Anzac Day Sth Australia

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Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by Tiger650 » 01 Dec 2023, 5:43 pm

Unimpressed that our betters have decreed that we will have a whole month for the rainbow alphabet crowd and yet only one day for commemorate our war dead ?
Now the Sth Aust Labor Govt has deleted reference to Anzac Day in that state's public holiday listing.
Just when you think their behaviour has hit peak disgusting.
Here in Albury the bloody hireling Town Clerk [sorry CEO] has unilaterally decided to cancel the Shire's Australia Day activities, claims he mentioned such to Councillors and found them "generally supportive"..
I reckon he would rather be addressed as Commissar.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by on_one_wheel » 01 Dec 2023, 6:38 pm

I'd like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which I format this post today, the Peramangk people and pay my respect to ........ Ah s**t, enough of the virtue signalling already, it makes me want to puke. ... f-country/
Next week we'll make that speech following by another one recognising the techno coloured fruitcake brigade.

I did read about Labor messing with ANZAC day but Im yet to read any reasoning behind their latest woke stunt but It's all good, surely the labor party will themselves be deleted next state election.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by alexjones » 02 Dec 2023, 6:49 am

This type of stuff does not bother me anymore. The pussifaction of the country started with Howard stealing the guns in 1996. I cant think of one good thing to happen to the commonwealth since then? What has gotten better for the commonwealth? Everything has gotten worse. I am not talking about technological advances and the such I refer to the societal values as a whole. The country is now a crap hole.

Labor of 40 plus years ago is not the labor of today. My parents and that age cohort are stupid and they still have it in their head that labor is for "working man". When that generation dies off hopefully we can get some more informed voters. That is the reality.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by Larry » 02 Dec 2023, 7:50 am

40 years ago the Labour lot were gritty and were up for a fight to stand for their values. I doubt it now best of them a Karens at best.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by alexjones » 02 Dec 2023, 8:02 am

Labor and Libs were basically the same in many ways. They were all patriots who loved the country and wanted to preserve its heritage and European Christian demographic at the bottom of the world. Apart from differences on tax and some other social things they were the same. Not anymore! Labor are now socialist and elitist who want to dismantle the country whilst the libs are labor lite.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by womble » 03 Dec 2023, 12:30 pm

I believe the word is socialite Alex.
I take it English is not your first language.
Labor have always been socialist. That is their founding. Queensland shearer’s kicked it off from memory.
But are they still centre left today . Not really, they pander to the big foreign corporations, mining companies, no different than LNP.
Only marginally to the left with more individual freedoms and liberties. Softer on crime. More funding for public infrastructure at our expense. Typically they’ll be as progressive as they can while they hold power. But newscorp will go hard to convince you to vote them out. You trust newscorp don’t you Alex.

Anyway, very small margin of difference . Barely tell the two majors apart these days. Religious conservatism in the LNP would be the only apparent difference. But that seems to be backfiring spectacularly.

Thankfully one majors gone for good. Next step is to diversify the other with a great deal more independents.
In our favour we need to get more libertarians and actual socialists in there. Perhaps you should have a read of policies from the liberal democrats at one end or the SFFP at the other.
Because I guarantee you newscorp will never mention them to you.

You claim to remember a free Australia Alex. But I was there. And it sure as s**t wasn’t the LNP.
It was a coalition of labor and the nationals . Look up your states history
Now bear in mind that the nationals of the day were the sffp of today.
In fairness there are still regional nationals in vic that are for the people. Not so much in nsw or qld.
To get back to that sweet spot in time that’s where we need go. Ideally we even get to throw in some actual liberalism. And that’s doable. The candidates are out there.

It’s not hard . At a federal level all you have to remember is that a vote for either major is anti gun.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by Larry » 04 Dec 2023, 7:24 am

My memories of years gone by would have said that the Liberals have done more work on infrastructure than Labour. With labour normally miss managing projects badly and even being found corrupt in some of the deals that were done with contractors.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by mickb » 04 Dec 2023, 10:02 pm

Anyone believing there is any difference between the puppet show parties in any country has optimism of a saint

The last 30 years to my view have been nothing but gun disarmament, cancel culture, disempowerment, sale of national assets, deregulation of markets, real estate out of the reach of the next generations, power grid costs tripled, mock foreign wars that never end we just rebrand them every few years and dump billions into them and get our young folk shot up( I was in two!) break up of family units right up until now we have schools telling kids they can be a 'male lesbian', dog, or change sexes at 6. :crazy:

Didnt matter which howard-clinto-keating- obama-ruddomatic robo clone was in power in any country , it all marched forward at the same pace across the 1st world into the sick disgusting chuld abusing mess it is now.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by womble » 05 Dec 2023, 2:37 am

It’s called neoliberalism .,state%20influence%20in%20the%20economy.

Started in the 1980s here. All downhill from there. And still plummeting into the abyss.
Although I do think Rudd tried to combat it. He was a smart guy, but came of as arrogant and rude.
He threatened this world order though so the press destroyed him.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by mickb » 05 Dec 2023, 11:34 pm

Can you imagine trying to explain to people back in 1990 or even just 10 years ago that a boy could now start a sex change, identify as a female dog and bark at the teacher and the teacher would put a food bowl down for the kid at lunch. Or that teachers in UK schools have been warned against preventing kids from identifying as Dinosaurs in class. :crazy:

Even the writers of the Monty python movies would say holy s****.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by womble » 06 Dec 2023, 3:53 am

I can’t imagine it no, because I don’t read that crap. No schools here telling 6 year old to gender swap.
I mean if they can convince you that a vaccine is worse than the disease. They can fool you into believing just about anything really.
And they know that. So when you go down the anti vax rabbit hole. The algorithms go bingo. We’ve got one. Let’s throw some more horseshit at this one and see what sticks.

Likely you’re just reading a lot crap that’s trying to manipulate your political views. Or get a donation out of you.
Avi has bills to pay you know.
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
Posts: 2364

Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by on_one_wheel » 06 Dec 2023, 6:23 am

Yeah I remember that one, especially the first vaccine.
The government " it's safe and effective even though it hasn't been properly tested, it's your choice but screw you if you don't get it"
Doctors lost their licences speaking out against it, people lost their jobs for their own personal medical choices..... Then, " oh s**t ! Better pull that one from the shelves, whoops.

Little wonder the rabbit hole got dug 10 miles deeper.

The whole thing was a massive screw up that fed the conspiracy camps big time.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by Larry » 06 Dec 2023, 6:30 am

Gotta say even if they arnt pushing the gender thing here like we read elsewhere. I was shocked to see a leaflet from the school on there "awareness class" That gender was mentioned. I have no idea in what capacity if they were just saying there are two genders or it is up to you to choose one. I do know that "acceptance" is a big thing as is not judging and being respectful. Keep my fingers crossed we do not copy the crazies.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by mickb » 07 Dec 2023, 3:01 pm

womble wrote:I can’t imagine it no, because I don’t read that crap. No schools here telling 6 year old to gender swap.

Head in the sand policy works until you have kids coming home saying there are books on explicit homosexual practices in the kids section of the school library, and some kid is barking like a dog and the teachers barks back to them. :wtf:

I mean if they can convince you that a vaccine is worse than the disease. They can fool you into believing just about anything really.
And they know that. So when you go down the anti vax rabbit hole. The algorithms go bingo. We’ve got one. Let’s throw some more horseshit at this one and see what sticks.

Not sure where vaccines come into it but being ex army I took plenty , and other meds doctors recommended. Plenty of cases of medicines being worse than the cure, its why they get pulled from the market., including two I took.

Google Vioxx and Meflaquine. Vioxx was pulled from the market after ten years of killing thousands of folks and dodgy trials came to light; Meflaquine saga is still ongoing, DVA even has a hotline for addressing it. Hell of a conspiracy if DVA recognizes it. Its one rabbit hole I wish I wasnt part of.

You want to sign up for quick trial drugs, thats your business. But I suggest educating yourself with google. Pharm companies blunder and dodgy and get this stuff wrong all the time.

likely you’re just reading a lot crap that’s trying to manipulate your political views. Or get a donation out of you.
Avi has bills to pay you know.

Speaking mostly from personal experience here, including what kids report from the local school. Not sure what Avi is, if its an app I dont own a smartphone.
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Re: Anzac Day Sth Australia

Post by moopere » 08 Dec 2023, 7:24 pm

alexjones wrote:This type of stuff does not bother me anymore. The pussifaction of the country started with Howard stealing the guns in 1996. I cant think of one good thing to happen to the commonwealth since then? What has gotten better for the commonwealth? Everything has gotten worse. I am not talking about technological advances and the such I refer to the societal values as a whole. The country is now a crap hole.

Yep. Fair call, I can't disagree.
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