Older safe security

Equipment and accessories for shooting. Safes, firearm storage, bipods, carry cases, slings etc.

Older safe security

Post by Lsfan » 24 Jan 2022, 8:53 pm

Just wondering if there are any opinions on the best safe security.
I've noticed some older types have a simple single keyed or combination lock and many newer ones have multiple bars through side, top and bottom.
I'm considering buying an old cmi safe with a single combination lock. Although only one locking point, the cabinet and door steel is double the thickness of newer models.
What are the priorities in a safe?
Posts: 313
New South Wales

Re: Older safe security

Post by No1_49er » 24 Jan 2022, 8:57 pm

The priorities are that it complies with the Act/Regulations, having regard to the type/category of firearm you intend keeping in it.
I would urge you to read the Act and Regulations, and any other information that may be posted on NSW Police web-site.
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Re: Older safe security

Post by Lsfan » 24 Jan 2022, 9:08 pm

No1_49er wrote:The priorities are that it complies with the Act/Regulations, having regard to the type/category of firearm you intend keeping in it.
I would urge you to read the Act and Regulations, and any other information that may be posted on NSW Police web-site.

I know what the Act requires. Either type of safe I'm talking about complies with the requirements for minimum gauge steel and fixing points etc. I'm simply asking which is the most secure?
Posts: 313
New South Wales

Re: Older safe security

Post by No1Mk3 » 24 Jan 2022, 10:01 pm

G'day LSfan,
The multiple locking pin safes are much more resistant to prying, and doors will remain in place even if the hinges are blown. I woiuld prefer a multi locking pin over a single point lock anyday but I have both types due to what I could afford at the time. Eventually I will replace the single point safe, Cheers.
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Re: Older safe security

Post by Die Judicii » 25 Jan 2022, 8:21 am

Just remember, to a certain point a lock/s will only keep an honest person, or poorly equipped person out.
Yes, get the best design and quality you can afford (preferably multi point locking pins/bars), but at the end of the day a determined
well prepared thief will still get in to your goodies.
The basis is to make that job damm hard for the thief.

Back up whatever safe you decide on with other counter measures like alarms, cameras etc
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Re: Older safe security

Post by Lsfan » 25 Jan 2022, 9:15 am

Thanks guys. To me it almost seems like some of the multi point safes exist so that they can use the minimum thickness door. Eg. I have a multi point one with a 3mm thick door but the cmi is 6mm with one locking point. I guess it means nothing though if they can break the lock.
Posts: 313
New South Wales

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