 2019, 3:45 pm

Somebody think about the children :lol:
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They love it.
I'd rather take my kids out for some genuine exercise playing paintball rather than letting them vegitate out playing endless gory shooting computer games while they graze on junk food.
And those red welts can be payback for being little s**ts
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by bigrich » 08 Jul 2019, 3:49 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Somebody think about the children :lol:

They love it.
I'd rather take my kids out for some genuine exercise playing paintball rather than letting them vegitate out playing endless gory shooting computer games while they graze on junk food.
And those red welts can be payback for being little s**ts

:lol: :lol: :lol: good on ya :thumbsup:
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 4:55 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Somebody think about the children :lol:

They love it.
I'd rather take my kids out for some genuine exercise playing paintball rather than letting them vegitate out playing endless gory shooting computer games while they graze on junk food.
And those red welts can be payback for being little s**ts

So what your saying without saying is... we can punish our kids now by shooting them with a paint ball marker - as long as they are over 12 and as long as we keep a receipt from the family paintball game last week (cough cough)...ok now we are on the money!!

Run you little bustard
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 5:03 pm

trekin wrote:
TassieTiger wrote:But GB, A computer game doesn’t have consequences - it theoretically lives and remains in the mind.
A game of Paint ball, people literally drop on the ground in pain from your shooting, your running around on adrenaline trying to not get hit, but constant banging of bullets into obstacles, around your head, reminds you, this is going to hurt - and has real consequences...emotions are running high...
On the other side of the coin maybe - if you were an adult player, you do not know whom is on the other team - imagine shooting someone in the head and it turns out that it’s a 12yr old kid, now screaming in agony from your do you feel - harden up? Don’t play ? Stuff him - he chose to play, he should know better??
How about wait til 14 or 15 when a little more maturity helps make a more informed decision.

Put it this way for those that haven’t played it - would you be happy for your 12 year olds to go to a “game” carrying your 800 feet .177 pellet rifles - shooting cotton tips at each other - wearing safety glasses?...they hurt about the same at 15 ft lol. A decent shot in the gonads and the kid won’t be paying csa...

You do understand that there are lower powered markers just for kids, don't you; ... -for-kids/ I would be very surpised that ANY club/Assc would entertain the thought of letting children go into the field with the standard stuff, or let them play against adults using the same???

All I can say - they were not available at the time / place where I went - because until now, they wouldn’t have had to be - due to law dictating a 16 year min.
I can recall my 12yo pleading with me last year to have a go...wanting me to lie about his age, wanting me to sign his stat dec that he printed out...
The way it works is that you can turn up with yourself, 2 or 3 or 4 ppl - or more - but you will be assigned in with up to 10 others on your team and 15 ppl on the other team.
You have to have some trust that the ppl playing the game will not be knob jockies and the judges dictate rules like - no shooting inside 10m, only similar powered weapons on the field at same time, only certain colour paint, etc.
BUT it all goes out the window when the whistle blows...I copped a shot in the mouth guard and vomited from the paint. Someone else copped a shot in back of neck, whilst he had hand up...he lost it and ran at the shooter very angry’s highly emotional and very, very charged...
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by on_one_wheel » 08 Jul 2019, 5:13 pm

TassieTiger wrote:
on_one_wheel wrote:Somebody think about the children :lol:

They love it.
I'd rather take my kids out for some genuine exercise playing paintball rather than letting them vegitate out playing endless gory shooting computer games while they graze on junk food.
And those red welts can be payback for being little s**ts

So what your saying without saying is... we can punish our kids now by shooting them with a paint ball marker - as long as they are over 12 and as long as we keep a receipt from the family paintball game last week (cough cough)...ok now we are on the money!!

Run you little bustard

I think your getting a little carried away Tassie.
You've made your point well known that you don't like the idea of children precipitating in paintball and that's fine. I'm sure we all respect your opinion.

Personally I like the fact that we have been allowed the choice to let our children get involved if we wish. That's what freedom is made of.
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 5:30 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:
TassieTiger wrote:
on_one_wheel wrote:Somebody think about the children :lol:

They love it.
I'd rather take my kids out for some genuine exercise playing paintball rather than letting them vegitate out playing endless gory shooting computer games while they graze on junk food.
And those red welts can be payback for being little s**ts

So what your saying without saying is... we can punish our kids now by shooting them with a paint ball marker - as long as they are over 12 and as long as we keep a receipt from the family paintball game last week (cough cough)...ok now we are on the money!!

Run you little bustard

I think your getting a little carried away Tassie.
You've made your point well known that you don't like the idea of children precipitating in paintball and that's fine. I'm sure we all respect your opinion.

Personally I like the fact that we have been allowed the choice to let our children get involved if we wish. That's what freedom is made of.

Carried away? No mate - it’s called a joke and it’s called a IE forum. My opinion means exactly squat, exactly s**t - I’m under zero illusion there. Maybe I’ve added some info into the thread that might make ppl think a little - maybe not. It matters not either way really. It’s just an opinion garnished with a bit of sarcastic humour.

I agree, Your right about choice - that’s what it’s all about. Previous to the law change, there wasn’t a choice so I agree that’s a good thing (despite the age thing) - hopefully enough parents will be responsible enough to at least research the game before giving in to their whining and demanding kids.
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by on_one_wheel » 08 Jul 2019, 5:47 pm

Sorry Tassie, I thought you were being full blown serious and about to go postal on us :lol:

I didn't realise that you were playing the devil's advocate :thumbsup:
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Re: Interesting changes to paintball laws..

Post by TassieTiger » 08 Jul 2019, 6:57 pm

All good - not often I am serious about much :-)
Except the post. Where’s my freakin 300wm you bustards!!!!
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
CZ455 .22 & Norinco .22 (vtex 4-12, bush 3-9)
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