shooting meeting.

Questions about Western Australian gun and ammunition laws. W.A. Firearms Act 1973.

Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Finniss » 16 Feb 2025, 1:11 pm

Thoroughly disappointing turnout. Media blackout of 20000 is harder than 1500. I don't understand the fearmongering from shooting groups re extremists or bad they really exist, what was this mystery group going to do. Giving weight to a fairy story like that seems only to contribute to the government's portrayal of us.

Remember Johnny Howard in his bullet proof vest making out some threat existed from a peaceful protest of his laws. Now we are creating the mystery threats ourselves.
Posts: 11

Re: shooting meeting.

Post by bigrich » 16 Feb 2025, 1:21 pm

Wapiti wrote:Reading my posts it sure looks like I'm an aggressive bast@rd, I don't mean it to be but I'm only trying to get people to turn this around after years of capitulation and basically no push back. I get that WA shooters get offended when other states members make opinions, but we are after all all Australians.
It's only the individual states governments that are pushing the people around, and of course it's a state issue, but governments are just that, governments and react to the same pressures from the people no matter where in Australia.

I only mentioned the farmers taking whatever trouble was necessary to make a political point, regardless of time and cost. They saw that as essential, enough is enough, and it got a result. Some spent 10K on float hire alone, in a time when they're flat out making a profit on anything.
What I'm seeing now from farmers groups is an attitude to ignore city based shooters and look after themselves politically. That's not good. Some are just seeing city gun owners as cowardly hangers-on, very sad to see.

I'm not advocating anger, violence or law breaking. That alienates the public. Mere orderly participation. What a crying shame that after all the 10's of 1000's of shooters in WA that are about to be screwed over, the politicians can get up and crow to the rest of Aus about how few people are actually against their "safety" reforms.
Never forget that the public listening to this cr@p are the very lemmings that keep on voting for their life behind bars, being protected by the dregs of the state in government, not the stars.
I'm actually very disappointed at the orgs that tried to dilute the orderly protest.
Funny thing though hey, they'll still be taking your money. Maybe even more. How coincidental and convenient these saviours are!

Best thing you can do is try for another chance, but I don't have any hope.
I know the audience is small, but eastern states, you know what to expect if you stay indoors and pray for miracles. It will need push back when they try it here.

yeah mate , you do come across as a aggressive , angry b@rstard at times :P

i do understand where your coming from though . re the WA protests , too little too late . there should've been protests when they first announced they were looking at tightening laws . not after it passed . i'm starting to wonder, if due to it's isolation by the vast distance from the east coast if WA isn't evolving into another country :unknown: glorious communist state of west-ozi-stan :P

about the only thing in WA that appeals to me is the statue of AC-DC frontman bon scott :D
rip bon scott , and WA gun owners :roll:
Last edited by bigrich on 16 Feb 2025, 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by alexjones » 16 Feb 2025, 1:22 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Yeh, 1500 is pathetic.
Perhaps they have "tossed in the towel"

Yeah mate. The evidence shows us there is zero political fight in WA residents and they support the laws by their indifference.

More people showed up for the grand opening of Perth Starbucks coffee last year. ... c-16502629
Last edited by alexjones on 16 Feb 2025, 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by alexjones » 16 Feb 2025, 1:26 pm

Look how big the crowd is of people going to Perth's grand opening of Starbucks coffee last year. A lot more than the people at the gun rally. This shows me the people of WA love banning guns and love sipping on caramel soy lattes. ... c-16502629
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by geoff » 16 Feb 2025, 4:03 pm

Some of you are living on another planet. It's already the law just waiting on the date - it's passed both houses. Who is coming to save you exactly? The government of the day who just enacted that Act?

If this was some kind of potential future proposal or an election campaign then yeah sure but you're just delusional expecting otherwise.

The time for doing anything was three years ago - which I absolutely did.

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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by bigrich » 16 Feb 2025, 4:51 pm

geoff wrote:Some of you are living on another planet. It's already the law just waiting on the date - it's passed both houses. Who is coming to save you exactly? The government of the day who just enacted that Act?

If this was some kind of potential future proposal or an election campaign then yeah sure but you're just delusional expecting otherwise.

The time for doing anything was three years ago - which I absolutely did.

Living in denial

:lol: read what i posted mate . i said something should've been done when they first started talking about changes :unknown:
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by mchughcb » 16 Feb 2025, 5:39 pm

geoff wrote:Some of you are living on another planet. It's already the law just waiting on the date - it's passed both houses. Who is coming to save you exactly? The government of the day who just enacted that Act?

If this was some kind of potential future proposal or an election campaign then yeah sure but you're just delusional expecting otherwise.

The time for doing anything was three years ago - which I absolutely did.

Living in denial

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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Wapiti » 16 Feb 2025, 5:47 pm

geoff wrote:Some of you are living on another planet. It's already the law just waiting on the date - it's passed both houses. Who is coming to save you exactly? The government of the day who just enacted that Act?

If this was some kind of potential future proposal or an election campaign then yeah sure but you're just delusional expecting otherwise.

The time for doing anything was three years ago - which I absolutely did.

Living in denial

Yeah mate, being served a s**t sandwich is inevitable. Just sit down, shut up and eat it.
Posts: 559

Re: shooting meeting.

Post by alexjones » 16 Feb 2025, 6:04 pm

The law is not in effect yet Geoff.

Them homosexuals were against the law too. Their parades have a lot more people than the lousy 1500 WA people who are against the new gun laws.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by mchughcb » 16 Feb 2025, 6:25 pm

We respect our elders, past, present and emerging.

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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Fester » 17 Feb 2025, 11:34 am

Those gays didn't fight each other and it looks like they had more balls than us.

Good luck getting money back selling guns at prices they paid new due to taking advantage of price rises.
I suspect those days are gone and the big crowded gunshops around here are now empty.
I imagine shooters in other states also cut their shooting as the shortage prices climaxed and the cost of living crisis set in.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by bigrich » 17 Feb 2025, 4:58 pm

Fester wrote:Those gays didn't fight each other and it looks like they had more balls than us.

Good luck getting money back selling guns at prices they paid new due to taking advantage of price rises.
I suspect those days are gone and the big crowded gunshops around here are now empty.
I imagine shooters in other states also cut their shooting as the shortage prices climaxed and the cost of living crisis set in.

your right there about people not spending due to the cost of living . i'm in sheet metal doing commercial air con ducting . the industry is dead at the moment , i haven't had hardly any work since before xmas , no money to spend on toys atm, just trying to pay food and bills . on the few times i've been into gun shops lately they've been dead too . this country's been in a bit of a recession for a year and a half i reckon , and the pollies are having a media black out . JMHO :thumbsup:
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Wapiti » 18 Feb 2025, 5:57 am

That's pretty sad to hear mate. I'm from the steel game too, but heavy, and it's been so sad to see us just let that all slip.
We just went for the quick dollar as a country when we went to Asia to make all our heavy engineering, even building structural steel. Pathetic.
Still got mates in the pressure welding game (tig and specialty stick) and they can pick jobs, but it's a tough job and big stakes.
And the low-IQ commentators bag out a bloke like Trump from their lounge chairs.

Again, it's down to our political leadership.
We elect politicians that spent their lives in jobs (if any) that have nothing to do with the big picture, trade, security at home, finance, patriotism.
We say, "gotta vote for someone, but the choice is sh*t", yet we WON'T protest the options offered to effect change.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by mchughcb » 18 Feb 2025, 8:25 am

And the low-IQ commentators bag out a bloke like Trump from their lounge chairs?

Well there's plenty on this forum.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Bugman » 18 Feb 2025, 10:36 am

mchughcb wrote:And the low-IQ commentators bag out a bloke like Trump from their lounge chairs?

Well there's plenty on this forum.

OK. Hands up those who are of low IQ, are a commentator...and have a lounge chair! Come on, time to come clean for the Chuckster.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Wapiti » 18 Feb 2025, 12:35 pm

Finniss wrote:Yep farmers do tend to be able to get the public on side. I imagine that's why they got a higher limit of firearms than hunters. Less impact to them and less likely to protest. Firearm owners divided and conquered.

To my thinking in general a farmer needs less firearms than a hunter who chases different animals on different properties in different terrains etc

I imagine a register review of firearms per farmer in a few years will see their limit halved. Perhaps a tractor blockade will be initiated then....and the apathetic hunters who it makes no difference to won't bother turning up

Maybe. A big maybe.
Most farmers aren't gun enthusiasts, to them guns are tools. Not toys for recreation. We firmly believe that their number was set at 10 to stop them pushing back. Because they have proved they won't take it up the @rse anymore from Labor. Those of you informed enough will know that they have divided you and farmers perfectly with that concession.

As for your comment about when they finally start on the farmers gun limits and the weekend shooters won't care, well... you won't have any guns by then. You're insinuating that you'll all even the score because you think we got a better deal. So we don't expect your help. Especially seeing that you've proved you won't even help yourselves now.

History isn't set. It's the result of either courage, or cowardice. Those who are offended by that belong to the latter. Those who don't like being associated with the latter can step up any time.
Posts: 559

Re: shooting meeting.

Post by alexjones » 18 Feb 2025, 1:33 pm

Farmers are always given special privileges. They were allowed to keep semi autos in 1996 so a lot of them didn't care and complied with the tyranny. They are given a higher gun limit now in WA to try to keep them on board also and compliant to the tyranny. But soon the semi autos will go from the farmers and the gun limits will get lower and lower.

Not to mention in that 1996 era, as we all remember communication in the bush was a lot different. There was no internet, there was no star link satellites etc so people could not organise politically as they can do much easier today. So in todays era there is no excuse for this indifference from gun owners. So the lack of support in showing up to organised political rallies has to be seen a either cowardice or they support the new laws.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by mchughcb » 18 Feb 2025, 4:31 pm

Bugman wrote:
mchughcb wrote:And the low-IQ commentators bag out a bloke like Trump from their lounge chairs?

Well there's plenty on this forum.

OK. Hands up those who are of low IQ, are a commentator...and have a lounge chair! Come on, time to come clean for the Chuckster.

Ok you don't have a lounge chair. Sue me.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by on_one_wheel » 18 Feb 2025, 5:29 pm

Only ritch people have lounge rooms, let alone lounge chairs, when we were kids, we couldn't even afford to sit down as it could wear our pants out.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Oldbloke » 18 Feb 2025, 8:12 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Only ritch people have lounge rooms, let alone lounge chairs, when we were kids, we couldn't even afford to sit down as it could wear our pants out.

Didn't it wear out all your shoes?
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by on_one_wheel » 18 Feb 2025, 8:33 pm

Shoes ! we were bare foot most days and saved the old sardine tins to wear as shoes to church on Sundays.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Bugman » 19 Feb 2025, 7:10 am

mchughcb wrote:
Bugman wrote:
mchughcb wrote:And the low-IQ commentators bag out a bloke like Trump from their lounge chairs?

Well there's plenty on this forum.

OK. Hands up those who are of low IQ, are a commentator...and have a lounge chair! Come on, time to come clean for the Chuckster.

Ok you don't have a lounge chair. Sue me.

Atta boy Chucky. Good one. :lol:
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Wapiti » 19 Feb 2025, 1:33 pm

alexjones wrote:Farmers are always given special privileges. They were allowed to keep semi autos in 1996 so a lot of them didn't care and complied with the tyranny. They are given a higher gun limit now in WA to try to keep them on board also and compliant to the tyranny. But soon the semi autos will go from the farmers and the gun limits will get lower and lower.

Not to mention in that 1996 era, as we all remember communication in the bush was a lot different. There was no internet, there was no star link satellites etc so people could not organise politically as they can do much easier today. So in todays era there is no excuse for this indifference from gun owners. So the lack of support in showing up to organised political rallies has to be seen a either cowardice or they support the new laws.

Farmers in WA can't have centrefire semi autos. Mates of mine 20km south of me in NSW, can't get them either for primary production, even if they are in the same boat as me If you know of a farmer, NOT a full time practising feral pest controller, that has proper Cat D stuff legally please let me know.

The regs in Qld state the terms and guidelines which you must comply with to get a D licence. If you do, and it takes a lot of proving, you can get these firearms. It will take a change of law, which is never out of the question anywhere, to change that. The rules are there now.
Weapons licensing has on heaps of occasions refused to renew PP H&D licences when they come up, deliberately trying to intimidate farmers, testing and daring the farmer to stick up for themselves in QCAT. Some do, some don't. Those that don't, miss out. Those that do, carry on refusing to be f***ed over by city bullies.
Posts: 559

Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Finniss » 19 Feb 2025, 2:08 pm

I imagine a register review of firearms per farmer in a few years will see their limit halved. Perhaps a tractor blockade will be initiated then....and the apathetic hunters who it makes no difference to won't bother turning up[/quote]
Maybe. A big maybe.
Most farmers aren't gun enthusiasts, to them guns are tools. Not toys

As for your comment about when they finally start on the farmers gun limits and the weekend shooters won't care, well... you won't have any guns by then. You're insinuating that you'll all even the score because you think we got a better deal. So we don't expect your help. Especially seeing that you've proved you won't even help yourselves now.

Wasn't intending to insinuate a tit for tat, just that firearm owners have been cleverly divided. And when limits are set for one group, another group isnt impacted and is less likely to resist. Similar with the cartridge ban

Would be interested to know how many farmers have more than 5 guns, especially in WA with the police imposed property sizes for cartridge. Most I know have less than 5, making dropping the limit from 10 an easy target for the government.
Posts: 11

Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Finniss » 19 Feb 2025, 2:09 pm

Seems I don't know how to use the quote function properly...
Posts: 11

Re: shooting meeting.

Post by Wapiti » 19 Feb 2025, 4:24 pm

Yeah I agree, and so do a lot of people on the land who scratched their heads as to why farmers can get 10 firearms. Although, I bet, it's really another backstabbing con because from what I've seen every firearm there needs justification and a separate license? And the decision made by a socialist cop who thinks he knows country issues cos he's been on weekend drives.
And yes it's all because of the inner city feeling that, why do urban people need firearms? No, they don't! They can play golf.

I was in town yesterday picking up supplies and wanted a look at Chimera at the gunshop. The conversation there with the cockies warming the seats was not encouraging about the performance of the WA shooters. These people follow politics closely. And the divide between city and country firearms owners is getting wider, quite obvious even here, and that's not going to help one bit.
Posts: 559

Re: shooting meeting.

Post by alexjones » 20 Feb 2025, 6:44 am

Yes the divide between city and people in the bush is getting wider. People in the city subscribe to commie ideals and want the government to do every single little for them. Any problem they have in life they want the government to do it for them. Where people in the bush are just more self reliant and want self determination.

With all the flooding around Cairns lately there have been food shortages. Over 150 trucks could not get through Greenvale to deliver food. Blows my mind how people can have food shortages, when they insure their house against fire and their car against damage and theft but they don't insure their life and their families life by having supplies of food and water on hand incase of disaster. People in the city can't see beyond the end of their nose.

Obviously nothing is absolute but this is for the majority.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by alexjones » 20 Feb 2025, 6:49 am

I could only imagine the people of Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. They probably go food shopping every week and have less than a weeks worth of food on hand and very little clean water..

One small chink in the armour and food and water distribution stops very quickly.

It does not take that much space to keep 6 months worth of storable food and other supplies. Then a few tanks for fresh water. Even 1-3 months worth of supplies. Something is better than nothing.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by mchughcb » 20 Feb 2025, 8:00 am

Bog rolls man. Straight to costco and buy $10K of bog rolls ready for the next coof.

You may not have food or a job but at least your arse will be wiped.
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Re: shooting meeting.

Post by alexjones » 20 Feb 2025, 8:31 am

What annoys me is these laws for so called "profiteering, price gouging and unconscionable conduct".

If I as a business owner have the foresight and take the risk to invest my capital in stockpiling goods why should I not gain profit from the idiots who want my product but did not have a brain to stockpile their own goods.
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