Was at the property

Game hunting and large prey. Deer stalking, hunting with hounds. Boar, pigs etc., large prey, culling, hunting large feral animals.

Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 11 Mar 2021, 2:50 am

Have not been to the property in 2 months I pulled the trail cameras cards.
I seen lots of coyote sign I need to get out and thin them out deer are staying tight in cover
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Warrant Officer C1
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Re: Was at the property

Post by JohnV » 12 Mar 2021, 8:12 am

Those Coyotes sure do build up quick . I read stories about them taking peoples cats and dogs in suburban areas . Hook into them and thin them out .
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Re: Was at the property

Post by Blr243 » 12 Mar 2021, 1:29 pm

My best coyote story ever was told to me by a bloke in Australia that had been studying them from afar for reasons unbeknown to me ....he said that a coyote will Sometimes pretend to be friendly with a domestic dog And lure it into the bush , then the coyotes mates hiding in the bush jump out and they all hook in and together they kill the domestic dog .....one day a bloke came home from work to find that his pit bull was unusually tired and had bites, scratches and tears on him but was otherwise ok ....he suspected that there had been some sort of altication goin on so he decided to go for a wander and check things out , he found a dead coyote, and then another, and then another, eventually he found nine dead coyotes , then he wandered home with a smile on his dial feeling pretty proud of his dog so he gave him a cuddle and some smackos
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 13 Mar 2021, 8:44 am

They will kill pet dogs and cats and as you said they will lure dogs out to kill and eat them but they do make mistakes and attack the wrong one's some of the farmers in the upper peninsula that have bull mastiff because of the wolfs and they said the coyotes don't stand a chance and will drag them home after they kill them
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Re: Was at the property

Post by JohnV » 15 Mar 2021, 7:58 am

" Upper peninsular " sounds like Michigan . My Mother was Born on the other side , Hood River Oregon .
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 16 Mar 2021, 1:14 pm

Yes Michigan its were I live
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Re: Was at the property

Post by JohnV » 16 Mar 2021, 5:26 pm

Looking forward to some images of the farm and some neutralized Coyote's . Is it still cold up that way .
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Re: Was at the property

Post by Wm.Traynor » 16 Mar 2021, 7:18 pm

"Neutralised Coyotes". What a lovely expression :) :) :)
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 18 Mar 2021, 1:21 pm

I still had snow on the ground but was in the 50s
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Re: Was at the property

Post by JohnV » 18 Mar 2021, 1:46 pm

I see , that's not so bad . I see you tube videos of hunters using predator calls to bring in Coyotes . Looks like it works ok .
What cartridge and gun do you use ? From what I see 243 W seems to bowl them over ok .
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Re: Was at the property

Post by Oldbloke » 18 Mar 2021, 2:59 pm

Just looked. Coyotes are about same weight as a dingo. So, guess a 222 would do the job most of the time.


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Re: Was at the property

Post by wanneroo » 19 Mar 2021, 12:26 am

Coyotes and dingos are about the same size. A good high velocity varmint bullet will take them down.

However they are smart and elusive and know to stay away from humans. Only when they pack up with one another do they become more easy to hunt at night simply because you know where they are due to the yelping and howling and when in packs they will get more brazen and get closer to people or do things like take stock.

We had a mob of them about 7-8 years ago that got right up on the house and were disturbing the cattle on properties near my house, so the farmers set up at night and blasted a number of them and that seemed to end that party. Now I only get single coyotes hanging around, never seen in the day, the trail camera on occasion will pick them up in winter. Don't really see them in summer.
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Re: Was at the property

Post by JohnV » 19 Mar 2021, 7:40 am

I had a mind concept that Coyotes were about the same size as wolves but obviously wrong . The thicker coat when wet could present some penetration problems for lighter bullets at high velocities as compared to say Dingoes .
In a cold snowy winter like you get over there I would tend to want to use a .243 or bigger to cover all the bases .
I watch some youtube of Coyotes in winter being body hit by 223's and I see quite a few keep running a long way before they drop .
I know it also depends on where they are hit but it just seems to me that the 243's and over are more reliable overall .
I know how much Americans love their AR's in 223 but is it the best cartridge ?
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 04 Jun 2021, 9:46 am

Was at the property this week for a few days the deer are starting to realy show up on the cameras
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 04 Jun 2021, 9:48 am

Here is some more
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wanneroo » 04 Jun 2021, 12:16 pm

JohnV wrote:I had a mind concept that Coyotes were about the same size as wolves but obviously wrong . The thicker coat when wet could present some penetration problems for lighter bullets at high velocities as compared to say Dingoes .
In a cold snowy winter like you get over there I would tend to want to use a .243 or bigger to cover all the bases .
I watch some youtube of Coyotes in winter being body hit by 223's and I see quite a few keep running a long way before they drop .
I know it also depends on where they are hit but it just seems to me that the 243's and over are more reliable overall .
I know how much Americans love their AR's in 223 but is it the best cartridge ?

Well the market has stepped up and there are a variety of choices that fit the AR platform, 224 Valkyrie, 6.5 Grendel, 6 ARC, 6.8 SPC, 7.62x39, 300 Blackout, 22 Nosler and then you can go bigger bore with 50 Beowulf, 458 SOCOM, 450 Bushmaster, etc. Lots of choices now that fit a regular AR 15 receiver.
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Re: Was at the property

Post by Wm.Traynor » 04 Jun 2021, 3:27 pm

Terrific pics mate! :thumbsup:
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 08 Jun 2021, 7:19 am

Thank you
Warrant Officer C1
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Posts: 1383
United States of America

Re: Was at the property

Post by Diamond Jim » 24 Jun 2021, 10:35 pm

wanneroo wrote:
JohnV wrote:I had a mind concept that Coyotes were about the same size as wolves but obviously wrong . The thicker coat when wet could present some penetration problems for lighter bullets at high velocities as compared to say Dingoes .
In a cold snowy winter like you get over there I would tend to want to use a .243 or bigger to cover all the bases .
I watch some youtube of Coyotes in winter being body hit by 223's and I see quite a few keep running a long way before they drop .
I know it also depends on where they are hit but it just seems to me that the 243's and over are more reliable overall .
I know how much Americans love their AR's in 223 but is it the best cartridge ?

Well the market has stepped up and there are a variety of choices that fit the AR platform, 224 Valkyrie, 6.5 Grendel, 6 ARC, 6.8 SPC, 7.62x39, 300 Blackout, 22 Nosler and then you can go bigger bore with 50 Beowulf, 458 SOCOM, 450 Bushmaster, etc. Lots of choices now that fit a regular AR 15 receiver.

Sadly, anything like an AR is prohibited to recreational shooters in Australia - no semi-autos (including shotguns and rimfire) at all except for professional shooters and primary producers.
Listing your firearms is as good as a fingerprint.
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Re: Was at the property

Post by JohnV » 03 Jul 2021, 1:45 pm

Nice pics on the deer . I could go an AR10 in .243 with night vision if I was allowed to own it . My mother should have stayed in the US and I would have been born there instead and then the inside of my gun safe would be a whole lot different , lol.
Warrant Officer C2
Warrant Officer C2
Posts: 1160

Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 07 Jul 2021, 12:52 pm

Was at the property for four days this is just a few a deer horns growing in coyote and a bobcat that was nice to see
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Re: Was at the property

Post by Wm.Traynor » 07 Jul 2021, 2:43 pm

Those are good pics, thank you wrenchman :thumbsup: especially the colour shots :)
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 08 Jul 2021, 1:08 am

I tried to call in coyotes they are packing up on the deer
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 06 Sep 2021, 8:10 am

Going up to hunt sep 18 for early doe and goose don't know if I will be goose hunting but I do have some doe's that I might get.
some early meat would be nice and I can chase horns for the rest of the year this is a regular on trail camera.
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Warrant Officer C1
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Re: Was at the property

Post by Wm.Traynor » 06 Sep 2021, 8:51 am

Great pics wrenchman :thumbsup:
Clear as can be :)
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 06 Sep 2021, 8:53 am

Thank you
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Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 14 Sep 2021, 2:03 am

I was at the property working on hunting spots and checking trail cameras I did set a blind up here
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Re: Was at the property

Post by Wm.Traynor » 14 Sep 2021, 8:50 am

One of these days you will have one one your plate and on your wall mate
Sergeant Major
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Posts: 1745

Re: Was at the property

Post by wrenchman » 19 Sep 2021, 11:00 am

Early doe is going on I have seen a couple with no luck of getting on to them but my son took this one with a 4570 marlin I was a young deer and over kill
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Re: Was at the property

Post by Oldbloke » 19 Sep 2021, 11:08 am

:thumbsup: well done
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
SSAA, the powerful gun lobby. :lol: :lol: :lol: Now I'm a member. :unknown:
Hunt safe. A bit more bang is better.
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