WW3 ?

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Re: WW3 ?

Post by mchughcb » 04 Aug 2022, 2:02 pm


People are paying for weapons and training in a war they are not in and taking refugees for free.

How long can that last?
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by wanneroo » 04 Aug 2022, 2:11 pm

Billo wrote:Peak China has passed, an aging and falling population, debt laden families with housing they can ill afford. Wages that cant keep pace with inflation. GDP thats flatlining .

Chinese Real estate and the stock market has tanked more than 25% over fears of Building company implosions. 2nd and 3rd tier Banks at risk of going under due to lax lending regulation and highly speculative lending.

One of Xi Jing Pings problems is he risks losing face over Taiwan, he has made it part of his Legacy, its something the CCP propoganda machine has taught for over 80 years in the schooling system that Taiwan is part of China. He is wedged badly. Fark him and his plans :drinks:

I would concur. China's current hype reminds me of Japan in the late 80s, they are gonna take over the world and all that. Not to say China doesn't pose a major threat to the world, it certainly does, but also one cannot ignore the major structure and political issues in China right now. They've got a ton of internal problems and even political problems as Xi faces a threat from the Zemin faction. In addition if Xi pulls the Taiwan trigger and fails, he's done. Amphibious invasions are tricky to pull off. For the USA to do it in WW2 as we did, by 1945 we had 16 million men in arms and had militarized the entire economy with everything devoted to the war effort.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by mchughcb » 04 Aug 2022, 3:30 pm

wanneroo wrote:
Billo wrote:Peak China has passed, an aging and falling population, debt laden families with housing they can ill afford. Wages that cant keep pace with inflation. GDP thats flatlining .

Chinese Real estate and the stock market has tanked more than 25% over fears of Building company implosions. 2nd and 3rd tier Banks at risk of going under due to lax lending regulation and highly speculative lending.

One of Xi Jing Pings problems is he risks losing face over Taiwan, he has made it part of his Legacy, its something the CCP propoganda machine has taught for over 80 years in the schooling system that Taiwan is part of China. He is wedged badly. Fark him and his plans :drinks:

I would concur. China's current hype reminds me of Japan in the late 80s, they are gonna take over the world and all that. Not to say China doesn't pose a major threat to the world, it certainly does, but also one cannot ignore the major structure and political issues in China right now. They've got a ton of internal problems and even political problems as Xi faces a threat from the Zemin faction. In addition if Xi pulls the Taiwan trigger and fails, he's done. Amphibious invasions are tricky to pull off. For the USA to do it in WW2 as we did, by 1945 we had 16 million men in arms and had militarized the entire economy with everything devoted to the war effort.

Why you think 20M locked in that island can't be blockaded into submission?

Far easier and less stress for China than a frontal assault
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 04 Aug 2022, 7:56 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
Lazarus wrote:Here's some interesting views from Jim Molan.

Personally I think old Jimbo is a bit of a knob jockey, politically, but he does know his sh!t on the military arena.

Peter Harchers thoughts on Molan's view of the near future.

https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/eagle ... 5b673.html

Read that the other day.
Chatting at LGS today and that subject popped up.

Bloke behind the counted suggested "pine gap" would be first to be hit.

I reckon he could be right. And it would be "on" immediately.

Jesus who wrote that.

I have said this before. And it holds true now even more then before.

Like Russia, China is interested in local politics. If They are likely to goto war it will not be Australia, Europe or America... but Taiwan.

Honestly what benefit will China get from a war with America. Just come up with a valid reason.

Firstly China is the largest US debtor, so it will loose hundreds of trillions of dollars. When America says f u. Have fun getting the money

Secondly America/Europe is China's largest and most profitable external markets. Week would you attack them to directly harm your own economy.

Seriously doesn't make sense... what does it newspapers making up stories to scare people and sell news.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by mchughcb » 04 Aug 2022, 8:07 pm

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Lazarus » 04 Aug 2022, 8:11 pm

cz515 wrote:

Like Russia, China is interested in local politics. If They are likely to goto war it will not be Australia, Europe or America... but Taiwan.

Seriously doesn't make sense... what does it newspapers making up stories to scare people and sell news.

Russia and China are into expansion and domination, CZ.
As to targeting Australia, Pine Gap is essential to the 5 eyes, it's also long been widely accepted that it would be one of the first hit because of it's intelligence value.

As to war not making sense, what sense is there in Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
Expansion domination.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 04 Aug 2022, 8:35 pm

Ukraine is as i said long history and political.

Both Ukraine and Taiwan are very similar. One encompasses a large area that for long time Russia has said it's a part of their country. Taiwan is a large island which for a very long time has been claimed by China.

That's the difference between Taiwan and Australia. They have no links to Australia... i region Japan would be in order of magnitude higher then Australia on CCPs mind
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 04 Aug 2022, 8:38 pm

Chinaman is god is money, foremost. Earn a lot of money to support the ccp second.

Why destroy their consumers to do what?
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Lazarus » 04 Aug 2022, 9:15 pm

You still miss the point CZ.

Just because Australia mightn't necessarily be a goal, as in for occupation, doesn't mean it isn't strategically and tactically vital to take down Pine Gap for an assault on Taiwan.

What were the first targets in Iraq 2?

Intel and command and control nodes.

How have the Ukrainians been holding the larger Russian forces. By going after the command structure, communications and logistics.

If they go that far, they may as well finish the disarmament.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 04 Aug 2022, 9:22 pm

cz515 wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:
Lazarus wrote:Here's some interesting views from Jim Molan.

Personally I think old Jimbo is a bit of a knob jockey, politically, but he does know his sh!t on the military arena.

Peter Harchers thoughts on Molan's view of the near future.

https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/eagle ... 5b673.html

Read that the other day.
Chatting at LGS today and that subject popped up.

Bloke behind the counted suggested "pine gap" would be first to be hit.

I reckon he could be right. And it would be "on" immediately

Jesus who wrote that.

I have said this before. And it holds true now even more then before.

Like Russia, China is interested in local politics. If They are likely to goto war it will not be Australia, Europe or America... but Taiwan.

Honestly what benefit will China get from a war with America. Just come up with a valid reason.

Firstly China is the largest US debtor, so it will loose hundreds of trillions of dollars. When America says f u. Have fun getting the money

Secondly America/Europe is China's largest and most profitable external markets. Week would you attack them to directly harm your own economy.

Seriously doesn't make sense... what does it newspapers making up stories to scare people and sell news.

Who? Jim Molan, former major general in the Australian army and now Liberal Senator for NSW.

Perhaps I was not clear.
If CCP wants Tiawan they need to ensure US can't react and defend Tiawan. Hitting pine gap would seriously disrupt US military ability to strike back. So, high priority target. Including the other 3? along the WA coast.
That strike would immediately start a war between CCP and US & AU & more than likely UK.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 05 Aug 2022, 9:57 am

And the point.

Do you seriously think that the allied forces do not have redundancy built into their surveillance system. For all we know pine gap is just a decoy a leftover remnantfrom 1960s when technology was not as advanced as its now, or a redundant cog in their whole system. Or they have their real spy base 100-200m underground bunker under pine gap safe and secure from the best missiles China has in its arsenal. Stuff they been doing since before 1960s mind you.

And using OB comments, rest assured of you can think of it chinese military has probably war gamed it plus 1000 other scenarios.

One senario is that China attacks Taiwan, and the allied forces instead of sending boots on the ground, militarily and financially help Taiwan just like they are helping Ukraine. And if China does not directly attack allied bases is something likely to happen.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Lazarus » 05 Aug 2022, 10:21 am

I hope you're right CZ, I truly do.

Optimism, however doesn't offer much protection from aggressive superpower neighbours.

We have to plan as though it's a certainty, otherwise our failure to do so just might turn out to be the extra incentive needed.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by wanneroo » 05 Aug 2022, 2:05 pm

mchughcb wrote:
wanneroo wrote:
Billo wrote:Peak China has passed, an aging and falling population, debt laden families with housing they can ill afford. Wages that cant keep pace with inflation. GDP thats flatlining .

Chinese Real estate and the stock market has tanked more than 25% over fears of Building company implosions. 2nd and 3rd tier Banks at risk of going under due to lax lending regulation and highly speculative lending.

One of Xi Jing Pings problems is he risks losing face over Taiwan, he has made it part of his Legacy, its something the CCP propoganda machine has taught for over 80 years in the schooling system that Taiwan is part of China. He is wedged badly. Fark him and his plans :drinks:

I would concur. China's current hype reminds me of Japan in the late 80s, they are gonna take over the world and all that. Not to say China doesn't pose a major threat to the world, it certainly does, but also one cannot ignore the major structure and political issues in China right now. They've got a ton of internal problems and even political problems as Xi faces a threat from the Zemin faction. In addition if Xi pulls the Taiwan trigger and fails, he's done. Amphibious invasions are tricky to pull off. For the USA to do it in WW2 as we did, by 1945 we had 16 million men in arms and had militarized the entire economy with everything devoted to the war effort.

Why you think 20M locked in that island can't be blockaded into submission?

Far easier and less stress for China than a frontal assault

Look at the history of naval blockcades, they ain't easy and China has a long way to go to be a dominant naval force. Taiwan has the weapons to take down their ships.

Also if something like that breaks out, China is dependent on foreign trade so if that goes hot it's going to have a major impact on their economy. I was just reading an article about companies that do business in China looking to other countries to build factories there to balance out the risk.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Aug 2022, 3:30 pm

Lazarus wrote:I hope you're right CZ, I truly do.

Optimism, however doesn't offer much protection from aggressive superpower neighbours.

We have to plan as though it's a certainty, otherwise our failure to do so just might turn out to be the extra incentive needed.

CZ is right you can be sure of it. For months he has said they will never attack AU or any other country. That's because the CCP are all peace loving people. He also has inside intelligence on their military and leadership.

We should just sell off all of our defence equipment and retire the people IMO.

Give them all jobs growing pretty flowers to send to CCP leadership. :friends: :friends: :D :clap: :drinks: :friends: :friends:

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Re: WW3 ?

Post by cz515 » 05 Aug 2022, 3:47 pm

OB are you sure you yourself not CCP. as you love to force others whatever you want them to say. Never said they were peace loving, infact i said they are likely to attack Taiwan.

What i keep saying is it's highly unlikely they will attack Australia. Which is evident even now, as the softening of their posture with the change in federal government.

Even wannaroo is saying they are less likely to attack anyone.

Laz, Mate i am not an expert... no one is, i think media here would like to scare the people as they feel it gets them more clicks.

You are new here, so ill mention my other theory. I believe it will be almost impossible for Australia army to defend against a Chinese occupation force if they decide to attack Australia, but more importantly it will be almost impossible for the Chinese to defend Australian occupation as we are such a large land mass with strategic targets spread soo far apart.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Lazarus » 05 Aug 2022, 4:36 pm

You're preaching to the choir CZ, your "theory" has been common knowledge for decades my friend.

We currently have around 85,000 all up, with no disrespect at all to our forces, Indonesia could probably do us in if they were of a mind and big brother didn't step in.

We are talking hypothetically here anyway so every hypothesis can have a voice.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Aug 2022, 5:01 pm

cz515 wrote:OB are you sure you yourself not CCP. as you love to force others whatever you want them to say. Never said they were peace loving, infact i said they are likely to attack Taiwan.

What i keep saying is it's highly unlikely they will attack Australia. Which is evident even now, as the softening of their posture with the change in federal government.

Even wannaroo is saying they are less likely to attack anyone.

Laz, Mate i am not an expert... no one is, i think media here would like to scare the people as they feel it gets them more clicks.

You are new here, so ill mention my other theory. I believe it will be almost impossible for Australia army to defend against a Chinese occupation force if they decide to attack Australia, but more importantly it will be almost impossible for the Chinese to defend Australian occupation as we are such a large land mass with strategic targets spread soo far apart.

Your incredible. Apparently I can't express an opinion.

And you don't force/ push your opinion?

And I might add. Your tone has always been that CCP are great, and USA is shet.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by animalpest » 05 Aug 2022, 8:51 pm

Part of our north could be readily occupied. The problem will always be supplies. The only way that can be sustained is to have supplies close by.

Hence our biggest issue is the Belt and Road and the slow take over of our neighbours using money.

My opinion is that Taiwan would be the catalyst for WWIII if it occurred by force.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 05 Aug 2022, 9:15 pm

animalpest wrote:Part of our north could be readily occupied. The problem will always be supplies. The only way that can be sustained is to have supplies close by.

They'd thrive on the bugs, bats and toads.
It'd be like walking into one of their own supermarkets :lol:
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Aug 2022, 9:37 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:
animalpest wrote:Part of our north could be readily occupied. The problem will always be supplies. The only way that can be sustained is to have supplies close by.

They'd thrive on the bugs, bats and toads.
It'd be like walking into one of their own supermarkets :lol:

More than likely they already have 1000 copies of "Bush Tucker man" Ripped off naturally. :D

Soloman Is
perhaps even New Guinea

Who knows, but invading any one of those could/will result in WWIII IMO.

One of the errors of WWII was the Japs were badly under estimated. Small, weak, blind that's what many believed. USA & AU discovered differently.

We shouldn't assume that of Chinese.
And my bet is that their equipment will be pretty good, just not tested in battle,,,, yet.
And the military hierarchy also lack experience.
But,,, they have the numbers.
And unlike us, make their own ammo and equipment. And they can do it fast.

During the WWII the yanks geared up all of their production to the war effort. That was a major contributing factor in winning the war,
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Aug 2022, 10:12 pm

FMD, it's like a 3 year olds tantrums.

https://abcnews.go.com/International/wi ... n-87981101

And these dick heads say they want to be spoken to and treated with dignity and respect.

The more they carry on, the less respect the world will give them.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by mchughcb » 05 Aug 2022, 11:13 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
cz515 wrote:OB are you sure you yourself not CCP. as you love to force others whatever you want them to say. Never said they were peace loving, infact i said they are likely to attack Taiwan.

What i keep saying is it's highly unlikely they will attack Australia. Which is evident even now, as the softening of their posture with the change in federal government.

Even wannaroo is saying they are less likely to attack anyone.

Laz, Mate i am not an expert... no one is, i think media here would like to scare the people as they feel it gets them more clicks.

You are new here, so ill mention my other theory. I believe it will be almost impossible for Australia army to defend against a Chinese occupation force if they decide to attack Australia, but more importantly it will be almost impossible for the Chinese to defend Australian occupation as we are such a large land mass with strategic targets spread soo far apart.

Your incredible. Apparently I can't express an opinion.

And you don't force/ push your opinion?

And I might add. Your tone has always been that CCP are great, and USA is shet.

Hey Cornpop, you ever travelled on CRH ? I've travelled on the TGV, ICE and the Shinkansen and the CRH is right up there. The closest I've got to those speeds in the USA was delta airlines if you include delays.

The CCP should be compared to the Democrats. And you know Xi still has his marbles.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by mchughcb » 05 Aug 2022, 11:20 pm

Oldbloke wrote:FMD, it's like a 3 year olds tantrums.

https://abcnews.go.com/International/wi ... n-87981101

And these dick heads say they want to be spoken to and treated with dignity and respect.

The more they carry on, the less respect the world will give them.

1.6B Chinese DGAF what cornpop thinks.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Aug 2022, 11:35 pm

BTW, FYI they DGAF About tin hat wearing plumbers either. ;)
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Aug 2022, 11:44 pm

:D Yep, did the Chinese fast train and,

All free too. :D

Got SFA to do with this topic though.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by mchughcb » 06 Aug 2022, 12:08 am

Oldbloke wrote::D Yep, did the Chinese fast train and,

All free too. :D

Got SFA to do with this topic though.

Sure you did. In your sleep.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by mchughcb » 06 Aug 2022, 12:11 am

Oldbloke wrote:BTW, FYI they DGAF About tin hat wearing plumbers either. ;)

Maybe but I wasn't lecturing them either on their behaviour when I was working there either.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 06 Aug 2022, 12:31 am

mchughcb wrote:
Oldbloke wrote::D Yep, did the Chinese fast train and,

All free too. :D

Got SFA to do with this topic though.

Sure you did. In your sleep.

Think what you like. I certainly DGAF what you think.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by Oldbloke » 06 Aug 2022, 12:34 am

mchughcb wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:BTW, FYI they DGAF About tin hat wearing plumbers either. ;)

Maybe but I wasn't lecturing them either on their behaviour when I was working there either.

I'm didnt either, nor was I here. I was expressing an opinion on a forum, just like you do. Only a drop kick would say what u just said.
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Re: WW3 ?

Post by on_one_wheel » 06 Aug 2022, 7:45 am

Oldbloke wrote:FMD, it's like a 3 year olds tantrums.

https://abcnews.go.com/International/wi ... n-87981101

And these dick heads say they want to be spoken to and treated with dignity and respect.

The more they carry on, the less respect the world will give them.

The older I get the more I realise that world leadership is nothing but a battle of extreme personality disorders.
Positions of great power naturally attract freaks.

I think the Sri Lankan people have come up with the best answer for a bad government, there should be much more of it.
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