So in all my years of hunting i've been incredibly fortunate to have access to loads and loads of private property, so i'm a complete novice when it comes to shooting on public land. I've got a new novice shooter i've taken under my wing and they just recently bought their first rifle. I'm showing them the ropes of hunting like how to whistle in foxes, proper technique for climbing over fences with a firearm, etc. Problem is the timeframes of our availability and my local property don't align, and rather than wait for another lockdown to happen, we'd like to go shooting sooner rather than later.
So plan B is public land. We both agreed Wombat SF looks good because close by for both of us.
I did some more digging on wombat, and found this thread: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15311
Which pretty much says we're f'ed.
What i want to know is, has this officially happened yet? Google maps still calls it wombat SF, and the 'More to Explore' app run by DELWP still shows all of wombat SF as able to be hunted.
Is the official state gov app outdated? Or is has Wombat SF and Lerderderg SP not legally become a NP yet?
If the app is outdated, does anyone have some pointers for where i can find up to date maps on where is still a bloody state forest around the Gisborne area?
cheers all