Guests with a criminal history?

Questions about Tasmanian fun and ammunition laws. Tasmanian Firearms Act 1996.

Guests with a criminal history?

Post by S O K A R » 25 May 2023, 3:07 pm

To cut a long story short, might have a family member staying with us soon for a couple of weeks that has a criminal history & has done time in the slammer (illegal firearm possession charges are amongst those, years ago but I'm sure the police would still count them as current).
As long as they don't have access to my safe/gun/ammo etc would there be any issue as far as the police would be concerned?
Otherwise I'll just tell them they have to make other arrangements.

Not sure if anyone has run into anything like this before.
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
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Re: Guests with a criminal history?

Post by deye243 » 25 May 2023, 3:41 pm

Regardless of past just find out if he is a prohibited person or not I know a bloke here in Victoria who shot 2 blokes with a shotgun ( Both just wounded) back in the eighties and about 10 years ago i Helped him get his licence back.
This is probably a moot point as I just noticed you are in tesmania
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Re: Guests with a criminal history?

Post by womble » 25 May 2023, 4:01 pm

Does he know you have firearms?
If not, keep it that way.
If so that’s your decision. I wouldn’t because although he might be ok, he may mention it to the people he associates with. They mention it to someone else etc. it’s valuable information when black market firearms command a high price.
But family comes first so the conundrum is yours.
But but Tassie, that’s a lot of family
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Re: Guests with a criminal history?

Post by womble » 25 May 2023, 4:13 pm

deye243 wrote:Regardless of past just find out if he is a prohibited person or not I know a bloke here in Victoria who shot 2 blokes with a shotgun ( Both just wounded) back in the eighties and about 10 years ago i Helped him get his licence back.
This is probably a moot point as I just noticed you are in tesmania

He shot two people and you got him his licence back.
Next time anyone on here needs a lawyer, don’t waste your money, just pm deye243 because this bloke can pull some serious strings.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2364

Re: Guests with a criminal history?

Post by deye243 » 25 May 2023, 4:24 pm

I don't know why you think it's special I have heard of a few people getting their licences back after fairly serious incidences you just have to keep your act clean more than 20 years.
I aint no frigging lawyer I just helped him out with the DFO because I knew him .
With all the political correctness in this f****** s*** hole it would probably never happen any more.
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