Mecca, I was going to say ease up on the news story posting, but this one is a good example of fairfax reporting going stupid stoopid stoopider...
Lets break this one down...
Really, what kind of a reporter posts a huge picture of HIMSELF?? is he semi-retarded? Mr Pippos you are a tool. Let me guess, couldn't locate the stock photos of police press conference with the old table of sawn off 12g and 50's era rimfire rifles???
"It's also a diversion of sorts from the main problem - the political elephant in the room - being the inadequate storage of guns at residential properties."You FOOL it IS a diversion from the main problem CRIMINALS STEALING FIREARMS FROM COMPLIANT STORAGES and then the police being UNABLE OR UNWILLING TO CHASE AND CATCH THESE naturally great idea; chase the easy target, the lawful owner you know where they live, they are such a bunch of outlaws that they allowed the police to keep all their records on file, name, address, number and type of firearms, of course storage type and location on the property!!! and in certain cases even finger prints and associates...
then you continue:
However, gun thieves, many of them armed robbers, are not in the habit of returning their firearms to police. Police Minister Rene Hidding must act soon to amend gun storage laws.So hang on....the crims dont return the stolen guns so therefore the Police Minister MUST act on those lawful owners....
You are a legend as far as tools go....
If it costs gun owners more, then they will have to cop it.So, if we end up requiring a steel plate lined reinforced concrete strong room will full safe door.... else we cant keep our guns thats cool with you, right?
So how do you 'recreate'? Golf? If you had to increase your storage to the same suggested level that would be cool? “But but but, thats different, theyre sporting equipment and cant kill people with them...” riiiiiiight, golf clubs are not as dangerous as guns, hang on, you CAN kill someone quite easily with a club, and dead is dead.
You are a fool.
If thieves can blow up ATMs and make off with the cash, they certainly won't be deterred by the current firearm storage requirements.So therefore if firearm storage is as secure as a banks ATM........
You are a ..... mule, an ass.
Yes, an ass.
The statistics speak for themselves.Yes they do. Have you studied the statistics?
Well, in Tasmania during 2012 there were 70 unfortunate suicides, so first up we should ban suicides, but 26 were by hanging or strangulation so we should ban rope and toughen up rope storage requirements... (12 were with a firearm so we should ban suicide by firearm too, naturally) But its worse to kill yourself with a gun so the penalty should be harsher, that makes sense right?
Now there were 9 homicides in Tassy.
Perspective time;
4 homicides were by firearm (44%) , the proportion by firearm is however technically down on the previous year recorded as 3 of 5 (60%) for what its worth.
There were 9 deaths during the period involving complications of medical or surgical care....not from the illness but 'complications' of the care.
We'd better crackdown on doctor storage.
117 Taswegians dies from accidental injury, 52 from accidental FALLS! including ZERO accidental firearm deaths.
So time to ban high places, stair, beds, uneven or slippery surfaces
33 people died from transport accidents/incidents so obviously it is time to strengthen the car truck bike and bus storage and of course remove all footpaths and ped crossings from roads....
344 were attributed to mental or behavioural disorders, dont worry about THAT big white elephant in the room...
For the record, during 2012 in Tassy there were 4459 death from all causes, dont ask how many were from cancer and diseases of the circulatory system.....
So to sum up, there were no accidental death from firearm use, hasnt been one recorded since 2006. There were however 4 homicides involving firearms (at least they're pretty sure firearms were used) and 4 out of the last 10 years there were ZERO homicides by firearm. Annual average, considering the years with zero over the period is 1.7 deaths
....there were however resulting from metal health, transport means and otherwise accidental or less than adequate medical care a total of 566 deaths...
So yes Mr Dip$hit, its time to crack down on lawful firearm owners.
Apologies for the long post, I've been reviewing the latest ABS data release (would you believe?)
Further apologies for the talk of death and suicide, It is however of paramount importance to bring this topic to the light, not hide it, it wont go away and if you feeling that way please pick up the phone, even send a pm to someone online....
edit to add for Mr dipshit:[email protected]/DetailsPage/3303.02012?OpenDocument