-Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

-Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by pajamatime » 10 Sep 2015, 2:28 pm

It appears that the Greens are trying to restrict the use and possession of Lever Action Shotguns by introducing an amendment to the Firearms Act 1996 in NSW.


As a result, we now call on our members to write to your State Political representatives and remind them that:
- Law abiding citizens are not the problem!
- Lever Action Shotguns have been legally owned and used in sport for decades without incident!
- This is not 'new' technology!
- They should tackle the criminals and not law abiding citizens!

SSAA Sydney is waiting for further information and will keep you up-to-date with the situation as more information is made available.

James Walsh
The Prudent see the evil and hide but the Naive keep going and are punished for it
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by Heckler303 » 10 Sep 2015, 4:19 pm

As they will do, nibble by nibble, they will keep taking firearms in any matter that suits them, until they've gotten their disarmament agenda complete.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 10 Sep 2015, 4:51 pm

What a freaking tool this mofo is..... They know the review is coming up, yet for the sake of the people, the CHILDREN, wont SOMEBODY think of the kids....Bannnnnnnn this horrible death machine of an Adler, and ALL other lever action thing a ma jig gunses too...

Back in the 1950s or so there was a referendum to ban the Communist Party.... but the Aussies at the time, for some unknown reason did not sufficiently approve, even though the reds were our supposed enemy...... move 60 years to the future, we're reaping what we sowed we the Communist Party of Australia (aka the Aus Greens) continuing to steal oxygen...

This is the proposal;

Amendment of Firearms Act 1996 No 46
Sections 8 (1) (matter relating to category A, C and D licences), 17A (1), (3) (a) and (4) (b), 26 (2) (c) and 32 (5A) and item 4 of Schedule 1
Insert “or lever” after “pump” wherever occurring.

Placing lever in the same category as pumps....I doubt there would be any non-green support for in should it reach a vote...

These Greentarded numbnut bunch of gayloving-refugee-encouraging-no-border-no-gun freaks have so little respect and such disregard for our democracy and its proper processes that their leader, in seeking a formal motion to 'suspend standing orders' to debate the Syria matter - replaced a formal request with the words "Blah Blah Blah" as he didnt have his script handy, apparently....and thought nothing of it....

I tried to find the passage in the Hansard but its been conveniently 'adjusted' to the correct and proper wording.....I've always believed these tards have no place in our houses of parliament.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by Heckler303 » 10 Sep 2015, 4:59 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:What a freaking tool this mofo is..... They know the review is coming up, yet for the sake of the people, the CHILDREN, wont SOMEBODY think of the kids....Bannnnnnnn this horrible death machine of an Adler, and ALL other lever action thing a ma jig gunses too...

Back in the 1950s or so there was a referendum to ban the Communist Party.... but the Aussies at the time, for some unknown reason did not sufficiently approve, even though the reds were our supposed enemy...... move 60 years to the future, we're reaping what we sowed we the Communist Party of Australia (aka the Aus Greens) continuing to steal oxygen...

What a shame we can't have the communist party removed now. That would solve a heap of problems with regards to practically anything.
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Title_II wrote:If you carry a fun in Australia you will go to jail.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by pajamatime » 10 Sep 2015, 5:02 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:What a freaking tool this mofo is..... They know the review is coming up, yet for the sake of the people, the CHILDREN, wont SOMEBODY think of the kids....Bannnnnnnn this horrible death machine of an Adler, and ALL other lever action thing a ma jig gunses too...

Back in the 1950s or so there was a referendum to ban the Communist Party.... but the Aussies at the time, for some unknown reason did not sufficiently approve, even though the reds were our supposed enemy...... move 60 years to the future, we're reaping what we sowed we the Communist Party of Australia (aka the Aus Greens) continuing to steal oxygen...

This is the proposal;

Amendment of Firearms Act 1996 No 46
Sections 8 (1) (matter relating to category A, C and D licences), 17A (1), (3) (a) and (4) (b), 26 (2) (c) and 32 (5A) and item 4 of Schedule 1
Insert “or lever” after “pump” wherever occurring.

Placing lever in the same category as pumps....I doubt there would be any non-green support for in should it reach a vote...

These Greentarded numbnut bunch of gayloving-refugee-encouraging-no-border-no-gun freaks have so little respect and such disregard for our democracy and its proper processes that their leader, in seeking a formal motion to 'suspend standing orders' to debate the Syria matter - replaced a formal request with the words "Blah Blah Blah" as he didnt have his script handy, apparently....and thought nothing of it....

I tried to find the passage in the Hansard but its been conveniently 'adjusted' to the correct and proper wording.....I've always believed these tards have no place in our houses of parliament.

it is just a bill being introduced at this point...apparently it "shouldn't" get any air time.
But I'm a little suspicious...SSAA - requests member action and certain individuals on other shooting forums have requested we "ignore it and not give it air time"

Call me paranoid if you like but the last thing I wish to do is to further divide shooters But this thought does constantly run through my head at times " Do we have anti firearms members on Shooting forums pretending to be pro firearms? " or "are there greens supporters on forums attempting to demotivate us" but see perhaps I don't know the whole picture or perhaps I'm seeing it more clearly for the first time? so many questions...

bit of a mine field really?
The Prudent see the evil and hide but the Naive keep going and are punished for it
Posts: 393

Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 10 Sep 2015, 5:53 pm

I dont know how you'd be dividing shooters;

There are 3 possibilities with this;
1) The government or opposition has had one of their negotiations :roll: to covertly bring forward the ban without themselves introducing it, but voting FOR it after "such a huge community ground-swell support for it"

2) Neither the Govt nor opposition will support it and will vote it down

3) The govt (and opp) will not agree to read it and use that or other mechanisms to push it to the side...

One thing that all shooters must be aware of is that the next 12 to 18 months will be the most significant time lawful gun owners in Aus will experience / have experienced in a long time. The NFI review will commence in November - with the results going to COAG next year

Difference this time is the we has the interwebs (and they know it)

This is COAG, the banner image on the coag website;

Notice theyre all laughing..... laughing at YOU and I !!! you useless eaters..."We will do as we please!!!"

-Review of the NFI (officially renamed) will be undertaken this year
-Results will be tabled at a COAG meeting next year, where the Premiers and Administrators will 'accept' the Police Ministers advice re the new or well adjusted firearm legislation proforma (NFI)
-Legislation will be drafted incorporating the revisions, we may even end up with brand new Firearms Acts; eg vic will dump FA1996 and adopt a fresh FA2016, has a nice ring doesnt it little jonnie?? on the 20 yr anniversary....
-Legislation will be 'fast-tracked' for the sake of the safety of the community (rapidly reciprocating vertical closed fist)
-you have now entered the second great Aussie gun grab!
Unless of course.......
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by pajamatime » 10 Sep 2015, 7:11 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:I dont know how you'd be dividing shooters;

There are 3 possibilities with this;
1) The government or opposition has had one of their negotiations :roll: to covertly bring forward the ban without themselves introducing it, but voting FOR it after "such a huge community ground-swell support for it"

2) Neither the Govt nor opposition will support it and will vote it down

3) The govt (and opp) will not agree to read it and use that or other mechanisms to push it to the side...

One thing that all shooters must be aware of is that the next 12 to 18 months will be the most significant time lawful gun owners in Aus will experience / have experienced in a long time. The NFI review will commence in November - with the results going to COAG next year

Difference this time is the we has the interwebs (and they know it)

This is COAG, the banner image on the coag website;

Notice theyre all laughing..... laughing at YOU and I !!! you useless eaters..."We will do as we please!!!"

-Review of the NFI (officially renamed) will be undertaken this year
-Results will be tabled at a COAG meeting next year, where the Premiers and Administrators will 'accept' the Police Ministers advice re the new or well adjusted firearm legislation proforma (NFI)
-Legislation will be drafted incorporating the revisions, we may even end up with brand new Firearms Acts; eg vic will dump FA1996 and adopt a fresh FA2016, has a nice ring doesnt it little jonnie?? on the 20 yr anniversary....
-Legislation will be 'fast-tracked' for the sake of the safety of the community (rapidly reciprocating vertical closed fist)
-you have now entered the second great Aussie gun grab!
Unless of course.......
Unless of course we don't put enough of the right pressure on?
The Prudent see the evil and hide but the Naive keep going and are punished for it
Posts: 393

Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by on_one_wheel » 10 Sep 2015, 9:51 pm

It looks like little johny is genuinely worried that the government is thinking about " watering down " our firearms policies.

He wouldn't have said that unless he had some indication that some aspects of the firearm’s regulations might be loosened.

I'm still hopefull of a good outcome.

Dare to dream that all involved will use the facts, information and advice bought forward during the Inquiry into law-enforcements ability to combat gun-related violence in the community.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by Baronvonrort » 10 Sep 2015, 11:40 pm

Gun laws are a state issue so this only affects NSW.

Had a great laugh when I read this...hmmm looking at Leyonhjelm with his bald head and white cat I think he could be a villan

Mr Shoebridge applied for membership of the Inner West Hunters club at Drummoyne last week to fully understand the rigour and process in obtaining a hunting licence in nsw, reports Sean Nicholls.

But instead of receiving a phone call from club president David leyonhjelm about his application,the upper house MP took a call from a reporter at the Australian.

Mr Shoebridge said Mr Leyonhjelm later told him he had leaked his details to the media because he was up to mischief and therefore it was a matter of public interest.Mr Shoebridge ,who is a Barrister,was also told his application had been rejected because he was not a fit and proper person

Mr Leyonhjelm is a registered officer and treasurer of the Liberal Democratic party,which advocates the right to carry concealed firearms for self defence.
He said the hunting club's five person committee had unanimously rejected Mr Shoebridges application on Friday night.
There are some people we don't want in the club he said, mostly the nutters,and I suppose that's another way of describing a green politician.


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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by pajamatime » 11 Sep 2015, 7:24 am

Baronvonrort wrote:Gun laws are a state issue so this only affects NSW.

Had a great laugh when I read this...hmmm looking at Leyonhjelm with his bald head and white cat I think he could be a villan

Mr Shoebridge applied for membership of the Inner West Hunters club at Drummoyne last week to fully understand the rigour and process in obtaining a hunting licence in nsw, reports Sean Nicholls.

But instead of receiving a phone call from club president David leyonhjelm about his application,the upper house MP took a call from a reporter at the Australian.

Mr Shoebridge said Mr Leyonhjelm later told him he had leaked his details to the media because he was up to mischief and therefore it was a matter of public interest.Mr Shoebridge ,who is a Barrister,was also told his application had been rejected because he was not a fit and proper person

Mr Leyonhjelm is a registered officer and treasurer of the Liberal Democratic party,which advocates the right to carry concealed firearms for self defence.
He said the hunting club's five person committee had unanimously rejected Mr Shoebridges application on Friday night.
There are some people we don't want in the club he said, mostly the nutters,and I suppose that's another way of describing a green politician.



lmfao...love the reason for rejection lol
The Prudent see the evil and hide but the Naive keep going and are punished for it
Posts: 393

Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by adam » 11 Sep 2015, 8:42 am

Mr Shoebridge applied for membership of the Inner West Hunters club at Drummoyne last week to fully understand the rigour and process in obtaining a hunting licence in nsw, reports Sean Nicholls.

I strongly doubt that. The greens have consistently showed that they have no interest whatsoever in understanding anything that differs from their fantasy of what the "truth" is. I'm guessing it would be far more accurate to say that he was wanting to find anything at all he could twist and change to his advantage to discriminate against the hunters club instead.

I wish I could have more hope - I really do, but after the shameless way they handled the senate inquiry - it's pretty obvious they're not interested in investigating the truth or understanding from a different perspective - just gathering snips here and there they can twist into a fictitious story that make it sound close enough to believable for the average person.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by happyhunter » 11 Sep 2015, 8:44 am

Last edited by happyhunter on 13 Feb 2017, 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 11 Sep 2015, 9:46 am

on_one_wheel wrote:It looks like little johny is genuinely worried that the government is thinking about " watering down " our firearms policies.

He wouldn't have said that unless he had some indication that some aspects of the firearm’s regulations might be loosened.

I'm still hopefull of a good outcome.

Dare to dream that all involved will use the facts, information and advice bought forward during the Inquiry into law-enforcements ability to combat gun-related violence in the community.

I dont think little commie jonnie /AKA flakjack jonnie AKA the CNUT...etc...

.....could give a flying fruit cake if the laws were changed...he's cemented his name in our history as 'the gun control savior' that's all he needs, and now he travels the world reliving how he did it... AT OUR EXPENSE!!!!

The police see ALL firearms in the community as a threat, not to the rest of the community, but primarily a threat to their own safety - an OH&S issue. Therefore, as we know the police are highly biased as they have a self interest to limit the number of firearms out there. Its a lot easier to limit the legal guns - so thats the easy target!

Point is; when you leave the law-making to the police; which is exactly what they did back in 96 even though it is strictly the realm of the legislators, THEY WILL do what they want and whats in their INTEREST.

This time around however, we are ready, it wont sneak through to the keeper, we have the powerful information / communication tool at our disposal, we have firearm sympathetic + shooter representatives in the Parliament and we have several opportunities to be vocal -
- The NFI review 2015 (we can tell them what we desire in relation to gun laws AKA our will)
- COAG meeting - depending on the outcome of the review, we let them know what we think)
- Legislation - go to town on them when they take the draft laws to our state parliaments....

This is an opportunity to right the wrongs of 96, clearly demonstrate to them that their experiment in gun control failed in delivering a safer Australia as there is zero evidence to support the claims other than trends established long before 700,000 clunker single shot 22s, poppas old hammergun, and very few centrefire semiautos were legally stolen from us.

We want
#No PTAs (we are licensed to possess and use already)
#Abolish the registry (is there any evidence the knowledge of the storage location of legal guns has prevented a crime??)
#Management away from the Police depts (This bias is clearly stated "they want less guns / no guns in the community)
#Lawful transfer of firearms between lawful owners
#The separation of the criminal / violent / premeditated misuse of firearms from the minor storage infractions and other offences not involving 'criminal' activity (reports of firearm crime include everything, loose round in the tray of the ute, safe missing a dynabolt, one round left in the mag etc)
#Semi-autos back. There was zero justification to take them CRIMS WILL GET THEM NO MATTER WHAT.
#2 categories of firearms - {Category 1;yes you can have} and {Category 2; no you cant / without special approval}
#Legal protection to preserve the sport and recreation involving shooting including hunting to END the constant attacks on shooter (looking at the greentards here) I say the verbal / social media attacks on hunters should be treated just as racial / sexual pref / religious attacks.....

The greentards are constantly attacking the lawful shooters, relentlessly attacking us then claiming the gun lobby is so strong.... the difference is that THEY want something, to rid the world of guns - some of these tards are actually scared of guns and would faint if they visited a range, while the others the few at the top, know its a means to an end, take the guns away and.......so they mofos want to take something away from us; while 'we' AKA 'the gun lobby' simply want to keep doing what we do, all we want is to get them off our backs...and continue a harmless lawful cultural and historic activity Genesis9:3

Let the games begin.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by Berper » 11 Sep 2015, 1:02 pm

Mr Shoebridge ,who is a Barrister,was also told his application had been rejected because he was not a fit and proper person

Bah ha ha ha haahaa h ah aha :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is awesome.
Posts: 98

Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by Heckler303 » 11 Sep 2015, 3:09 pm

Mr Shoebridge ,who is a Barrister,was also told his application had been rejected because he was not a fit and proper person

not a fit and proper person

not a fit and proper person

not. a. fit. and. proper. person.


my sides are gone, this is so bloody hilarious
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Title_II wrote:If you carry a fun in Australia you will go to jail.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by anthillinside » 12 Sep 2015, 6:51 pm

Berper wrote:
Mr Shoebridge ,who is a Barrister,was also told his application had been rejected because he was not a fit and proper person

Bah ha ha ha haahaa h ah aha :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is awesome.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
He's not a fit and proper ANYTHING :clap: including politician
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by Oldbloke » 12 Sep 2015, 9:10 pm

"Call me paranoid if you like but the last thing I wish to do is to further divide shooters But this thought does constantly run through my head at times " Do we have anti firearms members on Shooting forums pretending to be pro firearms? " or "are there greens supporters on forums attempting to demotivate us"

Almost certain
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by anthillinside » 12 Sep 2015, 10:07 pm

Oldbloke wrote:"Call me paranoid if you like but the last thing I wish to do is to further divide shooters But this thought does constantly run through my head at times " Do we have anti firearms members on Shooting forums pretending to be pro firearms? " or "are there greens supporters on forums attempting to demotivate us"

Almost certain

Almost certain :?:
So lets try to dispel any last bit of uncertainty you might be harbouring.
How do you think they got to where they are now?
Although we like to say they are stupid they are far from it, we just find it hard to understand their way of thinking, twisted as it may be.
They have a very strong propaganda force and if you think for one minute they don’t do as much or more research on us than we do on them then it’s us that are the idiots.
They will collect as much ammunition against us as possible from every source they can access, it’s called “gathering inelegance” or if you prefer espionage.

Now don’t tell me you (most of us) haven’t trolled their websites forums and faceplant pages?

And for the double agents among us ….. :welcome: and remember
“Keep your friends close and your enemas closer” :lol: :lol: :lol:
There's always room for at least one more gun in my safe.
There's always room for one more safe in my house.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by anthillinside » 12 Sep 2015, 10:10 pm

PS If I'm a cronic liar and I tell you every second thing I tell you is a lie, am I telling the truth?
There's always room for at least one more gun in my safe.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by wrenchman » 13 Sep 2015, 2:23 pm

every out door forum has them the forums here in the states we call them trolls democrats do it hard on election years and they
start lots of fights on the forums
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 13 Sep 2015, 7:05 pm

anthillinside wrote:PS If I'm a cronic liar and I tell you every second thing I tell you is a lie, am I telling the truth?

No.... you're a liar.
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 13 Sep 2015, 7:15 pm

anthillinside wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:"Call me paranoid if you like but the last thing I wish to do is to further divide shooters But this thought does constantly run through my head at times " Do we have anti firearms members on Shooting forums pretending to be pro firearms? " or "are there greens supporters on forums attempting to demotivate us"

Almost certain

Almost certain :?:
So lets try to dispel any last bit of uncertainty you might be harbouring.
How do you think they got to where they are now?
Although we like to say they are stupid they are far from it, we just find it hard to understand their way of thinking, twisted as it may be.
They have a very strong propaganda force and if you think for one minute they don’t do as much or more research on us than we do on them then it’s us that are the idiots.
They will collect as much ammunition against us as possible from every source they can access, it’s called “gathering inelegance” or if you prefer espionage.

Now don’t tell me you (most of us) haven’t trolled their websites forums and faceplant pages?

And for the double agents among us ….. :welcome: and remember
“Keep your friends close and your enemas closer” :lol: :lol: :lol:

There's no better way to measure the pulse of the Aussie shooter than tapping into the 'live feed'.... the forum. The other forum (theres only one right??) has been referred and quoted by the antis and media and Daryl Shiitbrick (AKA David Shoebridge) has made it clear he maintains an online (thats forums) presence......

Hi Daryl :welcome: :sarcasm:

You're a parasite.

Non-parasitic members; don't for a second all this discussion around here is strictly shooter to shooter. Anything posted here you may consider is broadcast straight to the antis as well as every law enforcement agency, and your IP address is not private..............
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Re: -Urgent Action required- Greens anti Firearms bill

Post by Bark » 17 Sep 2015, 9:42 am

anthillinside wrote:PS If I'm a cronic liar and I tell you every second thing I tell you is a lie, am I telling the truth?

I think you're going to get punched in the face for being annoying :lol:
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