Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

News and events in the media and political arena relating to firearms.

Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 26 Apr 2016, 10:22 am

First up, WHO TF is Cricket Australia???? at least who do THEY think they are socially infringing on my chosen lawful 'lifestyle'??

So they sign up to the AMF 'ban guns' save us from the evil guns of Walt 'the grave dancer' Mikac.

What EVER were they thinking, was it some brain fart in central command, 'lets jump on this band wagon!', we'll get some good community press with the 20th anniversary 'celebrations'??

Did they not consider a lot of cricket fans.... just might also like to recreate in ways other than cricket, with, say, guns?

They've been well batted (not battered) on their facepalm page, when will they comment, or better would be to rescind their petition and foundation support..I'm banking on the face page being 'cleaned' of the dirty red neck shooters horrible threat of pulling their CA support and membership and dumping cricket.....

I find it painfully ironic, that as this slow motion train wreck picks up a head of steam, there is the terrible news of the murder; where the perpetrator used.... not a gun - but yes. A CRICKET BAT!

Perspective time:

During 2014 in Australia there were;
4 Handgun assault deaths
19 longarm assault deaths
23 specified firearm deaths by assault, plus 8 unspecified firearm.

While there were also
23 by BLUNT OBJECT, which would include such implements as...... :unknown:

So considering that the majority, if not ALL the above firearm assaults involved unlicensed and/or unregistered/prohibited firearms,
WHILE I'm quite certain that EVERY one of those blunt objects, were unregulated objects, lawfully owned up to the moment of the assault;

So just saying, maybe the call should be for tougher regulation of CRICKET BATS and NOT firearms :unknown:
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by happyhunter » 26 Apr 2016, 11:55 am

Wasn't Luke Batty killed with a cricket bat?
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by AnotherMisfire » 26 Apr 2016, 11:41 pm

happyhunter wrote:Wasn't Luke Batty killed with a cricket bat?

Hit with one and then stabbed.

Then there's this

It's not the tool that's used - it's the "tool" behind the tool.
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by GLS_1956 » 27 Apr 2016, 12:48 pm

Here in the USA the NBA, National Basketball Association, has sided with the anti-gun crowd.
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by adam » 27 Apr 2016, 1:38 pm

It's another tactic being used by the anti's to muscle themselves more. Entities and corporations appear bigger and have more influence than individuals. Cricket Australia is making it seem like those associated with them are all behind this, when infact it'd be a few minorities in positions of influence within the association using the association for their own personal agenda's and interests.

Sport was once supposed to be politically neutral, but now anything is up for grabs. These people don't respect anyone else's rights, opinions, or concerns if they don't mirror their own.

The situation is worse than just the prospect of tougher gun laws, because now that this avenue has been opened, it's open to abuse for other agenda's and interests down the line as well...

Is it possible to obtain the minutes of the meetings or other documentation to get the name(s) of the individuals who is actually behind this? Might be handy to know for those (who are still) members of CA when it comes to the next election... as well as noting their names incase they pop up elsewhere for election on other boards?
Posts: 319

Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by Bazooker » 27 Apr 2016, 2:01 pm

Name a former Prime Minister who is a self professed cricket tragic???? ..... The board members of CA would turn themselves inside out to lick his rear end and would bow to anything he suggested, such as supporting his personal agenda against LAFOs.

It takes 43 muscles to frown, 17 to smile, and 3 for proper trigger squeeze........Relax!
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 27 Apr 2016, 3:08 pm

Who supports the petition? This guy will either overtly or otherwise support by default as they appear on the website as - Board / Advisory Board / Partners, with senior or CEO level representatives named;

News Limited
Nine Entertainment Co.
Network Ten

Commonwealth Bank Australia
Australia Post

Recognisable names:
Eddie McGuire, Collingwood Football Club

and the most vile antigun mouthpiece broadcaster at the moment;
Neil Mitchell 3AW Southern Cross Broadcasting

Always a concern when the judiciary, particularly, the anti-male family court, current or otherwise stick their noses into policy by stealth;
Alastair Nicholson, Former Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia

(this is the most recognisable corporations listed, there are more)
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by Mr.Seacucumber » 27 Apr 2016, 3:40 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:Who supports the petition? This guy will either overtly or otherwise support by default as they appear on the website as - Board / Advisory Board / Partners, with senior or CEO level representatives named;

News Limited
Nine Entertainment Co.
Network Ten

Commonwealth Bank Australia
Australia Post

Recognisable names:
Eddie McGuire, Collingwood Football Club

and the most vile antigun mouthpiece broadcaster at the moment;
Neil Mitchell 3AW Southern Cross Broadcasting

Always a concern when the judiciary, particularly, the anti-male family court, current or otherwise stick their noses into policy by stealth;
Alastair Nicholson, Former Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia

(this is the most recognisable corporations listed, there are more)

Do we have any corporations on our side at all?
Posts: 290

Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by adam » 27 Apr 2016, 3:52 pm

Mr.Seacucumber wrote:Do we have any corporations on our side at all?

At this stage I'm not even sure if we have the SSAA on our side... :unknown:
Posts: 319

Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 27 Apr 2016, 4:15 pm

Well..... SFFP... at least Borsak , doesnt want although they dont want tougher laws, they dont necessarily want to wind back the current laws.
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by Jandamurra » 27 Apr 2016, 4:34 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:
Who supports the petition? This guy will either overtly or otherwise support by default as they appear on the website as - Board / Advisory Board / Partners, with senior or CEO level representatives named;

News Limited
Nine Entertainment Co.
Network Ten

Commonwealth Bank Australia
Australia Post

Recognisable names:
Eddie McGuire, Collingwood Football Club

and the most vile antigun mouthpiece broadcaster at the moment;
Neil Mitchell 3AW Southern Cross Broadcasting

Always a concern when the judiciary, particularly, the anti-male family court, current or otherwise stick their noses into policy by stealth;
Alastair Nicholson, Former Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia

(this is the most recognisable corporations listed, there are more)

Do we have any corporations on our side at all?

-That's the frustrating thing. The anti's and most people in the community seem to think pro-gun or pro-R2KBA people have this bottomless war chest of funds provided by evil billionaires who want to sell guns to toddlers.
Yet no-one bats an eyelid to all the corporate support for continuing erosion of gun owners' rights.
Theirs this huge blind spot that needs to be addressed, but how, I don't know.
Posts: 93
South Australia

Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by Jandamurra » 27 Apr 2016, 4:45 pm

If the cricketers didn't get behind it they'd all be fired. Gutless wonders and idiots.
Posts: 93
South Australia

Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 27 Apr 2016, 6:42 pm

Its about 'social justice' and scoring points from the masses for supporting 'causes' as frivolous as they are, as deceptive as some....

If they don't support, "How could you be against reducing violence against kids?" it might then be interpreted in keeping with the tards level of logical interpretation that they support violence against kids!

Better sign up channel 10, then get your social justice warrior cultural marxist WALLY the convenient dark skinned Muslim going off at anyone who dare stand before him with opposing you can't be against kids, and you of course can't be against dark skinned people (thats Racist) neither muslims (thats.....christian, which would further attract ridicule because you dont support gay marriage)

Cant win.
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by Download » 29 Apr 2016, 6:40 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:Who supports the petition? This guy will either overtly or otherwise support by default as they appear on the website as - Board / Advisory Board / Partners, with senior or CEO level representatives named;

News Limited
Nine Entertainment Co.
Network Ten

Commonwealth Bank Australia
Australia Post

Recognisable names:
Eddie McGuire, Collingwood Football Club

and the most vile antigun mouthpiece broadcaster at the moment;
Neil Mitchell 3AW Southern Cross Broadcasting

Always a concern when the judiciary, particularly, the anti-male family court, current or otherwise stick their noses into policy by stealth;
Alastair Nicholson, Former Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia

(this is the most recognisable corporations listed, there are more)

I wonder how Murdoch would react if Fox in the US was named and shamed as supporting gun grabbers in Australia.
Posts: 88
South Australia

Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by MalleeFarmer » 02 May 2016, 10:22 am

I was one of those that hammered Cricket Oz on FB....
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 02 May 2016, 11:22 am

I wonder how Murdoch would react if Fox in the US was named and shamed as supporting gun grabbers in Australia.

He wouldn't care.... he's a know gun control supporter, bumchums with one of the megatards in the US - Bloomberg, who supports any and every anti-gun movement over there, they're part of the NY elite "gun for no-one except us..and our body guards "....

Murderdoh has said previously that his opinion is reflected in his publications, hence the papers he runs are vehemently anti-gun.
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by adam » 02 May 2016, 12:39 pm

I'd love to see a survey directed at these anti's - but one with a bit of a difference. Each following question is only visible after the previous one has been answered:

Q1 - Do you believe that we need tougher gun laws. (Y/N)

Q2 - Do you know what the current existing laws already are?

Q3-Q9. Ask specific questions to make sure that they didn't lie about Q2.

Q10 - (Asked if Q1 was 'Y') If you don't know what the current gun laws are - what justification do you have for believing that the current laws don't go far enough?

And then at the end, compare how many people answer 'Yes' in Q1 that don't have any clue what the current laws are already...

It would be an interesting excersize, but one with results I think that would most likely be already expected. ;)

Even a video of such questions being asked on the streets - I could imagine the um's, and embarrassments revealed.

Might be a good tactic for anyone I'm talking to who says we need tougher gun laws - simply asking them what the current laws are to show their ignorance.

Simply put - I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who boast or advocate tougher gun laws have no idea about the current laws, or firearms. Even the 'gun control experts' have proven themselves to be completely ignorant of facts.
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by Bark » 02 May 2016, 1:44 pm

Q2 - Do you know what the current existing laws already are?

I think can just have that pre-filled with a no...
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Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by adam » 02 May 2016, 2:59 pm

Bark wrote:
Q2 - Do you know what the current existing laws already are?

I think can just have that pre-filled with a no...

Indeed. This is where I wish I had the time, opportunity and equipment to do some street interviewing videos:

Q: Do you think gun laws should be tougher

A: Yes

Q: What is wrong with the current gun laws:

A: There's too many guns at the moment

Q: How many guns are in Australia

A: I don't know

Q: How many guns would you consider too many

A: .......


Q: Do you think gun laws should be tougher

A: Yes

Q: What do you believe is the problem with the current gun laws:

A: Silence

Q: Are you even aware of what the current gun laws consist of?

A: Silence

Q: How can you justify wanting tougher gun laws when you're not aware of what the laws currently say?
the current gun laws

A: @$#@# Shut up

It'd make for a very interesting and entertaining youtube channel, and more importantly show the true ignorance that's out there.

Even better - could you imagine what it would be like if we could interview the current interviewers / journalists? Us ask and control the questions instead of Niel Mitchell, or The Panel staff, etc. Of course, they'd never go for it. They have to have control over the questions and conversation because their complete ignorance on the issue would be exposed...
Posts: 319

Re: Cricket Australia - wants tougher gun laws????

Post by Norton » 17 Jun 2016, 4:15 pm

The above is bang on, I've used that regularly having pro/anti gun debates with people.

Ask them first if they think the current laws should be tightened, let them get a firm, clear position on that, then ask them what they know of current laws and watch them fumble and go red trying trying to backtrack and justify their uneducated position.

You don't change many minds but at least you embarrass a few idiots and get them to shut up :mrgreen:
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