Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

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Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by pajamatime » 27 Nov 2015, 11:23 am

passing the Message on from "firearms owners United"


This survey has been generated for ALL Australians, not just LAFO's. Please, not only complete the survey, but PLEASE SHARE IT to your own family and friends.

The purpose of the survey is to ascertain what the Australian public perceives regarding firearm ownership.

A survey utilsing sophisticated tools such as Qualtrics has not been used before and the results of this survey, assuming an appropriate number of respondents fill it in, can be used as evidence on a variety of platforms.

As we lead into 2016, if you want to start to address what many firearm owners are concerned about may happen, this survey is the first step of many to educate the Australian public.

Please be careful when answering the questions, as some of the sliders reverse themselves.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by brett1868 » 27 Nov 2015, 11:53 am

"All legally authorised firearm owners are responsible with their registered firearms most of the time" - A bit vague and open to interpretation. Obvious answer is false because we're responsible for our registered firearms at all times. But since they may be with the shop for storage or repair we cant technically be responsible at all times so the answer may indeed be false which looks bad and irresponsible.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by Fritz » 27 Nov 2015, 11:56 am

Done and done..
It'd be interesting to see the results once they've finished.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by pajamatime » 27 Nov 2015, 12:19 pm

yeah it is a bit vague in parts. But my advice would be to think how most people would interpret it and not to look to much into it.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by TheDude » 27 Nov 2015, 12:59 pm

brett1868 wrote:"All legally authorised firearm owners are responsible with their registered firearms most of the time" - A bit vague and open to interpretation. Obvious answer is false because we're responsible for our registered firearms at all times. But since they may be with the shop for storage or repair we cant technically be responsible at all times so the answer may indeed be false which looks bad and irresponsible.

Think you misread it. It's asking are we responsible with our firearms, Not are we responsible for our firearms. Either way as good LAFOs we are responsible for and with our firearms at all times :)
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by bigfellascott » 27 Nov 2015, 1:16 pm

Just another worthless survey that will be used against firearms owners no doubt.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by brett1868 » 27 Nov 2015, 2:23 pm

TheDude wrote:
brett1868 wrote:"All legally authorised firearm owners are responsible with their registered firearms most of the time" - A bit vague and open to interpretation. Obvious answer is false because we're responsible for our registered firearms at all times. But since they may be with the shop for storage or repair we cant technically be responsible at all times so the answer may indeed be false which looks bad and irresponsible.

Think you misread it. It's asking are we responsible with our firearms, Not are we responsible for our firearms. Either way as good LAFOs we are responsible for and with our firearms at all times :)

When the question says "most of the time" I'd have to say false cause I'm responsible ALL the time. By marking it as true it could be interpreted as we're mostly responsible but act irresponsible on occasions which gives the anti's a "technical" victory saying shooters agree they act irresponsibly on occasions.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by pajamatime » 27 Nov 2015, 2:48 pm

brett1868 wrote:
TheDude wrote:
brett1868 wrote:"All legally authorised firearm owners are responsible with their registered firearms most of the time" - A bit vague and open to interpretation. Obvious answer is false because we're responsible for our registered firearms at all times. But since they may be with the shop for storage or repair we cant technically be responsible at all times so the answer may indeed be false which looks bad and irresponsible.

Think you misread it. It's asking are we responsible with our firearms, Not are we responsible for our firearms. Either way as good LAFOs we are responsible for and with our firearms at all times :)

When the question says "most of the time" I'd have to say false cause I'm responsible ALL the time. By marking it as true it could be interpreted as we're mostly responsible but act irresponsible on occasions which gives the anti's a "technical" victory saying shooters agree they act irresponsibly on occasions.

it can be interpreted in so many different ways. lets say you answer false...your answer can be interpreted in so many different ways as well. The safest answer in my opinion would be "true" as that would attract the least amount of complications in my personal opinion. If this is a reasonable and a rational survey then we answer to the best of our knowledge and to the best of our knowledge most lafos are responsible with their firearms but even the perfect are capable of making a mistake from time to time. its that simple...we arn't gods nor should we be elevating our selves to such a status.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by southeast varmiter » 27 Nov 2015, 3:15 pm

This survey stinks of a socially engineered set up.
The less people that respond the better.
Below a certain participation and segmentation level the survey is void.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by on_one_wheel » 27 Nov 2015, 3:57 pm

brett1868 wrote:"All legally authorised firearm owners are responsible with their registered firearms most of the time" - A bit vague and open to interpretation. Obvious answer is false because we're responsible for our registered firearms at all times. But since they may be with the shop for storage or repair we cant technically be responsible at all times so the answer may indeed be false which looks bad and irresponsible.

Not a well thought out questions, or a very cleverily deceptive questions .. depending on who wrote it and what their agenda is.

I was thinking the same logic as you and wanted to answer no because I'm not responsible most of the time, I'm responsible all of the time.
I answered 5 unsure because no could also be intercepted as " no we are not responsible "and yes is saying "we are not always responsible".... silly question.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by on_one_wheel » 27 Nov 2015, 4:02 pm

southeast varmiter wrote:This survey stinks of a socially engineered set up.
The less people that respond the better.
Below a certain participation and segmentation level the survey is void.

I think that is the safest bet.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by KWhorenet » 27 Nov 2015, 4:47 pm

You wrote a fair bit of preamble to persuade us to do it...

Q1- Who wrote the survey and for what organization or study is it designed.

Q 2- What is the agenda behind it?

Q 1 may answer Q 2
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 27 Nov 2015, 5:50 pm

sorry, shooters should not partake in such a setup / engineered / play on words.... SORRY pjs

It has one Objective ; to produce an output that can be SELECTIVELY QUOTED TO PUSH THE BARROW OF GUN CONTROL...and the PRO-animal rights MOB!!

Note the words stated within quotation marks, that conveys a message - mostly of derision and abhorrence, else you wouldnt use the marks! They are plain English words describing normal activities.

Its the Uni of Queensland, and from the construction of the questions and language, a first yr student project??

(I've left out a few questions)

It starts with an obviously leftard lbgtfconfused just way over the top beyond PC pandering question;
Please select your gender at birth:
Other <--------------------- other?? at birth??? WWWTTTTTFFFFFF

What is your marital status?
It's complicated
Unsure <--------------------- its a simple question!!!!

Have you ever at any point in your life as an adult (those under 18 select "Under 18" option), been charged by any Australian Police authority for an alleged criminal activity/event? (This doesn't mean you were found guilty, just been charged by the police)

Does our current "National Firearms Agreement - NFA" (our Australian firearms law created in 1997 and amended since) keep us safe from criminals and/or terrorists? <------------------------------- how do you interpret the answer?? I would say no, tards would also say no!!!

Do you perceive that mental health screening is an important task to undertake before issuing anyone with a firearms license?

Do you perceive that a criminal check/screening is an important task to undertake before issuing anyone with a firearms license?
^No. I think crims should have equal access to gunses.... and perception??

Is a registered firearm (as considered legal by Australian law), in the hands of a licensed person, a danger to society?

Should it be legal to shoot an animal that is legally defined as a pest, on appropriate rural land?

Do you consider "sports shooting", whether that be recreational target shooting or competitive target shooting as a legitimate sport?

Do you consider "hunting" of animals using legally appropriate registered firearms, a legitimate recreational activity?

If a terrorist/criminal/person seeking to cause serious harm was giving 100% clear evidence that they are about to violently enter a home of a family, should those residing in the home have a right to self defense with a firearm? Honestly, who would say no??? stupid imbecile question
(Please don't concern yourself with what is legal or not currently in Australia, just your opinion in what you believe is important to answer)

Most illegal firearms that come into the hands of criminals, were once registered firearms and have been stolen from authorised license firearm owners.

I believe that pest management control using registered firearms in Australia to end the life of the animal, undertaken by legally authorised firearm owners, is an acceptable conservation method.

I believe that humans have a right to take the life of an animal for food purposes, as long as it is legal under Australian law.

Most hunters don't care about the life they take upon killing the animal with a registered firearm.

Most animals when shot by a registered firearm die within a very short period of time.
Shooting with a registered firearm at targets greater than 600m distance, is NOT a complex task.
All legally authorised firearm owners are responsible with their registered firearms most of the time
I believe that a criminal would be hesitant to enter a home illegally, IF they believed the home owner was legally authorised to use a registered firearm against them in defense of their home.

On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend obtaining a firearms license to a friend or colleague?
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by KWhorenet » 27 Nov 2015, 7:36 pm

Fcuk that s**t. Definitely NOT urgent for me.

Anyone have or know someone with a BRNO ZG47 they might want to capitalize on?
I feel like buying another tool.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by on_one_wheel » 28 Nov 2015, 9:14 am

This survey is being pushed hard on the facebook shooting pages.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 28 Nov 2015, 9:29 am

The banner is the Uni of Queensland. but anyone can grab an image and use it..... regardless, there can come no good from it.

& it smells, of vegan anti hunting gun grabbage....the language is not academic level nor is the construction of the survey.

Wheres the source? links? other the FOU post.....

Do not partake.
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by Seik » 30 Nov 2015, 9:38 am

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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by pajamatime » 30 Nov 2015, 6:24 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:sorry, shooters should not partake in such a setup / engineered / play on words.... SORRY pjs

It has one Objective ; to produce an output that can be SELECTIVELY QUOTED TO PUSH THE BARROW OF GUN CONTROL...and the PRO-animal rights MOB!!

Note the words stated within quotation marks, that conveys a message - mostly of derision and abhorrence, else you wouldnt use the marks! They are plain English words describing normal activities.

Its the Uni of Queensland, and from the construction of the questions and language, a first yr student project??

(I've left out a few questions)

It starts with an obviously leftard lbgtfconfused just way over the top beyond PC pandering question;
Please select your gender at birth:
Other <--------------------- other?? at birth??? WWWTTTTTFFFFFF

What is your marital status?
It's complicated
Unsure <--------------------- its a simple question!!!!

Have you ever at any point in your life as an adult (those under 18 select "Under 18" option), been charged by any Australian Police authority for an alleged criminal activity/event? (This doesn't mean you were found guilty, just been charged by the police)

Does our current "National Firearms Agreement - NFA" (our Australian firearms law created in 1997 and amended since) keep us safe from criminals and/or terrorists? <------------------------------- how do you interpret the answer?? I would say no, tards would also say no!!!

Do you perceive that mental health screening is an important task to undertake before issuing anyone with a firearms license?

Do you perceive that a criminal check/screening is an important task to undertake before issuing anyone with a firearms license?
^No. I think crims should have equal access to gunses.... and perception??

Is a registered firearm (as considered legal by Australian law), in the hands of a licensed person, a danger to society?

Should it be legal to shoot an animal that is legally defined as a pest, on appropriate rural land?

Do you consider "sports shooting", whether that be recreational target shooting or competitive target shooting as a legitimate sport?

Do you consider "hunting" of animals using legally appropriate registered firearms, a legitimate recreational activity?

If a terrorist/criminal/person seeking to cause serious harm was giving 100% clear evidence that they are about to violently enter a home of a family, should those residing in the home have a right to self defense with a firearm? Honestly, who would say no??? stupid imbecile question
(Please don't concern yourself with what is legal or not currently in Australia, just your opinion in what you believe is important to answer)

Most illegal firearms that come into the hands of criminals, were once registered firearms and have been stolen from authorised license firearm owners.

I believe that pest management control using registered firearms in Australia to end the life of the animal, undertaken by legally authorised firearm owners, is an acceptable conservation method.

I believe that humans have a right to take the life of an animal for food purposes, as long as it is legal under Australian law.

Most hunters don't care about the life they take upon killing the animal with a registered firearm.

Most animals when shot by a registered firearm die within a very short period of time.
Shooting with a registered firearm at targets greater than 600m distance, is NOT a complex task.
All legally authorised firearm owners are responsible with their registered firearms most of the time
I believe that a criminal would be hesitant to enter a home illegally, IF they believed the home owner was legally authorised to use a registered firearm against them in defense of their home.

On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend obtaining a firearms license to a friend or colleague?

no don't say sorry m8. I just merely passed it on. I also agree that some of the questions bothered me as well... same boat. Maybe I just feel less threatened though.
The Prudent see the evil and hide but the Naive keep going and are punished for it
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by Title_II » 01 Dec 2015, 2:40 am

I think I hurt my brain.

BTW, I answered Other, Unsure, and you're all bums ;)
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Re: Private Firearms ownership survey - "URGENT"

Post by Gregg » 01 Dec 2015, 10:24 am

Done it.
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