Can you hear the war drums beating?

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by wanneroo » 29 Apr 2021, 9:09 am

ZaineB wrote:always so much 2A bashing on here, from non USA citizens, what does wanneroo and other USA citizens on here think?

Well I know from personal experience and knowledge that media driven propaganda is very powerful, whether it is "the news" or fictional stuff like tv shows and movies. So for a lot of Australians their perception of the USA comes entirely from that and of course all that media has an agenda and that is to keep you in the Matrix, play on your emotions, convince you not to question anything and consume all they feed you. I'd imagine on the flip side there are probably Americans that think Australia is all crocodile wrestling, Outback Steakhouse and Fosters Beer.

Naturally guns bother the big government types and those that worship big government because it means with a gun you can protect yourself, defend yourself and obtain food for yourself. It makes you independent from them and the Matrix so they gotta get the guns.

Covid was the great revealer as we all got to see who all the sycophants for big government were and who is mentally weak and submissive. There are a lot of people happy to trade liberty for some false promises of utopia.

I know for a lot of these folks in regards to the 2nd Amendment and the USA that they've just been brainwashed by the media and don't know any better, so I don't take it personally. When I worked in a ski resort in the 2000s, about 75% of our workforce was Australian and Kiwi and it was hilarious to see how people's perceptions changed after they lived and worked in the USA for a month or two. Some of them when they came to the USA had cartoon like views of what to expect, some thought there would be open shoot outs in the streets but then realized they'd watched too many TV shows.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by bah! » 29 Apr 2021, 10:49 am

The idea that guns mean you can go get your own food, and be independent is at best a fantasy.
I shoot for a feed but 90% of your recommended dietary intake is still plant matter.
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Western Australia

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Member-Deleted » 29 Apr 2021, 11:20 am

Larry wrote:Its not the topic that posters are over its the numpties that post so many stupid conspiracy theories here. Just look at the posts over the last few days WW3 ect. Those numbpties are wannabe heroes with a gun behind the front door ready for action.

Be gone thot.

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Member-Deleted » 29 Apr 2021, 11:24 am

bah! wrote:The idea that guns mean you can go get your own food, and be independent is at best a fantasy.
I shoot for a feed but 90% of your recommended dietary intake is still plant matter.

Sure, just dismiss everything else.

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by bah! » 29 Apr 2021, 1:27 pm

BangWhizzClack wrote:
Sure, just dismiss everything else.
more a case of dismissing the poster. I'm not inclined to pick holes in his posts all day, just point out a few truck sized ones.

Conservadroids using the matrix as an allegory is always a hoot though, it was written by a transwoman, and about gender. Something most of those grumpy old timers would pop their clocks over.
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Western Australia

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by ZaineB » 29 Apr 2021, 6:59 pm

bah! wrote:The idea that guns mean you can go get your own food, and be independent is at best a fantasy.
I shoot for a feed but 90% of your recommended dietary intake is still plant matter.

well for over a decade living in the Gascoyne my family did not buy a single bit of protein we dove, fished, shot and trapped everything we ate, and we also grew a fair few veg, the idea that a gun doesn't give you food independence is fallible.
Posts: 463

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by on_one_wheel » 29 Apr 2021, 8:21 pm

bah! wrote:The idea that guns mean you can go get your own food, and be independent is at best a fantasy.
I shoot for a feed but 90% of your recommended dietary intake is still plant matter.

Meat is an extremely important part of our diet.
The poor mental health of militant vegans is living proof of that.
Unfortunately in SA, other than meat, good bush tucker it extremely thin on the ground.
Even Les Hiddins (the Bush Tucker Man) Bush Foods and Medicines Guide has very little listed for SA compared to most other states.

A diet of fish and red meat alone will keep you going for a very long time, especially if you can get your hands on fatty meats.

Water however... you won't live more than 3 days without hydration in some of our extreme climates in AU

I don't think that idea that guns mean you can go get your own food, and be independent is too far fetched in a long term survival situation.
A firearm will make the harvesting of red and white meat soon much easier as you won't be spending all your time and energy gathering foods with little to no nutritional value.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by ZaineB » 29 Apr 2021, 9:27 pm

exactly O_O_W spot on mate.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by boingk » 29 Apr 2021, 9:55 pm

Speaking of fatty meats....

....anyone looked outside lately?

Even if we run out of food...

...we'll still have each other.

*licks lips*
Posts: 682

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Member-Deleted » 29 Apr 2021, 11:11 pm

bah! wrote:
BangWhizzClack wrote:
Sure, just dismiss everything else.
more a case of dismissing the poster. I'm not inclined to pick holes in his posts all day, just point out a few truck sized ones.

Conservadroids using the matrix as an allegory is always a hoot though, it was written by a transwoman, and about gender. Something most of those grumpy old timers would pop their clocks over.

Indeed, the Wachowski BROTHERS, are dressing like women now and have changed their names. Yes, it has a lot of progressive politics instilled. Likewise with Fight Club, it was supposed to be making fun of "toxic masculinity" before it became a popular buzz phrase. However, that doesn't mean it cannot be interpreted differently. It is art after all, even with it's propaganda. I tell you what's funnier than "conservadroids" quoting the matrix. Progressives and their "science". Oh and their "facts" haha. That s**t is funnier than "Christian science" :lol:

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Member-Deleted » 29 Apr 2021, 11:13 pm

boingk wrote:Speaking of fatty meats....

....anyone looked outside lately?

Even if we run out of food...

...we'll still have each other.

*licks lips*

Solving world hunger, overpopulation and probably homelessness all at the same time :lol:

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by on_one_wheel » 29 Apr 2021, 11:19 pm

boingk wrote:Speaking of fatty meats....

....anyone looked outside lately?

Even if we run out of food...

...we'll still have each other.

*licks lips*

:lol: long pig, the other white meat
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South Australia

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Larry » 30 Apr 2021, 7:25 am

Australia has some very vulnerable infrastructure that would bring the country to its knees very quickly if damaged or destroyed. Very liittle to no redundancy in some critical areas. These could be destroyed very easily by any sympathetic combatants that are already on Australian soil. Any invaders would probably be welcomed with open arms a few weeks down the track from their destruction.
The really disappointing thing is that there have been white papers already done and presented to Governments on these weaknesses with detailed estimated times and nothing has been done to improve the situation.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by cleger » 30 Apr 2021, 8:53 am

ZaineB wrote:
cleger wrote:
ZaineB wrote:always so much 2A bashing on here, from non USA citizens, what does wanneroo and other USA citizens on here think?

What do we think about what? The 2nd amendment in general?

well more the rather flagrant disregard for your rights in general by those who don't live there/don't understand America and the history etc.

I don't get emotional about it. I understand that the U.S. is the outlier.

I'm reminded of the time I was at "Harlequin Jack's" in Brisbane, to play trivia. A bunch of us were out on the porch, between rounds, smoking cigarettes.

You hay have noticed yourself that when you're perhaps the only representative of your people for many thousands of miles, others will at times want to engage on the subject of your country. As soon as one of the guys on that Brisbane porch heard me talking and realised I was American, he launched straight into "you people think you have a right to own guns." That's a verbatim quote. He had much more to say along those and similar lines. I tried to explain that we Americans believe our rights should be considered universal, but he rejected that, and I can understand.

As for our critics who might not "understand America and the history..." I would suggest that few Americans truly understand "the history" either. I'm feeling especially pedantic this evening, so here is all you need to know, if you ever need to deal with anyone (Americans in particular) of the mind that the rights listed in the U.S. Constitution sprang into being as from a burning bush:

The Petition of Right of 1628
The Bill of Rights of 1689

...and then perhaps

The Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of 1780

...being the first part of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which is the world's oldest, still in-force. Dating from 1780, as it does, it predates the "Bill of Rights" in the U.S. Constitution by eleven years.

Of the 10 Amendments in the bill of rights, the first 8 of them can be seen in some form in those two pieces of English legislation. All of them are present in the Massachusetts Constitution.

The Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that is perhaps most closely copied from a prior source is is the 8th, which reads "excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." In the Bill of Rights of 1689, it reads "...that excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." So, 100 years later, the authors of the U.S. Constitution changed "shall not" to "ought not to," and left it at that. Note that the Massachusetts Constitution already held in 1780 that "no magistrate or court of law, shall demand excessive bail or sureties, impose excessive fines, or inflict cruel or unusual punishments."

I bet you have laws like that. Copies, copies, everywhere.

As I say, the same is true for all the rest of them. You can do your own reading. And even those two English laws that I've cited are not generally the first instance of their elements... for example, the famous American 5th Amendment, that provides in part that "no person" shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" has its origin in the "Liberty of Subject" act, that provided "That no man of what estate or condition that he be, shall be put out of land or tenement, nor taken, nor imprisoned, nor disinherited, nor put to death, without being brought in answer by due process of the law." It was passed in 1354, in the reign of Edward III.

So, none of the rights given in the U.S. Constitution were new, nor were any of them even American (except for the content of the 9th and 10th Amendments.) It's just that we'd seen that the English and than the British governments kept ignoring their own laws, and so we created a higher class of law, to which all other law would be subject. But all of those ideas originated prior to and outside of the U.S. Constitution. Its authors were simply learned men.

Now you know part of the history of the American Bill of Rights, in case you didn't before. That brings me to guns.

Millions know the words of the 2nd Amendment by heart. There are those who believe in error that the right is limited to militia service, just as there are those who believe in error that any regulation or legal limits are an "infringement."

Eleven years before the 2nd Amendment was adopted, the committee formed here in Boston wrote Article 17:
"The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it."

Before that, in 1689, in reaction to Charles II's attempts to disarm Protestants in favor of his Catholic friends, they wrote in the Petition of Right
"...that the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law."

Before that, it was a commonly recognised right of Englishmen, who were free to own weapons; Charles was merely the first prominent usurper. So the idea that I hear from some Americans that the 2nd Amendment was adopted because of British attempts at disarming the militia at Concord is wrong - that was just the most recent example. The right did not appear first in the U.S. Constitution, or even the Massachusetts Constitution.

It is an ancient right.

But Parliament in 1689 recognised that the right was limited to what was "allowed by law," and the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 tied weapons to the "common defence" -- words echoed a decade later in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution that stated that the government was being constituted in part to "provide for the common defence," and then linked the right to arms to "a well-regulated militia."

Still, the argument that we no longer rely on militia for our defence in America does not obviate our right, any more than the existence of government-sponsored press like the "Public Broadcasting Service" or "National Public Radio" eliminate our right to free speech, or that no amount of bail can be excessive in the case of a wealthy man.

We have the same rights, it's just that we respect them in different ways. Americans and Australians have a right to trial by jury, and to be safe from unreasonable searches, for example, but in my case, it's entirely clear where those rights come from, and they're less subject to legislation, and thus relatively unassailable, but not without limit. Here in America, we say that such rights exist prior to and outside the Constitution; the Constitution merely recognises them. From there, it's a short reach for us to say that our rights should be considered universal. though we recognise that this principle is not always observed.

This is what I tried to explain to my friend at Harlequin Jack's, if in fewer words. He wasn't buying. If you believe as he did that you have no such right, then I suppose you don't.

As for us, we may yet strike the 2nd Amendment, but even then, we'd have the 50 state constitutions to deal with, of which 44 recognise the right to arms.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Bill » 30 Apr 2021, 9:40 am

with the recent raid on Rudy Guiliani I think War has been averted for atleast another 7 years ;)
When a guy is digging his own grave, you don’t fight him for the shovel.

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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by wanneroo » 30 Apr 2021, 10:46 am

bah! wrote:The idea that guns mean you can go get your own food, and be independent is at best a fantasy.
I shoot for a feed but 90% of your recommended dietary intake is still plant matter.

Here, opening day of deer season is huge, kids get school off for it. One deer harvested provides a lot of meat for the freezer and many families depending on what tags they have will harvest multiple deer in a season providing a lot of their protein and fat for the year. For someone on below average or average income, that can make a substantial difference to someone's yearly budget.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that you will live on steak alone but it's one element of being an independent person.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by bah! » 30 Apr 2021, 5:22 pm


American gun culture even more than australia's, it's commodified dissent, and segues into jewellery for men. I'd say it's likely that on average you have a better chance filling a fridge on small game than deer, especially for the money but not so much to show off about.
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Western Australia

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by womble » 30 Apr 2021, 8:09 pm

Great information, thanks for your efforts cleger.
Our right to trial by jury is constitutional.
Self defense relies on common law here.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Insert random name » 30 Apr 2021, 10:11 pm

Thanks for that write-up Cleger.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by bah! » 01 May 2021, 8:53 pm

boingk wrote:Even if we run out of food...

...we'll still have each other.

*licks lips*

I believe the relevant quote is not to feed up the food chain. (Only down?)
Lance Corporal
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Posts: 209
Western Australia

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by on_one_wheel » 01 May 2021, 9:40 pm

bah! wrote:
boingk wrote:Even if we run out of food...

...we'll still have each other.

*licks lips*

I believe the relevant quote is not to feed up the food chain. (Only down?)

Politically correct eating ? ... have no fear, humans have been eating humans all around the world since the dawn of time. I believe it was frowned apon by Christianity.

Straight from Wikipedia
"In environments where food availability is constrained, individuals can receive extra nutrition and energy if they use other conspecific individuals as an additional food source. This would, in turn, increase the survival rate of the cannibal and thus provide an evolutionary advantage in environments where food is scarce."

Next time someone pats you on the back, just remember, they might actually be checking your fat score.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by ZaineB » 01 May 2021, 11:33 pm

hahaha one wheel my sides hurt after that, but yes will be suss on anyone touching me from hereon out.
Posts: 463

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 02 May 2021, 8:22 am

The concept of what we know now as trial by jury reverts back to the Hebrew story Sodom and Gomorrah. Which basically says that it is better that guilty people go free than innocent people suffer.
Posts: 681

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by bah! » 02 May 2021, 9:07 am

Not an issue of being politically correct, you don't eat animals that eat animals as they accumulate toxins from the environment.
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Western Australia

Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by on_one_wheel » 02 May 2021, 10:13 am

bah! wrote:Not an issue of being politically correct, you don't eat animals that eat animals as they accumulate toxins from the environment.

There's no shortage of vegetarians and vegans out there. :thumbsup:
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Member-Deleted » 02 May 2021, 11:38 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:
bah! wrote:Not an issue of being politically correct, you don't eat animals that eat animals as they accumulate toxins from the environment.

There's no shortage of vegetarians and vegans out there. :thumbsup:


Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Oldbloke » 03 May 2021, 9:41 am

Larry wrote:Its not the topic that posters are over its the numpties that post so many stupid conspiracy theories here. Just look at the posts over the last few days WW3 ect. Those numbpties are wannabe heroes with a gun behind the front door ready for action.

Yep, bending over and sh1ting themselves. All talk.
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Re: Can you hear the war drums beating?

Post by Member-Deleted » 03 May 2021, 12:06 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
Larry wrote:Its not the topic that posters are over its the numpties that post so many stupid conspiracy theories here. Just look at the posts over the last few days WW3 ect. Those numbpties are wannabe heroes with a gun behind the front door ready for action.

Yep, bending over and sh1ting themselves. All talk.

Quite an easy statement to make. As it can't really be tested until s**t goes down. So I would suggest witholding such judgement until s**t happens. Otherwise it could be considered projection.


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