Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

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Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ThePlinkster » 23 Jul 2021, 11:17 am

Hey guys

There is a web site which already tells you how you can lose your firearms license in 17x different ways:
http://www.sportingshooter.com.au/gun-l ... ose-cannon

There's lots of good stuff in there
But I thought that I would also start a thread where we could all brainstorm/share anecdotes of people actually losing their firearms license

Mainly for general knowledge but also so that we can learn from it etc

I have heard of a few anecdotes that I would like to share myself, so I'll start

I know someone who lost their license because they were travelling through a national park with their rifle
That person was travelling through a national park to get to a state forest (going for a hunt)
That person did have their rifle tucked away neatly and out of sight in their car (fully hidden away)
So that person was not alarming members of the public or anything like that at all
But I do believe that the law just states that it's just completely illegal to be anywhere near a national park with a rifle regardless of the situation/circumstances
So that person lost their firearms license simply because he had his rifle with him in a national park
Moral of the story;
Never ever ever ever ever ever be anywhere near a national park with your rifle
Very important

This one is an interesting one
I know someone who failed an eye test, the optometrist/doctor then reported the shooter to the relevant authorities as that physician did not believe that that shooter was "healthy enough" to hold a firearms license due to "poor eye sight" and so the shooter then lost his license as a result
The relevant authorities were going off on what the physician said/recommended and as a result they also therefore deemed that person to not be "fit enough" to hold a license
(Based on what the physician reported)
Moral of the story;
Always try to look after your health to the absolute best of your ability to avoid potential problems

I know someone who lost his rifles temporarily because a verbal argument took place between two people at his house
That shooter wasn't even at home when the argument took place, but because the police were called down, because the incident took place at a "firearms storage address"
The relevant authorities confiscated all his rifles the next day (out of extreme caution I suppose)
Simply because an "incident" was reported at a "Firearms Storage Address"
The shooter ended up getting all his rifles back in the end
After many phone calls, after many emails, after explaining that he wasn't even home during the time of the "incident"
But it was still a massive pain in the neck etc
It took a lot of effort, time and energy for him to get his rifles back
And it was just a nuisance he didn't need
Moral of the story;
If people start arguing at your house, immediately tell them to take that argument 1km away from your house to avoid potential problems lol

What other anecdotes do you guys have that we can learn from?
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by disco stu » 23 Jul 2021, 11:52 am

I've heard of a few instances, one a friend, where people have lost their licence temporarily because of the actions of business partners. I gather the people broke some law or another or were doing dodgy things, but I never got solid details
disco stu
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New South Wales

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by Shootermick » 23 Jul 2021, 12:31 pm

Goes without saying, but I know a bloke who lost them due to domestic violence. The whole story was a beat up, but the first thing they do is take your guns. He knew the cop and the cop was apoplectic at the time. After it was sorted he got them back, never lost his license through it.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ThePlinkster » 23 Jul 2021, 12:43 pm

disco stu wrote:I've heard of a few instances, one a friend, where people have lost their licence temporarily because of the actions of business partners. I gather the people broke some law or another or were doing dodgy things, but I never got solid details

I guess the moral of the story with this one is;

Try to never associate with dodgy/shady/questionable people
Last edited by ThePlinkster on 23 Jul 2021, 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ThePlinkster » 23 Jul 2021, 12:45 pm

Shootermick wrote:Goes without saying, but I know a bloke who lost them due to domestic violence. The whole story was a beat up, but the first thing they do is take your guns. He knew the cop and the cop was apoplectic at the time. After it was sorted he got them back, never lost his license through it.

I guess the moral of the story with this one is;

When you have a disagreement with your partner/spouse, never let things escalate, try to immediately calm the situation down or just walk out of the house completely altogether until your partner/spouse has agreed to calm down.

(To avoid any potential misconception about you or to avoid you being painted in a bad light)
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by Patriot » 23 Jul 2021, 3:23 pm

I know a bloke who lost his license because he threatened the bloke next door who used to deliberately rev his noisy f@ckin dirt bike at all hours of the day and night for years and years and years.
Posts: 264

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ThePlinkster » 23 Jul 2021, 4:05 pm

Patriot wrote:I know a bloke who lost his license because he threatened the bloke next door who used to deliberately rev his noisy f@ckin dirt bike at all hours of the day and night for years and years and years.

Do you know how he threatened his neighbour?
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by Dandry » 23 Jul 2021, 5:02 pm

Remarkably, it seems that this will do it

http://www.sportingshooter.com.au/lates ... recklessly
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ZaineB » 23 Jul 2021, 5:21 pm

Dandry wrote:Remarkably, it seems that this will do it

http://www.sportingshooter.com.au/lates ... recklessly

yeah some people think they are Walker texas ranger.
Posts: 463

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by on_one_wheel » 23 Jul 2021, 10:02 pm

I had a X loose her s**t when I broke up with her after a 16 year relationship and 2 children.

I was accused of every form of DV including drug abuse and plotting her murder.

I had a interim intervention order placed on me and licence suspended and firearms confiscated.

Fortunately I had an overwhelming amount of hard evidence to disprove her rubbish but the ordeal cost me a mountain of cash and was extremely stressful mainly because my children were also named as protected persons. 6 months later my firearms were back but battle to have some involvement in my children's lives was even harder, the family court is a complete disgrace and it can't be abolished soon enough.

It's all to easy for these women to lie their asses off to the police and in court and there's no consequences for them, intact the government fund their court battle because it's "DV" until the intervention order is revoked.

You never truly know someone until you break up with them.
You can be as cool calm and collected as you like, as amicable as possible, when someone decides they've got it in for you there's nothing you can do except hang on for the ride.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ThePlinkster » 23 Jul 2021, 10:23 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:I had a X loose her s**t when I broke up with her after a 16 year relationship and 2 children.

I was accused of every form of DV including drug abuse and plotting her murder.

I had a interim intervention order placed on me and licence suspended and firearms confiscated.

Fortunately I had an overwhelming amount of hard evidence to disprove her rubbish but the ordeal cost me a mountain of cash and was extremely stressful mainly because my children were also named as protected persons. 6 months later my firearms were back but battle to have some involvement in my children's lives was even harder, the family court is a complete disgrace and it can't be abolished soon enough.

It's all to easy for these women to lie their asses off to the police and in court and there's no consequences for them, intact the government fund their court battle because it's "DV" until the intervention order is revoked.

You never truly know someone until you break up with them.
You can be as cool calm and collected as you like, as amicable as possible, when someone decides they've got it in for you there's nothing you can do except hang on for the ride.

I know a friend
She was not happy about the break up of her relationship
And her X was being annoying
(According to what she said - her words)
So she just put a DV case against him
Just so that he would lose his firearms lol.....
Disappointing behavior to say the least
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ZaineB » 23 Jul 2021, 11:00 pm

OOW - this is far too common a story, I too had to write a monologue to regain my firearms license, didnt pass the first time, few more court dates, few dozen more frivolous claims and accusations by her and the picture started to be pretty clear to the cops that she is a dense bitch, still no luck, moved and the accusations kept coming, except this time I was 1600km away, so cops now know she is completely full of it, last straw was her calling my local PD to make an accusation after working out where I had moved to only to be told by the senior sergeant that I knew personally that she can f*** off and never call again. after he saw first hand he wrote me a personal recommendation that I have my firearms restored and also supplied my barrister with a full list of her claims and actions and allowed me to not only bury her accusations but get my kids off her full time. Sadly, despite much protest, none of the courts involved (magistrates and family court) would charge her with perjury and not one complaint to have her charged with filing a false report was followed through by a prosecutor, Dont want to sound f***ed but if the legal system wanted to genuinely do something about DV they would completely dissolve and delete the ability for women to act like this in the first place.

The lasting life consequence is her kids not wanting to have anything to do with her anymore. she cost herself the kids permanently, all by herself.
Last edited by ZaineB on 24 Jul 2021, 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 463

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by boingk » 23 Jul 2021, 11:31 pm

Yeah I see a lot of this in my line of work.

Rookie cops go by the book, apparently, and often issue orders hand over fist. More experienced operators (3 to 5 years or more in the job from what I see) tend to at least make a few inquiries before an order is issued, if at all.

My advice would be to fight any unsubstantiated claim with a 'failure to investigate' type defence. Where were you, what were you doing, phone records, cctv, the usual stuff that is overlooked. Or did they just take a written statement and get an order for the poor upset lady?

ZaineB? Good work on the kids mate. My father coudn't get myself and my sibling back in the 90's but I reckon it'd be a different story now. Mum was academically brilliant and a good financial provider... but totally unhinged and pretty unsuited from a psychological perspective. Fight the good fight mate, bring them up well. Leave the X in the past, where she belongs.

- boingk
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by Ruin » 24 Jul 2021, 5:33 am

Read a story in our local paper (NSW) about a farmer who lost his licence when the police found a rifle on the seat of his truck. Failure to properly store and secure.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by Shootermick » 24 Jul 2021, 9:02 am

I split up with the wife last year. And for those who don’t know, the whole deal is completely in favour of the female. The advice given to me by my old man, who split from my mum 25 years ago was to give her whatever she wants, don’t end up in court. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I did it. She got well over 7 figures in the payout because of all of the land in my name and she got the kids, and I got less time with the kids and a massive debt. It’s hard to admit defeat, but I just had to get rid of her. Plus I was well aware that I couldn’t lose my s##t, because then I’d lose my guns, and my rights to the kids, who I still see a fair bit. There are more important things in life than our firearms, but if you lose them in a relationship break up, you’re tarnished in the eyes of others who think you must be some sort of a threatening monster. They know how to push your buttons, but you just can’t fight back, if you do you’re the bad guy. She’s only an hour away now and I see her all the time with picking up and dropping off the kids etc. Now that we don’t live together we can get along ok. At the time I thought I was losing everything, 12 months down the track, even with her new house plus a fat bank account, I think she’s lost, but it’s not a competition and you have to try and get along for the kids sake.
This has gone a bit off topic, but relationship break downs can take a lot more than just your firearms.
And now that it’s all settled, I’m 100 times happier, got my life back.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by on_one_wheel » 24 Jul 2021, 1:17 pm

boingk wrote:Yeah I see a lot of this in my line of work.

Rookie cops go by the book, apparently, and often issue orders hand over fist. More experienced operators (3 to 5 years or more in the job from what I see) tend to at least make a few inquiries before an order is issued, if at all.

My advice would be to fight any unsubstantiated claim with a 'failure to investigate' type defence. Where were you, what were you doing, phone records, cctv, the usual stuff that is overlooked. Or did they just take a written statement and get an order for the poor upset lady?

- boingk

The police didn't accept her claims so she submitted a "private" application for intervention order to the court who then issued it to the police to serve.
Her affidavit associated with the application read like a venomous 16 year old had written it, the court should have seen right through it but didn't, at no point could she submit to the court evidence to back up her claims of abuse despite some of those apparently being done via email, sms, phone calls, financial, breaking things, drug abuse and the plot to murder her.
My responding affidavit had enough hard evidence attached to prove she was not telling the truth, despite that Women's Domestic Violence Legal Help (or Whatever their man hating asses are called) knowingly continued to fight a false claims with government funding that was meant for genuine victims of domestic violence.

It's all over now, but it's hardly a win, the avo cost me about 30k to fight and the family court cost me another 50k before I just gave up fighting the constant barrage of faulse claims of child abuse.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by Patriot » 24 Jul 2021, 5:47 pm

ThePlinkster wrote:
Patriot wrote:I know a bloke who lost his license because he threatened the bloke next door who used to deliberately rev his noisy f@ckin dirt bike at all hours of the day and night for years and years and years.

Do you know how he threatened his neighbour?

Yeah he threatened jump the fence and f@ckin choke him.
Posts: 264

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ZaineB » 24 Jul 2021, 7:01 pm

Shootermick wrote:I split up with the wife last year. And for those who don’t know, the whole deal is completely in favour of the female. The advice given to me by my old man, who split from my mum 25 years ago was to give her whatever she wants, don’t end up in court. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I did it. She got well over 7 figures in the payout because of all of the land in my name and she got the kids, and I got less time with the kids and a massive debt. It’s hard to admit defeat, but I just had to get rid of her. Plus I was well aware that I couldn’t lose my s##t, because then I’d lose my guns, and my rights to the kids, who I still see a fair bit. There are more important things in life than our firearms, but if you lose them in a relationship break up, you’re tarnished in the eyes of others who think you must be some sort of a threatening monster. They know how to push your buttons, but you just can’t fight back, if you do you’re the bad guy. She’s only an hour away now and I see her all the time with picking up and dropping off the kids etc. Now that we don’t live together we can get along ok. At the time I thought I was losing everything, 12 months down the track, even with her new house plus a fat bank account, I think she’s lost, but it’s not a competition and you have to try and get along for the kids sake.
This has gone a bit off topic, but relationship break downs can take a lot more than just your firearms.
And now that it’s all settled, I’m 100 times happier, got my life back.

Not me, I hammered the s**t out of my Ex at every turn, f*** letting her have anything, all she ended up with was a share of the debt and the kids for 3 years before I took them permanently, now she is massively overweight and dying from some chronic health issue to do with her nervous system, I guess life decided to do what the cops wouldn't to her after all, or, more likely, all the drug use and alcoholism has destroyed her health, in any case I did not for a minute let her have anything her way, I fought her in every single s**ty ass thing she did.

Dont wanna sound mean but women get away with it cos only like 1 bloke in every 5000 puts in a full time effort to force them to behave.
Posts: 463

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by on_one_wheel » 24 Jul 2021, 10:41 pm

ZaineB wrote:
Shootermick wrote:I split up with the wife last year. And for those who don’t know, the whole deal is completely in favour of the female. The advice given to me by my old man, who split from my mum 25 years ago was to give her whatever she wants, don’t end up in court. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I did it. She got well over 7 figures in the payout because of all of the land in my name and she got the kids, and I got less time with the kids and a massive debt. It’s hard to admit defeat, but I just had to get rid of her. Plus I was well aware that I couldn’t lose my s##t, because then I’d lose my guns, and my rights to the kids, who I still see a fair bit. There are more important things in life than our firearms, but if you lose them in a relationship break up, you’re tarnished in the eyes of others who think you must be some sort of a threatening monster. They know how to push your buttons, but you just can’t fight back, if you do you’re the bad guy. She’s only an hour away now and I see her all the time with picking up and dropping off the kids etc. Now that we don’t live together we can get along ok. At the time I thought I was losing everything, 12 months down the track, even with her new house plus a fat bank account, I think she’s lost, but it’s not a competition and you have to try and get along for the kids sake.
This has gone a bit off topic, but relationship break downs can take a lot more than just your firearms.
And now that it’s all settled, I’m 100 times happier, got my life back.

Not me, I hammered the s**t out of my Ex at every turn, f*** letting her have anything, all she ended up with was a share of the debt and the kids for 3 years before I took them permanently, now she is massively overweight and dying from some chronic health issue to do with her nervous system, I guess life decided to do what the cops wouldn't to her after all, or, more likely, all the drug use and alcoholism has destroyed her health, in any case I did not for a minute let her have anything her way, I fought her in every single s**ty ass thing she did.

Dont wanna sound mean but women get away with it cos only like 1 bloke in every 5000 puts in a full time effort to force them to behave.

It's a shame I ran out of money and drive, I was burnt out after 18 months of watching the family court do nothing.
She broke every single order given to her but the family court did nothing and my lawyer showed no interest in pursuing order breaches.
I'm ment to partake in a full family assessment in the coming months but there's absolutely no point, my children have already been poisoned against me, thanks to her story telling and the inaction of the family court, it's simply too late.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ZaineB » 24 Jul 2021, 10:47 pm

there are penalties in WA at least for demonizing the other parent. you shouldn't give up, every time she breeches an order means more ammo, it stacks up in the end and you can use it like a minigun of f*** you against her. this whole bs western woman idea of "hell hath no fury" is utterly F#ckin disgusting, women who think its ok to act like this should walk into the ocean with 20kg of lead weights and keep walking, its repugnant and repulsive.

getting a bit off the rocker here, but honestly its a pathetic and abhorrent attitude that has been perpetuated for far too long, a woman scorned has the right to be offended, that is all, not retaliate and act like a vindictive POS. yet here we have morons a plenty acting like its fine.

dont stop fighting, your kids will care, even if no one else does.
Posts: 463

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by duncan61 » 25 Jul 2021, 11:16 am

Every situation is different.My relationship broke down mainly because I solved the issues by working away and drinking a lot.My wife finally had enough and moved back to England with my 4 genetic children and my stepdaughter.I helped her pack and at one point she started saying if I wish to see the children I have to do this and that and buy her a car etc.I responded to this blackmail by saying.I am helping you pack why would I ever wish to see any of you again.Now 20 years later all my sons live near by.The stepdaughter runs the house where I live with my ex and life is perfect.I was still up for 36% child support even though she was in another country.I solved that by drifting around the Gascoyne for 10 years shooting rooting and electrocuting.The easy road worked for me.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ZaineB » 25 Jul 2021, 1:17 pm

I guess one mans win is another mans loss, I personally couldn't live like that Duncan, I couldn't have someone treat me like garbage and blackmail me.
Posts: 463

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by SPRINT-GTO » 25 Jul 2021, 7:33 pm

Beware if you are on a Disability pension & apply for or renew Firearms licence , particularly in NSW where you are asked to provide a copy of your pension card to qualify for a free licence.
Firearms Registry is now accessing your past medical history particularly looking for any signs anxiety & depression or drug use.
They will inform you that prior to issuing or renewing licence you must consult a psychologist & also undergo drug & alcohol testing.
Happened to a mate of mine & cost him $1100 for psychologist, $240 Drug Alcohol tests + quite a number of visits to his GP during this whole bloody saga.
He passed every test with flying colors & is still awaiting his pistol licence to be issued.
FAR say licence is in the pipeline & he must be patient---this has now been 4 months he has been patient!!!
Posts: 19
New South Wales

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by bladeracer » 25 Jul 2021, 8:49 pm

When I did the safety lecture a guy was having to redo it to regain his licence. He was somewhat transient, having to follow his work wherever it took him. Numerous times Police tried to contact him for an inspection, but when they managed to find his address he'd already moved on. So they suspended his licence for not changing storage addresses as required. He was known to the DFO and they seemed friendly, so I don't believe any charges were laid.

The old lady that pulled a rifle on some hoons in Darwin had her rifle seized, but I saw no mention of loss of licence.
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ThePlinkster » 26 Jul 2021, 3:44 pm

So from this thread so far
As a summary

Here are the ways that we know now how people have lost their firearms license:
- travelling through a national park with a rifle
- having potential physical health problems
- having people have arguments/altercations at your house
- domestic violence (of course)
- associating with people who break the law
- threatening bodily harm to someone
- leaving your rifle laying around not secured (obviously)
- moving house and failing to let the relevant authorities know

I also know people who had their licenses suspended due to receiving covid 19 fines
I also know someone who lost his license as he forgot to re-new his firearms license
(So his license expired and he still had his firearms in his possession which is a big no no of course)

Please feel free to add to this if anyone else has any other examples
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Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by pilotsignal » 27 Aug 2021, 11:15 pm

I have couple of questions on the above:
1. How hell the cops knew it was a rifle in the car driving through the National Park? Was a guy stopped and strip searched?
2. How would you avoid some idiot knocking your door and having argument about some stupid things, such as car parked the way he did not like or BBQ smell going his way or your kids playing near his gate or else? Such things are unavoidable.
Do I make sense here?
Posts: 58
New South Wales

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ThePlinkster » 28 Aug 2021, 12:10 am

pilotsignal wrote:I have couple of questions on the above:
1. How hell the cops knew it was a rifle in the car driving through the National Park? Was a guy stopped and strip searched?
2. How would you avoid some idiot knocking your door and having argument about some stupid things, such as car parked the way he did not like or BBQ smell going his way or your kids playing near his gate or else? Such things are unavoidable.
Do I make sense here?

With #1
That person that I know, he was just driving through a national park with his rifle neatly tucked away in his car. At some point, he was stopped by park rangers who simply asked him if he was carrying a rifle in his vehicle, he said yes and that was it.

With #2
The moral of the story with that one would simply be to avoid "domestic incidents" as much as possible to err on the side of caution. Just in case. That's all. Having "domestic incidents" registered at your address where you store rifles, obviously that would not play in your favour.
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 114

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by SPRINT-GTO » 30 Sep 2021, 11:51 pm

Mate of mine who is on a Disability Support Pension received the attached letter a couple of days ago from NSW Police Firearms Registry.
Thought some persons may be interested as to what FAR is up to!!.
Posts: 19
New South Wales

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by ThePlinkster » 01 Oct 2021, 7:25 am

Letter from FAR to person on DSP20210930_23200069.pdf

Mate of mine who is on a Disability Support Pension received the attached letter a couple of days ago from NSW Police Firearms Registry.
Thought some persons may be interested as to what FAR is up to!!.

I cant open it
What does it say?
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Lance Corporal
Posts: 114

Re: Losing your Firearms License (Anecdotes)

Post by Oldbloke » 01 Oct 2021, 10:06 am

Here it is as a jpeg

Resized_tempFileForShare_20211001-095909_208364430574265.jpeg (286.08 KiB) Viewed 3304 times

Personally I would immediately contact someone like NSC or Shooters Union.
Also request an extension of time.

Have heard this has been happening for a while, even DVA card holders. Problem is that if your Dr is an anti you are likely to lose your licence. Never let cops know you have a disability card.

Good luck
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