Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by happyhunter » 19 Jan 2016, 8:33 am

Last edited by happyhunter on 16 Feb 2017, 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 19 Jan 2016, 9:47 am

So there was an agenda. The Australian governments WERE / are conspiring to change the aus firearm environment absolutely . ... whether RED or BLUE or GREEN.....they want all guns gone from the hands of honest Joe.

The is absolutely no doubt our govt was involed either directly or indirectly.... title, here we use the word 'bush' or 'forest' in place of woods, and we are down under so let just say there was a 'southforest' operation on that fateful day in 1996......

Note: australia is a driving force in the united nations disarmament push, our treasonous b@#$/&ds of leaders our always the first to propose or draft those communist resolutions "oh, its not about taking YOUR guns.... its the criminals and terrorist..." of course it is as I check me facebook status and return to my surreal slumber...
Last edited by <<Genesis93>> on 19 Jan 2016, 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Gwion » 19 Jan 2016, 9:49 am

I have heard so many versions of conspiracy stories:

- There was a foreign black ops team in the cafe and it was a hit and so covered up by massacring the rest of the diners.
- Staged as an excuse to force waiting legislation through.
- Martin Bryant wasn't 'smart enough' to shoot that well.
- He wasn't strong enough to lug all that gear around.

etc. etc.

Three questions here:
a/ Have you ever been to Port Arthur or stopped at THE Cafe?
If so, you would be wondering what the hell is so strategically important to ANY intelligence operation. You would also understand that 30something people in that cafe would be like shooting fish in a barrel... quite literally.

b/ Ever heard of an IDIOT SAVANT?
Some people can just pick something up and do it easily, even when they can't tie their own shoe laces!

c/ Have you ever actually SPOKEN to some one who was there that day?
I have and the mere mention of conspiracy theories had her a little in-sensed, to be frank. She put it forward that everyone crouched down behind what ever/whoever they could, trying to get what ever cover was available. AS a result, everyone's head/neck/chest was at HIP LEVEL and they were lined up behind each other; all within less than 10m of the shooter. Ever held a rifle at hip level to a sick sheep on the ground, standing with the muzzle about A FOOT from the sheep? It's not hard to hit them in the head, in fact you'd likely miss and get them in the neck if you were more like two meters away; still, with a 308 or even 223, it would likely be pretty instantly fatal. It does NOT take marksmanship.

Now. I'm not saying there shouldn't be some sort of due process in order to determine the FACTS, or that it is impossible that MB was not the shooter. All i'm saying is that his low IQ is not a solid argument for his inability to perform the heinous deed and that the likelyhood of any international spy ring being interested in the cafe in Port Arthur (or anywhere in Tasmania, for that matter) is kind of absurd.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by David Brown » 19 Jan 2016, 11:57 am

Gwion wrote:I have heard so many versions of conspiracy stories:

- There was a foreign black ops team in the cafe and it was a hit and so covered up by massacring the rest of the diners.
- Staged as an excuse to force waiting legislation through.
- Martin Bryant wasn't 'smart enough' to shoot that well.
- He wasn't strong enough to lug all that gear around.

etc. etc.

Three questions here:
a/ Have you ever been to Port Arthur or stopped at THE Cafe?
If so, you would be wondering what the hell is so strategically important to ANY intelligence operation. You would also understand that 30something people in that cafe would be like shooting fish in a barrel... quite literally.

b/ Ever heard of an IDIOT SAVANT?
Some people can just pick something up and do it easily, even when they can't tie their own shoe laces!

c/ Have you ever actually SPOKEN to some one who was there that day?
I have and the mere mention of conspiracy theories had her a little in-sensed, to be frank. She put it forward that everyone crouched down behind what ever/whoever they could, trying to get what ever cover was available. AS a result, everyone's head/neck/chest was at HIP LEVEL and they were lined up behind each other; all within less than 10m of the shooter. Ever held a rifle at hip level to a sick sheep on the ground, standing with the muzzle about A FOOT from the sheep? It's not hard to hit them in the head, in fact you'd likely miss and get them in the neck if you were more like two meters away; still, with a 308 or even 223, it would likely be pretty instantly fatal. It does NOT take marksmanship.

Now. I'm not saying there shouldn't be some sort of due process in order to determine the FACTS, or that it is impossible that MB was not the shooter. All i'm saying is that his low IQ is not a solid argument for his inability to perform the heinous deed and that the likelyhood of any international spy ring being interested in the cafe in Port Arthur (or anywhere in Tasmania, for that matter) is kind of absurd.

Yep, agreed. I used to think that way. BUT….in the back of my mind I can also see the concerns over why so many due process routes were not taken. Even if MB did the whole thing.

And yes I have been there and I concur fish in a barrel is about right.
David Brown
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by southeast varmiter » 19 Jan 2016, 12:17 pm

The truth will never come out.
I wasn't there on the day, but two people very close to me were and contacted me that night.
It infuriates me to this day.
southeast varmiter
Posts: 272

Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by on_one_wheel » 19 Jan 2016, 12:19 pm

I doubt that there was any conspiracy unfolding that day but I do believe that if Martin decided to run people down with a car that day then we all would be catching the bus now and the public transportat system would be a very profitable business.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Gwion » 19 Jan 2016, 1:25 pm

Also, he did plead guilty and confess, hence the need for a trial by jury was avoided.

An inquest into other subvertions of due process is still in order even though a lot of what people come out with, particularly what the author of this petition has dribbled, is simply unfounded nonsense. This is why i wouldn't attach my name to such a proposal; as by doing so I would be declaring that i support these ill thought out ideas.
Last edited by Gwion on 19 Jan 2016, 8:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by The Warrigal » 19 Jan 2016, 1:40 pm

There has never been any doubt in my mind that Martin Bryant is guilty as charged.

However none of that is any excuse for not observing every due process of law!

Close to a million people besides the relatives of the deceased were adversely affected by the Governments over reaction to the PAM incident.

And a dangerous legal precedent has been set!

People are entitled to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and let the cards fall where they may.

I see no other means by which wild speculation can be ended in a matter of this type.
The Warrigal
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by ebr love » 19 Jan 2016, 3:11 pm

Gwion wrote:- There was a foreign black ops team in the cafe and it was a hit and so covered up by massacring the rest of the diners.


That's definitely the most tinfoil hat one I've heard.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by adam » 19 Jan 2016, 5:20 pm

If there is a conspiracy one thing I am sure of is that no one will ever be certain as to the facts.

Big conspirators do not cover up - because when some larger things are done - it's impossible to hide completely. What they do is distort. Mix lies in with the truth, and saturate it, and have fall guys...

It doesn't matter if people know - just make sure there's enough false evidence, etc that the tracks are covered up so no one will ever be sure of what really happened, and have enough pawns there to take the slack - no one knows what parts are truth, and what parts are lies.

I'd be tempted to say - if there is a conspiracy everyone who's been named so far (Johnny Howard, Tas Police, etc) wouldn't be the head behind it. Because they're too public. They'd just be pawns that were used (either knowingly or otherwise). Puppets...

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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by pajamatime » 20 Jan 2016, 9:47 pm

Just putting this out their but is it possible that maybe there are those that seek to make such a notion as nutters as possible by making such a disastrous looking petition. But then there is the possibility that they could even backfire. I wouldn't say her updates are wrong but the way she has written them does not come across as serious? it almost looks like its a smear piece if you know what I mean lol

but just make sure you go through all the updates and actually click through and study what shes put up. Don't just look at it and think cray cray tin foil woah! such an abundance of information!
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Title_II » 21 Jan 2016, 3:52 am

southeast varmiter wrote:The truth will never come out.
I wasn't there on the day, but two people very close to me were and contacted me that night.
It infuriates me to this day.

Apparently they told you something not disclosed in the public story? What did they say?
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by bigfellascott » 21 Jan 2016, 6:18 am

southeast varmiter wrote:The truth will never come out.
I wasn't there on the day, but two people very close to me were and contacted me that night.
It infuriates me to this day.

What was it that infuriated you? :unknown:
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by bigfellascott » 21 Jan 2016, 6:21 am

Anyone know why they made a Morgue truck with such a large body capacity (only one ever made apparently) and it was sent to Tassie for some reason a year or so earlier. :unknown:
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Gwion » 21 Jan 2016, 8:17 am

bigfellascott wrote:Anyone know why they made a Morgue truck with such a large body capacity (only one ever made apparently) and it was sent to Tassie for some reason a year or so earlier. :unknown:

Maybe because Tassie is the 2nd most violent, crime riddled state in Australia, after NT; per capita, that is!
Just offering possibilities.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by happyhunter » 21 Jan 2016, 8:21 am

Last edited by happyhunter on 16 Feb 2017, 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Norton » 21 Jan 2016, 9:01 am

adam wrote:60 minutes had an interview with his mother a number of years ago, but IIRC there was no interview with Martin himself.

Because he was locked in a special looney bin.

Not the kind of place you get day trips from.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 21 Jan 2016, 9:43 am

The media would never want to interview MB, and the authorities would NEVER allow an interview. Neither the media nor the authorities want to know what he has to say.... all the prestitutes want is super long zoom pictures of him update us on the 'overweight condition' of the 'monster'
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by adam » 21 Jan 2016, 10:23 am

In some ways it's probably good that he hasn't been interviewed. It seems that Martin's IQ is lower than average, and the way I've seen the media manipulate other interviewees in the past, as well as cut / trim stories - I think they'd end up making the situation muddier, not clearer.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Arth » 21 Jan 2016, 11:22 am

adam wrote:It seems that Martin's IQ is lower than average

I remember something at the time about whether he was competent to stand trial or whether he could be counted as mentally disabled.

As an adult he had the IQ of a 10 year old or something.

In the end they decided he was fit to stand trial, but afterwards is imprisoned in a mental health facility.

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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by bigfellascott » 21 Jan 2016, 12:08 pm

Gwion wrote:
bigfellascott wrote:Anyone know why they made a Morgue truck with such a large body capacity (only one ever made apparently) and it was sent to Tassie for some reason a year or so earlier. :unknown:

Maybe because Tassie is the 2nd most violent, crime riddled state in Australia, after NT; per capita, that is!
Just offering possibilities.

What's the murder rate like but compared to other places? Strange how no where else in Aus Needed such a high capacity meat wagon, I guess we got lucky then sent to to Tassie hey. I believe it was sold off not long after P.A. I guess you Tassies became less violent after that? :D
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by southeast varmiter » 21 Jan 2016, 12:21 pm

Or the fact there was a trauma surgeon conference on at the time in Hobart.
Plus all management from PA facility were on a one of a kind offsite across the very hours of the incident.
southeast varmiter
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by bigfellascott » 21 Jan 2016, 12:38 pm

southeast varmiter wrote:Or the fact there was a trauma surgeon conference on at the time in Hobart.
Plus all management from PA facility were on a one of a kind offsite across the very hours of the incident.

Or the 6 or 7hrs it apparently took for police to finally show up. :unknown: There were certainly a lot of odd and coincidental things that were happening that day hey.

Anyway there's nothing we can do to change the past - all we can do is focus on the future. :thumbsup:
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by southeast varmiter » 21 Jan 2016, 12:44 pm

One could almost infer. That with exception of the victims. All other kinds of witnesses were not present that should have been.
Hey but the world works in funny coincidental ways hey.....
southeast varmiter
Posts: 272

Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by bigfellascott » 21 Jan 2016, 1:44 pm

southeast varmiter wrote:One could almost infer. That with exception of the victims. All other kinds of witnesses were not present that should have been.
Hey but the world works in funny coincidental ways hey.....

Indeed it does :D
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Gwion » 21 Jan 2016, 3:02 pm

bigfellascott wrote:
Gwion wrote:
bigfellascott wrote:Anyone know why they made a Morgue truck with such a large body capacity (only one ever made apparently) and it was sent to Tassie for some reason a year or so earlier. :unknown:

Maybe because Tassie is the 2nd most violent, crime riddled state in Australia, after NT; per capita, that is!
Just offering possibilities.

What's the murder rate like but compared to other places? Strange how no where else in Aus Needed such a high capacity meat wagon, I guess we got lucky then sent to to Tassie hey. I believe it was sold off not long after P.A. I guess you Tassies became less violent after that? :D

Hey! I'm not Tasmanian, I just married one!

I can't remember the exact figures, just recall looking it up on ABS & AIC.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by happyhunter » 21 Jan 2016, 3:34 pm

Last edited by happyhunter on 16 Feb 2017, 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 21 Jan 2016, 4:08 pm

Of course there as a need for a 16 berth meat wagon :roll: ;

Mortality by assault in Tasmania, Year - Total (by firearm)
2004 3 ( 3 )
2005 7 ( 2 )
2006 2 ( 3 ) (<?)
2007 6 ( 2 )
2008 5 ( 0 )
2009 6 ( 0 )
2010 3 ( 0 )
2011 5 ( 4 )
2012 9 ( 1 )
2013 7 ( 2 )

So the capacity would be sufficient for 2 to 3 years of 'need' ..... maybe even 3 or 4 years in a pinch (pile em high)
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Title_II » 22 Jan 2016, 6:02 am

<<Genesis93>> wrote:Of course there as a need for a 16 berth meat wagon :roll: ;

Mortality by assault in Tasmania, Year - Total (by firearm)
2004 3 ( 3 )
2005 7 ( 2 )
2006 2 ( 3 ) (<?)
2007 6 ( 2 )
2008 5 ( 0 )
2009 6 ( 0 )
2010 3 ( 0 )
2011 5 ( 4 )
2012 9 ( 1 )
2013 7 ( 2 )

So the capacity would be sufficient for 2 to 3 years of 'need' ..... maybe even 3 or 4 years in a pinch (pile em high)

So what do you do with the people murdered by other than firearm? Bake ''em on the roof?
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Re: Martin Bryant Coronial inquest

Post by Gwion » 22 Jan 2016, 8:08 am

Title_II wrote:
<<Genesis93>> wrote:Of course there as a need for a 16 berth meat wagon :roll: ;

Mortality by assault in Tasmania, Year - Total (by firearm)
2004 3 ( 3 )
2005 7 ( 2 )
2006 2 ( 3 ) (<?)
2007 6 ( 2 )
2008 5 ( 0 )
2009 6 ( 0 )
2010 3 ( 0 )
2011 5 ( 4 )
2012 9 ( 1 )
2013 7 ( 2 )

So the capacity would be sufficient for 2 to 3 years of 'need' ..... maybe even 3 or 4 years in a pinch (pile em high)

So what do you do with the people murdered by other than firearm? Bake ''em on the roof?

Haha! Good point. :unknown:
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