Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Game hunting and large prey. Deer stalking, hunting with hounds. Boar, pigs etc., large prey, culling, hunting large feral animals.

Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Skinna » 11 Nov 2020, 6:58 pm

So being a dog lover & having had a dog for the most part of my life from before i can remember, & not having had a dog for a few years now, its been on my mind for quite some time to get another.

Ive always had German Shephards, as thats what i grew up with & i know their make-up...but ive wanted a hunting dog...always fantasised about getting a good one but affordability is not an option these days with low income & the exorbident extortionist type price tags these kinds of dogs (well most dogs actually) come with...
Ive toyed with the idea of a rescue dog & like the idea, but have "just" missed out on a few of the good sheep/cattle dogs or gun dogs that occasionally come to the pounds.

When COVID hit i rang a local GSP breeder & she had a litter coming that would normally have been pre-sold, but she had no takers, so she offered me a substantial discount on one...i was stoked...!!...i asked her for a confirmation of the price in our discussion, & she assured me she would honour her price to me, & that she would call in the coming weeks to advise me of their coming along & when i could come & see them/choose my new pup.

Well it was around then that all the hype of dog ownership hit the media, & like with toilet paper hype, every fukwit (& his/her dog... :lol: ...) had to have a dog didnt they--you know, because people have lost the ability to think for themselves these days...
So as you can already probably gather, the breeder never got back in contact with me, yet again leaving me dogless, & unfortunately for, this was likely to be for an unforseeable time into the future... :cry:

Well after then but still earlier this year i met a lady at my local park while i was taking my granddaughter for a walk to the park that she so intently hassled me for...this lady had a couple of Vizsla's...naturally i got talking to her--firstly, Vizsla's can be pretty vocal dogs, or "talkers" as they say, & her dogs are right up there--so when her ball came in my direction, her dogs had no hesitation in telling me to "eff off" when i picked up their ball... :lol: :lol:
Her doga are both large boys & she was somewhat surprised that i didnt flinch, & that i was keen & open for a pat, as most people shy away from the unknown in large vocal dogs like that--except of course us experienced large dog owners/lovers...

So we got talking & became friendly...she mentioned she had a friend who was a breeder, & that as she was empathetic to my financial plight, she'd mention me to the breeder as a possibility of a decent bloke to maybe take on a rescue/re-home jobby...

Well, i got a message from her a couple weeks back saying there was a couple of options come up for re-home dogs...we chatted for a good while on the phone, then i spent an afternoon with the breeder & her dogs at a dog show.
I met the guy & the dog & he was happy for me to be new owner & agreed to bring him down to me today...but i know how to give an over-excited dog that calming positive reward behavior which it responded to so well, & the owner mentioned he'd never seen anyone calm his dog like i did--no super powers here, its just about knowing dogs...
So when we parted ways, the dog kept pulling at his lead & looking back at me...the owner called out to me from 150 odd yards down the road, so i went back & he asked if id take him now...he said he'd never seen his dog behave like that so wanted to capatilise on the moment...

It was a bit awkward as the guy started to choke up...i reassured him he's most welcome to visit any time, & that id be happy to meet at a beach so his kids can have a we both agreed...he said he couldnt talk--he was about to burst--so i empathised & kindly said then ill make a move off...

His dog looked back at his owner, & the guy looked back at him...for a moment i was worried that'd make him change his mind, but in hindsight maybe it was a good thing for the owner, seeing his dog happy to go, but also looking back...

Well...we're bonding well...

Got a little excited this morning when he saw himself in a big mirror & froze to a pointed stance...!!...
I was too slow to record it with the mobile & only started recording as he broke the pointed pose realising it was himself...

He's a brigh boy & on the large side of size for a Vizsla...very co-dependant at the moment, but all going well that'll ease as he gets some confidence & we bond more...
Im most happy about the fact that he is for the most part a happy dog--although there are given anxieties present--expected with a re-home dog, but over-all im confident of an almost full, if not a full turnaround in this given his promise, happy core nature & only 8/9 month age...
And he is a talker--he's got no hesitation to tell me if he's not happy when i shut the toilet door... :lol:

Cant wait to get him up the farm & put him on the scent of a bunny or something to see how he goes & what he does... :clap:

Ive never had a pointer/gun dog before, so if any of you guys out there have first hand experience with them, ill be only too grateful to take on any tips in the slow process of desensitising him to sharp sounds & bringing out that pointing instincy in him.

Im also going to re-name not a big fan of his name...

Here he is... :drinks:

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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by TassieTiger » 11 Nov 2020, 7:15 pm

I heard you were off spending some time with a new bitch but I never thought you’d change species !?

Congrats man, lovely looking pooch. It’s hard giving up a dog for sure, but I’m thinking this dog doesn’t quite realise yet - the incredible life hes just come into.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Blr243 » 11 Nov 2020, 7:21 pm

There is a couple of them at my local dog park. They never cause any grief. One is quite vocal. I have to face the fact that I’m getting too old to chase pigs with dogs so this thing I currently have that is large enough to be a holder will Be unnecessary when I have to replace him ....I have lately Been giving some thought to maybe getting a fox terrier or jack Russell ...graziers are very nervous about poorly trained dogs pulling down cattle and sheep ....they couldn’t give a damn if you bring a dog that is only the same size as a loaf of bread. And little dogs can use their nose to find pigs just as easily as the bigger ones
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Skinna » 11 Nov 2020, 9:39 pm

TassieTiger wrote:I heard you were off spending some time with a new bitch but I never thought you’d change species !?

Congrats man, lovely looking pooch. It’s hard giving up a dog for sure, but I’m thinking this dog doesn’t quite realise yet - the incredible life hes just come into.

Haha...change of species AND of sex you rekon... :shock: ...think you got me wrong there... :lol: ...he's a boy mate... :lol:

Yea thanks Tassie...he'll definately have a much better life with me than the other guy...he was just locked up out back & even kids havent been out to see him for weeks...although i dont understand being able to give up a dog... :unknown: But then i guess he's only had him for 5-n-a-half months, so not like its years.
I had struggles with my last Shephard for first 3 years he was an impossible fukwit--cant tell you the amount of times i thought of feeding him a HP subby-lol--well not really lol--was very difficult times with him, but i persevered & he ended up the best friend & family member ive ever had, & one of the most intuitive dogs ive ever seen...he was eventually like my son to me, so perseverance pays..!

Anyway, Hthis one is already responding to various things like walking--i thought he might have shares in ortho surgery/surgeons the way he ripped your arm off with the other guy, but after one 10 min walk last nite, then only 5 mins on a lead with me today--& no choker, just a collar--he's only occasionally pulling for other dog pee smells on posts etc...aside from that he's nearly as calm as a show dog on the lead even with slight distractions... :clap: ...he fails when people come close & gets too excited there...

And a good thing, he loves bunny...!!...he was apprehensive at first, but after the second bit he went nutso for it...a good thing as now i dont have to feel guilty ( :roll: ) to turf the milky does or tuff bucks... :)

As for the other, might be back again soon too... :shock: ...spooky...for me anyway... :? ...but dont think i should let that one out of the reticle yet...thinking its worth an investigation... :lol: ....but 1500 kms...ffs... :roll:
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Skinna » 11 Nov 2020, 9:43 pm

Blr243 wrote:There is a couple of them at my local dog park. They never cause any grief. One is quite vocal. I have to face the fact that I’m getting too old to chase pigs with dogs so this thing I currently have that is large enough to be a holder will Be unnecessary when I have to replace him ....I have lately Been giving some thought to maybe getting a fox terrier or jack Russell ...graziers are very nervous about poorly trained dogs pulling down cattle and sheep ....they couldn’t give a damn if you bring a dog that is only the same size as a loaf of bread. And little dogs can use their nose to find pigs just as easily as the bigger ones

Yes BLR i hear you.
Little dogs will find em easy...just get one who's ego matches his size... :lol: ...not like some ive seen...

This fella wont bring down sheep or cattle though...this one is a lover...& they stick close...pretty clingy dogs... :thumbsup:
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by womble » 12 Nov 2020, 3:41 am

Handsome boy. Looks like he knows it too.
Like you say, just calm patience consistency.

Well unless you have mastiffs like me. They don’t really do training. Like haha as if. I’m probably the last person they’d listen too. But they don’t cause any trouble. They just help mum and the kids around the house.
One saw a deer once when on the back of the ute. Yeah whatever, i don’t do running.

Happy for you and your new best mate skinna.
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Skinna » 13 Nov 2020, 1:31 pm

womble wrote:Handsome boy. Looks like he knows it too.
Like you say, just calm patience consistency.

Well unless you have mastiffs like me. They don’t really do training. Like haha as if. I’m probably the last person they’d listen too. But they don’t cause any trouble. They just help mum and the kids around the house.
One saw a deer once when on the back of the ute. Yeah whatever, i don’t do running.

Happy for you and your new best mate skinna.

Sounds like you've got it made womble...dogs that dont cause trouble & help the girls with housework... :thumbsup:

Its hard to get any house work done with this my feet always...we're just starting to work out the feet tango when i get up & move so not tripping over one another--as a pointer he wants to be in front all the time but doesnt know where im going yet until he gets comfy in my routine & new house--that coupled with his existing issues like co-dependancy from his mis-treatment, is making for a serious test of endurance & patience in remaining calm & positive when he trips me up with a glass of water or plate of dinner in my hand...

Never the less he's showing great improvement already in just 3 days...i can sit on the loo now without non-stop barking & the desperate needing to be in my lap.

Anyway, cheers womble
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by bladeracer » 13 Nov 2020, 2:14 pm

Beautiful boy, and a beautiful story of meeting him.

We also love dogs. We lost Rose's boy Felix that she'd had for seventeen years, which was hard.
We weren't ready to find another one, but a wee pup that my daughter took off some people that treated him very badly fell in love with Rose, so he become part of our family. Rose was his god, his every waking moment was about being with Rose. When she was at work he would sit and wait for her to come home.
Unfortunately we lost him when he chased a fox across the road and a car nailed him in 2018 - he really hated foxes. We're still not ready to take in a new boy just yet.
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Blr243 » 13 Nov 2020, 3:37 pm

Both the vislars at my dog park look gay. But yours looks like a proper dog
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by TassieTiger » 13 Nov 2020, 4:12 pm

Lol blr.
My 9 yr old Akita is starting to limp every time she gets up from laying’s coming and it will be horrible. Is there any rubs or ? That can be given to aging dogs to help their joints ?
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by No1Mk3 » 13 Nov 2020, 5:21 pm

G'day TassieTiger,
Talk to your vet, there are a number of dog specific NSAIDS available. If you want to try an alternative before the vets, Liquid Glucosamine at a rate of 3.5mg/lb of body weight has been known to help older dogs with virtually no side effects, and the application of Fish Oil at a tablespoon every 2nd day in their food has also been found beneficial in many cases, but at least talk to your vet, Cheers.
EDITED DOSAGE! A common dose of 3.5mg per POUND, so 7mg per Kilo. Your vet may adjust this up or down depending on efficacy.
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Blr243 » 13 Nov 2020, 6:54 pm

Bloke at our dog park had a slightly chunky border collie that had a leg injury and he gave it some stuff they said it turned him into a new dog. I think it was glucosamine. I messaged him and I will confirm and get back to you. I been working hard lately Might need some for myself
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Blr243 » 13 Nov 2020, 6:59 pm

My mate just replied. It’s glucosamine. But u must get the dog version not the human version. The dog version is stronger to cope with the extra level of acidity in the dogs guts
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by TassieTiger » 13 Nov 2020, 7:21 pm

Blr243 wrote:My mate just replied. It’s glucosamine. But u must get the dog version not the human version. The dog version is stronger to cope with the extra level of acidity in the dogs guts

The vet said try some glucosamine chews for dogs which I got about 2 months ago but...she doesn’t seem to be responding to that.
Sorry to derail thread.
Tikka .260 (Z5 5x25/52)
Steyr Pro Varmint .223 - VX 3
CZ455 .22 & Norinco .22 (vtex 4-12, bush 3-9)
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Skinna » 13 Nov 2020, 7:58 pm

bladeracer wrote:Beautiful boy, and a beautiful story of meeting him.

We also love dogs. We lost Rose's boy Felix that she'd had for seventeen years, which was hard.
We weren't ready to find another one, but a wee pup that my daughter took off some people that treated him very badly fell in love with Rose, so he become part of our family. Rose was his god, his every waking moment was about being with Rose. When she was at work he would sit and wait for her to come home.
Unfortunately we lost him when he chased a fox across the road and a car nailed him in 2018 - he really hated foxes. We're still not ready to take in a new boy just yet.

Thanks Blade.
Yes i remember that story, empathise with you there. 17 yrs, thats a good innings for sure...!!
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Skinna » 13 Nov 2020, 8:14 pm

Blr243 wrote:Both the vislars at my dog park look gay. But yours looks like a proper dog

Yes he's gonna be a man thats for sure, he's a big boy..!!
& as it is at the moment he's happy to hump anything... :o
But that doesnt mean he's gay does it... :unknown: ...isnt it the receiver wh (insert sound effect of needle being rapidly dragged across then removed from vinyl record on turntable)

Had a play date with couple of other Vizsla's at park yesterday--all boys & both others are older than him by many years...This boy wasnt one bit afraid of standing up to them--it was a bit of a worry at first, he is mighty quick--quicker than the others, but thankfully the few scraps they had didnt go for any longer than i could react so they sorted it out.

TassieTiger wrote:The vet said try some glucosamine chews for dogs which I got about 2 months ago but...she doesn’t seem to be responding to that.
Sorry to derail thread.

Yep no worries... :thumbsup:

If its arthritis, watch for sudden swelling in a limb or at the end of a limb...if that happens dont get it put down or bother with anti inflammetrys, get it drained immediately & cortisone shots, & maybe surgery to remove flaked off bone from arthritis.

Give her a real soft bed if she'll take it (i know some older dogs just like what they like, & if thats a hard base :unknown: ), one with plenty of even give to help support/take weight off joint as much as possible.
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South Australia

Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Aliqua » 08 Jan 2021, 6:36 am

Congrats mate! We have a GSD (9yo) and we just lost our GSP a few months back (5yo) to bloat. Picked up a GSP pup again a couple of months ago. They're an incredible breed and would recommend them to anyone - GSP, Vizla, etc. They're all fantastic dogs. I'm training my little guy in scent detection - best way to burn their energy if you cant run them for hours - hehe.

You'll have a blast mate - if you have any questions re: training let me know - however I have no specific experience with training dogs to assist in hunting.

Here's my little guy!
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Aliqua » 08 Jan 2021, 6:40 am

TassieTiger wrote:Lol blr.
My 9 yr old Akita is starting to limp every time she gets up from laying’s coming and it will be horrible. Is there any rubs or ? That can be given to aging dogs to help their joints ?

Antinol Rapid EAB-277.

My 9yo german shepherd has been on it for a couple of months and he runs like a puppy again.
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Jon79 » 30 Jan 2021, 2:38 pm

First thing to get down pat is recall, especially being head strong teenager, they can switch the ears off when they find a nice smell and just follow the nose or they can spot something that looks fun off in the distance and off they go, you also don’t want them chasing off what your about to shoot at

Just spend some time with a long line and work on recall, along with heel and sit

Get a dummy/bumber and work with the dog at home on retrieving and finding it, I had one which I put a rabbit skin on and I would play a game with the pup out the back where it had to find it, great mental stimulation for the dog and they are learning as well

If you are going to try and use the dog on deer I highly recommend paying for the “deer dog blue print” and following that
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Re: Hunting/Gun Dog--a life changer...!!

Post by Ziege » 30 Jan 2021, 2:40 pm

a good dog is irreplaceable, we used to have a kelpie, best thing ever, he would head off flat out and literally bring game directly back to you, didnt matter what it was he would run it straight at you, to the point where you could take it with a 410.
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