Typical fake gun owner comments 101

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Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by on_one_wheel » 30 May 2016, 11:35 pm

Here's one I've just seen on face page

"No I'm not a troll, I'm a gun owner. I'm also ex military unlike u I'm going to assume. U don't need suppressors just like u don't need semi auto or auto fire arms. Earmuffs work fine because people that spent years learning medicine have said they are. Stop crying get over it already"

Some of you here might remember what I think about ex military pretenders to.

nice try mate.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by Supaduke » 30 May 2016, 11:58 pm

I always laugh at the 'need' arguement. All you 'need' is oxygen , water and sustanence. Everything else is just a frivolous luxury.

Edit :
And beer.....
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by on_one_wheel » 31 May 2016, 12:07 am

That's gold ... I'm gonna steal that one day. .. you need to use that as your signature below your posts.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by scotty87 » 31 May 2016, 5:15 am

on_one_wheel wrote:Here's one I've just seen on face page

"No I'm not a troll, I'm a gun owner. I'm also ex military unlike u I'm going to assume. U don't need suppressors just like u don't need semi auto or auto fire arms. Earmuffs work fine because people that spent years learning medicine have said they are. Stop crying get over it already"

Some of you here might remember what I think about ex military pretenders to.

nice try mate.

Maybe he is an ex military gun owner, he indeed would not need earplugs as he most likely suffered permanent hearing damage during his service, like the deaf old ROs on the SSAA ranges.

I'll never understand the govt stance towards silencers and crossbows, all it boils down to is too many Coward MPs living in false fear of their lives, from their constituents.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by Title_II » 31 May 2016, 6:17 am

I was Airborne Infantry and I never even saw a silencer in the military.

But I think you know my stance on civilian ownership. Considering I have two and plan to add two more.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by adam » 31 May 2016, 9:56 am

on_one_wheel wrote:Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Lie and deceit. It amazes me how these people never stop to think "I am lying, and using deceptive tactics to try and progress my point of view - I wonder if I could actually be wrong if I need to stoop to these low levels to make myself seem right"

if you have to lie to get others to come onside... then you're probably in the wrong in the first place...
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by bluerob » 31 May 2016, 10:13 am

Like the blokes who wear medals when they aren't entitled to them.

There's dedicated Australian websites setup to expose those who were in the SAS...... :allegedly: There are heaps of these types.

A few years ago, I met a guy who claimed to be US Navy Seals, but, retired because of "injuries I sustained during operations that I can't discuss." Offered to take him for a shoot. Yep, he's keen.

So, I take him to my local pistol club (before P650 etc) and proudly show him the H&K pistols I had. I handed him a Socom .45 and he couldn't hit the side of a shed standing inside it!!! The closest he came to US Navy Seal was his American accent. I ended up finding out that he did do time on a US carrier as a cook. He wasn't a Seal, but, a blow hard. Sad when you think about it. Why tell lies that'll catch you? I don't get it.

This must really be a bug in the arse of those who really did serve time in military operations.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 31 May 2016, 10:20 am

That's just disgusting....
I make a point of never talking about my 15 tours of Iraq and Afghanistan.... and the various top secret missions to African and other Asian nations. Neither of my sniper training and 4600 yd confirmed kills in the theatre....just can't talk about it.... :silent:

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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by Supaduke » 31 May 2016, 10:22 am

Yes, I believe there was quite a problem with blokes marching in ANZAC day parades that were complete fakes. It tapered off as Vietnam Vets got older, but there has been a huge resurgence in the phenomena since our involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a recognised and sadly not uncommon disorder to impersonate a war vet.
I have seen YouTube videos of fakes being confronted. They are fairly easy to spot by actual vets. There are so many clues that can give you away. Subtle things such as how your boots are laced, badge placement, how you wear certain items can all catch out fakes quite easily. Although some go to great lengths of research to maintain the facade
Last edited by Supaduke on 31 May 2016, 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 31 May 2016, 10:27 am

I've been a fox shooter / rabbit shooter / hunter / for XX years.... and you dont NEED / more than a single shot / more than a 223 / a lever action / a pump action / a weapon gun rifle weapon / an adler / more than 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 magazine clip bullets....

You get it all on faceplant and on the comments section on MS Media articles, WHEN they allow comments, and if they do they are heavily moderated - I have rarely got a pro gun comment up....
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by Supaduke » 31 May 2016, 10:46 am

Surely you mean a 30 clip magazine......sheesh.....noob
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by on_one_wheel » 31 May 2016, 2:07 pm

Unfortunately I can't find any way of finding out is someone is genuine ADF or a wannabe.

It would be great if it was easy to expose those grubs.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by bluerob » 31 May 2016, 3:07 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Unfortunately I can't find any way of finding out is someone is genuine ADF or a wannabe.

It would be great if it was easy to expose those grubs.

Contact these guys. From what I've read, they go after frauds who claim to have served in ADF. I'm not involved in this organisation either. The closest I've come to military action was wearing my dad's red beret in the backyard, doing commando roles with the dog chasing me.....


Its actually a sad read with some of these blokes.

Wearing medals that people who were genuinely shot at or have been involved in military operations and the closest they've been is watching a movie or attending Navy Open Day, well, I just don't get it.
Posts: 342
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by on_one_wheel » 31 May 2016, 3:30 pm

I've been all over the anzmi site but cant find any contact details.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by Title_II » 31 May 2016, 3:57 pm

This crap is happening in the US, too. I really don't understand it. I know some guys will tell lies at the bar or to impress chicks since time began, but there are guys putting together fake uniforms and parading around for no reason. Even if I was a complete douchebag I would not have the balls nor any incentive to do something like that. It doesn't even make any sense.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by bluerob » 31 May 2016, 4:04 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:I've been all over the anzmi site but cant find any contact details.

Go to the Enquiry section that's on the website.

You can fill out alot of detail.
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New South Wales

Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by bigfellascott » 31 May 2016, 4:12 pm

I don't get the fuss about silencers, they don't make s**t silent at all, just reduce the blast slightly is all, I've used them in years gone by, I don't care if I do I don't use one ever again, not that big a deal to me to be honest, I can handle using ear muffs at a range if I have to (not that I go to ranges anymore these days either as they are a joke to me) and I generally don't bother with them for hunting purposes as it's usually only 1 or 2 shots fired with those so no really issues with repeated noise there, smashing up bunny warrens well then I use muffs as I can fire 30 or 40 shots or more at times depending on what the bunnies are doing.

Only time I reckon one would come in handy is shooting around farm houses etc to lesson the annoyance of those who live nearby. :thumbsup:
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by adam » 31 May 2016, 5:07 pm

bigfellascott wrote:I don't get the fuss about silencers...

I'm going to take a stab here... I think the fuss isn't about silencers itself - but about the underlying reason why they are illegal. Which is a misunderstanding and mistrust to LFO's. The reason we can't have silencers is based on the same misinformation that causes other issues for us.

If we accept and are happy about the way silencers are treated, then it just leaves open additional abuse using the same logic.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 31 May 2016, 5:36 pm

silencers are banned because they turn any gun into a silent long range sniper kill death weapon, and only crims 'need' then, cause only crims 'need' a silent weapon gun.

At least thats what the TV tells us
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by happyhunter » 31 May 2016, 6:20 pm

I don't get the fuss about silencers, they don't make s**t silent at all..

Nah, they don't. You can still hear the firing pin strike the cartridge rim.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by Title_II » 01 Jun 2016, 12:53 am

bigfellascott wrote:I don't get the fuss about silencers, they don't make s**t silent at all, just reduce the blast slightly is all, I've used them in years gone by, I don't care if I do I don't use one ever again, not that big a deal to me to be honest, I can handle using ear muffs at a range if I have to (not that I go to ranges anymore these days either as they are a joke to me) and I generally don't bother with them for hunting purposes as it's usually only 1 or 2 shots fired with those so no really issues with repeated noise there, smashing up bunny warrens well then I use muffs as I can fire 30 or 40 shots or more at times depending on what the bunnies are doing.

Only time I reckon one would come in handy is shooting around farm houses etc to lesson the annoyance of those who live nearby. :thumbsup:

I've posted videos of my friend's silenced Ruger 10/22 and my silenced M11/9.

The 10/22 is SILENT.

The M11/19 is not silent except the bolt makes the most noise after the first shot.

It's curious, but silencers are one area of firearms technology where there are advances every year.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by Chronos » 01 Jun 2016, 9:49 am

adam wrote:
bigfellascott wrote:I don't get the fuss about silencers...

I'm going to take a stab here... I think the fuss isn't about silencers itself - but about the underlying reason why they are illegal. Which is a misunderstanding and mistrust to LFO's. The reason we can't have silencers is based on the same misinformation that causes other issues for us.

If we accept and are happy about the way silencers are treated, then it just leaves open additional abuse using the same logic.

They are banned (not technically banned just prohibited and available by permit...allegedly) is because some scumbag shot another scumbag with a sawn of .22 with a silencer in the early '70's. for years anybody could buy them by mail order from the back of a magazine and when the arrived they either got through or got picked up by customs. it was common for people to order 2-3 at a time knowing at least 1 would get through. i think they were just $20-$25

Like BFS I have no desire to own one, I have no need either but if i did a lot of shooting around residential areas for pest control i'd apply for one.

The biggest roadblock to them becoming more available (i've heard it said in NSW no permits have been granted for over 12 months) is the misuse and illegal possession of such items. how can we law abiding firearms owners convince the powers that be that we are responsible enough to own them when so many idiots continue to be caught breaking the laws we're trying to get changed. it's like trying to get the blood alcohol limit raised from .05 to .08 when 1500 drivers a year are caught breaking the limit and continue to cause road accidents

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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by Walt68 » 01 Jun 2016, 5:09 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Unfortunately I can't find any way of finding out is someone is genuine ADF or a wannabe.

It would be great if it was easy to expose those grubs.

Ask them what is their ECN, if they have no idea or can not quote it without having to think about it, they are full of s**t.

Works for me.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by bigfellascott » 01 Jun 2016, 6:29 pm

Employment Category Number.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by GLS_1956 » 06 Jun 2016, 4:17 am

Let me start out by making it clear that while I am an American gun owner and have been since my min-teens, more than 40 years ago. I am not now nor have I ever been a member of any law-enforcement agency or US military service. That said, we too suffer from trolls that claim to be either gun owners, police, or military. And of course their goal is in almost every case to defame the gun owners and or the organizations which they claim association with.

In most cases these trolls make themselves know in short fashion by either using figures or terminology that makes their situation blatantly obvious. Regretfully the majority of people who read or hear these liars are oblivious to the lies.
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by tom604 » 06 Jun 2016, 4:01 pm

one of the reasons they were banned/restricted was that a (and correct me if im wrong) Victorian copper,a super or at least a high up, was shot and killed on his front porch with his family inside and they didn't hear anything, so a silencer "must" of been used :roll: organised hit ? i would have one,,,or two :thumbsup:
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Re: Typical fake gun owner comments 101

Post by WayneO » 06 Jun 2016, 9:15 pm

I have used suppressors for many years on game farms, and I have to say that it does go a long way to keeping the game a lot tamer. In hunting season upwards of 60 people may visit a game farm and more than 200 rounds including sighting in, will be fired. On farms that insist on the use of suppressors, you can see a noticeable difference in the skittishness of the game.
As for ex military types; in S.A we have an elite group called the Recce's (Special Forces Regiments - the Reconnaissance Commandos) they have been around for 44 years and in that time less than 1100 men out more than a hundred thousand entrants have qualified as Recce's. Despite this, every second person who ever went to the boarder or into Angola claims to be a Recce.
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