Kyle Rittenhouse

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Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by perentie » 22 Nov 2021, 6:07 am

Interesting video with political overtones. ... RJIwByA_T0
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by rc42 » 22 Nov 2021, 7:08 am

I also saw the (left) mainstream media coverage around the time of the event and it was clearly presented as a white supremacist psychopath on a murdering spree amongst innocent BLM protesters.
Then I watched some of the live youtube trial coverage and my jaw dropped at the self control of Kyle throughout the events, every shot he fired was justified self defense and the self control that he showed was just exceptional. It was clear to me that he was a decent person caught up in a bad situation where a mob wanted to take his life, I think the jury was right in finding the same result.

The lies of mainstream media were clearly on display and it was also apparent that this was a politically motivated prosecution to make a stand against the right to self defense which seems to be up there with second amendment rights to bear arms that the left want taken away from American 'peasants'.

All of the prosecution witnesses were given immunity for anything they did including rioting, arson, destruction of property, possession of illegal handgun (by a felon), the list goes on and the prosecution wanted conviction at any cost no matter the inconvenient truths of the situation.

We can expect the extremist left politicians to want to make changes to the 'justice' system to help ensure a 'win' the next time something like this happens and they are even considering some trumped up Federal charges to have another go at Kyle now.

The whole trial was an insight into the political corruption that is rife in all 'democracies' now that independent media is gone and just a few oligarchs control almost everything that we see and hear.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by straightshooter » 22 Nov 2021, 8:21 am

Well put rc42.
I am currently reading "Battle for the Mind" by William Sargant which gives an insight into the mechanics of how we are influenced at the mildest level or brainwashed at an upper level in our beliefs.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 22 Nov 2021, 10:52 am

Interesting. A mass causality event has just occurred in Wisconsin just down the road from where the original shooting happened. Is this leftist extremism retaliating to the verdict? Is this an unrelated event? Lets see how this unfolds. ... a802622028
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by Patriot » 22 Nov 2021, 10:58 am

Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:Interesting. A mass causality event has just occurred in Wisconsin just down the road from where the original shooting happened. Is this leftist extremism retaliating to the verdict? Is this an unrelated event? Lets see how this unfolds. ... a802622028

Probably just another American nut enjoying his dangerous freedom.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by bladeracer » 22 Nov 2021, 12:45 pm

Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:Interesting. A mass causality event has just occurred in Wisconsin just down the road from where the original shooting happened. Is this leftist extremism retaliating to the verdict? Is this an unrelated event? Lets see how this unfolds. ... a802622028

Has Alec Baldwin still got access to car keys without supervision?
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by deye243 » 22 Nov 2021, 1:12 pm

bladeracer wrote:
Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:Interesting. A mass causality event has just occurred in Wisconsin just down the road from where the original shooting happened. Is this leftist extremism retaliating to the verdict? Is this an unrelated event? Lets see how this unfolds. ... a802622028

Has Alec Baldwin still got access to car keys without supervision?

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 22 Nov 2021, 1:27 pm

Twenty wounded so far with several dead. They have not announced a death figure yet. Attacking a Christmas parade seems motivated to me. ... a802622028
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by womble » 22 Nov 2021, 6:10 pm

My guess is incel. Seems to have targeted young women.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by rc42 » 22 Nov 2021, 11:07 pm

Haven't heard any calls from the left to ban all cars yet.
It appears that some things are acceptable to use as weapons for mass murder.

So sad for the innocent families caught up in this and their lives ruined because some worthless piece of sh*t wasn't getting something they wanted, hope they catch them, it will be worth a trial this time.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by wanneroo » 23 Nov 2021, 2:28 am

The Rittenhouse trial was deliberately turned into a political show trial and going by the law in Wisconsin, he never should have been charged anyways.

The purpose behind it is the left knows they can't have a Neo Mao cultural revolution with raping, rioting, looting, executions and struggle sessions unless you have a compliant population and if tens of millions have AR-15s and will shoot back to defend their lives, families and property, that revolution isn't getting off the ground. As the prosecutor said in his closing arguments that everyone should be able to take a beating every once in a while. Of course in this case it's clear the mob by their actions would have killed him or at best left him permanently disabled.

Also the media was disgusting in their coverage turning it into some racial thing even though the case involved 4 white guys.

The AR-15 and the 2nd Amendment is a check and balance on these crazy violent people with bad intentions.

If Rittenhouse didn't have an AR 15 that night the mob would have killed him.

If Independent media hadn't been there that night and so much footage existed of the event and we were reliant on the corporate media narrative instead, good chance it would have been a hung jury or conviction.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by wanneroo » 23 Nov 2021, 2:33 am

womble wrote:My guess is incel. Seems to have targeted young women.

No it's a lifelong career criminal out on bail who bought into all the blm marxist nonsense.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by womble » 23 Nov 2021, 3:39 am

wanneroo wrote:
womble wrote:My guess is incel. Seems to have targeted young women.

No it's a lifelong career criminal out on bail who bought into all the blm marxist nonsense.

F*ck even knows how you made a leap from BLM to Marxism :lol:
But correct you are, just another junkie with a car and a gun, god bless America. :drinks:
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by wanneroo » 23 Nov 2021, 4:51 am

womble wrote:
F*ck even knows how you made a leap from BLM to Marxism :lol:
But correct you are, just another junkie with a car and a gun, god bless America. :drinks:

BLM is just another part of Critical Theory.

The idea behind Critical Theory is that the average person in a prosperous western society would never revolt, so you have to create the conditions to start a revolt. A part of it is to pit people against one another in that you create an oppressor and a victim. It doesn't matter in their mind that the oppressor and victim might be completely phony or made up, it's what's need to advance their agenda. And part of it is that if the designated "oppressor" seeks appeasement and bows down to the victim, the victim is never satisfied and the goal posts always move.

The rainbow movement is a great example of it. It's gone from accepting gay people into society into 850 genders and you can change genders and pronouns by the hour. And those people will never be happy no matter how much you seek appeasement because the end goal is societal chaos.

We know from the suspects own social media and rap songs that he's drunk the critical theory/BLM kool aid and in the end he's allowed it to warp his mind to the point he's running over grandmothers in a Christmas parade. That's where BLM gets you.

AFAIK, he did not have a gun, the shots fired were from a police officer trying to stop the terrorist.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by wanneroo » 23 Nov 2021, 5:06 am

Not the first person the suspect has run over: ... 717524002/

This is what George Soros backed "bail reform" and "criminal justice reform" gets us.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by NTSOG » 23 Nov 2021, 5:31 am


The driver of the 4-wheeler is reported to be Darrel E. Brooks, black, aged in his late 30s. Here's his current court proceedings from earlier this month: ... de=details

It has also been reported he may have been fleeing another crime involving a knife fight or attack. Here's a portrait of him apparently in fashionable gaol colours: ... ?width=320

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 23 Nov 2021, 6:29 am

Yes, it appears he was involved in a knife crime in the hours before running over those people.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by PoorShot300 » 23 Nov 2021, 10:26 am

Getting back to the topic, how many here, either commenting or reading, are aware that Kyle, his “prosecutor”, AND the Judge,...

are ALL related? Does that not strike one as suspicious if this was a real trial? Talk about conflict of interest.

Not to mention the way the trial unfolded. I give you the way the Prosecutor behaved with the rifle towards the Jury for one, and the lack of action from the Judge under such behaviour.
Has the admitted armed criminal that blew the prosecutors case been charged or arrested for that felony?
Many more giveaways about this reveal it for the theatrical production it really is..

Just more agitprop theatre for the blind masses in a bid to distract, just as the one before involving Brain Washing (Brian Laundry) false flag event, same as Jan 06... there was no “surprise” outcome of this latest theatre, since there was never any repercussions for the “actors” involved, hence why it was broadcast PUBLICLY. (since when are Murder cases broadcast live like this unless they are specifically for show?)

Theatre for the blind... the players are all related descendants of “the Families” of the Jesuit Phoenician Navy.

H/t to “” for any enquiring minds, click the “Updates” tab for the lowdown about the ones responsible for all the “white noise” we are now experiencing. Same as it’s always been. Langley, Virginia USA, and their Overlords.

Transmission End.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by Pudlux » 23 Nov 2021, 7:15 pm

The young fella gave a very insightful interview to Tucker Carlson. It's on YouTube now if you are interested.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by wanneroo » 24 Nov 2021, 1:31 am

PoorShot300 wrote:Getting back to the topic, how many here, either commenting or reading, are aware that Kyle, his “prosecutor”, AND the Judge,...

are ALL related? Does that not strike one as suspicious if this was a real trial? Talk about conflict of interest.

Not to mention the way the trial unfolded. I give you the way the Prosecutor behaved with the rifle towards the Jury for one, and the lack of action from the Judge under such behaviour.
Has the admitted armed criminal that blew the prosecutors case been charged or arrested for that felony?
Many more giveaways about this reveal it for the theatrical production it really is..

No Kyle, the judge and the prosecutor are not related.

There was a detective in the case relatives with the mayor of Kenosha and someone in the prosecutors office.

The Prosecutor should be sanctioned for pointing the gun at the jury.

Yes, it was a show trial done for political reasons.

People like to frame the agency for such things, but you are assuming such agency is competent enough to create and manage such things.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by womble » 24 Nov 2021, 2:43 am

Pudlux wrote:The young fella gave a very insightful interview to Tucker Carlson. It's on YouTube now if you are interested.

Dam i can’t watch it. I’m allergic to tucker Carlson.

I don’t even know why they charged him. It’s obviously self defense and he was well within his rights.
I think the blokes that attacked him deserve Darwin awards. Dumb way to die.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by cz515 » 24 Nov 2021, 7:44 am

The thing is the underclass, the overloards, the rockerfeller, the gates the lizard people whatever you want to call them. Are trying to create division. By pitching the right against the left, man against another man (or woman), The oppression of the white against the black,invention of genders or suppression of genes.

And you know what they are winning, as seen in the public. Facebook and Google instead of bringing you closer is making you more polarised against your friends and family who disagree with your views. Media outlets that are in it for making a buck and instead of reporting factual news are dishing out unsubstantiated facts and opinions as news.

What's worse is that you get a curated set of information and news all that does is entrench your conformational bias.

All the time the rich get richer, and the masses are scared and corralled into a whatever corner is good to control them.

It's quite funny to see one group of people on this forum crying how the leftard media is biased against them. And another group saying the same about the right wing media.

And it's evident that this event was just a show to keep the circus going
Last edited by cz515 on 24 Nov 2021, 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by cz515 » 24 Nov 2021, 8:09 am

In the last 20 years in Australia like other western countries I see human rights eroded.

First it was under the guise of terrorism, laws were passed, in Victoria a person under the age of 15 could be incarnated without trial for years, and the people cheered on, some leftards complained rest were fine.

The under the guise of pandemic more draconian laws were passed (we all know them so no point listing) the right-wing crazies complained some leftard crazies complained but the majority just went along.

And this is how you take liberties, not how many people on here think... but by divide and conquer. Invent a scary monster or utilise an existing monster make it more scary and then tell the sheep how "they" can kill the monster...a bit of show a bit of pomposity and viola.

America isn't that much better, "they" just have to play the race card, white against the blacks, Hispanics etc. Americans vs Chinese etc etc etc

Such is life.
When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by Bill » 24 Nov 2021, 9:09 am

wanneroo wrote:Not the first person the suspect has run over: ... 717524002/

This is what George Soros backed "bail reform" and "criminal justice reform" gets us.

Bail reform LOL

Isnt a Wisconsin a Republican controlled state ?? has been for 30 years :crazy:
When a guy is digging his own grave, you don’t fight him for the shovel.

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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by PoorShot300 » 24 Nov 2021, 10:07 am

wanneroo wrote:
PoorShot300 wrote:Getting back to the topic, how many here, either commenting or reading, are aware that Kyle, his “prosecutor”, AND the Judge,...

are ALL related? Does that not strike one as suspicious if this was a real trial? Talk about conflict of interest.

Not to mention the way the trial unfolded. I give you the way the Prosecutor behaved with the rifle towards the Jury for one, and the lack of action from the Judge under such behaviour.
Has the admitted armed criminal that blew the prosecutors case been charged or arrested for that felony?
Many more giveaways about this reveal it for the theatrical production it really is..

No Kyle, the judge and the prosecutor are not related.

There was a detective in the case relatives with the mayor of Kenosha and someone in the prosecutors office.

The Prosecutor should be sanctioned for pointing the gun at the jury.

Yes, it was a show trial done for political reasons.

People like to frame the agency for such things, but you are assuming such agency is competent enough to create and manage such things.

How to tell one, that one didn’t peruse the link provided, yet wishes one to believe the say-so of one of the “actors” in this theatrical farce is satisfactory “evidence”. You literally admitted it is/was a show trial, yet utilise evidence within said farce, to
bolster your stance? Makes sense somewhere I guess...

If you decry MSM as fake news, then lean upon that pillar to substantiate ones own claims, I don’t know what else to say in
response. All the best to you and yours.


P.S. ... The link reveals how most of those in the headlines (again, written by the IC at Langley), are either related to, or direct descendants of the Jesuit Phoenician Navy... they are all actors, inc Trump, since one has to ensure fealty to Rome and the Vatican. Research the “Black Pope” to see who’s really running the show. ;)
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by wanneroo » 24 Nov 2021, 11:35 am

Bill wrote:
wanneroo wrote:Not the first person the suspect has run over: ... 717524002/

This is what George Soros backed "bail reform" and "criminal justice reform" gets us.

Bail reform LOL

Isnt a Wisconsin a Republican controlled state ?? has been for 30 years :crazy:

Madison, WI and Milwaukee, WI are notorious left wing towns, going back decades.

Wisconsin was a solid democrat state for a long time, but a lot of people wised up and it had tilted right over the past 15 years. It is still a mixed state with the governor a democrat and the legislature controlled by Republicans.

George Soros and Michael Bloomburg spend big bucks to elect District Attorneys that are light on criminals.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by cz515 » 25 Nov 2021, 7:06 am

Well another day and another shooting in peace loving free country. This time three white men charged guilty to shooting an unarmed black jogger.

I am having trouble linking any article atm
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by bladeracer » 25 Nov 2021, 8:38 am

cz515 wrote:Well another day and another shooting in peace loving free country. This time three white men charged guilty to shooting an unarmed black jogger.

I am having trouble linking any article atm

Thousands of people die every day from lots of causes, age, disease, accident, homicide, etc. Death is so common that very few make national news. I think when a shooting does, it's because it's still unusual enough that the media believe they can make money out of the story. When shootings stop making the news, then you can be concerned it's happening too often.

You seem to follow the gun control narrative that when homicide is committed using a firearm, it is more of a "shooting" than a murder, as if the firearm is the culprit. Murder is murder, regardless of the weapon chosen.
Last edited by bladeracer on 27 Nov 2021, 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kyle Rittenhouse

Post by perentie » 27 Nov 2021, 6:29 am

cz515 wrote:Well another day and another shooting in peace loving free country. This time three white men charged guilty to shooting an unarmed black jogger.

I am having trouble linking any article atm

Yet when a black man smashes his car into a bunch of white people, race or color is not mentioned.
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