Putting The Stage Three Cuts In Context

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Re: Putting The Stage Three Cuts In Context

Post by Amityville » 10 May 2023, 10:56 pm

Lazarus wrote:
S O K A R wrote:Albo is a strange one, eh?
Hobnobbing with shockjocks and gangsters, jetting off(at the Aussie taxpayer's expense) to the outdated ceremony for an entitled(in both senses) billionaire that cost the Pommy taxpayer $186 million, rabbiting on about the need for public housing and building a superfluous stadium on land that could have housed thousands of Taswegians for much less money.
All the while, him and Chalming Jim keep up the mantra of "Liberal debt", debt they approved without batting an eyelid, debt that for once was actually put to good use.

You realise Albo and co wouldn't of got voted in if they said they were cancelling liberal the tax cuts?
It meant that every liberal type voter could vote out scotty and co, and still get the tax cuts and feel good for helping out the true blue aussie battler at same time..........
Labour is the middle ground these days...
Though they will prob back filp next year and fiddle with the tax cuts. I'll put a $1 on it
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Western Australia

Re: Putting The Stage Three Cuts In Context

Post by wanneroo » 11 May 2023, 1:24 am

As I have found there are 2 types of people. One is those that are individuals who believe they are entitled to all the fruits of their labor and who can make competent decisions about their life. Second is those that believe the government is smarter and better than them and that the government is entitled to all the fruits of their labor and also to make all their own life choices and be told what to do.

I have found trying to convince the 2nd tier of people that just because someone is elected to government doesn't mean they are competent enough to manage your money or life choices. Yet a significant percentage of the population is content with being a serf and be told what to do.

The very misleading thing the "tax the rich" crowd puts out is they always leave out who pays the real tax burden. In the USA, I have watched IRS stats going back to the 90s and typically the top 50% of earners pays 98% of the income taxes/tax burden. That means the bottom 50% pay 2% of the entire burden. The top 1% of earners paid 42% of all income taxes. Essentially half the population is subsidizing the other half of freeloaders.

So I would see if you could dig up those stats for Australia to see who exactly pays what and I suspect it will be much the same. The bottom 50% of earners in Australia are probably getting heavily subsidized by the top half of earners and probably these people are paying very little to no income tax.

Naturally therefore if you are already paying little or no income tax, obviously the people that are paying taxes are the ones that get the cuts. That would be logical but this is the 2020 era of illogical irrational stuff.
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Re: Putting The Stage Three Cuts In Context

Post by straightshooter » 11 May 2023, 8:22 am

"Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?"
A quote from Thomas Sowell who is one of the greatest thinkers of our era.

What the "eat the rich" mentality hides from the listener is that those at the upper levels of the wealth ladder are always in a position to pass on any additional tax burden while those at the bottom of the wealth ladder will always receive a little more government largess if they bleat loud enough. So it is the ever dwindling middle class that gets soaked.
Eventually we will achieve true socialism where everybody will be equal except for a few "essential" party officials/oligarchs.
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Re: Putting The Stage Three Cuts In Context

Post by Lazarus » 11 May 2023, 10:29 am

To paraphrase, some people are born into poverty, some have poverty thrust upon them.

NOBODY chooses it.

The number of mindless twats who feel that those living in poverty are doing it deliberately, because they want to be fukking poor, just so they can get a marginally subsistence payment is amazing.

We used to be the land of the fair go, now we've become the land of "suck sh!t, loser".

Shame on us
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Re: Putting The Stage Three Cuts In Context

Post by wanneroo » 11 May 2023, 11:31 am

Lazarus wrote:To paraphrase, some people are born into poverty, some have poverty thrust upon them.

NOBODY chooses it.

The number of mindless twats who feel that those living in poverty are doing it deliberately, because they want to be fukking poor, just so they can get a marginally subsistence payment is amazing.

We used to be the land of the fair go, now we've become the land of "suck sh!t, loser".

Shame on us

Yeah life can suck sometimes. Bad stuff happens to good people. I got hit by a drunk driver which wiped out my next planned trip to Australia which would have been in July 2019, then nearly got killed at work and then in late February 2020, everything was looking good, plenty of contracts and work lined up, at peak career in my 40s and then we know what happened next.

If things go well within 2-3 years I can get back to where I was in Feb 2020. Big government put my life back in some ways 5 years.

In the end main lesson I learned was continue to work to make myself anti fragile and do even more work to make sure my life isn't in the hands of others, especially those in government.

I could always take the other route of the victimhood olympics and sit around and wait for hand outs or do like a lot of guys and get on social security disability and just whine and coast through my life.

Instead what happened is what happened and I'm going to come out of it better and do the work so I have more options in my life.

As I have seen in life, yes most people choose poverty long term through self sabotage. You can give those self sabotaging people a million bucks and they would blow it and be back in poverty again. Look at all the Lotto winners, they blow it all and right back into poverty, sometimes worse than before.

Certainly, are there some folks that are truly disabled or so old they have no chance of work to improve their life? Yes and in that case if we throw some tax revenue their way, fine. But this other stuff of throwing money in the air everywhere like it's going to fix all these folks poverty is a joke, it doesn't work.
Warrant Officer C1
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Re: Putting The Stage Three Cuts In Context

Post by Lazarus » 11 May 2023, 2:54 pm

Yeah well, as I said........
Courage is knowing it might
hurt, and doing it anyway.
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Re: Putting The Stage Three Cuts In Context

Post by Lazarus » 12 May 2023, 12:46 pm

The Lying Naturally Party have shown their total disconnect from reality yet again :lol:

Mr Potato Head feels that people who are receiving unemployment support, because they're unable to find work, should be "allowed to work more" instead of geting two cups of coffee worth of extra payment.

If it wasn't so tragically pathetic it would be funny.

Albo's mob just have to not die en masse to win the next election.

We supposedly get the gummint we deserve.
I wonder what lottery, in hell, we won to deserve either side of this political circus.
Courage is knowing it might
hurt, and doing it anyway.
Stupidity is the same
And that's why life is hard
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Officer Cadet
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