WW3 ?

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by JimTom » 23 Feb 2022, 8:30 pm

Definitely a very uncertain and dangerous time we find ourselves in. Definite potential for a rather large conflict. Can’t see anything good coming of the current situation that’s for sure.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Blr243 » 23 Feb 2022, 8:42 pm

I’m just glad our country is so far geographicly away from everyone else , so we can generally see them coming , have time to block and counter punch
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by wanneroo » 24 Feb 2022, 1:48 am

cz515 wrote:Let's talk about recent history. A few years ago the two countries (same two who are screaming the loudest now) called out a country has WMD, invaded it, killed thousands of people, destroying billions of dollars of infrastructure, looting billions more. A few years later no WMD found, no apologies, no repatriation paid, blah blah blah.

Funny it was just about when America was just about to go through a big down turn.

Fast forward a few years, it's after crona, America has run out of money so we start hearing them best drums, first was China then Russia. My first and only question here is just think who benefits in a war situating?

Anyway the price of oil is up, gas is up. Europe is trying to ban gas imports from Russia. And who benefits American oil companies, American shale gas wells, and Middle Eastern countries where the major shareholders are Smetana lacks and the same people

Saddam shifted some of his WMD into Syria and miscalculated by doing so thinking that would stop the invasion. However some was left in Iraq. I have worked with colleagues that secured some of it and the reason why it was kept down low is that the open revealing of it would have embarrassed some of our allies. In the end the whole story will come out but by then no one will care.

Looking back it was a strategic error to invade Iraq while still in A-Stan and I think for the American people it changed a lot of attitudes and understanding that we can't police or solve every problem in the world.

With this Ukraine thing, I see both sides. I've watched Putin speeches at things like the Valdai Club and he recognizes the woke, 897 different genders, climate change hysteria, huge debts, illegal immigration thing is leading the west into the same suicide the Roman Empire committed. I also understand from research that you have two divides in Ukraine, one side sees it's future being a part of Europe and another side that sees it's future connected to Russia. Putin has openly said he wants to reunite all the Russian people under one roof or at least have them in his sphere of influence.

To me if the vast majority of people in the Donbass and Luhansk don't want to be a part of Ukraine, I don't see it's worth fighting over as an outside party.

In regards to oil and gas prices, Russia benefits as well. In fact a lot of other commodities like nickel and copper are going crazy as well. Potentially looking at a lot of metrics I think we might be in for a 2008 like crash again.

Could WW3 happen? Certainly possible and I think much of it is due to the majority of the leaders in the west being feckless, weak toads. Some of these other leaders are going to seek to make some gains and it could result in a miscalculation that turns gruesome.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by wanneroo » 24 Feb 2022, 1:57 am

JimTom wrote:Definitely a very uncertain and dangerous time we find ourselves in. Definite potential for a rather large conflict. Can’t see anything good coming of the current situation that’s for sure.

I certainly get the sense and I think most other people do that we are in a very transformational age and it might not be an easy time to live through when all is said and done.

I was watching some TV shows recently filmed pre Covid 2018, 2019 and they already feel like another era entirely.

In 2019 I was planning on traveling to Australia for the Townsville 400 and some other stuff and put it on hold when I got hit by a drunk driver. Figured I'd go in 2020. Should have went regardless in 2019 because with the way things are going, it might be a long time before something like that is possible again.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 24 Feb 2022, 3:31 am

Putin just wants the Soviet Union from his youth. And he’s made some gains in recent years. He’s sill tying to ride out that wave and get what he can now because he dose’nt see it getting any easier in the future. Dose’nt see a republican comeback materialising.
But the world cant go back to a rival communist superpower and its not going to happen at any cost.
He’s going to learn this lesson the hard way.
I want some Russian scalps for flight MH17. The pro Russian separatists in the Ukraine are the ones that killed our country men.
So bring it on.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by wanneroo » 24 Feb 2022, 6:16 am

womble wrote:Putin just wants the Soviet Union from his youth. And he’s made some gains in recent years. He’s sill tying to ride out that wave and get what he can now because he dose’nt see it getting any easier in the future. Dose’nt see a republican comeback materialising.
But the world cant go back to a rival communist superpower and its not going to happen at any cost.
He’s going to learn this lesson the hard way.
I want some Russian scalps for flight MH17. The pro Russian separatists in the Ukraine are the ones that killed our country men.
So bring it on.

The democrats are likely to get hammered pretty good in mid terms this year and lose control of the House and Senate, so Biden will pretty much be a lame duck president at that point. Kamala Harris is dumber than dumb, as she has so clearly demonstrated. Even democrats are trying to figure out how someone so dumb is VP.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by straightshooter » 24 Feb 2022, 6:36 am

Blr243 wrote:I’m just glad our country is so far geographicly away from everyone else , so we can generally see them coming , have time to block and counter punch

That may have been true in the 50's and even the 60's especially as there was actual growing industrialisation with resulting military capability in those times.
What do we block and counter punch with?
28000 active duty military and 30000 reserves?
many of our underlying and key strategic industries offshored?
the bulk of the population concentrated in only a few central locations?
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Bugman » 24 Feb 2022, 2:01 pm

That's it! I am not buying any more Russian caviar or Chinese spring rolls. That ought to teach em. :x
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 24 Feb 2022, 3:26 pm

We are now at war.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 24 Feb 2022, 3:45 pm

womble wrote:We are now at war.

s**t... your not joking....
OWW is heading to the bomb shelter
Let's hope it just stays between Russia and the Ukraine
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Clem » 24 Feb 2022, 4:03 pm

Meh....in the scheme of things the Russian take back of the Ukraine is nothing to fear. There is a long history between the 2 countries.

So much posturing and fake news surrounding this, it's laughable. A perfect distraction for sleepy Joe.

The only people that will suffer are the few faceless rich inbreds who stood to profit from the Ukraine joining NATO. Putin was never going to allow this


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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 24 Feb 2022, 4:06 pm

womble wrote:We are now at war.

Do you mean Ukraine and Russia are at war. I don't see scomo sending some of our 20,000 troops. And America is definitely not sending anything at the moment. All that sanctions... did soo much to stop Russia

Very sobering thought, what if China decides to invade Australia, will America go to war and send troops or will they go on the TV and put sanctions on China
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 24 Feb 2022, 4:17 pm

Russia and nato are at war.
Scomo should be expelling the Russian ambassador about now. But you know what Scomos like

Probably a good idea to stay well clear of this area
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 24 Feb 2022, 4:17 pm

cz515 wrote:
womble wrote:We are now at war.

Do you mean Ukraine and Russia are at war. I don't see scomo sending some of our 20,000 troops. And America is definitely not sending anything at the moment. All that sanctions... did soo much to stop Russia

Very sobering thought, what if China decides to invade Australia, will America go to war and send troops or will they go on the TV and put sanctions on China

Not a word about anyone wanting to jump in to help... I'm not surprised either. My money is on the Ukraine surrendering with the next few hours.

As for Australia being invaded, we'd be one of the least prepared countries on the planet for an invasion.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 24 Feb 2022, 4:28 pm

Clem wrote:Meh....in the scheme of things the Russian take back of the Ukraine is nothing to fear. There is a long history between the 2 countries.

So much posturing and fake news surrounding this, it's laughable. A perfect distraction for sleepy Joe.

The only people that will suffer are the few faceless rich inbreds who stood to profit from the Ukraine joining NATO. Putin was never going to allow this

Take back Ukraine ?
The USSR was dismantled in 1991.
Ukraine is an independent nation.
We should have let them join nato but trump wanted to lick putins boots.
So now Putin has taken Crimea, Georgia, Moldova ?
He’s attacked us, innocent civilians, flight mh17.
And he took out the top brass of Poland flight 101.
Have i missed anything. ?

We stop him now.
Read the threat he just issued to nato. That means nukes.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 24 Feb 2022, 4:31 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:
cz515 wrote:
womble wrote:We are now at war.

Do you mean Ukraine and Russia are at war. I don't see scomo sending some of our 20,000 troops. And America is definitely not sending anything at the moment. All that sanctions... did soo much to stop Russia

Very sobering thought, what if China decides to invade Australia, will America go to war and send troops or will they go on the TV and put sanctions on China

Not a word about anyone wanting to jump in to help... I'm not surprised either. My money is on the Ukraine surrendering with the next few hours.

As for Australia being invaded, we'd be one of the least prepared countries on the planet for an invasion.

Not how it works. Special forces will already be in there on the ground. It’s what they do.
Go behind enemy lines and sabotage.
It’s not publicized.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 24 Feb 2022, 4:43 pm

Nato https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/nato_countries.htm

One responds all go in.
Legion will go in first.
Russia’s defeat will be swift.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 24 Feb 2022, 4:48 pm

womble wrote:Nato https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/nato_countries.htm

One responds all go in.
Legion will go in first.
Russia’s defeat will be swift.

Sketch stuff with Putin and his 6000 + cans of sunshine
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Bugman » 24 Feb 2022, 5:26 pm

Yep. Adolf Putin has shown his KGB commie hand. What a gutless individual. BUT as history has shown, he will be defeated, when? Who knows but it will eventually happen. The sad thing is, is that many innocent people will be caught up in it and perish. At my age, I am of no consequence, but I am fearful of my beautiful grandchildren, as others of this forum would testify. :cry:
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 24 Feb 2022, 5:41 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:
womble wrote:Nato https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/nato_countries.htm

One responds all go in.
Legion will go in first.
Russia’s defeat will be swift.

Sketch stuff with Putin and his 6000 + cans of sunshine

Very. He’s a convincing madman.
But we have to call his bluff.
Like Kennedy with Cuba or Biden with Taiwan.
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 24 Feb 2022, 8:08 pm

Ukraine is NOT part of NATO. So, nobody is committing troops at this stage.

We are NOT at war.

US won't commit troops, they know if they do China will move on Tiawan.
But I agree European countries should "step up" to the mark.

Obviously Ukraine is badly out numbered.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 25 Feb 2022, 2:50 am

Live thread for anyone interested in following https://www.reddit.com/live/18hnzysb1elcs/

Guarantee you seals will be in there amongst it oldbloke.
I think the US will likely commit air support as a first “response”

We play to win. We are already several moves ahead on the board.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by wanneroo » 25 Feb 2022, 3:56 am

The NATO thing is just an excuse and cover for what the Russians are doing. If he conquers Ukraine, ummm, he's going to have NATO on his doorstep like never before. Also he just proved the point of why these countries want to be in NATO to begin with, they don't want their neighbor ransacking them at will. Is NATO seeking to invade them? No. I can appreciate perhaps the Russians have some issues with this or that and there are some things to work through, but this is no way to do it.

Putin spelled it out in his speech, he doesn't see Ukraine as having a right to exist. As Russian state media was putting out a map of "Ukraine" this morning with a small portion of it "Ukraine" and the rest carved up into chunks showing "Given to Ukraine by Lenin", "Given to Ukraine by Stalin", "Given to Ukraine by Khrushchev".

Let's call it for what it is, Putin saw the opportunity in a climate of weakness and he took it. And it could have devastating long lasting consequences.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by NTSOG » 25 Feb 2022, 5:33 am

womble: "Putin just wants the Soviet Union from his youth."

You can take the Man [Putin] out of the KGB, but clearly you can't take the KGB out of the Man.

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by straightshooter » 25 Feb 2022, 6:36 am

Putin is simply a recalcitrant whack-job who won't do as he is told by USA & UK and via their subsidiary organs and vassals.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Bugman » 25 Feb 2022, 7:21 am

I understand that Putin was called "SH&T BOX" as a kid, why? Because of his name.........Putin (poo tin).
Courtesy of my 9 year old nephew.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cleger » 25 Feb 2022, 9:17 am

Bugman wrote:(Please don't shoot the messenger)

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by womble » 25 Feb 2022, 12:42 pm

How weird is it when republicans can just forget about Reagan and Bush senior literally creating independent Ukraine and dissolving the Soviet Union.
Can there really be any doubt now that Trump was an inside job. Perhaps even unknowingly.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 25 Feb 2022, 2:51 pm

The Pentagon has ordered 7000 more troops to move into Europe.
That brings the number up to 14000, ready to go in in case Russia attacks any NATO members
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 25 Feb 2022, 4:12 pm

Ohhh wow 14,000 NATO troops, against 900,000 troops of the Russian federation. That's just lollipops to give stories to people to make them take the chill pill
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