alexjones wrote:I don't like liberals but the new liberal premier of Queensland is going to start putting kids as young as 10 in jail for serious offences. I support this decision. Obviously in a kids jail not with adults.
The bleeding hearts say the statistics show that will only increase their recidivism rate. Whilst they are correct I say "so what?". Just because if you put someone in jail earlier in life means they are more likely to become a career criminal does not mean you should stop putting them in jail.
It is a bad circle of life. Crackhead parents creating crackhead kids I get it, I understand it, I am even sympathetic to it. But that does not mean I don't want them punished.
Community outreach programs, army cadets and even churches. I am for whatever to help people have someone provide them with a good influence who were dealt a crap hand in life but still lock the ones away who are dangerous and deserve it.
Aged 10 is very young. TBH I think it should be 12.
Issue is when the age was,,, I think 12,, they were never jailed. WTF. Jail them.
Mow the grass down the road pick up rubbish, help pensioners, cook meals for meals on wheels. etc
I was sympathetic, but no more.
They just claim life is too tough because they have a tan. Or they are suicidal. Soooo, they get off and just keep offending and offending and offending.
Jail them. Then give them a rope to practice their scout knots.
If they make a bad decision,,,, well it was their decision.
Might sound rough, but they lost me three years ago.
The other thing that gets on my goat. They never stop whinging about the day the poms arrived.
Well if you think it was wrong and the "invaders" fuked the place,,,STOP taking all the freebies that come with the "invasion". Stop budging on the system. Go live in the desert eating lizards.