WW3 ?

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bigrich » 04 Jul 2021, 6:24 am

wanneroo wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:It's starting to sound like Xi is looking for a reason to start a war. Rhetoric is getting more "threatening" if you ask me.

Perhaps he wants to go down in history as world leader,,,,or what ever.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-01/ ... /100260260

To me the worrying aspect is Chinese leaders have no regard for life. So sacrificing a few million citizens in order to go down in history as some sort of hero won't worry Xi in the least.

The Chinese communist party has never had any regard for life and never will. Only power is what matters. Xi is consumed with power and control.

Basically the world has let them get away with what they have done with Covid, so they are emboldened and they will make more moves.

I have no doubt if they continue as they do there will be open warfare. As it stands we are already at war, China steals everything they can, they manipulate everything they can and they break any deal they make. It's not all that far off bullets flying.

in this new cyber world i don't think the bullets will start flying. it's more a deterent against the west from attack . we're already at war as you say . a millitary leader in australia called it a "grey" war . propoganda , cyber attack and financial control . the "belt and road" scheme is about control over other countries resources and infrastructure .
why attack another country and destroy anothers infrastructure , when you could take it over and have a system in place that builds wealth for china .
it won't be down to bullets and bombs , crash another countries financial system and communications through the internet , and the society and citizens would turn into chaos . all those city living "couch potatoes" and yuppie types with no plastic card to buy fast food (not that many people seem to prepare their own food these days ).
how quick would the starving mobs start breaking into houses looking for water/food or a car to try to escape the situation . and i reckon most would be happy if the glorious army of the CCP turned up with food and water
this modern internet world has many conveiniances , but i reckon it's more fragile than most people realise

just my two cents
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by straightshooter » 04 Jul 2021, 9:11 am

wanneroo and Oldbloke

The naivety of your statements along the lines of Chinese leaders have no regard for life amazes me.
Do you think there has ever been any Power or Government in history that will without hesitation "break as many eggs as necessary to make whatever omelette they want".
China steals everything they can, they manipulate everything they can and they break any deal they make.
Equally amazing is that you might think China is a sole practitioner in that regard and thus must be singled out for punishment!
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 04 Jul 2021, 9:29 am

History teaches us theres been many.
But in this case Mao is the relevant one. The biggest mass murderer in the history of the world. Of his own people.
And they revere him like a God today. The founding father of the CCP.
If Jinpeng takes Taiwan he will finally emulate Mao’s status in the party. He will be all powerful, unquestionable leader of china
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bigrich » 04 Jul 2021, 12:27 pm

straightshooter wrote:wanneroo and Oldbloke

The naivety of your statements along the lines of Chinese leaders have no regard for life amazes me.
Do you think there has ever been any Power or Government in history that will without hesitation "break as many eggs as necessary to make whatever omelette they want".
China steals everything they can, they manipulate everything they can and they break any deal they make.
Equally amazing is that you might think China is a sole practitioner in that regard and thus must be singled out for punishment!

history teaches us the british and american "empires" have done a lot of immoral things in the past . now it's china's turn . japan got very assertive due to western exploitation , which is a partial reason for ww2 in the pacific :unknown:
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 04 Jul 2021, 2:16 pm

I'll just leave this.

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 05 Jul 2021, 8:45 am

Good point there SS.

Has any victorious army throughout the history done that.

Looking at say the Iraq war, Americans bombarded most of hospitals, schools, bridges before they even entered the country. Maybe people forget Vietnam, and agent Orange. Maybe people forget the wholesale killings of red Indians by the British and then American people.

Looking through history, its the same... even Vikings, Greek, Romans. The list goes on

What I don't get is why do Australian government and some people want to bite the hand that feeds them. Let's talk about economy and China. When you look at it, the whole ofAustralia is 4 things. Digging out of the earth, consuming things, service industry and government spending (directly or indirectly).

3 out of 4 are majority reliant on China, and the 4th needs China to make the things (service). So why does Australia still want to suck the teets of basically a dying superpower. It's like a teenage kid abusing their parents while still living in their home and dependant on them for spending money. :sarcasm: :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Jul 2021, 9:05 am

"Chinese leaders have no regard for life amazes me."
I agree ss. But what I should have said was

"Chinese leaders have no regard for their own people and happy to sacrifice them all"
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 05 Jul 2021, 12:57 pm

China is the bad guy and we are the good guys. The coming war with China is a war of ideology. Freedom lovers on one side and slavery lovers on the other side.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 05 Jul 2021, 4:36 pm

Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:China is the bad guy and we are the good guys. The coming war with China is a war of ideology. Freedom lovers on one side and slavery lovers on the other side.

That is preposterous. Talking about goodies and baddies is Tony Abbott level stupid,
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Jul 2021, 5:10 pm

Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:China is the bad guy and we are the good guys. The coming war with China is a war of ideology. Freedom lovers on one side and slavery lovers on the other side.

Well, I'm not too keen on that prediction.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 05 Jul 2021, 5:17 pm

China literally harvests organs, forces abortions and enslaves people. Instead of increasing conditions at the apple factory and stoping workers from killing themselves they simply built suicide nets around the factory to prevent workers from Jumping off and killing themselves.

China is evil and is the definition of the “bad guy“.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 05 Jul 2021, 5:29 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
Well, I'm not too keen on that prediction.

Nobody is. But to be realistic the writing is on the wall. Thucydides Trap Is the concept that when a rising power threatens an existing power war will always occur.

We read our history books and it is a very condensed version of history that just talks about certain major events. Germany invades Poland on this date blah blah blah. What we don't read about is the political and social subversion in the years and decades before the event that will eventually lead to the event.

Right now we are in the period before the event and as the dominos fall we can see the final domino will fall that will kick the event off.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Jul 2021, 6:14 pm

The next ww could easily result in the survivor's (if any) using sticks and stones to hunt with. It could easily reduce the population by 95%

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 05 Jul 2021, 8:16 pm

Freedom only really exists in the West if you're a richie mc rich. I f you're poor, the view to China probably isn't dissimilar. Mind you at least you can get free medical help in China, try that in the USA.

Instead of forcing abortions in the west, instead they limit access.

Working for apple in the USA ... not that different to working for amazon in the USA, where they force you to wear a tracking bracelet and pee in a bottle.

Tell me again how the west is all about freedom :D
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 05 Jul 2021, 11:40 pm

If they actually worked and actually researched... and not spent all their time in YT channels being brainwashed by opinionated nincompoops living their their mums basement. they might know mate.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by wanneroo » 06 Jul 2021, 12:29 am

bigrich wrote:
wanneroo wrote:in this new cyber world i don't think the bullets will start flying. it's more a deterent against the west from attack . we're already at war as you say . a millitary leader in australia called it a "grey" war . propoganda , cyber attack and financial control . the "belt and road" scheme is about control over other countries resources and infrastructure .
why attack another country and destroy anothers infrastructure , when you could take it over and have a system in place that builds wealth for china .
it won't be down to bullets and bombs , crash another countries financial system and communications through the internet , and the society and citizens would turn into chaos . all those city living "couch potatoes" and yuppie types with no plastic card to buy fast food (not that many people seem to prepare their own food these days ).
how quick would the starving mobs start breaking into houses looking for water/food or a car to try to escape the situation . and i reckon most would be happy if the glorious army of the CCP turned up with food and water
this modern internet world has many conveiniances , but i reckon it's more fragile than most people realise

just my two cents

I agree that much of it is being fought with propaganda, undermining business or stealing trade secrets, or cyberwarfare, etc.

However I would never rule out a shooting war.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 06 Jul 2021, 4:01 am

bah! wrote:Freedom only really exists in the West if you're a richie mc rich. I f you're poor, the view to China probably isn't dissimilar. Mind you at least you can get free medical help in China, try that in the USA.

Instead of forcing abortions in the west, instead they limit access.

Working for apple in the USA ... not that different to working for amazon in the USA, where they force you to wear a tracking bracelet and pee in a bottle.

Tell me again how the west is all about freedom :D

Freedom of choice
Freedom of religion
Freedom of speech
Freedom of thought
Freedom of individuality
Freedom to protest
Freedom of expression
Freedom of equality
Freedom of consumption
Freedom to range
Freedom of the press
Freedom to error with presumption of innocence
Freedom to vote in democratic elections
Freedom of self innovation and creation
Even freedom of gender now, which admittedly is kinda weird. But if it means i can identify as a tree, then I’m ok with it.

It’s everything bah, from the minute you’re born. Communism will strip all your control of the life you will lead. We are the one species on the planet that can choose our own destiny. That is our birth right. That is what is at stake here.
Our population is exploding, the worlds resources are limited. Ultimately only one ideology can manage the planet.
Communism is cancer made a valid point. It dose’nt just happen overnight. We’ve known this was coming since the late 40’s
In every conflict worldwide since, communism backs one side, democracy backs the other. It’s just been a series of battles for every little piece of the globe with an end goal in sight. A slow process which we’ve been winning.
Faced now with a communist superpower the goal posts are heavily fortified. That can only be a prelude to a final catastrophic war. We can’t dismantle them with diplomacy like the soviets. They are fervently nationalist in their conviction.

I would like to end them while we still can. Who dares wins.

I do see your point relative to the US only. But that’s over now and it’s not coming back. Unfettered capitalism is being reigned in. The conservatives are dead in the water. Trump will rot in hell. And they will fall in Europe and the UK soon enough.
And our own current Howard clone who’s name i won’t even speak he’s as good as gone, he’s done.
Last edited by womble on 06 Jul 2021, 5:31 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 06 Jul 2021, 4:21 am

Actually freedom to range, yeah not so great. But who’s fault is that. That was the bat eaters gift to us.
Stop eating bats you stupid monkeys. They make you sick.
Here’s another one. Freedom to not all look the same.
Now excuse me while i go water myself, see if i can grow some leaves.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 06 Jul 2021, 8:37 am

womble wrote:Freedom of choice of what, I can't choose to even leave aus, or come back if I left, I can't chose to carry a gun in public like some here want to

Freedom of religion as long as your religion is Christianity or one of its flavours, if you are Muslim, Jewish there is still a huge amount if agro against them

Freedom of speech except in America where its enshrined in law, even though it still gets trampled, it's not actually true

Freedom of thought
Freedom of individuality
Freedom to protest well if you take recent history, apparently BLM protesters complained they couldn't, and nazi protesters complained they couldn't as well

Freedom of expression
Freedom of equality it's only equality if you are white and male, be African Americans in usa, women pretty much anywhere, Asian, Indians etc all experience racial hate and preferential treatment against them

Freedom of consumption
Freedom to range
Freedom of the press not when Trump keeps saying all press is fake news, or our own government keeps defunding ABC because .... leftard

Freedom to error with presumption of innocence not for us gun people or drivers, we are guilty unless proven innocent. nor also if you don't take drugs or come from a bad childhood, you get the book thrown at you while those who do get pretty off lightly

Freedom to vote in democratic elections
Freedom of self innovation and creation
Even freedom of gender now, which admittedly is kinda weird. But if it means i can identify as a tree, then I’m ok with it.

West is all an illusion, give the sheeple lots of lollipops and an illusion of freedom and keep them scared. What's funny is the people who think they know that and revolt against it.... are still manipulated into their boxes as designed for them.

it's like Pepsi Max, they tell you no sugar but when you drink it the body still behaves like it's sugar by pumping insulin. Atleast in communist state it's all clear... you are fkd, the only choice is what type of state sponsored lube you get to use.

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by bah! » 06 Jul 2021, 9:16 am

cz515 wrote:
West is all an illusion, give the sheeple lots of lollipops and an illusion of freedom and keep them scared. What's funny is the people who think they know that and revolt against it.... are still manipulated into their boxes as designed for them.


^^ yeah, all of that. There is some writing in philosophical circles about how western notions of rights are both racist and capitalist in origin. A lot of it comes down to egocentric v homocentric thinking.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 23 Feb 2022, 4:19 pm

Perhaps it's Russia who's going to push the first domino over?
Putin's getting old enough and silly enough to trigger something and all the trigger happy lunatic leaders are all wound up.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Larry » 23 Feb 2022, 4:36 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Perhaps it's Russia who's going to push the first domino over?
Putin's getting old enough and silly enough to trigger something and all the trigger happy lunatic leaders are all wound up.
images (6).jpeg

Yes and who else may take the opportunity while the world is embroiled with Russia to expand their own empire? I think back to WW2 when the Japanese used the war in Europe to make their own moves. Perhaps China will take the lead and make a move on Taiwan and perhaps further afield.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 23 Feb 2022, 4:49 pm

Larry wrote:
on_one_wheel wrote:Perhaps it's Russia who's going to push the first domino over?
Putin's getting old enough and silly enough to trigger something and all the trigger happy lunatic leaders are all wound up.
images (6).jpeg

Yes and who else may take the opportunity while the world is embroiled with Russia to expand their own empire? I think back to WW2 when the Japanese used the war in Europe to make their own moves. Perhaps China will take the lead and make a move on Taiwan and perhaps further afield.

That's what I think. It's certainly a worry.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 23 Feb 2022, 5:15 pm

We can send in our submarines
When we get some…
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 23 Feb 2022, 5:29 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
Larry wrote:
on_one_wheel wrote:Perhaps it's Russia who's going to push the first domino over?
Putin's getting old enough and silly enough to trigger something and all the trigger happy lunatic leaders are all wound up.
The attachment images (6).jpeg is no longer available

Yes and who else may take the opportunity while the world is embroiled with Russia to expand their own empire? I think back to WW2 when the Japanese used the war in Europe to make their own moves. Perhaps China will take the lead and make a move on Taiwan and perhaps further afield.

That's what I think. It's certainly a worry.


As for our subs... don't worry, we'll just tell em we're not ready yet like that game of hide and seek... dad counts, "four, three, two ... kids "WERE NOT READY YET!" Dad "ok... ten, nine, eight..." :lol:

Ready or not, here it comes
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Robin » 23 Feb 2022, 5:44 pm

I think Putin wants to go down in history as someone to remember, we all remember Hitler for the horrible things he did, I think Putin wants to be remembered as the one who started WW3, and I think it will happen, if he hits Ukraine, then its on, China will go with Russia , countries in the Nato alliance surrounding Ukraine will come in, the US will come and same with the UK, we might also come in to feel like we are part of the deal, Russia will loose but when they are at the loosing end, they will launch a few Nukes and then the US will launch there's also.

Time to stock up on ammo as there is going to be a shortage.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 23 Feb 2022, 5:48 pm

Robin wrote:I think Putin wants to go down in history as someone to remember, we all remember Hitler for the horrible things he did, I think Putin wants to be remembered as the one who started WW3, and I think it will happen, if he hits Ukraine, then its on, China will go with Russia , countries in the Nato alliance surrounding Ukraine will come in, the US will come and same with the UK, we might also come in to feel like we are part of the deal, Russia will loose but when they are at the loosing end, they will launch a few Nukes and then the US will launch there's also.

Time to stock up on ammo as there is going to be a shortage.

Agreed... he'd definitely be the type to want "his war"
As for stocking up... I did that years ago, I should really need to buy powder, primers or projectiles for the next 20 years :lol:
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 23 Feb 2022, 6:04 pm

Lol you all been drinking the cool aid too much.

Let's talk about recent history. A few years ago the two countries (same two who are screaming the loudest now) called out a country has WMD, invaded it, killed thousands of people, destroying billions of dollars of infrastructure, looting billions more. A few years later no WMD found, no apologies, no repatriation paid, blah blah blah.

Funny it was just about when America was just about to go through a big down turn.

Fast forward a few years, it's after crona, America has run out of money so we start hearing them best drums, first was China then Russia. My first and only question here is just think who benefits in a war situating?

Anyway the price of oil is up, gas is up. Europe is trying to ban gas imports from Russia. And who benefits American oil companies, American shale gas wells, and Middle Eastern countries where the major shareholders are Smetana lacks and the same people
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 23 Feb 2022, 6:09 pm

cz515 wrote:My first and only question here is just think who benefits in a war situating?

Every nation with a massive debt and out of control inflation. War is the perfect setting for a financial reset.
Last edited by on_one_wheel on 23 Feb 2022, 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Larry » 23 Feb 2022, 6:16 pm

Yes America could definitely benefit from another war. They really need something to unite them before they internally combust.
China could go after us when we retaliate against them for invading Taiwan. Absolutely a setting for WW3.
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