moopere wrote:mickb wrote:They will eventually get all this sort of legislation through everywhere and the reason itsnt because people dont fight back its because people actually support such legislation. While they may not like it in relation to guns... they will happily support a law to leash dogs, fence backyard pools, mandate eperbs in boats and pay thousands extra for airbags whether you want them or not.
if you felt a twinge of dissapproval at anything I typed just remember someone is having the same twinge when you say gun control needs to slow down.
Mmm. This!
What is the logical conclusion to all this? Ultimately, its a state of affairs where there will be no freedoms, none, not even things we'd regard as trivial today. Everything becomes a 'privilege' not a right. Every single thing you do, from birth to death, every trivial part of life, will have someone, somewhere, objecting for one reason or another and if there are no overriding principles at play then ultimately you'll be in the box (ala the Matrix movie pods) eating the liquified bugs.
There is no answer now. It's confirm or put your "freedom" at risk. While people say it no-one will actually fight the police. You will be arrested, loose your job maybe your kids. As soon as they are at your door 99% will comply. 1% will straight up be arrested and go to prison.....I'm just happy I live extremely rural while it won't change what happens have a little bit more freedom with 100000s acers of forest and farms around. But very happy I'm not younger to tell the truth