Corona virus

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Corona virus

Post by allthegearandnoidea » 27 Jan 2020, 12:39 pm

This has the scope to play out like the bushfire clusterf$%ck. I hope the PM has no travel plans. I just hope he has a plan. Govt needs to get out in front of this now and outline step by step and trigger points for national action. Hope he doesnt palm it off to the states.

Tourism took a beating over Christmas due to fires. Now China has banned group travel out of the country - a huge loss for us.

Who will be the first pollie to politicise this?
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Re: Corona virus

Post by marksman » 27 Jan 2020, 2:02 pm

l think the only way to stop this virus is to stop people from china going anywhere :unknown: keep it contained where it should be :thumbsup:

we cant say we really know anything about this virus, if the chinese people dont trust their government to be transparent how can we :unknown:
we also cannot trust what has been put in the media or what our pollies will do or say about it
l'm sure it will turn into a circus by our pollies and we will have to buy more carbon credits to combat the virus :roll:

some of the things that have come out in social media by the chinese people is being disputed by the chinese government :wtf:
l think it needs to be looked into carefully but where there's smoke there is usually fire :unknown:

l also think our country should not be as reliant on tourism for a wage, we should not be a country that is just a supplier for others to get wealthy :drinks:
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Re: Corona virus

Post by RoginaJack » 27 Jan 2020, 2:13 pm

marksman wrote:
l also think our country should not be as reliant on tourism for a wage, we should not be a country that is just a supplier for others to get wealthy :drinks:
- Spot on ! We're doing a bloody good job of it so far.

Here on the Gold Coast, we are starting to see cases popping up with more tests to come.
The private schools have sent letters out to parents of returning pupils re the Virus. I suppose if one can get out of China, where would a person like to be hospitalized - Australia (Gold Coast, with a few cases) or China?
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Re: Corona virus

Post by allthegearandnoidea » 27 Jan 2020, 2:26 pm

Our exposure to China is massive. Besides the obvious resources and tourism, there is education. According to an expert...

"Australian universities are extraordinarily exposed to the Chinese market, and by extraordinarily I mean that the Australian universities have a multiple of several times the number of Chinese students of any comparable university in the world. The University of Sydney is atop the list, with fees from Chinese students totalling $500 million dollars in 2017 — or one fifth of its total annual revenue.." Centre for Independent Studies.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by No1Mk3 » 27 Jan 2020, 2:42 pm

I'm a lot less worried about this virus which has killed very few, than I am about the flu virus which kills tens of thousands annually. We do very little to control influenza and the public do not choose to vaccinate at high enough levels. Corona will play out, even if it evolves a more toxic strain it will never equal the flu. Let's keep a sense of perspective about it, Cheers.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Clem » 27 Jan 2020, 2:57 pm

The fact is it has spread to Australia, that is a huge failure on our behalf.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 27 Jan 2020, 4:35 pm

Lol, i see the media is yet again making a mountain out of a mole hill.

And the keyboard experts of social media (including enoughgun) are passing their experts opinions n how we can solve this global catastrophe.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Jan 2020, 4:39 pm

Indications are that of those who contract it about 3% die. A bit different to normal flue that arrives every year.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by JimTom » 27 Jan 2020, 5:27 pm

The lighter side of it.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by tom604 » 27 Jan 2020, 5:40 pm

five days + for symptoms to show,80 plus dead(according to china :unknown: ) 2500 odd cases (again according to China) most deadly to the old or young,,cities on lockdown,, seems like they are panicing a bit. Spanish flu mutated after the first wave ,the second wave did the damage so if its anything like that we could be in a bit of trouble :violin:
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Jan 2020, 6:04 pm

So, last yesr repo r t of flu,,

The latest figures show there have been nearly 59,000 laboratory confirmed notifications of influenza in Australia for 2019, while close to 100 deaths have been recorded across NSW, South Australia and Victoria.

Far fewer
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Re: Corona virus

Post by allthegearandnoidea » 27 Jan 2020, 6:46 pm

And the keyboard experts of social media (including enoughgun) are passing their experts opinions n how we can solve this global catastrophe

Nobody is pretending to be an expert - just expressing concern and discussing a current issue. Your comment is the kind of unhelpful smartarsery we can do without.

My concern is for the tourism industry now that group travel has been banned ex China.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by marksman » 27 Jan 2020, 6:56 pm

allthegearandnoidea wrote:
Nobody is pretending to be an expert - just expressing concern and discussing a current issue. Your comment is the kind of unhelpful smartarsery we can do without.

My concern is for the tourism industry now that group travel has been banned ex China.

+1 :thumbsup:
back to your true old self for some reason ziad :roll:

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Re: Corona virus

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 27 Jan 2020, 8:34 pm

Clem wrote:The fact is it has spread to Australia, that is a huge failure on our behalf.

My comment was directly after this comment. And i was "Beijing" sarcastic about catastrophe. You all have a nice evening.

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Last edited by Sergeant Hartman on 27 Jan 2020, 8:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Stix » 27 Jan 2020, 8:42 pm

Ziad wrote:Lol, i see the media is yet again making a mountain out of a mole hill.

And the keyboard experts of social media (including enoughgun) are passing their experts opinions n how we can solve this global catastrophe.

Sheepers...ease up ol'kock...!!...You calling folk here keyboard experts... :unknown: :oops:

Maybe you could go back to that other thread know-- worrying about Trump...

Or is this his fault too...?.... :unknown:


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Re: Corona virus

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 27 Jan 2020, 8:45 pm

And with nice words like that you wonder why your threads get canned.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by No1_49er » 27 Jan 2020, 9:08 pm

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Re: Corona virus

Post by Stix » 27 Jan 2020, 9:51 pm

Ziad wrote:And with nice words like that you wonder why your threads get canned.

Words like what...? :problem:

And i thought you'd said g'nite... :unknown:

Ah righto... :)
I missed the sarcasm bit... :)
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Re: Corona virus

Post by marksman » 27 Jan 2020, 11:19 pm

:lol: :clap:
yep back to your true old self ziad :roll:

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Re: Corona virus

Post by Clem » 28 Jan 2020, 4:02 am

Ziad wrote:The fact is it has spread to Australia, that is a huge failure on our behalf.

My comment was directly after this comment. And i was "Beijing" sarcastic about catastrophe. You all have a nice evening.


You’re disputing the fact the virus has spread to Australia? Or you think it’s acceptable that an emerging virus anywhere in the world can make it into Australia so quickly.

The CoronaVirus May turn out to be a storm in a teacup, but one day, a virus may emerge that is more serious and I wonder if we are prepared for that.

My post meant nothing more or nothing less than that.

I feel dumber for having to explain myself against your assumptions.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by trekin » 28 Jan 2020, 7:21 am

Ziad wrote:Lol, i see the media is yet again making a mountain out of a mole hill.

And the keyboard experts of social media (including enoughgun) are passing their experts opinions n how we can solve this global catastrophe.

Yep, 80 odd deaths out off a population of 1.35 billion is pretty low, even in a country with third world health care services. The common flu kills roughly 35,000 people a year and hospitalizes about 200,000 in the United States alone, which only has a populaion of 327 million. however, China was ground zero for the last two global coronavirus epidemics SARS and MERS, so hitting the panic button sooner this time might be their way of trying to save face.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 28 Jan 2020, 8:05 am

Agreed with that mate, it could be the next big thing, it could be germ warfare gone bad. it could be like Ebola and spread from animals to humans.... or just nothing.

But it is the world we live in now, where people can travel across oceans and thousands of miles in hours/days well before symptoms develop. Maybe clem can tell us how he can stop that apart from closing Australian borders permanently.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 28 Jan 2020, 8:34 am

And clem, i understood what you are saying... you didn't understand what i said.

Seeing the first cases were reported on the 31st Dec of an unknown type of pneumonia, and China confirmed it to be a new form of cronovirus on the 7th Jan. And by atleast one study that says patients can show no symptoms..... how do you think Australia could stop the spread of this (or any similar) disease into Australia?
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Re: Corona virus

Post by tom604 » 28 Jan 2020, 8:48 am

5+ days 'before' you show any symptoms,,and your infectious for those 5 days,you go to the airport,wait 2 to 3 hours. infect ,lets say three randoms and three on your plane,plane ride for 5 hours, by then those three are about ready to start infecting,you give it to two randoms as you leave the airport,the three on your plane give it to their family,the randoms that you gave it to at the airports have now moved on and given it to others and if one of those randoms work at the airport or on a plane they have infected a lot more than two or three,remember the bug can live outside the body for quite a while and you can get infected from touching infected material not just an infected person. then you get the symptoms all the while infecting others and they are infecting others and so on,,and then :violin: :violin: :allegedly: :welcome:
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Re: Corona virus

Post by bigrich » 28 Jan 2020, 4:46 pm

Ziad wrote:Agreed with that mate, it could be the next big thing, it could be germ warfare gone bad. it could be like Ebola and spread from animals to humans.... or just nothing.

But it is the world we live in now, where people can travel across oceans and thousands of miles in hours/days well before symptoms develop. Maybe clem can tell us how he can stop that apart from closing Australian borders permanently.

i recall reading the spanish flu epidemic , spread by soldiers and refugees from WW1 , had a death toll of 19 million people . more than the "great war" itself :wtf:
a new virus is actually overdue , and in the modern world of international air travel almost impossible to contain without closing borders. i do think that this coronavirus ( i'm safe stix, i only drink coopers :lol: ) , is the latest disaster/shock story that our reputable , honest media , seek to run a story on , at the moment . time will tell . a fella at work got a fake health warning about going into the suburb of sunnybank in brisbane cause it has a high ratio of chinese living there :roll: . do a google, i found it ;)

:drinks: :drinks: :thumbsup:
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Bill » 28 Jan 2020, 5:26 pm

while interesting to see if global scientist are quick to come with a cheap vaccine ... y-come-too
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Prepping for corona and the breakdown of society

Post by Potatoes » 28 Jan 2020, 9:13 pm

Hey any ideas what are good economical long life foods to stock up on when the corona virus hits and our government goes underground in hawaii and leaves us under the control and martial law of unelected ngos? Rations or tinned goods?
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Re: Prepping for corona and the breakdown of society

Post by Blr243 » 28 Jan 2020, 9:17 pm

Fried potatoes
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Re: Prepping for corona and the breakdown of society

Post by Bruiser64 » 28 Jan 2020, 9:25 pm

Dried staples such as rice, flour, Various types of beans, chick peas. Also salt, dried spices, dried fruits and possibly meats such as salamis, Biltong and jerky. These things have a very long shelf life and you get a lot of food in a relatively compact package. The principle is you are buying foodstuffs with a very long storage life. You then turn it into meals. Having said that I believe it is too early to tell how this will turn out. It is a “watch and act” situation. Also history indicates societies are in general very resilient and adaptable. The a Great War was a hugely disruptive and catastrophic event. This was exacerbated by post war disruptions through civil wars, revolutions, financial crises and the Spanish Flu. In spite of this societies continued. Not in the same way as they were at the end of July 1914. But they continued.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Stix » 29 Jan 2020, 9:16 am

The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
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