National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by AussieCapitalist » 18 Apr 2020, 3:24 pm

trekin wrote:
Here is their website and if you can afford it please join and help the fight for our sport.
As a QLDer thanks for the help in fighting these restrictions.
HOWEVER, you are doing the shooting community, here, and in general, a disservice and further fractioning the community by implying that your organisation is the only one doing anything. SUQ and a couple of hundred thousand LAFO would take umbrage at that statement, as working together we have rolled back 70% of the restrictions up here.

Mate this is not the time for emails and social media posts. Other organisations are advocates nothing more. They do not take the proper action that is required, they are simply all talk and the time for talk is over.

70% of the restrictions that make up only about a quarter of the sales. There is nothing to be proud about getting thrown a few crumbs from labor after they moved the goal post in the first place. Things have gotten worse since 1996 not better and unless an organisation is taking legal action than it is all meaningless. People can do their part by writing to their local MP often and even go seeing them and reminding them that the QLD election is in October and you are a single issue voter but all that matters now is legal action. I hope you can see this mate. Its nothing personal its just time to make your stand that you have had enough.
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by bigrich » 18 Apr 2020, 3:32 pm

marksman wrote:personally l didn't get all bent up about it but you have to give credit where its due

Aliqua has been man enough to apologised, lMHO let it go and move on

+1 i just wanted more clarification on aliqua's veiws and the why . thanks for taking the time and effort to reply aliqua :thumbsup:
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by bigrich » 18 Apr 2020, 3:35 pm

Grandadbushy wrote:Thank you Aliqua for taking the time to explain a little further and you are right to try and have as much exact information and explain it fully because some one will definitely pick up on it and take you to task. So with all that said it still leaves the fact that what the gov has done in closing down gun shops and such does not ring true to the whole reason for doing so , yes they could be doing it for illegal dealings but that would infer that gun shop owners were doing something illegal . now you talk about issuing tickets to illegal activity by drivers and rightly so but a law abiding driver is not presumed a drink driver or a speeder yet with the gun laws gun owners are being treated as potential ( should I say murders) and our guns are slowly being taken from us yet with the illegal driving only the people that actually break the law are punished .
We can say that only the people that break the gun laws get punished but we all know it flows down to the law abiding as well. Governments don't listen to stats unless it is in their favour , they don't listen to common sense debate as their agenda as I see it is to remove all guns even from the law abiding owners , they don't want to work to develop a more acceptable outcome for sport shooters and hunters . A law abiding gun owner is no more a threat to people than a law abiding road user but both have rebels and they alone should be dealt with without reprisal to lawful people and on saying that I know for sure the law makers know this but it's not the target (excuse the pun) they're aiming for . I for one would like to see more transparency from the gov when they deal with gun owners and the laws on gun issues. :thumbsup:

good to see your back too grandad. you've always given well written, common sensed replies and posts

welcome back :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :thumbsup:
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Grandadbushy » 18 Apr 2020, 4:07 pm

Yeah AC very good points but in fairness to Aliqua he did explain some what what he had done and to be honest as OB has said we all have either wrote or said something that when we look back on it we think Sh-t why did I say or write that , I have a couple of mates in the force and we often have hot debates on why they always look for the bad in people they say it's their job and even if they are retired it takes years if ever to loose this mentality this is why we are treated the way we are as gun owners '' a potential felon'' Fair ''no'', proper ''no'', doing any good ''no '' criminals still go about their business regardless, saving anymore lives ''no'' so you see this way of thinking is only for control it has nothing to do with right or wrong , this whole gun law thing was brought in when John Howard was looking down the throat of loosing the next election so he was advised that gun laws would drag in more votes or maybe enough to get past the post then Port Arthur and Martin Bryant came as a scape goat and the cogs were set in motion as emotions were high, even in the pro gun people, it also swung those sitting on the fence , gun laws were forced upon the people regardless of the opposition within the political ranks, well the rest is history he got his wish and the gun laws were put in place and it seem to be the go to honey pot for votes and they use every opportunity to visit it hence the closure of the gun shops using the virus and false information (ie) Domestic Violence to tighten the gun laws in a round about way like gaining more authority to do so , why ?, its votes and their mentality it makes it look as though they are doing something for the people while they tighten the grip on gun laws and capture votes on the way
Posts: 392

Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by TassieTiger » 18 Apr 2020, 4:10 pm

There are a lot of ppl out there - including heaps of our political representatives - who somehow believe you can walk into a shop and buy a gun - they just don’t understand the hoops, and I guess without looking into it, why would’s when those same ppl have a vote in legislation where it becomes abhorrent.
I recall a local minister in tassie once demanding a road closure, because motorcyclists - and this is as true as I write this - are leaning their bikes over to go around corners to show off...ffs.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Grandadbushy » 18 Apr 2020, 4:15 pm

Hey bigrich thanks for the welcome mate, how's your end of town all good I hope
Posts: 392

Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Stix » 18 Apr 2020, 4:45 pm

Well im going to reply for me... :)

Hey Aliqua...good on you for taking the time to reply to everyone... :thumbsup:

I wasnt, as i stated, trying to argumentative, & i wasnt offended either by the way. :)
I just didnt understand the fit n proper bit.

When i opened the page this morning i felt a bit bad that you had such a volley of questioning responses & wondered if you'd come back & reply as i was genuinely interested to hear your experiences... :) ...but as i said above good on you...& i appreciate your effort put into that. :)

Obviously a wording thing--nothing wrong with that...i rekon its hard to convey yourself in text, & its easy for what you mean to be lost in quick typing, & anyones interpretation &/or translation...

I still dont think stopping new gun sales is an appropriate thing to do...from an oppression point--if the checks are in place, they are in place & should be adhered to...
I just see it as, if they can pull the stunt & stop firearms being aqquired now, theyt can do it any time...& i get a bad feeling about all this, from an oppression point of view in the futuer...i really cant help thinking that the Govt will be learning A GREAT DEAL about our society as a whole now, moreso than they do with ANY election...& them learning how to use tactics against us from fear, is how they took our guns in the first hate for that to get worse & think we need to be very careful..
For what its worth, Im interested to see this part of the subject discussed further...mostly because it ISNT discussed on an intimate or specific level, & think we firearms owners would unite at a far greater rate if we did all get a grounding on peoples deeper perceptions & beliefs...

I respect your experiences from a law enforcers point of sure you/those guys see a lot of mind numbing rubbish every day--hell i know that & have been on the receiving end of coppers attitudes where i go to register my new guns, as there is a court nearby, so you would well know the sorts that i line up at the counter with...& when a copper is in a bad mood & at hour 8 of a 12 hr shift, & sees me standing there with gun, in a line up with junkies, parole check-ins, once pretty girl in torn clothing bare feet & meth sores all over their face wanting to press charges on her equally wasted partner because he threatened to kick the cats litter tray over the fence, im sure some of them have seen me as a punching bag knowing ill take it, because i cant very well confront them with their own abhorrent attitude, & want to get out of there, & they know it..! :lol:

Also as for coppers, there are also a few of them who arent on the side of what id call "better humans" a tradesman & have worked with & for every level of SAPOL, & even been involved on a Fed Police drug runner stakeout (nearly took out a Fed cop one night--he forgot to tell me he was on stake-out & i thought he was a baddie--he nearly went down hard-- :wtf: we laughed about it afterwards... :lol: phew')...

I once even had a copper pull the stand-over tactics with me & not pay for work & materials rightfully owed--using the intimidation & subtle threats of his powers in aluding to "you know what i could do to you..?..."...that guy was the true apitomy of why the coppers have the nik name "pigs"--im just thankful they are few & far between...!!
So these people you speak of not coming under the banner of "fit & proper" do also run into the law enforcers as well...& im not suggesting youd be one of them by the way...just that someone who speeds in a car, is not necessarily the worst person who could own a gun in our society, & thus i dont think this or similar examples should be in blanket use for discerning who is & who isnt to well trusetd with firearms ownership.
I say this, because while yes sometimes there are idiots who aquire guns, the responsibility that is bestowed on firearms ownership can be something to accelerate anyones given sense of responsibility & maturation in our society... :)
For example, Im sure there may be one or 2 of us here that would have thrown a punch over our time if it werent for our firearms licences... :thumbsup:

Anyway...i didnt take offence to your comments, & glad you answered...& i should also apologise if i was seemingly abrupt--i hadnt the intention of being so, but no doubt i conveyed a little emotion in my post.. :unknown: . :) :friends:

Having slightly differing beliefs in exceptions & boundaries of the various shutdowns is not something worth expending energy on to potentially get off side with, especially when we appear to be on the same page at the end of the day... :thumbsup:

All good stuff i rekon... :thumbsup: ...its a volatile subject for us, & coming out of it together is a strong sign of unity for us all... :)

The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...
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South Australia

Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 18 Apr 2020, 5:18 pm

Mate Aquilia, it is a good point. But there are two flaws in your logic.

Because the actions of a tiny percentage of licensed firearm users all firearm owners are punished.. So an equvalent would be because a small percentage of drivers drink and drive no one can buy or drive a car anymore.

While the reality atleast in driving is that those who do the crime are punished.

Secondly there was a definite increase in PTA applications, and while again some might be panicked buying, others might also be buying because the prices of firearms are rising due to the AUD fall. A simple pause in issue of PTA would have been a more easier thing to stomach.

And not eveyone hunts, some people just like to goto the range and shoot for fun... like golf. Ofcourse Golf is banned so i can understand shooting ranges be closed during covid19.
Last edited by Sergeant Hartman on 18 Apr 2020, 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by poid » 18 Apr 2020, 5:31 pm

Golf courses are still open in NSW, but the shooting ranges are closed. They could easily keep the ranges open too, but I'm guessing that the folk who play golf have a lot more sway with the pollies than shooters...
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New South Wales

Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Aliqua » 18 Apr 2020, 5:31 pm

Sergeant Hartman wrote:Mate Aquilia, it is a good point. But there are two flaws in your logic.

Because the Activision of a tiny percentage of licensed firearm users all firearm owners are punished.. So an equvalent would be because a small percentage of drivers drink and drive no one can buy or drive a car anymore.

While the reality is that those who do the crime are punished.

Secondly there was a definite increase in PTA applications, and while again some might be panicked buying, others might also be buying because the prices of firearms are rising due to the AUD fall. A simple pause in issue of PTA would have been a more easier thing to stomach.

And not eveyone hunts, some people just like to goto the range and shoot for fun... like golf. Ofcourse Golf is banned so i can understand shooting ranges be closed during covid19.

Thank-you Sgt Hartman. After reading that, I honestly can't agree with you more - you hit it right on the head with all of your examples. The actions of one, should not punish the many!

Only last week I posted about the increase in price for NF Scopes so it should have been evident to me there that this could have also been a reason.

I was unaware of the bombardment of legal issues and restrictions the community has faced over the years - and I'm sorry for about that. This is my first rifle (as of Monday!) so I guess whichever way the govt. goes with this in the long term, I stand beside you guys!

Thanks for the clarity, and thank-you to everyone for your input and giving me a chance to understand the community a little better. I am truly looking forward to more discussion in the future - truly!
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by AussieCapitalist » 18 Apr 2020, 5:53 pm

Thank you Aliqua for trying to understand mate. I know a lot of people are socially conditioned to think firearm owners are evil. Remember mate criminals do not follow the law, that's what makes them criminals. No subgroup is more regulated and scrutinised than firearm owners. Firearm owners are the most lawful members in society because the slightest infraction could see our firearms taken from us. A simple argument at the pub which could happen to anybody could see one have their property taken from them.
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Aliqua » 18 Apr 2020, 6:45 pm

AussieCapitalist wrote:Thank you Aliqua for trying to understand mate. I know a lot of people are socially conditioned to think firearm owners are evil. Remember mate criminals do not follow the law, that's what makes them criminals. No subgroup is more regulated and scrutinised than firearm owners. Firearm owners are the most lawful members in society because the slightest infraction could see our firearms taken from us. A simple argument at the pub which could happen to anybody could see one have their property taken from them.

Valid point. Accepted and agreed. Thanks everyone for sharing your points and understanding!
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Oldbloke » 18 Apr 2020, 6:53 pm

Hand shake.jpeg
Hand shake.jpeg (44.29 KiB) Viewed 4558 times

Well I'm glad that sorted out.
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Hunt safe.
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by TassieTiger » 18 Apr 2020, 6:54 pm

If only we could get the golfers off their courses and use their tees / greens as shooting golf lol.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 18 Apr 2020, 7:04 pm

Air rifle comps on golfing greens on days there is no golf..... rotgl
Sergeant Hartman
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by TassieTiger » 18 Apr 2020, 7:23 pm

Air rifle and 12g on par 3, 22’s on par 4’s and centres on par 5’s. Gives a whole new meaning to yelling out “FOUR!!!!!!!!!”
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
CZ455 .22 & Norinco .22 (vtex 4-12, bush 3-9)
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by bigrich » 18 Apr 2020, 7:44 pm

Grandadbushy wrote:Hey bigrich thanks for the welcome mate, how's your end of town all good I hope

not too bad grandad, my local range is still closed, but i'm looking into getting onto property for "pest control" got a mate looking into it. i think it qaulifies as essential travel if the land holder is in agreeance . got a letter from him as well, so i can pick up my model 70 i'm having rebarrelled into 358 win :D . it'll give me time to muck around with the stock/bedding and set up . i've just resized a heap of 308 PPU brass i was given . very easy process, i used a 8x57 die to step it up gradually . how's everything in the north ? are you guys gunna succeed from the south yet ? :lol: can't blame ya's cause of ugly anna palace-chook :lol:
i'm helping a mate deck out a bus and he's heading up your way soon. had enough of civilisation, he's going for rural work . he's got the experience, and i hear there's a labor shortage cause theres no back packers for fruit picking and such

:drinks: :drinks: :thumbsup:
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Grandadbushy » 18 Apr 2020, 8:04 pm

Yeah bigrich it's not too bad up here no rain for awhile but weathers nice warm but not too hot at the moment . yeah labour will be short this season mostly around Bowen where they grow tomatoes and a few other vegies like capsicums , rockmelon and more it's usually a back packers deal also our harvest for sugar cane starts in about 6-8 weeks so maybe luck there for him and old palace chook well i'm surprised she has survived this long in politics :thumbsup:
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Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Patriot » 23 Apr 2020, 11:57 am

AussieCapitalist wrote:The National Shooting Council have filed court cases in QLD,WA and VIC. The one in WA is for licence rejections due to the China virus and the QLD and VIC ones are for the dealer restrictions. Other organisations are taking your money and laughing in your face as they do nothing but send a few letters and social media posts. The time for talk is over and the time for legal action is now. All that matters is lawful action. If we lose this case we can know we tried our best and we will just keep taking them to court at every opportunity. Being a lawful firearm owner in this country is hard and has gotten harder but please it is time for everybody to stop bending over and start doing the bending(lawfully speaking).

Here is their website and if you can afford it please join and help the fight for our sport.

Was sceptical of this mob at first, after a bit of research decided to join, they look the goods.
Posts: 264

Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by Maxjon » 23 Apr 2020, 12:31 pm

Aliqua wrote:The concept of slowing down gun sales and ammunition is one that I stand for and while my first firearm was purchased in full and PTA was approved if I wasnt allowed to collect I didnt mind - I understood the bigger picture around community safety - given the fact that everyone who already had a gun could keep it, but they were stopping potential illigitment purchases. I don't need to explain my experience or why I have knowledge in this area but their call was valid.

I too understand closing ranges (groups of people coming together) and when you look at what defines a sporting event in legislation, ranges are like football or golf (for example). They cant rewrite all the various legislations to simply allow a couple of industries exemptions (I bet the fishing and football and golf forums are having the same discussions).

After saying that, I didnt believe that a ban on fishing and hunting was appropriate especially as others have said it is something you might do on your own, or possibly with members of your house hold family - not to mention school holidays are on and some families like to do these activities together. The only issue was the fact that so many people were not working and/or working from home and children were home, so popular places would collect a variety of people - of which it would he hard to police/control and prevent the spread.

These drastic changes have seen us go from 100's of new infections a day to less than 10... I'd much rather be in this position than one such as Italy, Spain or the USA.

Can't agree with the gun sales/ shops being stopped.
Posts: 99

Re: National Shooting Council Stops Bending Over

Post by AussieCapitalist » 29 Apr 2020, 12:19 pm

So apparently old mate president from shooters union has used shooters union funds to help NSC in their court battles in QLD,VIC and WA. The NSC are talking to SSAA, the Australian Deer association and Field and Game Australia as well.

This is good news.We need organisations to unite for greater political power. Petty stuff needs to be aside and focus needs to be on returning to common sense firearm laws as was the case before Howard. Nothing has been achieved since 1996, they have actually gotten worse. Cant shoot pistols on private land but can shoot rifles that use pistol ammo? That makes no sense.
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