xDom wrote:I have access to the internet at work, on a quiet weekend day or a night shift I like to do some random googling. Up until now this forum has been allowed, one of the very few gun related sites available.
Went to check in today but it came up with a blocked site message " Weapon sites are prohibited".
Seems they have a blanket ban on anything hunting, sport shooting related.
This annoys me. The term "weapon" implies that I plan on using my legally purchased, stored and used rifles for the purposes of harm against another human.
I get it that it's the companies internet service so they can restrict as they like but I resent the implication that my hobby is somehow wrong or immoral.
I like to shoot foxes and rabbits, I'm probably of more of a service to the environment than others who judge me.
Which, in all probability, has got absolutely nothing to do with your employer or your employment.xDom, get over it.
Your employer will provide internet access for work related purposes. That you have found time to peruse sites other than those specifically employment related is of no consequence.
I don't know about Victorian legislation but here in Queensland the Act, Regulations, and most other documentation, refers to weapons. Like it or not, that is how the politicians want it to be.
My former employers have specific policies which all employees must read and acknowledge by signing, and transgressions can invoke penalty up to and including dismissal. Harsh? Not at all; you are using their equipment in their time.
Your employer probably uses the services of another provider who applies filters that can be specific, broad brush, and not negotiable by employees. Even if you were to take your own PC to work and request a "guest account", those sites will still be blocked because you are using their server.