hat frustration

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hat frustration

Post by mickb » 01 Oct 2024, 6:38 pm

any brands you can recommend fellas. Specifically after a boonie style with chin strap/tie that is scrunchable. it will get drenched, pulled through rainforest and stuffed into pockets etc.
Quick drying synthetice blend with mesh preferred but not essential.
Biggest problem trying some on in fishing/camping outlsets is my boof head, anything that says 'unisex', 'one size fits all' or only goes to L size, wont fit me.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Die Judicii » 11 Dec 2024, 10:34 pm

Hey Mate,,,
Exactly as you describe,,, look at "Shimano"
I got one from my local GS

I can check what the largest size available is,,, and get back to you if need be.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by mickb » 26 Dec 2024, 10:27 pm

Hey thanks DJ, I hadnt checked this thread for some time. Which Shimano product is it, see a few there
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Fester » 27 Dec 2024, 4:47 pm

My fav is a camo med-wide brim from one of those gun shop brands.
It's like the one Aussie Reviews wears.
Done well for about 7 years but the vents rusted out as it goes to the beach and stuff, looking old now but still holding together.

Got a newer white one for shooting clays as they frown on camo but it's not as good.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by bigrich » 27 Dec 2024, 6:31 pm

hey mickB , you could always get a cheap bunnings sombrero :P

with a cartridge belt over the shoulder and a 30-30 you could go full mexican bandido on the pigs :lol:

just don't hit the tequila hard before hand :D

don't mind me, i'm just a silly gringo who can't help himself ... ;) too many clint eastwood spaghetti westerns when i was a kid :D
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Dec 2024, 8:01 pm

"too many clint eastwood spaghetti westerns "

:lol: been hot all week and was crook with a virus too. So, guess what I've been watching.. :)
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Dec 2024, 8:21 pm

Try an OHS shop. They usually have a good variety. But you do pay through the nose
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Oldbloke » 27 Dec 2024, 8:31 pm

The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by bigrich » 28 Dec 2024, 5:18 am

Oldbloke wrote:"too many clint eastwood spaghetti westerns "

:lol: been hot all week and was crook with a virus too. So, guess what I've been watching.. :)

clint eastwoods character ,"the man with no name" , was a tough guy with great one liners formula that's been used ever since. not to mention dirty harry .some of his one liners are classic , how he sums up marriage and women in "two mules for sister sarah" cracks me up :lol: . arnold swartszenager , stallone and more recent actors have played similar personas . sorry , i'm off topic . this is a topic about hats :unknown: in regional qld i wear a broad brimmed akubra . "cattleman" is the style i think . i'm very fair skinned , a hat is a necessity for me :thumbsup: can't help with the soft hats but i can see the sense of them in dense bush .
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Re: hat frustration

Post by bigrich » 28 Dec 2024, 5:19 am

Oldbloke wrote:Try an OHS shop. They usually have a good variety. But you do pay through the nose

get a receipt and claim it on tax if your a tradie :thumbsup:
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Re: hat frustration

Post by mickb » 30 Dec 2024, 11:39 am

bigrich wrote:hey mickB , you could always get a cheap bunnings sombrero :P

with a cartridge belt over the shoulder and a 30-30 you could go full mexican bandido on the pigs :lol:

just don't hit the tequila hard before hand :D

don't mind me, i'm just a silly gringo who can't help himself ... ;) too many clint eastwood spaghetti westerns when i was a kid :D

Mate a sombrero is actually not a bad idea for the heat, same a a chinese staw hat but it would hang me up in rainforest the first step I took :D

I have a 44 lever action so that counts, but never got into cartridge belts, too slow and your ammo gets wet
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Re: hat frustration

Post by bladeracer » 30 Dec 2024, 1:09 pm

bigrich wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:"too many clint eastwood spaghetti westerns "

:lol: been hot all week and was crook with a virus too. So, guess what I've been watching.. :)

clint eastwoods character ,"the man with no name" , was a tough guy with great one liners formula that's been used ever since. not to mention dirty harry .some of his one liners are classic , how he sums up marriage and women in "two mules for sister sarah" cracks me up :lol: . arnold swartszenager , stallone and more recent actors have played similar personas . sorry , i'm off topic . this is a topic about hats :unknown: in regional qld i wear a broad brimmed akubra . "cattleman" is the style i think . i'm very fair skinned , a hat is a necessity for me :thumbsup: can't help with the soft hats but i can see the sense of them in dense bush .

I have to come up with an outfit for Cowboy shooting, but I never got into westerns, and have never had an eye for fashion so have no concept of what sort of clothing constitutes "cowboy". I've been watching lots of westerns the past few months looking for ideas. My idea of proper cowboy fashion is Terence Hill's Trinity character, clothes that haven't been washed, or even removed, in years. A simple red union suit, boots and gunbelt would be perfect. Because of the beard I'm leaning toward a Gabby Hayes character :-)

But yesterday I was looking at Eastwood, there is a whole website dedicated to his outfit in the "Dollars" trilogy - https://www.themanwithnoname.info/the-hat/the-original-hat
It occurred to me that the poncho, like a duster, can simply be worn over anything at all, which makes the whole thing much simpler. But I would want to make the torch-cut steel plate that he wore under the poncho as well :-) I do quite like his sheepskin vest though, it would be very cool to skin a sheep and make that from scratch.

I wore cowboy hats when I was younger, but I was never a real fan. They're great for keeping the sun and rain out of your face, but they're too big for moving in small places, and good luck holding onto it in a breeze. They're better than a giggle hat though in not constantly falling over your eyes.
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But I've been wearing them again the last few months to try to get used to it for Cowboy, if I'm not wearing it I'll forget to take it. So bloody annoying they are. It's constantly blowing or falling off, if I look up the rear hits my back and it falls off, so it's hopeless for shooting prone or most other field positions. I'm sure the "cowboy hat" as we recognise it is a pure Hollywood invention, you couldn't possibly keep one on riding a horse at anything above a trot :-)

I'm thinking now of getting a Civil War kepi instead and see how I cope with that, basically a baseball cap from 160 years ago. Hats are a necessity for me now, the old solar panel feels the heat and cold too much when I step outside without a hat :-)
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Oldbloke » 30 Dec 2024, 2:20 pm

:lol: We have noticed your lack of dress code. :)

I must have a dozen hats.
One for every occasion and weather.

Felt hats are great in winter, but hot in summer, particularly dark colours.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by bladeracer » 30 Dec 2024, 2:51 pm

Oldbloke wrote::lol: We have noticed your lack of dress code. :)

I must have a dozen hats.
One for every occasion and weather.

Felt hats are great in winter, but hot in summer, particularly dark colours.

Everybody does :-)
I have a selection of hats and boots that I wear regularly, especially during winter when everything needs a few days to dry out. I've got six or seven army slouch hats and wore one for a while last year, just to get a feel for it, also damned annoying. I even wore an M1 helmet for 24hrs a couple years ago, including going into town and sleeping in it, just to find out how annoying that was for soldiers.

I've got a bunch of baseball caps as well, and bought a meshed one thinking it would be cooler in summer - nope, all it does is give the sun direct access to my bald head :-)

We were doing fence repairs the other day in the rain and I do remember thinking that the cowboy hat was welcome, but I don't think it was enough better than any other hat to warrant all the annoyance that comes with wearing it all day. We were pulling star pickets last week when it was 38C, using a spare wheel with a chain wrapped over it pulled by the ute. I wore the cowboy hat thinking it would keep the sun off. I just found it very hot, and as it was gusty I had to ram the hat down hard on my head which made it very tight and quickly gave me a headache.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by mickb » 19 Feb 2025, 7:18 am

Bladerace, that wester action seems to have a lot of fun. I thought about it a couple times but stuck to practicing it myself at home. One outfit I always thought of is why not just period Australia wear for the 1880's? More boring than hollywood star level stuff, but how could they knock it back?

Australia had its own wild west in the day, actually wild everywhere for a while. Tons of 44-40, 45 colt etc were imported in the day, its why we have more original 45colt pistols and authentic 1892 and 1873 left going for sale than the yanks these days. Cops, militia, prisons were issued them as well.

Our wild west lasted a lot longer than theirs too, I think the NT only had a dozen cops right into the 1930's, they had more than a few pistol shootouts still going on. In 1904 literally 400m from where I am sitting in NQ there was a shoot-out or rather massacre between the towns folk and the local plantation workers at the sugar mill. The plantation workers were sick of conditions and marched on the town, taking the direct route across the river. The Townsflk had gotten warning and shot them before they could cross. A few 1892's in that showdown.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Wapiti » 19 Feb 2025, 1:22 pm

You could try this style of hats. They're the Mountain Design brand, they go from $25 up to $40 posted out to you.
They have a drawstring and won't come off when snigged down, when on the quad or SxS.
They have a sweat band inside, and mesh either side to let the heat out, and an elasticised fit.
And a long neck gaiter to hold off the leather-neck, skin cancer syndrome.
They scrunch up and fit in your work shorts trouser pockets, and God knows how many times these ones have gone through the washing machine with no sign of aging.

Since using these, I've given up on the show pony cr@p, stopped wondering why people wear some hats.

Akubras are great for when at the cattle sales, or for the blokes that have longhorn back-window stickers. But for working, they are ovens on your head and are for show.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by mickb » 19 Feb 2025, 3:19 pm

Wapiti wrote:You could try this style of hats. They're the Mountain Design brand, they go from $25 up to $40 posted out to you.
They have a drawstring and won't come off when snigged down, when on the quad or SxS.
They have a sweat band inside, and mesh either side to let the heat out, and an elasticised fit.
And a long neck gaiter to hold off the leather-neck, skin cancer syndrome.
They scrunch up and fit in your work shorts trouser pockets, and God knows how many times these ones have gone through the washing machine with no sign of aging.

Since using these, I've given up on the show pony cr@p, stopped wondering why people wear some hats.

Akubras are great for when at the cattle sales, or for the blokes that have longhorn back-window stickers. But for working, they are ovens on your head and are for show.

Nice hats, tried one on in Annaconda but too small for me, only come in Small/Medium and a Medium/Large sizing. The kepis or cape style are a bit hot up here with the humidty too. Great desert hats though, its why the foreign legion invented the style
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Re: hat frustration

Post by bladeracer » 19 Feb 2025, 7:54 pm

I agree with you. I wasn't brought up on westerns so don't have much idea about the fashion. I'd much rather dress like a real cowboy of the day but it seems Cowboy Action shooting is all about the Hollywood invented cowboys. We've been watching some westerns to try to get into them but boy are they rubbish :-) I really like Terence Hill's Trinity, and Robert Redford's Jeremiah Johnson and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are terrific movies, but The Good, Bad and Ugly, Magnificent Seven, 100 Rifles, The Wild Bunch and John Wayne's stuff are crap.

mickb wrote:Bladerace, that wester action seems to have a lot of fun. I thought about it a couple times but stuck to practicing it myself at home. One outfit I always thought of is why not just period Australia wear for the 1880's? More boring than hollywood star level stuff, but how could they knock it back?

Australia had its own wild west in the day, actually wild everywhere for a while. Tons of 44-40, 45 colt etc were imported in the day, its why we have more original 45colt pistols and authentic 1892 and 1873 left going for sale than the yanks these days. Cops, militia, prisons were issued them as well.

Our wild west lasted a lot longer than theirs too, I think the NT only had a dozen cops right into the 1930's, they had more than a few pistol shootouts still going on. In 1904 literally 400m from where I am sitting in NQ there was a shoot-out or rather massacre between the towns folk and the local plantation workers at the sugar mill. The plantation workers were sick of conditions and marched on the town, taking the direct route across the river. The Townsflk had gotten warning and shot them before they could cross. A few 1892's in that showdown.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Wapiti » 20 Feb 2025, 11:12 am

Tell you what fellas, they are made of nylon, same as the stuff your lightweight hiking tents/flys are made from.
But me personally, they are the coolest (temperature wise) hats I've tried. And I number-1 my head because of how humid it is working in the sun every day, and the breeze through the mesh sides is like air conditioning.

Hey, they come in OD green too, for those that like that colour.
This ones been washed a gazillion times and is quite faded, they are pretty indestructible.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Wapiti » 20 Feb 2025, 11:13 am

Man that's a crap picture.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Valdash » 21 Feb 2025, 5:46 am

Mate, I've been through a few hats in similar conditions. Check out the Outdoor Research Sombriolet Sun Hat. It's got a good size range, is quick-drying, and scrunches up well. The chin strap is solid too.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Uyenner » 25 Feb 2025, 3:06 am

Outdoor Research Sombriolet Sun Hat. It's quick-drying, has a chin strap, and comes in XL. I've used mine for hiking and it's held up great.
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Re: hat frustration

Post by Oldbloke » 25 Feb 2025, 9:38 am

I have an orange one.

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