flashman wrote:Hi all , what do you blokes use to add to the melt pot for a hard cast bullet..........i was told i could use bars of solder..? or tin
60/40 solder, or hard shot, or hardcast bullets.
If you have free lead then it can be worth adding these to make bullet alloy, but if you're buying lead, then hardening it, just buy commercial hardcast bullets when you see them on special and melt them down for your own bullets. You need to add quite a lot of bullet alloy or hard shot to see a significant increase in hardness, the pure lead is basically diluting the already-hard lead. Best bet is if you shoot at a pistol club just have a wander and fill your pockets, but it's dirty and will have to be melted in a pot to scrape the crud off.
Northern Smelters makes bullet alloy in 5kg ingots, but you need to order a few to eat the freight charge. It's cheaper to just buy cheap hardcast bullets from Cleaver.
If you know any pistol shooters that have been salvaging powder from shotshells buy the hard shot from them, if they're not already casting their own bullets.