Canada to ban sale of handguns

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 11 Jun 2022, 1:41 pm

womble wrote:It’s just a popular gun. Hence why I referenced it. A lot of Americans like to own them.

It's America's rifle. It's customizable in a million different ways which is why it is popular.

Despite it's popularity and all the chest hair pulling hysteria over it, it's rarely used in homicides.

The left wants such things banned because of incidents like with Kyle Rittenhouse in 2020. The left wants to take over and riot and rampage in the streets just like the Russian Revolution and they can't do it when guys like Rittenhouse can successfully defend themselves against the left's pedophile and felon rioters. If Rittenhouse had not been armed with an AR-15 and used it, he would have been beaten to death and would have been just a footnote in the news, a faceless nameless victim.

I think people need to think a little bit deeper to the truth. All this has nothing to do with a school shooting or the kids, the left and democrats just use them as steps to get to where they want to go with it.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 11 Jun 2022, 2:11 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Despite all the stat's and arguments.

If firearms were well controlled, these sorts of mass shootings would be rare.

Again, despite all the arguments, if US had better mental health etc, etc there would be fewer of these mass shootings.

Both need to be fixed.

There are mass killings all over the world all the time.

I think people are trying to stuff a piece of logic into an illogical hole as for us we look at mass killings and go that's insane and so we seek answers as to why someone would do such things. If they had this, if they had that, if there was this rule or that rule it wouldn't have happened. Maybe. However it's still going to happen and human beings have been violent since the start, so to some degree instead of dreaming of a false dawn utopia that will never exist, instead take personal responsibility to seek to defend ourselves in case something like this happens around us.

Driving and cars are a good example. I saw in Victoria a few years ago they lowered speed limits again and yet driver deaths went up. We have very safe cars these days, added a lot of driver assist technology, have overall speed limits lower than 50 years ago, yet people are still finding ways to crash into other objects and often bump themselves off or other innocent parties. Can we nitpick and deep dive into it and go well they can do this or that? Sure. But there are still going to be idiots out there behind the wheel so as a result I drive defensively and with situational awareness rather than just expecting all these laws and cops and crumple zones are gonna always protect me.

And despite all that, with a million safe miles under my belt and taking all precautions, I got rear ended by a drunk driver sound asleep at the wheel, never slowed down for the stop light. And it was a law enforcement official as well. Taught me a good lesson as to how unpredictable the world can be.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 11 Jun 2022, 2:25 pm

noneyabussiness wrote:

love how this bloke puts it....

That's what it's all about, keeping the normies plugged into the Matrix. It's all manipulated for show.

Back in my previous career I worked with the worlds rich and famous. Got to hear and see the private conversations of people in the media and see some of the speeches they gave to private conferences and meetings. They were quite open with one another how they craft narratives and manipulate information to play on the emotions of people and focus them on what they want.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by bladeracer » 20 Jun 2022, 1:32 pm

Paul Harrell discussing mass shootings, why they happen, and some possible solutions.
The whole discussion is pretty interesting, but around the thirty-minute mark he explains the rubbish about buying firearms without background checks.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by cz515 » 20 Jun 2022, 2:59 pm

There are a lot of firearms in circulation. More per capita then any other time and any other country. While there may be background checks, but why is it all all the left media reporters can somehow get firearms without any background checks, and finally with no firearm safe & secure storage laws, it is still very easy for a non licensed or a young person to access firearms to perform a mad shooting event.

And however much air quotes you want to use, you cannot deny these things nor can you deny there is a major problem in american culture and is one of very few cumbrous that has such a large number of per capita mass shootings, and the average number of such shootings is increasing over the years
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by bladeracer » 20 Jun 2022, 3:16 pm

cz515 wrote:There are a lot of firearms in circulation. More per capita then any other time and any other country. While there may be background checks, but why is it all all the left media reporters can somehow get firearms without any background checks, and finally with no firearm safe & secure storage laws, it is still very easy for a non licensed or a young person to access firearms to perform a mad shooting event.

And however much air quotes you want to use, you cannot deny these things nor can you deny there is a major problem in american culture and is one of very few cumbrous that has such a large number of per capita mass shootings, and the average number of such shootings is increasing over the years

The media can, and do, manipulate things to push their agenda. For all we know they bought a firearm lawfully, then fabricated a stream of events to make it appear they bought it illegally. The only way to know for sure is to buy one yourself and see how difficult, or not, it actually is.

Many US states do have secure storage regulations, and it is illegal to let minors have unsupervised access to firearms.

You clearly didn't watch Paul's video as he stresses exactly that - there are more mass shootings than there used to be. The causes though are _not_ firearms being readily available - they have always been readily available, it has always gotten harder in every state to purchase firearms legally, rarely has it ever become easier.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by perentie » 21 Jun 2022, 7:18 am

I understood this thread was about Canada. Whats happened.?
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 21 Jun 2022, 1:16 pm

bladeracer wrote:The media can, and do, manipulate things to push their agenda. For all we know they bought a firearm lawfully, then fabricated a stream of events to make it appear they bought it illegally. The only way to know for sure is to buy one yourself and see how difficult, or not, it actually is.

Many US states do have secure storage regulations, and it is illegal to let minors have unsupervised access to firearms.

You clearly didn't watch Paul's video as he stresses exactly that - there are more mass shootings than there used to be. The causes though are _not_ firearms being readily available - they have always been readily available, it has always gotten harder in every state to purchase firearms legally, rarely has it ever become easier.

I'll watch the video at some point soon to see what he has to say.

Yes, good point, firearms are more difficult to acquire legally or at least there are more rules around it, but has it really altered behavior?

It seems in general in western society we have more rules and regs and hoops to jump through than ever, yet I don't remember society having so much angst back years ago like it does now.

I believe the issue is more rules we have but less consequences. These days we let slide or in some cases reward bad behavior and poor choices. I think we need less rules but heavier meaningful consequences.

Interestingly, in regards to Canada, I was just up on the border the other day, like right on the border, 20 feet away. Just for fun I drove this one road with the houses on one side in the USA and the houses on the left partly in Canada. The border there was still closed, Canada for the most part is still closed due to Covidsyteria. Also drove another highway paralleling the border. All is watched by the US Border Patrol with sensors and agents on patrol. The Canadian border is so vast with the USA, IMO it will not change anything in regards to crime. Due to the handgun ban it will just make selling handguns to Canadian criminals a lucrative business and although the border is monitored, you can walk right across it(illegally). In the end the government and the criminals will have the handguns which sounds pretty totalitarian marxist to me and not only will they have handguns but plenty of them.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by bladeracer » 21 Jun 2022, 1:53 pm

wanneroo wrote:Interestingly, in regards to Canada, I was just up on the border the other day, like right on the border, 20 feet away. Just for fun I drove this one road with the houses on one side in the USA and the houses on the left partly in Canada.

I do wonder if much of today's violence doesn't stem indirectly from the constant ingress of authorities into controlling every single thing we do, or even think nowadays. One thing that has changed in the past century is regulation of every possible thing - maybe there's a link.

Where is this? Americans living on one side of the street under US law and Canadians on the other? I didn't realise there were towns straddling the border up there. Must be a nightmare for law enforcement? I've heard stories about Albury-Wodonga having NSW laws on one side of the river and Victorian on the other. There was even a homicide across the river.

"In another rather unusual case dealing with boundaries and jurisdiction between states, (Ward v the Queen (1980) 142 CLR 308) the High Court considered whether a murder on the Murray River had taken place in Victoria or New South Wales. The shot was fired from Victoria (from the top of the riverbank); the victim was at the water’s edge on the Victorian side of the river. The border of NSW was the River Murray (its south side) and the High Court held that it ended at the top of the riverbank, which meant that Ward’s victim died in NSW. The High Court considered that the terminatory theory of crime determined jurisdiction, and that meant Ward’s murder conviction in the Victorian Supreme Court was set aside!"
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 22 Jun 2022, 11:47 am

bladeracer wrote:I do wonder if much of today's violence doesn't stem indirectly from the constant ingress of authorities into controlling every single thing we do, or even think nowadays. One thing that has changed in the past century is regulation of every possible thing - maybe there's a link.

Where is this? Americans living on one side of the street under US law and Canadians on the other? I didn't realise there were towns straddling the border up there. Must be a nightmare for law enforcement? I've heard stories about Albury-Wodonga having NSW laws on one side of the river and Victorian on the other. There was even a homicide across the river.

I think it would be indirect, but certainly today we have this hyper focus on rules and regs and laws yet we've minimized people taking personal consequences for their actions and it's chalked up as a person "depressed", "oppressed", "has a syndrome/illness/disability". We've also turned the abnormal into normal and the normal into abnormal. Compared to 30 years ago it seems we have a very stressed society as a result.

Yep up in Vermont once you get close to the border(within 20 miles or so), a lot of the names you see are French and you might hear French spoken as well. At one point several of the towns were essentially one town, people came and went, went back and forth across the border every day for business, people intermarried, etc. Now with the security state after 9/11, more rules were imposed and then when Covid came and Canada turned into an authoritarian police state, the border has been shut for two years and it's kinda killed these towns. Also at one time many back roads ran across the border with no border crossings at these places. Back in the 1990s I used to get into Canada with a drivers license, no passport.

I was in Derby Line, Vermont on Caswell Ave. There is the famous library there that part of the building is in Canada, half in the USA. The houses on the north side of the street, either the house is part in Canada or part of the yard is resulting in homeowners paying property taxes in both countries. If not dual citizens it has resulted in some citizens unable to go in their back yard or have to wall off part of their house. When you drive down this street you are watched by the US Border Patrol and the Canada Border Service. The border crossing at Stanstead Quebec here at Derby Line is closed on the Canadian side and has been for two years.

Another famous street is Canusa Ave. where the road is on the Canadian border, houses on the south side of the street are in the USA.

It's an extremely bizarre situation as it was probably easier for a westerner to get into East Germany to visit back in the day compared to a US citizen getting into Canada these days, legally that is. You can walk right across the border illegally both ways because there is no physical barrier, however if you get caught on the Canadian side you might be looking at fines up to $50k and prison.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by wanneroo » 22 Jun 2022, 11:51 am

Here is the library, the flower pots are the border, however when I was there the Canadians had added orange construction like fencing there on their side of the flower pots.

Hilariously this library was the scene of cross border pistol gun smuggling a couple of years ago. An American was bringing pistols into the library, hiding them in the bathroom and then their contact on the Canadian side was going into the library and retrieving them.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by cz515 » 22 Jun 2022, 2:34 pm

How is it such an issue when a lot of Americans support the us/ Mexican borders

And yes i beehive the first thing mentioned will be how Mexicans equals drugs and criminals.
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Re: Canada to ban sale of handguns

Post by Pennsylvania Yank » 21 Jul 2022, 9:39 am

cz515 wrote:Seriously what do you expect. I mean license firearm owners in America can't control themselves. The more mass shootings via firearms... the more the rules will there be..... and eventually usa will get them

You have been misinformed. We Americans who pass background checks to obtain firearm licenses are definitely in control of ourselves. The gun ban lobby counts suicides and 17-20 year old gang members to pad the statistics of gun violence and they count every shooting incident near a school even after school hours as a "school shooting" They have been at this for 50 years and they know how to agitprop and use the media to their advantage. Gun violence is not a national epidemic in America. The vast majority of the counties in America have zero murders per year of any kind. Zero. Gun violence is almost exclusively an urban problem, in cities run by Democrats who claim banning guns from the law abiding will stop murders in their cities. In the meantime they elect DA's and Prosecutors who are soft on crime and criminals and they want to de-criminalize drugs and they want open borders to let even more criminals in. School shootings are not on the rise despite what you have heard. Rifles of all types account for only a few hundred murders per year in America out of thousands. Banning popular and common Semi-automatic rifles will do nothing to statistically lower gun violence in America. nothing.

Canadians have no Constitutional Right to armed self defense. They aren't America. Trudeau is an authoritarian Leftist and he is just doing what comes naturally. I'm surprised Canadians have been allowed handguns as long as they have.
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