What does 223 recoil feel like.

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What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by SuperHans » 08 Jan 2016, 3:45 pm

Ok so im planning to get my longarms license. Ive only had the opportunity to fire a 308. Well that and ALOT of handgun calibers. So im wondering how a 223 recoils compared to that and a 22lr or pistols?

Should I just get a cheap 223 rifle and then upgrade to say a 30-06 later or get 30-06 and a cheap 22lr.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by AusTac » 08 Jan 2016, 7:27 pm

recoil is a very subjective topic, say for one person a 308 may be nothing, and someone else it may give them a fair kick, then you get the type that are obviously getting kicked around but are to macho to admit it and shoot until they have a black shoulder, it depends on firearm design, how you shoot/hold said firearm etc i'm sure you understand, for me personally 223 in a semi and bolt actions are quiet nice just a light tap, i could comfortably put rounds down range all day
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by yoshie » 08 Jan 2016, 7:32 pm

Barely noticeable.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by Oldbloke » 08 Jan 2016, 7:42 pm

yoshie wrote:Barely noticeable.

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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by Strikey » 08 Jan 2016, 9:20 pm

Can't say I have noticed the recoil with my .223 :lol: :lol: , my 12yr old son who is built nothing like his old man, he is a skinny little bugger, is quite happy to shoot all day with my .223 that he now claims it as his rifle :wtf:
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by snag » 08 Jan 2016, 9:47 pm

My Dad reckons a .223 recoil is like a kitten sneezing on your shoulder.....have to agree, it really isn't anything to worry about.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by Title_II » 08 Jan 2016, 11:45 pm

snag wrote:My Dad reckons a .223 recoil is like a kitten sneezing on your shoulder.....have to agree, it really isn't anything to worry about.

I would worry about Cat Flu.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by sandgroperbill » 09 Jan 2016, 12:32 am

Wait! What? A .223 has recoil? I'd never noticed
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by GLS_1956 » 09 Jan 2016, 2:23 am

The recoil is subjective, especially depending on the gun it is fired in. In a Thompson/Center Contender single shot pistol with 12 inch bull barrel it's like a 357 out of a six inch barreled revolver, to me anyway. A bull barreled Remington 700 Varmint rifle the recoil is more akin to scope vibrations, no perceived kick. In a light sporter it has some recoil, more than a 22LR or 22 Hornet but nothing unpleasant at all. And in semi-automatics, Ruger Mini-14 and AR platform, it is negligible.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by headspace » 09 Jan 2016, 12:37 pm

Title_II wrote:
snag wrote:My Dad reckons a .223 recoil is like a kitten sneezing on your shoulder.....have to agree, it really isn't anything to worry about.

I would worry about Cat Flu.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by headspace » 09 Jan 2016, 12:38 pm

Using 223 and the word recoil in the same sentence should not be allowed.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 09 Jan 2016, 2:44 pm

223 (free) recoil is like a gentlish tap on the shoulder, 308win a brisk jab..

The blast of the 223 and noise is more significant than the recoil...

Looking at the free recoil numbers, for average mass projectile and max velocities both 8lb rifle, 223rem = 4ftlb : 308win = 18ftlb

Comparing the big boomer of a 22LR.... a massive shoulder shredding 0.1 to 0.2 ftlb force :P
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by MR. WINCHESTER » 09 Jan 2016, 2:49 pm

The recoil of a .223 is negligible ...

The muzzle blast is another thing.
It's harsh and objectionable, WITHOUT hearing protection.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by YoungBuck » 09 Jan 2016, 4:38 pm

headspace wrote:Using .22 and the word recoil in the same sentence should not be allowed.

Corrected. 223 does have a little recoil, no matter how much you macho men would like to say otherwise.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by sandgroperbill » 09 Jan 2016, 4:41 pm

An elastic band has recoil, too, and it stings your fingers.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by headspace » 09 Jan 2016, 7:56 pm

I'm not macho I just have thick shirts.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by FuzzyM » 09 Jan 2016, 9:30 pm

I know someone who scoped himself with a 223..... But recoil really is minimal. As above, you get more taken aback by the crack than the recoil.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by sandgroperbill » 09 Jan 2016, 11:03 pm

Funny thing with .223 is you can feel the pressure wave if you're standing alongside, and the crack is loud enough, but it just doesn't translate to recoil.

If someone needs a centrefire but has no tolerence to recoil, .223 is a definite option.

And how the hell did he manage to scope himself?
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by Title_II » 10 Jan 2016, 1:50 am

FuzzyM wrote:I know someone who scoped himself with a 223.....

That's hilarious. I've never heard of that.

I don't have any .223 bolts but I have M16 and ARs. When I shoot semi, I press my nose against the charging handle, old school. The 20"just jiggles but the 16" and 11.5" actually hurt my nose a little bit. Not so much that I have to stop shooting. No bruise or anything. I actually manage to get my collar bone bruised a little in auto sometimes. I don't think it's the recoil, I think it's because I'm pulling that sucker in so hard and waving it around.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by sandgroperbill » 10 Jan 2016, 3:26 am

Title_II wrote:I don't think it's the recoil, I think it's because I'm pulling that sucker in so hard and waving it around.

Spray'n'pray, eh?
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by Title_II » 10 Jan 2016, 4:18 am

sandgroperbill wrote:
Title_II wrote:I don't think it's the recoil, I think it's because I'm pulling that sucker in so hard and waving it around.

Spray'n'pray, eh?

Not really. I like to go after multiple targets fast. Like sending away 7 soup cans in a little over a second or transitioning torso targets without letting go of the trigger. I'm following the front sight or the red dot. I get a few misses in there but mostly hits and it happens fast. It's just fun.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by COLLECTOR 1 » 10 Jan 2016, 6:09 am

Out of all the centre fire calibres going around the .222 and 223 are the most tame of all.......and lets not forget no or negligible recoil adds to better accuracy over time.

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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by coloradoboy » 10 Jan 2016, 6:14 pm

it doesn't feel like much because I go shooting with my ar every weekend. the more you shot the less you gonna feel it.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by Bourt » 13 Jan 2016, 1:28 pm

SuperHans wrote:Ok so im planning to get my longarms license. Ive only had the opportunity to fire a 308. Well that and ALOT of handgun calibers. So im wondering how a 223 recoils compared to that and a 22lr or pistols?

Couldn't give you a number comparing to pistols but against a .308 since you know it, a .223 has about 15% - 20% of that recoil.

Anyone can shoot a .223, no worries.
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 13 Jan 2016, 4:09 pm

Bourt wrote:
SuperHans wrote:Ok so im planning to get my longarms license. Ive only had the opportunity to fire a 308. Well that and ALOT of handgun calibers. So im wondering how a 223 recoils compared to that and a 22lr or pistols?

Couldn't give you a number comparing to pistols but against a .308 since you know it, a .223 has about 15% - 20% of that recoil.

Anyone can shoot a .223, no worries.

9mmLuger pistol - free recoil 4 to 6 ft.lb force (heavier to lighter mass pistol)

So, that makes it similar to a 223Rem rifle, but obviously 'feel' would be different with shoulder vs wrist....
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by juststarting » 13 Jan 2016, 10:10 pm

About 85 recoil units less than 308 :)
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Re: What does 223 recoil feel like.

Post by Wes » 18 Jan 2016, 9:19 am

This is turning into a long topic for being about no recoil :lol:
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