Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Varminting and vertebrate pest control. Small game, hunting feral goats, foxes, dogs, cats, rabbits etc.

Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 04 Nov 2019, 8:56 pm

You know the deal , bring the rifle on a little trip through the paddocks if you have to fix a gate up the back just in case and you never see anything but forget to take the rifle and you will be guaranteed to see something........I decided to take a trip down to northern nsw to spend time with dad on his new farm ( great dividing range ) I’m told there’s a dingo been scampering up towards the back bush but travelling down the front to the low country as well. there’s a dead calf down the bottom so sure as hell as soon as it’s dark he will be trotting down the front paddock to visit that calf I lay here now on a mattress outside listening to the crickets knowing the dingo is probably on the carcass and there’s not a damn thing I can do about because this was just a social visit and the rifle with thermal scope is locked away back home in the safe .....bugger
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Die Judicii » 04 Nov 2019, 9:43 pm

That'll learn ya,,,,,,,,,, :lol:

That being said, I travelled an hour once, and got there to find that i had the rifle, but no ammo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :oops: :thumbsdown:
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by NTSOG » 05 Nov 2019, 5:51 am


I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only bloke to drive to a property, unload my gear and walk up a long hill, set up under a large tree and find I forgot my ammo. Bugger!

Posts: 577

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 05 Nov 2019, 5:53 am

Many yrs ago three of us went bowhunting at Tenterfield or wallangarra I can’t remember for the weekemnd , Adam bought his bow but forgot his arrows. So everywhere we went that weekend was more of a walk than a hunt for him. And we laughed about it all weekend
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Nov 2019, 9:24 pm

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Dam, fogot the ammo. Yep, done that.
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Hunt safe.
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Harrynsw » 05 Nov 2019, 9:30 pm

Never done it on a trip, but have gotten to the range and:
A) left the bolts at home x 2
B) left my licence at home x 2
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New South Wales

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by 8x57 » 06 Nov 2019, 8:53 am

It’s always a worry you’ll forget something vital when going hunting I normally travel 8 hours for a hunt, I do a bit of double checking before leaving house
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Stix » 06 Nov 2019, 9:48 am

So blr...did you 'forget' the rifle...?

I ask because at the end of the post you mention its a social visit, this almost indicates you knowingly left the rifle at home... :unknown:

Ive gone to fstm spotlighting before...unpack everything & got no spotlight...
Thsnkfully the farmer had one--wasnt great, but was better than what i had in the car...
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by YoungSC » 06 Nov 2019, 10:16 am

Before I got my shooting toolbox and other processes organised, I turned up at the club for a Field Rifle shoot without my magazine. Had the ammo though.

Turned around and went home again.
Posts: 61

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 06 Nov 2019, 12:31 pm

Stix , You are correct. Dads previous 250 acres had dingoes but in the 30 yrs of visiting him I always knew they would be hard to get. So now that he has moved and only 50 acres to play with and only 15 mins from a major town I thought the hunting opportunities on the new place to be very slim ... so I never gave a thought to taking the rifle on a social visit. But next time I’ll make sure it’s with me ...but I think I’ll have to warn his new neighbours that might here a shot at 2 am. His neighbours are now a lot closer than on the previous block of land. .... I’m probably going to give the pigs a miss for a few months during this heat mainly because it’s a massive operation to get there. I’m going to concentrate on some wild dogs that are only 100 k from home .....are you finding time to get away.?
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by GQshayne » 06 Nov 2019, 7:47 pm

Went hunting last year with my cousin (he has not hunted a lot) and after a fruitless hunt I suggested we have a look at a spot for a prospective hunt that afternoon. There was a dam that we thought had a channel running off it, but we were not certain where it was. Time to go for a look.

So we get to the dam, get out of the car and walk to the fence, just to see if the channel ran off it, that was all. Experience has taught me that pigs tend to be where you find them Grasshopper, so always be prepared. I grabbed my BLR, and my cousin asked me "Do you need that". After my response he then grabbed his BLR, and lo and behold there is 4 pigs camped up in the grass.
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Stix » 12 Nov 2019, 11:36 am

Blr243 wrote:Stix , You are correct. Dads previous 250 acres had dingoes but in the 30 yrs of visiting him I always knew they would be hard to get. So now that he has moved and only 50 acres to play with and only 15 mins from a major town I thought the hunting opportunities on the new place to be very slim ... so I never gave a thought to taking the rifle on a social visit. But next time I’ll make sure it’s with me ...but I think I’ll have to warn his new neighbours that might here a shot at 2 am. His neighbours are now a lot closer than on the previous block of land. .... I’m probably going to give the pigs a miss for a few months during this heat mainly because it’s a massive operation to get there. I’m going to concentrate on some wild dogs that are only 100 k from home .....are you finding time to get away.?

That just doesnt compute to me mate...
A long drive to a farm without a gun in the car...
Not having a crack, but i honestly dont get that... :unknown:
:) ive not been getting out there...
Went on Sat but it was crap, & i shot like double crap...
A couple of months without regular trigger time in the feild has done me no favours...not trusting range finder...wrong wind calls...hestiation...bit anxious...bit flinchy...& both missing & gut shot rabbits at 250 yds... :roll:

And too windy to target shoot too... :evil:

Very deflating... :(

Maybe i should have left my guns at home too...
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
Posts: 3675
South Australia

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 12 Nov 2019, 1:12 pm

Sometimes it gets like that. I have managed to juggle a bit of work around my next trip and I have a definite fri night booked in the hills I have really only hunted the place morning and arv and that was with a 22 and a useless night vision scope. Now that I have my vmax 243 and thermal scope I’m much better equipped to deal with a dog. This is the first full night hunt over a dam and glassing the surrounding valley. I have a couple of dingo howls on my phone and a small Bluetooth speaker. Will definitely remember to pack the rifle this time. The owner of the land likes me but I would like to cement the relationship with a dog hanging of the back of my Ute
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Stix » 12 Nov 2019, 8:29 pm

Yes that would be a good look...!!!

Good luck...!!
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
Posts: 3675
South Australia

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 13 Nov 2019, 10:34 am

Thank you stix. There’s no in between with wild dog / dingo hunting. It will be either a very boring or very exciting evening. But I’ll never ever know if I never ever go. I’m definitely not going to get one sitting here in my bedroom
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Stix » 14 Nov 2019, 9:07 am

Thats true blr...!!

Just leave the aftershave at home...!!..& dont do what someone did with me...

Was going out to hopefully knock a menacing deer or 2 at night under light...
Id already told him it might be touch & go with the forcast for wind direction.

I couldnt believe it when he got in my car...
Fsir dinkum smelt like he'd jumped through a concrete sheep dip tank full of old spice, then rolled in baby/talc powder...FFS...!!!

No kidding, was like id imagine a blokes beauty parlour would smell like...

Apparently i dont know ehat im talking about though & worried too much...because deer wont smell you from 180 yds down wind... :roll:

It goes without saying the night was a success if wasting fuel was the desired outcome.... :roll:
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
Posts: 3675
South Australia

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 14 Nov 2019, 1:38 pm

My dog does not wear aftershave. And when he goes to the groomer for a wash they have strict instruction not to put gay cologne on him. He is a dog not a ballet dancer. He eats dry food and water , never complains about which CD is playing while on the way to the hunting block. Fartsv about once every 500 k , does not mind if I leave him tied up to the quad for an hour perfect hunting partner. Once while camped with the dog under blankets in winter Deisel wiggled around so he could poke his head outside. Held his head high and sniffed then snuggled up again under the blankets completely covered up. Maybe two minutes later he did the same thing and then buried himself under the blankets again to keep warm. A minute later I thought I better check on that so I grabbed the thermal binos and sure enough thes a fox trotting across the paddock at least 150 m away. There was a firm wind blowing from the fox towards me and my dog was behind me. So either the foxes scent has somehow got under the covers made its way around my body and across to my dogs nose , or it’s scent blew through the doona and across me to my dog ....... so that pretty friend of yours that thinks 180 m is safe. Let us just both agree that he was not correct this time .......all is not lost , He was probably a very good gate opener
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by GQshayne » 14 Nov 2019, 9:31 pm

I know pigs have an excellent sense of smell. I had always read this and followed the wind direction when hunting, but got a real good example one day. I was staking out a dam, with the wind blowing across me a bit. Not perfect but ok for the country I thought the pigs would be in. Me and the old man settled in. After a while we saw about half a dozen piglets - almost too small to be on their own really. Mooching along as pigs do, grunting among themselves. It gave us a good chuckle watching them. But I had drawn a bit of a mental line where the wind was, and I was interested in what these tiny pigs would do when they crossed that line. In a remote spot, they would never have encountered man before.

So they shuffled along happily until the first one came to my imaginary line. Its nose went up in an instant, followed by all the others, and they turned and ran back immediately. Two seconds maybe.
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 14 Nov 2019, 9:49 pm

Once while swimming in an extremely remote waterhole in north q on the cape ( it was a bloody huge swamp about 7000 miles from anything ) and we were of the opinion that many of the animals there had never seen a man or a vehicle. A boar wandered out of the cane grass and into the swamp with us and had a swim too Sometimes we were swimming and sometimes we were standing. He was about 15 m from us and watching us with curiosity because we were the strangest thing he had ever seen It was bizarre ....eventually he just wandered off
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 14 Nov 2019, 9:52 pm

Once while swimming in an extremely remote waterhole in north q on the cape ( it was a bloody huge swamp about 7000 miles from anything ) and we were of the opinion that many of the animals there had never seen a man or a vehicle. A boar wandered out of the cane grass and into the swamp with us and had a swim too Sometimes we were swimming and sometimes we were standing. He was about 15 m from us and watching us with curiosity because we were the strangest thing he had ever seen It was bizarre ....eventually he just wandered off
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by GQshayne » 15 Nov 2019, 8:09 pm

That's funny.
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Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Elmer » 17 Nov 2019, 11:21 am least the rifle is safe :roll:
Posts: 727
South Australia

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Member-Deleted » 17 Nov 2019, 2:46 pm

He was probably wondering how many days it would take him to eat you obviously too long so he walked away but a lizard may not have :thumbsup: :drinks:

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Am88 » 18 Nov 2019, 3:21 pm

I missed a healthy looking wild dog on Saturday morning because of this, didn't necessarily leave it at home, but it was locked in the toolbox, I was on my way to the father in laws farm for some corn field overwatch, and this time I cut through on a gazetted road that comes to the back of the paddocks to try surprise some pigs, I was running late and NORMALLY I'd pull up and at least get out the .222 just in case as I can shoot on the neighbors blocks as well, and alas, there it was on the side of the road trotting along, by the time I pulled up, pulled the rifle which at least had the torch mounted I only caught a look at his ass as he disappeared into the mango tree's with me chasing him.
Posts: 295

Re: Forgot to put the rifle in the Ute

Post by Blr243 » 18 Nov 2019, 3:38 pm

I’ve swam with more freshwater crocs than u can poke a stick at but I’m normally incredibly cautious in saltwater croc country and you will find me a long way from the bank. But in the freshwater billabongs and swamps 2 or 3 hundred k from the coast I have stuffed up on three occasions and I have realised sooner or later one way or another that I simply should not have been in those 3 waterholes
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