Maximum mag size for a bolt action rifle in WA

Questions about Western Australian gun and ammunition laws. W.A. Firearms Act 1973.

Re: Maximum mag size for a bolt action rifle in WA

Post by Shotfox » 10 Jun 2014, 9:20 am

I bet you have one of those whipper snippers with endless cord as well
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 192
New South Wales

Re: Maximum mag size for a bolt action rifle in WA

Post by Aster » 10 Jun 2014, 9:43 am

MeccaOz wrote:I was convinced thats why we have kids? Gun bearers and ammo loaders... right?

No such luck here. I've got to do my own busy work.
See you on the firing line.
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Re: Maximum mag size for a bolt action rifle in WA

Post by Daz » 07 Apr 2020, 7:43 pm

I had a Remington 7615 pump .223 and had a a couple of 30 round AR mags which SAPOL firearms branch had no issue with, I had them email me that it was ok as there is no limit in any categories in SA except cat C. I printed an laminated the email and kept it in the safe so if I had an audit I was covered. I assumed all states would be the same

Oops... I just realised this was a 6 year old thread
Henry H001 .22 , Winchester 94 Sioux 30-30 , Marlin 1895GBL 45-70 , Miroku MK70 12G , Dickinson T1000 Camo 12G , Beretta 92FS 9mm
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South Australia

Re: Maximum mag size for a bolt action rifle in WA

Post by Ziege » 07 Apr 2020, 8:07 pm

No limit, but you can't import anything bigger than 10 round I think domestic products are open season, I have a heap of 25 shot mags and some others in 20 shot, both rim and centerfire. All store bought all bought in WA, I don't divulge too much about what for what because a lot of break ins in our district (however two of the main culprits are likely not an issue anymore, one in prison for 7 years no bail and yet to face more charges and the other was electrocuted to death recently) so keep a bit of a lid on it.... But if you can buy or make it local knock yaself out.

Oops also realised just commented on an old thread as well haha
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Posts: 964
Western Australia

Re: Maximum mag size for a bolt action rifle in WA

Post by Diamond Jim » 08 Apr 2020, 1:01 am

Many tube mag .22s have a magazine capacity exceeding 10 rounds and continue to be legal. My Rossi has 10 rounds in .357M but can squeeze more in if loaded with .38Sp.
Listing your firearms is as good as a fingerprint.
Diamond Jim
Posts: 392
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