Australian vs US vs China

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by marksman » 23 May 2020, 4:49 pm

" I mean how many posts i see here of howa love compared to lithgow which are double the price of howa. Even though lithgow is a better rifle?"

why do you say the lithgow is a better rifle :unknown:
“If you do not read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read the newspapers you are misinformed”. Mark Twain
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Shootin Stuff » 23 May 2020, 5:22 pm

Personally I would be overjoyed if this winter is a lot less nippy than the last.......
45/70, the only government I’ve ever seen that truly serves those who choose it.
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Tiger650 » 23 May 2020, 6:51 pm

The CCP is indeed rotten to the core and hopefully the whole s#itshow will collapse, possibly another Chinese civil war which would be unfortunate but perhaps brief if / when Taiwan becomes involved. .
Twiggy Forrest and Joel Fitzgibbon should both decorate the end of a piece of 5/8" oiled hemp, I know how to tie the necessary knot.
The current situation brings to mind Europe circa 1936, it perhaps need not be said that did not end well.
We certainly have no shortage of Neville Chamberlains nor Oswald Mosleys, "our" ABC is the communist Volkischer Beobachter.
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by marksman » 23 May 2020, 7:14 pm

Shootin Stuff wrote:Personally I would be overjoyed if this winter is a lot less nippy than the last.......

well said :thumbsup: :lol: l think it goes with the current trend of thought :drinks:

theres a lot being learnt because of the ccp virus, we do not need china and have been manufacturers before and will be again
l was talking to a farmer this morning who has been getting phone calls from a chinese land buyer for 4 years now because he had a 200 acre block up for sale but he wont sell to them and neither will anyone in the area although they offer very good money for it without even seeing it
the majority of people, actually all the people l have contact with are looking very carefully at what they buy trying to get an alternative to anything from china

l dont understand why as a beekeeper ziad you are not annoyed with the cheap chinese imported fake honey that is blended with australian honey then reexported as australian honey which means australia is now considered a high risk country to buy honey from because australian beekeeper’s are receiving an unfair price because it is blended with the chinese fake adulterated syrup. new zealand banned imports and their wholesale price of honey is $12 a kilogram because of imports australian beekeeper’s are being paid as low as $3.10 a kilogram. as a beekeeper you must be aware of this adulterated fake syrup that is hurting the local industry
your also probably aware that capilano LTD, has announced it will sell out and support a take over by a china focused consortium of private investors and that consortium player wattle hill RCH was founded by shrewd chinese businessman mr albert tse (husband of former prime minister kevin rudd’s daughter jessica rudd) ... u/23555089 ... y/10187628

ziad why is it you want to stay friendly with a mob who is killing the industry you are apparently in :unknown:
are you a member of this chinese focused consortium :unknown:
is your real name albert :lol:
Last edited by marksman on 23 May 2020, 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“If you do not read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read the newspapers you are misinformed”. Mark Twain
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by womble » 23 May 2020, 7:18 pm

I just want to see China liberated by Team America, live on CNN, with a freaking awesome sound track
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 23 May 2020, 7:31 pm

Ohhh you caught me i am actually Chinese....jk

Actually i am 99.9% sure i never said i was a beekeeper. I did say i worked at a university... which is true. I wasn't a dean or head of department. Lol

But i do know about the adulterated honey...aka corn starch from China.
Sergeant Hartman
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by AussieCapitalist » 23 May 2020, 8:06 pm

womble wrote:I just want to see China liberated by Team America, live on CNN, with a freaking awesome sound track

To hell with fake news CNN I want to be a grunt on the frontline to see communism fall in person. The army rejected me when I was 17 because of my flat feet and I can not read those charts with the small writing. All out war with China they will have to take me now :welcome:
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Patriot » 23 May 2020, 9:03 pm

AussieCapitalist wrote:I don't understand how Australia can be the called the "lucky country". I would say QLD was the lucky state years ago but those days are over. This country sucks in a lot of ways.

We cant say what we want
We have zero rights against the government
We cant shoot whatever action we want
We pay a lot of taxes for stupid social programs for lazy people.
Everything costs more here
We don't have concealed carry or castle law
Everything fun is illegal or highly regulated.

AC mate can I ask,
What would you like to say, but can’t?
What rights would you like against the government?

I like this flag better
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by womble » 24 May 2020, 4:40 am

Woah nice. The Chinese actually would take genuine offence to that flag.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by marksman » 24 May 2020, 12:51 pm

Sergeant Hartman wrote:
Actually i am 99.9% sure i never said i was a beekeeper. I did say i worked at a university... which is true. I wasn't a dean or head of department. Lol

nope, actually you did Albert, l mean ziad :lol: as well as saying you were a dean of science at a certain melbourne uni beforehand

while we are talking about uni's, what about the chinese student who attended a protest at an australian uni. days later chinese officials visited his family

"Chinese authorities approached the family of an international student who participated in high-profile protests at an Australian university and warned his parents of the potential consequences of political dissent.

The apparent intimidation tactics suggest the Chinese government was monitoring the demonstration at the University of Queensland to record who attended, in a development one influential Liberal MP said was alarming.

The student took part in last month's event to show support for pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong and to condemn Beijing's repression of the Uighur ethnic minority group.

"I was in the protest. When people were recording I was doing my best to hide my face or stay away from the crowd," the student, who did not want to be identified for fear of repercussions, told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

But within days of the rally the student received a call from his mother in China to say the family had been approached by "a guest".

His mother told him the authorities had issued a warning about engaging in "anti-China rhetoric" in Brisbane and warned him not to "join any events where people are gathered together".

"As long as you do that, we can make sure you're safe and we're safe," his mother told him.

She said the family had assured officials that their son was loyal to the Communist Party." ... 52eqb.html

we could also bring up "University of Queensland student Drew Pavlou" ... m/12168678

this is happening in australia
would you say that these are all good reasons to keep friendly with the ccp :unknown:

and they can stick there confucius institute's up there @rsehole as well, china has no culture now the ccp does not believe in it or religions
they are rewriting history as they want it to be seen :roll:
“If you do not read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read the newspapers you are misinformed”. Mark Twain
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by allthegearandnoidea » 24 May 2020, 5:23 pm

Weve just become collateral damage of Trumps trade deal with China. China needs to buy $200 billion worth of ag product now from US. Several US trade sources crowing recently (last week) about how US barley growers have gained access to China market.

Also China has long resented the numerous tariffs weve put on their exports eg 144% tariff on Chinese steel.
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by marksman » 24 May 2020, 7:44 pm

naughty naughty giant kangaroo that serves as a dog of the US, how dare you ask for an enquiry, we will punish you, bad dog :wtf: :lol:

l'm more worried that what is being said about comrade Dan, hoping its not true ... ... 48001ce498
“If you do not read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read the newspapers you are misinformed”. Mark Twain
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 25 May 2020, 1:01 am

Seriously dude.... i know you.. but it's just sad... i pity you in your unhappy life.....hmm i have heard of a phenomenon where 5/6 year old boys who cannot explain or control their emotions start to torment others they are attracted to...... do you secretly love me?

Why so much fascination about where i live, or work, or what i do in my spare time? Or is it because i haven't ever asked you what you do?

Anyway i am "hacking" a good time relaxing while you are getting miserable.

I do worry about chairman dan he just looks really shifty... pity people vote for him.... but then people vote for trump as well.

P.s. that spelling error was intentional, cuz i know it will upset you
Last edited by Sergeant Hartman on 25 May 2020, 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Oldbloke » 25 May 2020, 10:02 am

AussieCapitalist wrote:I don't understand how Australia can be the called the "lucky country". I would say QLD was the lucky state years ago but those days are over. This country sucks in a lot of ways.

We cant say what we want
We have zero rights against the government
We cant shoot whatever action we want
We pay a lot of taxes for stupid social programs for lazy people.
Everything costs more here
We don't have concealed carry or castle law
Everything fun is illegal or highly regulated.

Well then,

Go away.jpeg
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The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 25 May 2020, 10:14 am

Ohh AC. So this is what you get in Australia.

If you rock up to a hospital with a broken bone or something emergency... they fix you up, not all you do you have insurance or all you to pay 20k aud upfront or they will refuse treatment.

If you don't have a job, you get some dole.

You get a high wage... well look at unskilled labor a checkout chick or a waitress can live a decent lifestyle on 1 full time job.

Unions have allowed workers to have world class working conditions including 4 weeks annual leave and 2 week sick leave a least. Long service leave... in US 2 weeks is the usual total annual leave.
Sergeant Hartman
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by marksman » 25 May 2020, 3:30 pm

Sergeant Hartman wrote:Seriously dude.... i know you.. but it's just sad... i pity you in your unhappy life.....hmm i have heard of a phenomenon where 5/6 year old boys who cannot explain or control their emotions start to torment others they are attracted to...... do you secretly love me?

Why so much fascination about where i live, or work, or what i do in my spare time? Or is it because i haven't ever asked you what you do?

P.s. that spelling error was intentional, cuz i know it will upset you

awww come on albert, l mean ziad :roll: no need to go all sim dim on me mate :lol:

all l did was expose some of your past BS :unknown: still waiting for your shooting photos :drinks:
“If you do not read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read the newspapers you are misinformed”. Mark Twain
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by AussieCapitalist » 25 May 2020, 7:32 pm

Sergeant Hartman wrote:Ohh AC. So this is what you get in Australia.

If you rock up to a hospital with a broken bone or something emergency... they fix you up, not all you do you have insurance or all you to pay 20k aud upfront or they will refuse treatment.

If you don't have a job, you get some dole.

You get a high wage... well look at unskilled labor a checkout chick or a waitress can live a decent lifestyle on 1 full time job.

Unions have allowed workers to have world class working conditions including 4 weeks annual leave and 2 week sick leave a least. Long service leave... in US 2 weeks is the usual total annual leave.

Mate I don't t believe in your left wing spiel. People need to be more individualistic and not a burden on the tax payer. These so called lazy social services need to be opt in. I have seen a doctor when I did my Army medical, when I was born and maybe twice more in my life. I would be happy to pay a grand to see a doctor once in a blue moon if it meant I saved tens of thousands of dollars a year from lower taxes. Anyone that relies on other people to provide for them is a burden and goes against my life ethic of self sufficiency and give me liberty or give me death.

I just want to be left alone and I don't ask for anything from anybody and I hope others would do the same to me.
Charities are a good thing and giving is a great feeling but nobody should be forced to give anything if they don't want too.
Posts: 525

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by AussieCapitalist » 25 May 2020, 7:47 pm

Looks like US army is starting a massive recruitment drive. This cold war with Beijing will turn hot within 5 years lads. ... story.html
Posts: 525

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Sergeant Hartman » 26 May 2020, 6:00 am

I dunno if that's what it is.
The us govt uses army as an employment booster, pure and simple. Its aim is to get people from high unemployment areas give them a job
Sergeant Hartman
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by AussieCapitalist » 26 May 2020, 7:01 am

Yes you are right sarge and it might just be because of the shutdowns that they are down on recruit levels so they are trying to recoup those losses.. But now is the time for rearmament. Australia should do the same. This is a good time to get some gun laws scrapped under the guise of training people in firearms handling in preparation for defence against china. I would really love to see school kids learn field craft and firearms safety.

They can program a robot to pull apart a car engine or change a tire but they cant do it themselves.
Posts: 525

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by AussieCapitalist » 26 May 2020, 8:57 am

See the boarder between china and india is heating up again. Fair few skirmishes happening lately in the disputed border zone. Very difficult terrain to launch an invasion from so I dont expect much will come of it apart from a little bit of shooting.
Posts: 525

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by TassieTiger » 26 May 2020, 9:19 am

AussieCapitalist wrote:Looks like US army is starting a massive recruitment drive. This cold war with Beijing will turn hot within 5 years lads. ... story.html

Sounds like your kinda wanting this to kick off into full blown war...
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by AussieCapitalist » 26 May 2020, 9:36 am

TassieTiger wrote:
Sounds like your kinda wanting this to kick off into full blown war...

No I am not a neocon I dont want war I can just see the writing on the wall mate.

Thucydides Trap is the theory that when one great power threatens to displace another, war is almost always the result
Posts: 525

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by glenn777 » 26 May 2020, 10:00 am

We have enough sleeper cells in this country if a war ever went 'hot' I think there would be a lot of sabotage to deal with internally before even worrying about our borders being breached.
Posts: 39
Western Australia

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by TassieTiger » 26 May 2020, 10:15 am

Would be interesting (not saying that in a hopeful way, just chewing fat) if something did break out - I don’t think Aust would be able to do a lot...sheet numbers and tech would swamp Aust.
I’m fascinated watching ww1 ww2 and Vietnam footage - I reckon as a young man, the allure of adventure, duty, would have called me but the Reality once there - that can now be witnessed via video - it’s just plain skill involved in staying alive - pure luck.
That scene from saving private Ryan on beach - just makes me wonder how our forefathers did it...I can’t even get my kids to acknowledge its real and when I sit and explain it - they can not comprehend it as something anyone would do in’s interesting to gauge their reaction.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
CZ455 .22 & Norinco .22 (vtex 4-12, bush 3-9)
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by AussieCapitalist » 26 May 2020, 10:41 am

TassieTiger wrote:Would be interesting (not saying that in a hopeful way, just chewing fat) if something did break out - I don’t think Aust would be able to do a lot...sheet numbers and tech would swamp Aust.
I’m fascinated watching ww1 ww2 and Vietnam footage - I reckon as a young man, the allure of adventure, duty, would have called me but the Reality once there - that can now be witnessed via video - it’s just plain skill involved in staying alive - pure luck.
That scene from saving private Ryan on beach - just makes me wonder how our forefathers did it...I can’t even get my kids to acknowledge its real and when I sit and explain it - they can not comprehend it as something anyone would do in’s interesting to gauge their reaction.

Mate this photo says more than words ever could. Young people have no idea what real hardship is.
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Posts: 525

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by Patriot » 26 May 2020, 11:10 am

Our blokes at the Nek.
That’s f@ckin bravery.
My young bloke watched the scene from the movie Gallipoli in stunned silence.
Posts: 264

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by wanneroo » 26 May 2020, 11:15 am

AussieCapitalist wrote:Looks like US army is starting a massive recruitment drive. This cold war with Beijing will turn hot within 5 years lads. ... story.html

Nothing unusual there, the Army has certain quotas it has to meet for recruitment as people leave the service every day when their contracts expire or they retire.

However the US Marine Corps is rebuilding itself to be a fast deploying island hopping warfare unit.

Years ago back around 2008 when Iraq and A-Stan were going on I asked a planner at the Pentagon about the two wars and he kinda brushed it off and said those are minor isolated wars within the boundaries of those countries, he said we are preparing for China and wargaming for it. The US military was already looking ahead a long time ago.
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Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by womble » 26 May 2020, 12:27 pm

Because it's inevitable.
And now is good.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: Australian vs US vs China

Post by AussieCapitalist » 26 May 2020, 12:36 pm

Patriot wrote:Our blokes at the Nek.
That’s f@ckin bravery.
My young bloke watched the scene from the movie Gallipoli in stunned silence.

The nek was f***ed mate. Literally a perfect storm of what could go wrong will go wrong.Fair enough the blokes in the first wave and even the second. But the third and fourth literally just waiting to die as they saw what awaited them. I always think about that during the minute silence on ANZAC day. What goes through ones head when they know they will be dead in a few minutes time. It is hard to imagine because suicide attacks like that just do not happen these days.

Even old Johnny Turk was yelling out to stop the attack your gonna die you fools. I cant remember the size of the battle field but it was only something like the size of a tennis court.
Last edited by AussieCapitalist on 26 May 2020, 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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