What did you do today?

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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Lazarus » 31 Dec 2022, 3:58 pm

All finished.

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Unfortunately, I forgot about the leg, the coals went out and I'll have to finish it in the oven.
At least it got a couple of hours of smoke
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 31 Dec 2022, 4:02 pm

Went for a 3 hour armed bush walk yesterday avo. As I expected utes, trail bikes and boot prints all over the place due to high level of activity. So no foxes seen. But i found what looked like deer or goat prints. Not certain which. A new addition to that SF.

Just finish a boomerang for two grandsons. Made it during g lockdown. Boys and I tested (90% completed) in the park but never finished it. One of the boys asked last week so i but in a couple of hours sanding then applied some linseed oil & turps. It's only ply wood but will provide some boys and gandpa time.
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bladeracer » 31 Dec 2022, 7:02 pm

bigpete wrote:Chucked my atlatl at beer cans in the backyard while looking after my step children. Hitting the can pretty regularly at 10m. Anyone have any issues with that ?

If you can still pronounce atlatl after drinking all that beer I reckon you can do whatever you want to :-)
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigpete » 31 Dec 2022, 7:07 pm

1 can every couple of days.....I'm a heavy drinker
Posts: 3694
South Australia

Re: What did you do today?

Post by wanneroo » 01 Jan 2023, 3:09 am

After the harsh cold and snow and ice slop in December, we had a massive warm up the past two days into the 50s(around 10C). I actually was able to get the pressure washer out and hose down the rubber mats the vehicles sit on in the garages and wash down the driveway of all the salt, grit, dirt etc that had been tracked during the winter weather. Everything is all nice and cleaned up now. Still plenty of snow on the ground but I am starting to see grass poking through and we have rain coming which may melt a lot of it.

I got my new reloading bench installed and all kitted out so it is ready to go for reloading this winter.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Blr243 » 01 Jan 2023, 6:44 am

Boomerang pretty bloody good invention when you think about it. Returning or not. No other hand thrown smallstick could ever be as fast too much air resistance slows most shapes but old boomer just slices thru the air like a knife . If a nativeman thoss one at you and you are a fruitbat or a duck it must ferl like a freight train and bound to at least temporarily disturb your flight pattern. I guess thats all u need. They would quickly race over and dispatch fallen animals before they gathered up and took to the air again
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Blr243 » 01 Jan 2023, 6:57 am

It would be annoying for a native to loose them inthe bush but they must find others laing around previously lost by others. And i guess they just made several in down time string round camp How good would a sheet of ply . A bandsaw and a a belt sander b for an aboriginal pre whiteman. They had not lesrnedhow to make steel , cutting wood with stone tools must have bern so slow but its all the. Ever. Knew. I crack the shoots and replace when my tungsten tootth circular saw blades loose their edge. I once herd about a bunch of tourists standing around a aboriginal man showing how he carves art designs on the surface e of whole emu eggs And he sells them as souvenirs... one smart alec tourist noting the stanley knife being used couldn’t help himself and asked ( what sort of knife did yiur forfathers use to carve emu eggs ? ) theblackfeller had a great comeback. He just looked up at the touristand said. Im stuffed if i know i wasnt there !
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigpete » 01 Jan 2023, 7:53 am

They used fire a lot to reduce material
Posts: 3694
South Australia

Re: What did you do today?

Post by deye243 » 05 Jan 2023, 8:15 pm

:idea: Yeah well I'm buggered just got home I'll let the pictures do the talking except for the overseer sitting on the log.
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Tools for the day
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And yes it would have been easier to park the trailer under the elevator but the trailer I was late getting there
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by deye243 » 05 Jan 2023, 8:19 pm

And we modified the air boxes on our saws a couple years ago these two photos will show you the difference between modified and unmodified mine has had more than 10 tanks through it the one was a completely blocked filter has only had three through it

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Re: What did you do today?

Post by wanneroo » 06 Jan 2023, 1:06 am

Well all the harsh weather left and the past week it's been rain and warm weather, more like early April, so all the snow and ice is totally gone.

I got the Hornady progressive set up so it's already cranking out 9mm. I have about 6K pieces of 9mm ready to go. Also have 32 ACP set up on the single stage and will get another press going with 300 Blackout.

Tomorrow it turns cold and right now the sun is peaking out and it's going to be nearly 10C today, so I might do some shooting this afternoon.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Flyonline » 06 Jan 2023, 7:31 pm

Looked in my cod fly box and discovered most of my meeces are chewed to pieces. Hope to be heading out tomorrow afternoon so whipped up a couple of fresh tempters. Think they're 1/0 long shanks.

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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigpete » 07 Jan 2023, 6:20 am

What weight rod do you use for those monsters !
Posts: 3694
South Australia

Re: What did you do today?

Post by Flyonline » 07 Jan 2023, 8:32 am


I built myself a 7' 10wt as I fish mainly from the yak. They're actually smallish, I started tying BIG flies to match lure sizes - 10/0 tandems and such, but found I get as much response from the smaller flies and they're a hell of a lot easier to cast. Nothing delicate like a #20 at the end of a 3wt and a 20' leader chasing trout though :lol: :lol: Still out-fish my lure using fishing buddies about half the time though and I've had fish hit a fly sitting motionless in the surface for 30sec or so :thumbsup:
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigpete » 07 Jan 2023, 9:59 am

I use a 6 and an 8 weight rod for my fishing,and I know how hard a 1/0 sized wet fly can be to cast with mine lol. So no surprises you're using a 10 weight
Posts: 3694
South Australia

Re: What did you do today?

Post by Flyonline » 07 Jan 2023, 11:15 am

I also use a very aggressive weight forward taper fly line and most of my casts are very short, rarely longer than 7-8m. When there's a chance of a 1m+ fish, you do need a bit of backbone too :)
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigpete » 07 Jan 2023, 1:59 pm

Oh right ! I regular cast 20+m,especially in the salt. I'm a bit of a neophyte when it comes to fly fishing,I've been doing it a long time but I've not mucked around much with different lines etc.

As for what I did today,today I attended and native foods seminar in Victor Harbour. Was pretty interesting and I DID learn some stuff but I'll admit I'd have liked there to be a lot more detail. Still absolutely worth the admission price ( it was free lol )
Posts: 3694
South Australia

Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 11 Jan 2023, 11:13 am

Went for an armed bush walk this morning. Just roos. Then sighted in my MV. I'm happy.
I'll sit over an old dam this evening.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by wanneroo » 11 Jan 2023, 11:54 am

Weather here is moderate and warmer than usual, so I can use my range easily.

I've been doing projects, getting my car up to scratch for the year, getting ready for taxes, throwing out old stuff and moving along my 32 ACP and 9mm projects. All the brass is sized, expanded and primers seated on the 32 ACP so now I can start working up a load on it.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bladeracer » 16 Jan 2023, 4:11 pm

Picked up a significant infection in my left fore arm a couple weeks ago which laid me up a bit. It's healing but it'll take a while to fill in the hole I think. I got a few hundred rounds of .303 loaded up but only did some .22LR practice. Today I managed to get out despite the high winds and fire some of the Outer Edge bullets in 7mm-08, and put some groups on paper with the M1891/30 Mosin and M39 Finn. A guy on the Mosin Nagant group on Facebook decided he wanted to start a fun online competition shoot for milsurps so I got out and shot a target for him to maybe entice some others to play along :-)
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I fired two sighters on another target to determine what my hold was. Shooting unsupported on my elbows from a bench at 50yd it was grouping about 90mm high, so I held halfway up the white below the black centre and put all five into the black. Three of them made a single hole and overall I was very happy with the resulting 2.050" group. I'm sure I could tighten it up a bit if I'd done some practice beforehand, and even more if I'd printed ten targets and simply picked the best group, but I prefer a genuine effort. Velocity averaged 2427fps with 40.5gn of AR2206H behind some old locally-made Super 173gn flat base soft-points from the 1970's. I had hoped to shoot it without the EyePal but couldn't see the front sight at all unfortunately. Recoil was sufficient to scrape skin off both elbows on the well-weathered Yellow-Tongue flooring bench.
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I also took the M39 Finn though I haven't used this 173gn ammo in it and it has the worst trigger of any rifle I can ever recall. The "group" was about 200mm across at 50yd :-)
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Flyonline » 16 Jan 2023, 7:17 pm

Been smashing the reddies lately with my UL spin gear and soft plastics. It's hardly high skill fishing but a hell of a lot of fun, especially targeting the tight lily pads, rushes and weeds etc. on foot. You know you're on when you're hooked up and the fish drops the lure only for it to be smashed by the next fish :thumbsup:

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Went out last afternoon before a storm rolled in and the fishing matched the temp - HOT. Ended up landing maybe 40 to a best of ~40cm with a handful at 30 and a stack between 20 and 30. Ended up keeping three and gave a couple to the folks who live 2min from the lake I was fishing and we ate the biggest for tea tonight.

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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigpete » 16 Jan 2023, 7:50 pm

I haven't caught a redfin for decades
Posts: 3694
South Australia

Re: What did you do today?

Post by wanneroo » 17 Jan 2023, 3:20 am

I've gone a bit wild after New Years. Decided it's 2023 and after 3 difficult years decided to scour my life clean of excess stuff, especially pre 2020. I've got business documents and receipts going back 15 years and so bought a document scanner and have been scanning into PDF files anything I think might be important and then shredding and burning it all. I've been eliminating shoe box after shoe box of old documents and it feels good. Also been purging old clothes and stuff I don't use anymore, cleaning closets out. Also fixing anything worn out on the car, paid off the car loan, paid off medical bills. Getting rid of old emails, bookmarks, files, etc.

Also pretty busy with Youtube projects and have been putting out lots of videos. Weather here is nice today with sun and above freezing so will be doing some shooting this afternoon at the range.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Blr243 » 17 Jan 2023, 6:49 pm

I survived. All day on horrible scaffolding thinking i was going to die.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Blr243 » 17 Jan 2023, 6:52 pm

And the job was the most awkward miserable job i think i have ever had to do. Bit too much swearing as well. It was so bad i thought i was goin to die from misery before i fell offfhe planks Never had that before
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigpete » 21 Jan 2023, 12:03 pm

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Finally hafted the obsidian dagger I bought for my son for Xmas today
Posts: 3694
South Australia

Re: What did you do today?

Post by bladeracer » 21 Jan 2023, 2:41 pm

bigpete wrote:

Finally hafted the obsidian dagger I bought for my son for Xmas today

That is incredible, Pete!
And beautiful.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigpete » 21 Jan 2023, 4:04 pm

bladeracer wrote:
bigpete wrote:

Finally hafted the obsidian dagger I bought for my son for Xmas today

That is incredible, Pete!
And beautiful.

Thanks. To make it clear though,I didn't knap the blade,only fitted the handle
Posts: 3694
South Australia

Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 21 Jan 2023, 4:20 pm

bigpete wrote:

Finally hafted the obsidian dagger I bought for my son for Xmas today

Very nice, very unique.
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Lazarus » 21 Jan 2023, 4:27 pm

After forking out 150 for a new MDS ignition coil yesterday, I built a new bracket to fit it.

I discovered in the process that the only problem with the old one was a mysterious buildup of rusty crud in the top where the plug seats.
I pulled it apart, cleaned it and refitted it and took it for a test, almost like new :(

I consoled myself with the fact that under full pedal it still has a tiny miss.
That's what I'm telling myself anyway.
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