- 100_5595.JPG (2.51 MiB) Viewed 4554 times
Ah yes GDB,
If I know the dog owner was anywhere nearby I wouldn't shoot it,,,,,,,,,,, but,,,,, if the dog crosses my sight and the owner isn't around I will shoot it.
Me being on that property is at the express wish of the property owner, and have been given the task of ,,,,,,
a) shooting dogs be it dingo, dingo cross or any other dog/s found on that property.
b) creating a safe/r environment for his sheep
c) reduce the overall numbers of feral pigs
d) be mindful and watchful of all other aspects of the property and rectify or report any problems.
Since taking this on, I have shot both dogs and pigs to the extent that it has now been just on 100 days since the last sheep were killed or mauled.
Prior to me shooting this property there were killings / maulings at least every 2nd night.
And the owner and myself are working on ways of effectively and drastically reducing the feral pigs.
In the case of the poacher that has been told several times to keep out,,, if I find his dog wandering unattended or attacking sheep it will get shot.
I know that you are well aware of the legal situation and,, the land owners right to kill
any dog wandering at large or attacking sheep on his property.
But,,,,,,,, for those other/s that may think I should not shoot such a dog I would suggest they should aquaint themselves with both the law,,,, and how things are dealt with on farming properties outside of capitol cities.
And yes,,, I agree with you 110% about cross breeding that creates even bigger and tougher feral dogs.
I'll leave this pic here now as a testimonial to that.
The last dog I shot on this property. Come daylight I couldn't find it in the grass and bushes, but the property owner found it 3 days later.
When lasered from where I shot, it turned out to be 393 meters.
And again, for those that think they are cute little puppy dogs,,,,, check out the teeth on this killing machine.
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
And,,,,It's been proven,,,,, the most trustworthy females in my entire life were all canines.