Driverless cars/trucks

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Driverless cars/trucks

Post by Die Judicii » 04 Aug 2016, 9:24 am

Reported on a news broadcast recently, Driverless vehicles will be the only option by 2030, with all other vehicles
forced off the road in favour of the new "safer" technology.
With roads and highways developed to enable the navigation of driverless vehicles.

I can't help but wonder,,,, if all the other "old" style vehicles are obsolete, how is farmer Bill going to drive across his paddocks ?
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by Supaduke » 04 Aug 2016, 9:54 am

2030, not a chance, still be plenty of cars purchased in the next 5-10 years driving around. Cabs and public transport maybe, but like manual gearboxes people like driving, I really doubt the option to drive will ever e removed completely. Certainly not in our lifetime.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by AusTac » 04 Aug 2016, 10:16 am

Not a chance in hell, unless the government start giving away free " self driving " cars, who can afford that stuff?!

Cars are getting more and more complex ( just ask the one i have sitting on my hoist in bits ) and expensive, the technology is no where near ready and i doubt will be in thay time
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by Gwion » 04 Aug 2016, 10:23 am

No way in hell. We don't even have reliable mobile reception or broadband service around here.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by MR. WINCHESTER » 04 Aug 2016, 10:43 am

Probably something akin to Hawkie's pledge, that: 'no child will be living in poverty by 1990' ....
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by Noisydad » 04 Aug 2016, 12:52 pm

My old Defender will still be on the road in 2030 - mostly because my ex hates it therefore I'll keep it going for ever. All the worlds big tractor builders are playing with not only driverless but cabless tractors now.
There's still a few of Wile. E Coyote's ideas that I haven't tried yet.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by sakoBC » 04 Aug 2016, 1:06 pm

If safety is the main factor then they probably need to rethink the logic. ... -elon-musk

Also, there will be multiple computer controlled devices that are moving at high speed and that can be hacked. What could possibly go wrong :thumbsup:
I understand that automobiles encountered heavy resistance in many parts when they were first introduced, but technology now provides the ability to remotely initiate widespread control or interference that did not exist in the past.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by juststarting » 04 Aug 2016, 2:16 pm

No, not can be, have been hacked. Also need to teach a robot how to hurt people. Breaking the first rule of robotics. For example, do I kill the driver by swerving and driving off a cliff to avoid a crowd of people or do I drive through the crowd and save the driver. That's a complex philosophical issue that will or will not convert to sales. For instance, if I am the driver, I'd prefer me over a crowd. Also cars will need to be able to communicate with each other over a standardised protocol. Thats all cars from all makers talking the same language. Drafting and finalising that alone would take 10 years. Then trials, then development, nop, not 2030.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by happyhunter » 05 Aug 2016, 11:21 am

Modern aircraft have had pilot less capability for many years. It's not so far fetched to think driver less cars will be replacing brainless drivers by 2030. Whether the public accepts the transition is another story.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by on_one_wheel » 05 Aug 2016, 11:53 am

Judging by how far we've come on the last 20 years in regards to our roads ( backwards in my state with the exception of 2 roads in Adelaide )

By 2030 we will need monster trucks to navigate the huge potholes and coronations.

Whoever came up with that is smoking some funny stuff.

When you have an accident in a driverless car, who is to blame ?
When they work that out, driverless cars might stand a chance.

Riderless bike anyone ?

Human operated car buyback scheme?

Who's going to compensate me for my
$50 000 vehicle fleet?

Whos going to compensate the big companies for their multi multi million dollar fleets ?

Some people have collectable cars as part of their super funds.

It's simply not going to happen.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by MR. WINCHESTER » 05 Aug 2016, 12:10 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:It's simply not going to happen.

Well .... That's quite definitive !

Do you have enough imagination to wonder what our transport system will look like, in say .... 100 years ?
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by on_one_wheel » 05 Aug 2016, 1:38 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:It's simply not going to happen.

Well .... That's quite definitive !

Do you have enough imagination to wonder what our transport system will look like, in say .... 100 years ?

You've taken me out if context.

Based on how our economy is going, we are more likely to be back to horse and cart by 2030

" by 2030, with all other vehicles
forced off the road in favour of the new "safer" technology."
it's simply not going to happen.
Last edited by on_one_wheel on 05 Aug 2016, 1:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by juststarting » 05 Aug 2016, 1:38 pm

66 years between first flight and moon landing. It's definitely doable. It just won't happen. Two different things.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by Die Judicii » 05 Aug 2016, 1:47 pm

Back to my original question.

Farmer Bill says to car computer,,,

"Take me to the big paddock where I found that big firewood log last month,,, but you'll have to find a different route cos
it's rained for a week, and it's pretty boggy."

:unknown: :unknown: :unknown: :unknown: :?
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by on_one_wheel » 05 Aug 2016, 2:30 pm

Die Judicii wrote:Back to my original question.

Farmer Bill says to car computer,,,

"Take me to the big paddock where I found that big firewood log last month,,, but you'll have to find a different route cos
it's rained for a week, and it's pretty boggy."

:unknown: :unknown: :unknown: :unknown: :?

Kev the roo shooter wants to follow his nose completely off road .... " electric car, find roos. .. keep out of their flight zone"

Andrew the exploration dtiller wants to take his fleet of trucks to a predetermined gps point 100 km from the nearest track, he needs to avoid soft sand, washouts, drop offs, crab holes, trees , things that will stake his tyres, must find the most suitable creek crossing. He will at some point need to recover a bogged truck, hitch all the trucks together with rigid bars to cross difficult country stop and deploy the bog mats, perhaps even do some track building along the way..... needs to make good time. Can't take 3 months to get there like some kind of mars rover.

Normal cars, trucks, bikes and boats will NEVER be Completely replaced but driverless might become a option like automatic parking. Even then, someone needs to be in "control"of the vehicle otherwise whos to blame when something goes wrong ? The computer programmer? The manufacturer? Not likely.

The notion of normal cars becoming completely redundant by 2013 is mindless dribble.
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by Gwion » 05 Aug 2016, 3:19 pm

It would take a time machine to begin with ! :P
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by Heckler303 » 05 Aug 2016, 4:37 pm

juststarting wrote:No, not can be, have been hacked. Also need to teach a robot how to hurt people. Breaking the first rule of robotics.

*Squeezing the space between my eyebrows in response to 'rules of robotics' established by Asimov for a book.*

Who ever follows the rules of robotics? No one. That's who.
If something doesn't work, apply rule .303!
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by Supaduke » 05 Aug 2016, 7:20 pm

Is a drone carrying 8 hellfire missles a robot?

I can see a type of robotic cruise control happening on selected freeways, but the driver would still be behind the wheel on urban streets or off-road .
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Re: Driverless cars/trucks

Post by happyhunter » 05 Aug 2016, 7:21 pm

Heckler303 wrote:
juststarting wrote:No, not can be, have been hacked. Also need to teach a robot how to hurt people. Breaking the first rule of robotics.

*Squeezing the space between my eyebrows in response to 'rules of robotics' established by Asimov for a book.*

Who ever follows the rules of robotics? No one. That's who.
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