Australian Citizen Call to Arms

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Dedd » 03 Sep 2020, 7:34 pm

TassieTiger wrote:15 mins ago at a posters house...

f*** man, I've got a PTA processing don't scare me like this.
Posts: 27
New South Wales

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 03 Sep 2020, 8:57 pm

Dedd wrote:
BangWhizzClack wrote:I'm saying we need to encourage more people to get into shooting while we have this opportunity. I'm not saying we need to hand them a rifle and goose step them into parliament. People genuinely need to know that they are the only ones looking out for their best interests, governments lie all the time as we have seen and they take away more liberties all the times. We need to be armed and have that written down along with better self defence laws so that government don't have a monopoly on use of force and we are left with our pants down.

I agree, but we need to start people with a .22 and a paper target, not an AR15 and a drop sear.

We need to remove the laws restricting ranges (and the SSAA regulations that stop people going to them), remove the laws forcing us to remain hidden (transportation rules for example) and get people used to guns being just a part of life. I hear so many stories of the good old days when you could openly transport a rifle on public transport without a problem and I think that's what we need to push for if we are ever going to get a rise in shooter numbers. Once people see the benefits of gun ownership they'll support political action, maybe armed if they need to.

By the way, the percentage of firearms license holders in NSW compared to the population is:
2016: 2.98%
2020: 3.18%
So we are growing, but only 0.05% per year. If we want anything to change we really need to speed that up. Maybe once we get to 10% we might start seeing some political influence.

At the rate the government is taking away more and more liberties, we don't have time for that growth, and as I said before, the banned pta's in match due to the amount increasing 250%, the idea of the population into shooting growing rapidly scares the crap outta them, that's why we really need to push it. Buy membership with all of those groups, vote for pro-shooter parties and become a member of your favourite, push others to do the same, if you're wealthy enough even pay for the membership for other people.

I have been very nihilistic for the past few years, I've figured that well "this is what the people voted for, so they should suffer the consequences" but this situation we're in has made me feel that I should still give the people every opportunity to look after themselves possible.

We need to give as many people a chance as possible, for their sake and ours. At 3% of the population with strict registration, it would be very easy for law enforcement to pick us off individually for the sake of "public health and safety" the Nazi's used registration papers from police stations and synagogues to find the Jews. It can and will (if you don't consider it to be already happening) happen again.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 03 Sep 2020, 9:00 pm

Also, I think that owners should not be so liable if firearms are stolen, I mean, you don't blame the car owner when their car is stolen and crashes into someone.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by boingk » 03 Sep 2020, 10:35 pm

BangWhizzClack wrote:Also, I think that owners should not be so liable if firearms are stolen, I mean, you don't blame the car owner when their car is stolen and crashes into someone.

Stop smoking the crack mate. If you have them properly stored you aren't liable. Having seen some of the arrangements people have, I fully support them being charged when they are stolen from the back seat of the ute, the corner of the shed, or from a wooden cupboard not secured in any way shape or form. That's not how you secure a firearm or protect the interests of yourself, the firearm fraternity, or the wider community.

Coupled with this:

BangWhizzClack wrote:We need to be armed and have that written down along with better self defence laws so that government don't have a monopoly on use of force and we are left with our pants down.

Mate I have genuine concerns for your mental wellbeing. Either you're deluded, a complete troll, or a clueless 18 year old who has just figured out how modern society works.

Or possibly teleported from 1950's Texas.

Whatever the case may be, having seen the wider calibre of citizens, I would not encourage anything you just said.

I dare say you'd be the first to cower if a single patrol car came to your place. What're you gonna do, big boy, start shooting? Start screaming as you're led to the van with men in white coats, syringes at the ready?

My guess is firmly the latter. Go somewhere else. You won't find the satisfaction you seek here.

By the way, I note the firearms in your signature and also your IP address. Expect that knock.


- boingk
Posts: 682

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 03 Sep 2020, 11:17 pm

boingk wrote:
BangWhizzClack wrote:Also, I think that owners should not be so liable if firearms are stolen, I mean, you don't blame the car owner when their car is stolen and crashes into someone.

Stop smoking the crack mate. If you have them properly stored you aren't liable. Having seen some of the arrangements people have, I fully support them being charged when they are stolen from the back seat of the ute, the corner of the shed, or from a wooden cupboard not secured in any way shape or form. That's not how you secure a firearm or protect the interests of yourself, the firearm fraternity, or the wider community.

Coupled with this:

BangWhizzClack wrote:We need to be armed and have that written down along with better self defence laws so that government don't have a monopoly on use of force and we are left with our pants down.

Mate I have genuine concerns for your mental wellbeing. Either you're deluded, a complete troll, or a clueless 18 year old who has just figured out how modern society works.

Or possibly teleported from 1950's Texas.

Whatever the case may be, having seen the wider calibre of citizens, I would not encourage anything you just said.

I dare say you'd be the first to cower if a single patrol car came to your place. What're you gonna do, big boy, start shooting? Start screaming as you're led to the van with men in white coats, syringes at the ready?

My guess is firmly the latter. Go somewhere else. You won't find the satisfaction you seek here.

By the way, I note the firearms in your signature and also your IP address. Expect that knock.


- boingk

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Calling people crazy is just a small-minded person's solution to difficult situations. Would you like me to provide you with evidence of history repeating itself with firearm laws? I'm quite willing and able. Also sorry to break it to you, but none of the three assumptions you made are correct. I am also deeply disappointed in you, as I'm sure many others are. While I appreciate your honesty about reporting me to the Gestapo, it doesn't make you trustworthy or honourable. So you sit back and think about what you've done.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by boingk » 03 Sep 2020, 11:25 pm

BangWhizzClack wrote: So you sit back and think about what you've done.

Shall do Karen.

Who's the authoritarian now?

- boingk
Posts: 682

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 03 Sep 2020, 11:28 pm

boingk, might I also suggest that if you are a shooting enthusiast and want to see the industry grow and for us to get rights as citizens, you actually pay others to represent you? We can't do everything on our own. So while you support one area, you support someone else to do something else. If you check the original post I made I have listed all the big ones I can think of. Encourage others to join them also as it seems you've caused the early retirement of one shooter.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by boingk » 03 Sep 2020, 11:32 pm

Early retirement? Please. I've shot more rounds with more people in more situations than you've had hot meals.

Also, you're not Karen, its Joseph Sherman isn't it?

Untitled.jpg (46.84 KiB) Viewed 4766 times

Show the lot mate, get out from behind the mask.

Or did my taunt of 'coward' strike a nerve?
Posts: 682

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 03 Sep 2020, 11:46 pm

I meant you've probably caused me to lose my ability to shoot and support the industry by reporting me.

Thanks for doxxing me. Yes that's me, my name is Joseph Sherman. this is my channel and video encouraging people not to go to the protest because shooters will lose their guns and licences, and non-licenced people won't be able to get them because the cops will deem them to be "unfit and improper".

You didn't strike a nerve, the truth hurts, not defamation and mild gossip. The reason I don't show my face is because I don't want to wake up to a biker or addict holding a knife to my throat because he recognised my face and followed me home knowing I'm a shooter. Don't bother deleting your comments, I've screenshot them.

I'm curious though, how'd you find my name and youtube channel?

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 03 Sep 2020, 11:50 pm

Did you at least have the decency to like and subscribe?

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by boingk » 03 Sep 2020, 11:53 pm

Easy. You posted it on here.

Don't worry, screenshot what you want.

All I'm saying - last entry from me in this thread - is that you want to be careful. Don't stir a sh!tstorm when you can't do anything to prevent youself from getting plastered. I understand your concerns but this isn't the way, or the place, to go about it.

If someone wants evidence badly enough they will use anything you post online - no matter how well protected you think it is.

Be careful. But most importantly, stay safe and have fun.

(Edited for the forum censorship and, sorry, I don't subscribe to much online media.)
Posts: 682

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 04 Sep 2020, 12:04 am

Oh, doxxed myself hahaha

If the cops are going to take guns off me, they'll find a way to do it, they'll create a situation if they have to. That's basically our society, everything is illegal, they just choose who and when to nab.

Should I be expecting a knock on the door tomorrow?

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Dedd » 04 Sep 2020, 12:38 am

Far out man. I mean, I agree that an armed populace is important for a free society, but this isn't Hong Kong. Nor is it pre-1776 USA. We still have free elections and we need to use them. America before the revolution didn't even have voting rights, there was a lot going on that they had no other way to remedy, only then did they take up arms.
Posts: 27
New South Wales

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Grandadbushy » 04 Sep 2020, 2:52 am

I think we need to stick with some common sense here, to arm oneself and march even if the guns were empty and in a case it would do more harm to the shooting members and clubs of Australia than you could possibly think, you'd loose the little trust we have from the people sitting on the fence with gun laws ,then the anti gun people would say that the gun owners were totally unpredictable and dangerous by carrying guns in public, secondly if you were told to put the gun down and didn't then in todays climate you'd probably get shot . for christ sake we are not fighting for our lives we're after proper and fair gun laws and the only way to get that is fight it legally and have laws changed or even loosened slightly, what we need is a body of legals with interests in the sport to stand and fight for it and this takes time and money and it won't happen overnight. This talk of calling to arms gun owners is nothing short of stupid . there is a lot of people that sit back on their arses and bitch and whine about gun laws yet when it comes to donate some coin to people that are now setting up to take the law makers on they die in the arse, as i said in my first post the best way to achieve an outcome to our liking would be to back the people that are prepared to take them on, And BangWhizzClack mate take some of the wise advice from the smarter fella's than me on this forum and don't post stuff like ''Australian Citizens to Arms'' rubbish, sh!t like that does nothing for the hunting and shooting sports of any country, so Sorry if i upset you mate but i say it as i see it and i don't see much in this post that will do anything to help the hunting and shooting sport or this forum :shock: :thumbsup:
Posts: 392

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by womble » 04 Sep 2020, 3:59 am

I just shoot bunnies.
I would never even consider using a rifle as a weapon against anyone in any foreseeable imaginable circumstance.
Obvious exception being zombie apocalypse, but apart from that.
I like peace and quiet. I’m really passive and relaxed by nature.
Some people like to shoot paper and that’s cool too.

I honestly think you may have picked the wrong crowd to incite a revolution BongSmokeCrack.
And yeah you probably will get a knock on the door. Because your genuine interest does not appear to be hunting or sport, but rather something more sinister.

Best of luck, say hi to nurse Ratchet from me.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 04 Sep 2020, 4:57 am

I'm not invoking a revolution here, I think you fellas have missed the point here. My call to arms of the Australian citizen is to arm themselves legally while they still can, and to find legal means to further the rights of gun owners. I clearly stated that I wasn't calling for violence or illegal action, I was calling on everyone to capitalise on our current situation by encouraging others to get their firearms licence and to start funding and start supporting the industry by joining the legal and political bodies that represent us, I listed as many as I knew of and edited the post to include one mentioned by a commenter.

This talk of revolution or rebellion was simply playing with the idea of what shooters could achieve should our government continue to get more and more tyrannical. Please cease and desist from blowing this post out of proportion and steering the conversation away from my original points and aims. THIS IS NOT A POST CALLING FOR REBELLION, REVOLUTION, VIOLENCE OR ILLEGAL ACTS. THIS POST IS ABOUT ALL OF US DOING ALL WE CAN LEGALLY DO TO ENCOURAGE AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE TO GET INTO SHOOTING AND FINANCIALLY BACKING THE INDUSTRY.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by TassieTiger » 04 Sep 2020, 8:21 am

Well - you - maybe need to edit the heading, eh ?
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
CZ455 .22 & Norinco .22 (vtex 4-12, bush 3-9)
ATA 686 U/O 12g & Baikal S/S 12g.
Adler a110 reddot
Sauer 30-06 - VX 3
Howa 300 win mag. SHV 5-20/56
Marlin SBL 45/70
Posts: 3704

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 04 Sep 2020, 8:53 am

TassieTiger wrote:Well - you - maybe need to edit the heading, eh ?

Nah, it's fitting, and eye catching.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by TassieTiger » 04 Sep 2020, 9:01 am

Exactly - it’s too eye catching.
Many, me included, sympathise with your plight - but seriously, you need to get some real life experience and an understanding as to how things really work...
It won’t be anyone here who does you in - it will be a skimming IT robot that picks up on certain key words that starts the ball rolling...but now I’m starting to wonder as to your intent - I’m thinking your maybe ? wanting to be arrested and I think your hoping for publicity...
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
CZ455 .22 & Norinco .22 (vtex 4-12, bush 3-9)
ATA 686 U/O 12g & Baikal S/S 12g.
Adler a110 reddot
Sauer 30-06 - VX 3
Howa 300 win mag. SHV 5-20/56
Marlin SBL 45/70
Posts: 3704

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 04 Sep 2020, 9:33 am

TassieTiger wrote:Exactly - it’s too eye catching.
Many, me included, sympathise with your plight - but seriously, you need to get some real life experience and an understanding as to how things really work...
It won’t be anyone here who does you in - it will be a skimming IT robot that picks up on certain key words that starts the ball rolling...but now I’m starting to wonder as to your intent - I’m thinking your maybe ? wanting to be arrested and I think your hoping for publicity...

Hahaha, I started the youtube channel video to get the word out as no one else was talking about it. I don't want to be famous, or gain publicity, but someone needs to speak out and take action. I'm encouraging everyone who might be sympathetic and understanding to get involved in what I deem to be an essential service. In a legal manner. I appreciate your concern, I'd have much more appreciation if you were to support as many pro-gun organisations as you can and encourage others to do the same. Is it really so strange for someone to speak out and encourage movement? That's depressing.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by TassieTiger » 04 Sep 2020, 10:59 am

No it’s not strange to speak out and encourage the firearm ownership movement - you do realise that most ppl on this forum are already members of numerous firearm lobby organisations ? Surely your not that naive to think otherwise ?

Should you be pointing your dreams at those who are not firearm owners ? Camping, 4 wheel drive, fishing forums where you might encounter numerous ppl who are on the fence as to whether they should or should not go via legal process to obtain firearms ?
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
CZ455 .22 & Norinco .22 (vtex 4-12, bush 3-9)
ATA 686 U/O 12g & Baikal S/S 12g.
Adler a110 reddot
Sauer 30-06 - VX 3
Howa 300 win mag. SHV 5-20/56
Marlin SBL 45/70
Posts: 3704

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 04 Sep 2020, 12:19 pm

TassieTiger wrote:No it’s not strange to speak out and encourage the firearm ownership movement - you do realise that most ppl on this forum are already members of numerous firearm lobby organisations ? Surely your not that naive to think otherwise ?

Should you be pointing your dreams at those who are not firearm owners ? Camping, 4 wheel drive, fishing forums where you might encounter numerous ppl who are on the fence as to whether they should or should not go via legal process to obtain firearms ?

I was already a member of this forum, and I figured there are a lot of shooters out there who just do what they need to to keep their guns. But if we can get them more involved then if they are members of those other forums then they can spread the word.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Dedd » 04 Sep 2020, 12:33 pm

Except you're preaching to people who are not only licensed shooters, but enthusiastic enough to be on this forum. I doubt there's many people here who aren't already members of at least one of those lobby groups and are happy to discuss it on other places.
A better option would be "take a non-shooter to the range" day. Actually, I might suggest something like that to my range. A discount on something if you bring in someone for a p650. I believe ranges in the US do similar promotions to good effect.
Posts: 27
New South Wales

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by womble » 04 Sep 2020, 12:45 pm

It's like Ziege and Marksman had an illegitimate child wait till Bill finds out.

Do applaud your your youthful enthusiasm.
By this year's end the wider public will value liberty and freedom moreso and wisenned to guard it more closely
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2369

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Skinna » 04 Sep 2020, 12:48 pm

Dedd wrote:Except you're preaching to people who are not only licensed shooters, but enthusiastic enough to be on this forum. I doubt there's many people here who aren't already members of at least one of those lobby groups and are happy to discuss it on other places.
A better option would be "take a non-shooter to the range" day. Actually, I might suggest something like that to my range. A discount on something if you bring in someone for a p650. I believe ranges in the US do similar promotions to good effect.

Yep :thumbsup:

The shooting fraternities/organisations do little or nothing to promote the sport.
They have their own email lists & flyers & magazines, but rarely do much aside from that.

I think the SSAA has a caravan running about on odd occasions with an air rifle in it, its better than nothing, but still hardly resembles what we do.

There should be regular mainstream advertising for the shooting sports-period.!!
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 240
South Australia

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Dedd » 04 Sep 2020, 2:07 pm

Skinna wrote:There should be regular mainstream advertising for the shooting sports-period.!!

Not a bad idea either. Even the SSAA should be happy to try and get more shooters ($$$). I'm not sure how stuff works within SSAA but I am a member so I'll write in a suggestion that they allocate some funds to allow ranges to advertise for new shooters.

Of course they SSAA range in my area isn't well liked, so maybe they should fix that first.
Posts: 27
New South Wales

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 04 Sep 2020, 6:25 pm

Dedd wrote:Except you're preaching to people who are not only licensed shooters, but enthusiastic enough to be on this forum. I doubt there's many people here who aren't already members of at least one of those lobby groups and are happy to discuss it on other places.
A better option would be "take a non-shooter to the range" day. Actually, I might suggest something like that to my range. A discount on something if you bring in someone for a p650. I believe ranges in the US do similar promotions to good effect.

What is a P650? Paper target at 650 meters? Yards?

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 04 Sep 2020, 6:31 pm

Dedd wrote:
Skinna wrote:There should be regular mainstream advertising for the shooting sports-period.!!

Not a bad idea either. Even the SSAA should be happy to try and get more shooters ($$$). I'm not sure how stuff works within SSAA but I am a member so I'll write in a suggestion that they allocate some funds to allow ranges to advertise for new shooters.

Of course they SSAA range in my area isn't well liked, so maybe they should fix that first.

I'd say youtube ads would be good, but I think they are very hesitant to promote shooting sports, you know, commiefornia and all that. I did see one ad advertising tactoys, but they were referred to as "blasters" because you know, free speech and all that. I think if we had a big indoor range with just those paper targets you see in the cop movie and they send them out, shoot, bring them in, but with shotguns and rifles with "come and try days" where people can hire firearms and shoot under supervision. Also semi auto for sport shoots like 3-gun.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by Member-Deleted » 04 Sep 2020, 6:34 pm

womble wrote:It's like Ziege and Marksman had an illegitimate child wait till Bill finds out.

Do applaud your your youthful enthusiasm.
By this year's end the wider public will value liberty and freedom moreso and wisenned to guard it more closely

Trust me when I say I'm not all that hopeful or enthusiastic. I'm pretty defeated actually haha just like most shooters. People just don't learn, we've had the same problem since before medieval times. People don't learn. I'd move to America if they had a civil war and were looking for volunteers. But apart from that, I'm pretty stern on no immigration. So it'd be hypocritical.

Re: Australian Citizen Call to Arms

Post by pedro4977 » 25 Sep 2020, 7:54 pm

Most people under 30 use guns regularly on their bloody x-boxes etc. Culture has changed and we can't stop that. We need to make our sport/hobby/passion more transparent and less scary to the ignorant, and uninformed. What happened to common sense?
But I will speak out, most women fear guns. It's a fact. And who do you see in overwhelming numbers at XR, climate and BLM protests in Australia? Not being sexist but just an observation I have made. My wife is ok with this and believes I'm right. No amount of squirrels tears and unicorn vapour will change my mind.
You can’t legislate against ignorance, stupidity or an opinion made up of both!
Posts: 24
Australian Capital Territory


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