Cricket Australia just lost all my support

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Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Heckler303 » 15 Apr 2016, 2:10 pm ... =2&theater

Help AMF with Australia's gun laws in the lead up to the 20th anniversary of the Port Arthur tragedy, Cricket Australia’s official charity partner Alannah & Madeline Foundation is calling on every Australian to sign a petition to support gun control.

WATCH: Founding partner of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation Walter Mikac speaks of the legacy of Port Arthur and the ongoing need to keep Australians safe from gun violence.

Cricket Australia has signed the petition to support gun control. You can add your support here -

It seems they've jumped onto the anti-gun bandwagon like Richmond has. Having absolutely no clue what they've just signed, they want to parade around that they're keeping Australians 'safe'. Remind us again how many times cricket bats have been used in homicide? The number of people bludgeoned to death with their sport's main item? How would they like it if we started up a petition to restrict or even ban the sport of cricket here in Australia? Spewing out lines such as "you could get hit in the face and have concussion!" "why do you need a bat for?" "are you compensating for something?" "Your sport is born from violence" Target shooting is a national sport just like that of cricket (if they could win), to further chastise our marksmen and women is beyond reason, it simply shows a lack of understanding and consideration to sport shooting entirely. This is in the timespace before the Olympic games where our best competitors will be representing Australia in air rifle, target rifle, clay pigeon and pistol matches. I don't remember seeing cricket or AFL at the Olympic games.

I for one am not going to ever show them support. You take away my sport? I take away yours.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Strikey » 15 Apr 2016, 2:44 pm

What a coincidence this post is, Heckler, as I just had a bloke door knocking looking for donations to the Alanna & Madeline Foundation, now as much as I feel sorry for the family, other victims of Port Arthur and the children this foundation helps I told this bloke I am a shooter who enjoys the sport and cannot find it in me to support anything with Walter Mikac's name attached. Legitimate LAFO's have payed enough in the last 20 years :thumbsdown:
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Heckler303 » 15 Apr 2016, 3:14 pm

Strikey wrote:What a coincidence this post is, Heckler, as I just had a bloke door knocking looking for donations to the Alanna & Madeline Foundation, now as much as I feel sorry for the family, other victims of Port Arthur and the children this foundation helps I told this bloke I am a shooter who enjoys the sport and cannot find it in me to support anything with Walter Mikac's name attached. Legitimate LAFO's have payed enough in the last 20 years :thumbsdown:

Donate instead to Red Cross or another organization/foundation that helps other people without pushing a political agenda.

How did the person react to you stating your position?
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by adam » 15 Apr 2016, 3:36 pm

I know a lot of cricketers who shoot - they'll be very disillusioned by this! Do we have an address where we can address complaints to. A lot of complaints by members might change this...
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by southeast varmiter » 15 Apr 2016, 4:10 pm

They have been smashed for six in the comments
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 15 Apr 2016, 4:15 pm

TheseImages use emotions, the "save the children", and the "we're all against violence", "especially against children" LINE to suck in the community support. EVERYONE is against that type of violence everyone except the most sadistic and deranged individuals, and as we know there are these sorts among the population...

Most people who simply dont understand they - AMF / GCA / greens, use the stop the violence card to push their gun-control>>disarmament barrow... "if you're not with us you're against us" because of that, the sporting groups want to be seen as community minded

I wonder if they realise how many of their paying customers (cricket fans) also like shooting activities.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Mr.Seacucumber » 15 Apr 2016, 4:51 pm

Well you know what to do, get those facts into the comment section and correct anyone in a timely and respectful showing them what is wrong about their statements. Being clear and concise shows the general public that we are clearly being unresonabley targeted.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Bazooker » 15 Apr 2016, 5:09 pm

The CEO is James Sutherland, feel free to contact him ion this matter.

Oh and leave a comment on their facebook page..... I have.

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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Noisydad » 15 Apr 2016, 7:55 pm

Get stuck in and rip em a new one. I have...and the Richmond football club too for the same reason.
There's still a few of Wile. E Coyote's ideas that I haven't tried yet.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Heckler303 » 15 Apr 2016, 8:06 pm

Noisydad wrote:Get stuck in and rip em a new one. I have...and the Richmond football club too for the same reason.

Richmond calls racism and discrimination on banners made by people who are against Muslims invading Australia and mosques being built, but they think its perfectly ok to be against lafos and shooting sports.

Spend some less time being political and maybe try training your team properly.
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Title_II wrote:If you carry a fun in Australia you will go to jail.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 15 Apr 2016, 8:31 pm

to the AFL an opinion on Islam is racism (dont worry about Islam not being a race, thats another story)... while an Aborigine motioning the offensive use of a weapon with the inference of killing people is just someone demonstrating his culture...

Dont look at the sporting codes to align your moral compass.....
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by on_one_wheel » 15 Apr 2016, 10:07 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:to the AFL an opinion on Islam is racism (dont worry about Islam not being a race, thats another story)... while an Aborigine motioning the offensive use of a weapon with the inference of killing people is just someone demonstrating his culture...

Dont look at the sporting codes to align your moral compass.....

So true, I'llnever forget watching New Zealand preform the Hakka ? war dance in front of Australia. Our players stood to attention and patiently waited for the NZ players to finish their performance. Once the war dance had finished and our players had been frightened into believing that they were about to have their eyes and tongues eaten, the Au team all put their thumbs to their nozes and waved their fingers while blowing raspberries with their mouths in defiance ..... WELL what an uproar! the media went into a frenzy over " such disrespect for NZ "
Boo hoo ... What gives NZ the right to put on a show , a carefully crafted display of aggression to intimate another tribe before battle without a reaction from the opposing team ? Talk about double standards.
Most team sports just piss me off, so many grown men and women behaving as if their capacity to function socially hasn't developed beyond primary school. Over paid, under worked, self centered pansies. Bring back the days when sports people held regular jobs, lived regular lives and kept their heads below the clouds.
Anyhow. ... up yours Cricket Australia with your pompous pommy sport and your silly white pants , who the F wears white pants when they know they're going grass sliding :crazy:
Stuff the cricket, it's about exciting as watching paint dry, get with the times and make it a full contact sport you pansies.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Browning » 15 Apr 2016, 11:26 pm

Have cricket Australia replied to in any way, shape or form?
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by on_one_wheel » 16 Apr 2016, 12:59 am

Most of Cricket Australia 's posts have a modest amount of comments and the occasional share .... this one is going ape $hit and I'm yet to read a single comment in support CA's stance.
Have a look at the number of comments and shares on this one !
It's great to see people standing up for us, this is the sort of thing that shows the general public we're a group of regular people who are being vilified for the actions of a few nut jobs.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by on_one_wheel » 16 Apr 2016, 1:08 am

Browning wrote:Have cricket Australia replied to in any way, shape or form?

Not yet ..... waiting. ... [insert the sounds of crickets here]
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by AnotherMisfire » 16 Apr 2016, 2:35 am

I wonder how Glenn McGrath (the cricketer AND shooter) feels about all this...
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Title_II » 16 Apr 2016, 6:21 am

Strikey wrote:What a coincidence this post is, Heckler, as I just had a bloke door knocking looking for donations to the Alanna & Madeline Foundation, now as much as I feel sorry for the family, other victims of Port Arthur and the children this foundation helps I told this bloke I am a shooter who enjoys the sport and cannot find it in me to support anything with Walter Mikac's name attached. Legitimate LAFO's have payed enough in the last 20 years :thumbsdown:

Screw them. It's been 20 years, and they are still exploiting a small tragedy to oppress millions of people that had nothing to do with it and line their pockets with cash. Damn bunch of vultures and ghouls, many subsisting on the bodies of their former loved ones. They should be ashamed of themselves.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Noisydad » 16 Apr 2016, 3:28 pm

Come on boys as at 1500 hrs sat 16th there are 805 comments! Keep ramming them in and crack a thousand! Maybe then they'll begin to sense they over stepped the mark.
There's still a few of Wile. E Coyote's ideas that I haven't tried yet.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by happyhunter » 16 Apr 2016, 3:39 pm

Alannah & Madeline Foundation? Same people screaming for gun control are currently making excuses for woman that commit infanticide. Maybe we need a foundation that supports murdered babies because as the law in Australia currently stands it's all but legal for a mother to murder a child under 12 months of age.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by on_one_wheel » 16 Apr 2016, 7:33 pm

AnotherMisfire wrote:I wonder how Glenn McGrath (the cricketer AND shooter) feels about all this...

Lets ask him .... give me ne a minute. ...
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by on_one_wheel » 16 Apr 2016, 7:41 pm

Screenshot_2016-04-16-19-08-57.png (405.61 KiB) Viewed 5920 times

I Doubt I'll get a response to that ..... lets wait and see.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by on_one_wheel » 16 Apr 2016, 7:50 pm

Instantly deleted and I'm now blocked from that page .... sensitive stuff!

Heres something else to ponder on about Cricket Australia, they'd be nothing if it wasn't for their long history of supporting and promoting alcohol and cigarettes.
Has the shooting paternity ever used the promotion of drugs to help fund their sport ?
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Title_II » 17 Apr 2016, 9:07 am

bentaz wrote:It might be time to start contacting some of their sponsers and leting them know how we feel about this.
Commonwealth bank.
Swisse vitamins
And another beer one that i cant make out the label on my phone screen.

Post a string of emails addresses that people can copy and paste.

And phone numbers.

If you want to champion this, you have to make it easy to get maximum participation. Up to you, of course.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 17 Apr 2016, 10:56 am

These companies couldnt give a rats arse about yours and my feelings and opinions.... its 'sold' to them as a violence prevention action, "tougher gun laws wouldnt hurt"..... and thats enough for them.

Anyone who challenges them is potentially seen as disrespecting little Alana and little Madeline.... that how they use the memory of dead kids to manipulate and leverage support..... these people are disgusting, an he is advancing his cause including his income by using his dead kids.

Go to his website to measure this guys character;,
First line: "
WALTER MIKAC’S story touched the world. His wife and two little .........

and the nerve of this guy, prominently printed under his photo;

"Australian National Living Treasure"(??????) National Trust of Australia 1997
"Victorian of the Year" the Age

What is the guy on?? do you take medication for that ego?
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by sandgroperbill » 17 Apr 2016, 12:46 pm

Out of curiosity, over the last two years, how many shooters or range officers have died while competing in Australia? How many cricketers or umpires have died during cricket matches?
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Strikey » 17 Apr 2016, 1:35 pm

sandgroperbill wrote:Out of curiosity, over the last two years, how many shooters or range officers have died while competing in Australia? How many cricketers or umpires have died during cricket matches?

I don't think we need to go there, mate, tragic accidents have and probably always will happen in any sport :(
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 17 Apr 2016, 1:44 pm

sandgroperbill wrote:Out of curiosity, over the last two years, how many shooters or range officers have died while competing in Australia? How many cricketers or umpires have died during cricket matches?

There have been several incidents on the footy oval where young players have just fallen over dead, from cardiac arrest, not to mention the countless destroyed bodies from the very high impact nature of the sport, we know of 1 recent death in professional cricket, who knows the number on the amateur circuit.
Golf, image how many death.... Its fair to say shooting sports are one of the safest ways to 'recreate'...or compete...
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by AnotherMisfire » 17 Apr 2016, 4:11 pm

I don't think that pushing individual case examples is particularly a good idea - because their families have suffered enough.

But my first thought on hearing this was to think about Luke Batty, Rosie Batty's son, and the tragedy of his death...

His father hit him with a cricket bat... Yes, a cricket bat, before killing him with a knife.

A tool is a tool. Violence is violence. And cricket bats don't kill people, people do.
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by Gregg » 18 Apr 2016, 2:17 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Instantly deleted and I'm now blocked from that page .... sensitive stuff!

Struck a nerve :lol:
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Re: Cricket Australia just lost all my support

Post by adam » 18 Apr 2016, 3:41 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Instantly deleted and I'm now blocked from that page .... sensitive stuff!

Typical lefty response. Censorship - and if that's not possible drown it out by shouting down anyone who dare's have a question that might shine some light into an area they don't want looked at.

They're scared of being questioned or a real level debate... gee - been a while since I've seen a proper level debate aired about this sort of stuff in a while, let alone any soft of stuff with the ABC. Always biased one way, with a bias audience....
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