Chinese Spying

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Chinese Spying

Post by straightshooter » 03 Jul 2020, 7:21 am

We're all aware of the various forms of Chinese spying taking place for example through lavishly paid China spruikers such as 'Twiggy' Forest, smart TV's, 5G, apps such as tiktok and web enabled appliances.
But today I personally became aware of another method of spying being used by the Chinese which takes things to a malodorous low.
This morning while performing a regular bodily function I happened to glance at the label on my underpants. It brazenly and unashamedly stated 'Made in China'.
Absolute and incontrovertible proof that those dreadful Chinese are spying on my private parts.
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Noisydad » 03 Jul 2020, 9:39 am

Maybe just gathering footage for a reality show?
There's still a few of Wile. E Coyote's ideas that I haven't tried yet.
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by JimTom » 03 Jul 2020, 10:33 am

Designed in Australia
Made in China

I noticed the same a day or two ago.
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Harrynsw » 03 Jul 2020, 12:45 pm

They better make sure they've got a wide angle lense in my ones
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Bugman » 03 Jul 2020, 5:33 pm

Yep. Found a miniature camera in my spring roll last week :crazy:
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by marksman » 03 Jul 2020, 5:49 pm

"Chinese Spying"

SS you cannot say that its racist :huh:

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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by rc42 » 03 Jul 2020, 9:07 pm

I think 'Chinese' is technically a nationality rather than a race but anyone compiling a database of underpants activity needs to be watched carefully.

By recording where people are when underpants go down and how long until they go back up they could compile some very embarrassing and blackmail worthy data.

I would advise everyone to seek out Australian made pants whilst shopping this weekend, if Chinese underpants are unavoidable then wrapping them in tinfoil may be worthwhile.
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by TassieTiger » 03 Jul 2020, 9:58 pm

I’m not sure it is a good idea even responding in this thread...20068 uni students are monitoring the word ch...and then 50% of those are dedicated to locating ip addresses, 25% of those researching Online habits of the person logged in, a further 10% will be tailing you and 2% working out how to give you covid for taunting the nation.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Grandadbushy » 03 Jul 2020, 11:05 pm

Yes TT we'll have to be careful, or the Chinese will have us all by the balls if we keep wearing their undies :thumbsup: :lol:
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by womble » 04 Jul 2020, 3:42 am

A real Aussie would only wear speedos
No commy undies for this guy.
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by straightshooter » 04 Jul 2020, 7:22 am

Noisydad wrote:Maybe just gathering footage for a reality show?

If we were able to measure in feet then that might explain my propensity for eating oats for breakfast.
But alas no, a more appropriate measure is inches and not too many of them at that.
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Flyer » 13 Jul 2020, 1:52 am

Fark, you blokes wear undies?
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by bigrich » 13 Jul 2020, 4:58 am

TassieTiger wrote:I’m not sure it is a good idea even responding in this thread...20068 uni students are monitoring the word ch...and then 50% of those are dedicated to locating ip addresses, 25% of those researching Online habits of the person logged in, a further 10% will be tailing you and 2% working out how to give you covid for taunting the nation.

That’s probably more true than you realise. I read a news story recently where a anti China group made up of mostly students at qld uni, protested at the uni. About 20 of them. They were surrounded and attacked by a much larger group of pro Chinese students, while being organised by older Chinese with dark glasses are ear pieces. I kid you not, the media reported they we’re consulate staff from the Chinese Embassy. One of the “anti” local students got elected to the student council and was rail roaded out by the uni management, backed up by high priced barristers . The uni management sent a email of their press release to the Chinese Embassy for approval before releasing to the media. I’m not making this up. Google it . The Chinese contribute vast amounts of money to the Queensland University. Ya gotta wonder what else is going on .....
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by bigrich » 16 Jul 2020, 5:00 pm

regarding my last post about chinese influence on queensland uni , 60 minutes is running a story on this on sunday night and in the add i saw footage of one of the masked chinese consulate officials , filmed on uni grounds ,who organised "pro china" attacks against "anti" protesters on uni grounds . this should be interesting
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Grandadbushy » 16 Jul 2020, 6:56 pm

I don't think the average chinese care about what's going on with all the spying and so on it's the people who wield the power that get the underdogs to do their dirty work through fear and brutality, my old grandad always said ''If the leaders were the first on the battle field there wouldn't be wars'', big statement but has some merit in my eyes
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by marksman » 16 Jul 2020, 8:51 pm

l've seen footage of and read about what your saying BR, totally true and there's a lot more to it than we really know
we ozzies have never worried about it before, but l think that is changing and l'm happy about it
l just hope the pollies will do the right thing and not just what they think will get them votes

and we want a refund on Dan

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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by snag » 16 Jul 2020, 9:20 pm

Yeah Grandadbushy, my grandfather served in New Guinea and Borneo, used to tell us that while the "higher ups" were going to cocktail parties with Macarthur in a flash Brisbane hotel, they were digging leeches out of their ears with matchsticks in the jungle. Told to "push on boys" and they did. Saved us - must be good to be absolutely safe and send willing patriots to do the work, hey?
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by bigrich » 17 Jul 2020, 4:55 am

I think it’s pretty scary that a foreign communist country can operate and have anti democratic influence in a University in this country. The people running the University are behaving in a traitorous manner for lots of Chinese money. For a University of the standard of UQ to sell out principles and morals for CCP money is scandalous

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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by TassieTiger » 17 Jul 2020, 6:27 am

marksman wrote:l've seen footage of and read about what your saying BR, totally true and there's a lot more to it than we really know
we ozzies have never worried about it before, but l think that is changing and l'm happy about it
l just hope the pollies will do the right thing and not just what they think will get them votes

and we want a refund on Dan


What’s up with Dans ear lobes - seriously? It’s like he’s got two big ass GPS trackers embedded in each one...
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by bigrich » 17 Jul 2020, 9:10 am

Don’t get me started on dan Andrews . He signed Victoria up to the “belts and roads” CCP supply chain, which enables CCP owned companies to build infrastructure in this country ahead of local input. Talk about selling us out, and he didn’t even consult the feds over national security risks.
Lots of politicians hungry for Chinese money. At this rate we’ll be celebrating “the people’s revolution “ on Anzac Day.

So un-Australian . Ted Bullpit would be turning in his grave. “You’re not taking the Great Wall” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. :lol:
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Grandadbushy » 17 Jul 2020, 11:43 am

Don't worry bigrich, when the chinese take over they will kick all these fools out and run the country from china and have the students keeping an eye on us maybe we'll end up like the rest of the opposition to china ''lol''
Posts: 392

Re: Chinese Spying

Post by bigrich » 17 Jul 2020, 1:07 pm

Grandadbushy wrote:Don't worry bigrich, when the chinese take over they will kick all these fools out and run the country from china and have the students keeping an eye on us maybe we'll end up like the rest of the opposition to china ''lol''

They won’t be taking over if I have anything to say about it . People need to be more proactive politically in this country. The politicians should be publicly shamed over their actions, and people like Sam Dakstari should have been charged and put in jail. Not to mention labor’s “branch stacking “ corruption. It’s fraud, pure and simple. Politicians should be “a fit and proper person “ to hold office. We might actually get more done in this country that way.....
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Grandadbushy » 17 Jul 2020, 2:51 pm

Yes bigrich exactly, and i also think we need less of the bleeding hearts so some people will toughen up and be accountable for their actions, but on saying that there some that genuinely need help but the others are only oxygen thieves, ie ''People with mental issues'' compared to the '' He didn't know what he was doing your honor he was on drugs at the time''
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by TassieTiger » 19 Jul 2020, 9:30 pm

Anyone see 60 mins tonight? Bloody hell - wish I and a few others were present when that crap at uni went down...
Gentlemen - we are losing, if not lost our the Chinese.
That university violence was fully supported by the local Chinese reps whilst the peaceful protest was threatened with all manner of threats...where the fRk is our government in this - geezus. Didn’t know it was that bad.
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by bigrich » 20 Jul 2020, 4:49 am

Yes taz , the arrogance of the Chinese state to operate in our country , and probably others, in this manner is shocking. I read about this some months ago. I think the media has to much influence in our society, but in this case it’s shining a light on a serious problem to our sovereignty. Top marks to the young fella for standing his ground. That’s the sort of attitude that we need to preserve our democratic nation. The kids got Anzac spirit in him for sure. And good on the old QC for taking a stand with him. Not often you’ll hear of a legal eagle who’ll work pro bono based on ethics and morals.We ain’t lost yet taz , I refuse to be defeatist. I think now that it’s more public this isn’t the last we’ll here about this
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by Grandadbushy » 21 Jul 2020, 9:30 pm

The old blokes would turn in their graves to see what's going on in the country they lost their lives for, these bastards that call themselves the pollies for the people need to be clear ''WHAT'' people ? Australians or every other people that want to be themselves in our country if they don't like it go back to where they come from ''Easy'' no big deal and those Deans and Uni officials can go with them and take their high paying job with them. End of rant ''lol'' but that's my belief also the oldies said they were leaving a safe Australia for us and our future i don't remember any of them say they were leaving it for another country
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Re: Chinese Spying

Post by TassieTiger » 22 Jul 2020, 7:55 am

It is greeed...and it’s going to win out.
So many ppl in the country would sell their first born for the right money and it’s going to bring us undone.
The pollies are in positions that allows for easily exploitation and many take advantage with little care for Australia's long term well being.

It’s going to be interesting today and next few days as Aust joins USA in SE China sea for “games”.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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