Large deer calibre in Victoria

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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by bladeracer » 07 Feb 2025, 9:04 pm

Fester wrote:Well the std .264" cals generally like about a 140gr pill and I wouldn't really consider 160s, they would be going pretty slow.

Looking at a .270 case, wouldn't the 130gr pills be flying around or topping 3,000fps.
Shooting 150s they prob still beat the Swede and Creed by a fair clip and make a good Samba stopper.
.270s also shoot flatter but I won't shoot one now with the modern non-belted 7mm magnums that can shoot a lot further.
A 7mm going fast should kill pretty well.

They made the min cal not me, and they made a fair call IMO.

I like the 160gn RN in the 6.5x55mm, it's a great bullet.
I said "at similar velocities". They didn't make such a call though. They do not require a .270Win cartridge, though what metric you use to determine what "minimum" that might be I have no idea. They merely require a .270" bullet diameter of 130gn weight, in any cartridge. By their metric of bullet weight and diameter the .38 Special is _a lot_ more "potent" than the .270Win, which is ridiculous.
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by bigpete » 07 Feb 2025, 9:20 pm

bladeracer wrote:
Fester wrote:Well the std .264" cals generally like about a 140gr pill and I wouldn't really consider 160s, they would be going pretty slow.

Looking at a .270 case, wouldn't the 130gr pills be flying around or topping 3,000fps.
Shooting 150s they prob still beat the Swede and Creed by a fair clip and make a good Samba stopper.
.270s also shoot flatter but I won't shoot one now with the modern non-belted 7mm magnums that can shoot a lot further.
A 7mm going fast should kill pretty well.

They made the min cal not me, and they made a fair call IMO.

I like the 160gn RN in the 6.5x55mm, it's a great bullet.
I said "at similar velocities". They didn't make such a call though. They do not require a .270Win cartridge, though what metric you use to determine what "minimum" that might be I have no idea. They merely require a .270" bullet diameter of 130gn weight, in any cartridge. By their metric of bullet weight and diameter the .38 Special is _a lot_ more "potent" than the .270Win, which is ridiculous.

Definitely agree with the last bit there. Legally a 310 cadet can be used to hunt sambar....that's just plain ridiculous.
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by Oldbloke » 07 Feb 2025, 9:24 pm

I think hunters simply need to ask themselves;

What is the intent of the regulation?

This has been argued many times. But we all know what the intent is.
Is it written well in the regulations, no.
But to be fair I don't think it's a simple thing to put in law.
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by bladeracer » 07 Feb 2025, 9:57 pm

Oldbloke wrote:I think hunters simply need to ask themselves;

What is the intent of the regulation?

This has been argued many times. But we all know what the intent is.
Is it written well in the regulations, no.
But to be fair I don't think it's a simple thing to put in law.

Precisely why it should never have been attempted. We already have laws governing humane treatment of animals, including hunting them. We don't need these unworkable regs.
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by mchughcb » 07 Feb 2025, 10:00 pm

Tomotron wrote:
bladeracer wrote:
Tomotron wrote:Anyone know why 6.5 mm (.264) calibre is not legal for hunting large deer and non-game deer in Victoria? Overseas, moose, elk and other larger animals are taken down with 6.5x55 and 6.5 Creed with no ballistic or ethical issues. I understand the minimum is .270 calibre.

Absolutely no logical reason at all.

I've sent feedback to the GMA for an answer. Others should do so too.

If you have no luck I can give you the mobile phone number of the person who made the call at the GMA right back to 2010 when the formulation of the regulatory impact statement was being formulated that has carried on.

I sat through hours of discussions with all the major hunting organizations and I don't want to bore you with the heated arguments that went on.

Suffice to say, rather than post with some anon handle on some low traffic website you can do what I did. Join a hunt organization. Get elected to an executive position. Take time off work to attended hours of meetings. Cope constant criticism by members who couldn't work in an iron lung, write white papers to the government to explain the position you would like the regulations to adopt and see how you go.

The current regulations have my specific stamp on it. 1. the ability to use shotgun slugs to hunt sambar and 2. the inclusions of dachshunds to hunt sambar. Many of the other regulations were collaborative efforts of the hunt organizations representatives.
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by Tomotron » 07 Feb 2025, 11:13 pm

mchughcb wrote:
Tomotron wrote:
bladeracer wrote:
Tomotron wrote:Anyone know why 6.5 mm (.264) calibre is not legal for hunting large deer and non-game deer in Victoria? Overseas, moose, elk and other larger animals are taken down with 6.5x55 and 6.5 Creed with no ballistic or ethical issues. I understand the minimum is .270 calibre.

Absolutely no logical reason at all.

I've sent feedback to the GMA for an answer. Others should do so too.

If you have no luck I can give you the mobile phone number of the person who made the call at the GMA right back to 2010 when the formulation of the regulatory impact statement was being formulated that has carried on.

I sat through hours of discussions with all the major hunting organizations and I don't want to bore you with the heated arguments that went on.

Suffice to say, rather than post with some anon handle on some low traffic website you can do what I did. Join a hunt organization. Get elected to an executive position. Take time off work to attended hours of meetings. Cope constant criticism by members who couldn't work in an iron lung, write white papers to the government to explain the position you would like the regulations to adopt and see how you go.

The current regulations have my specific stamp on it. 1. the ability to use shotgun slugs to hunt sambar and 2. the inclusions of dachshunds to hunt sambar. Many of the other regulations were collaborative efforts of the hunt organizations representatives.

Thanks for the advice and it's good to know that individuals can influence the hunting regs! Would you happen to have the email of this person please? Hopefully, I'll hear back from the GMA; note that I couldn't write in more detail because of the character limit.
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by Oldbloke » 08 Feb 2025, 8:13 am

Well, good on Chuck you for putting in all that effort.

Soo, Chuck, you would know.
What was the logic of removing the 2" minimum case length required? (Made sense to me)

Was it the short magnums?
If so why didn't they just reduce it to accommodate the short magnums rather than remove it all together?
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by Fester » 08 Feb 2025, 10:08 am

The trouble is, we want less regulations rather than more, and they have to KISS.
They can't take into consideration, for example, a 6.5 Grendal vers a 6.5 PRC or the older fast 6.5 cartridge.
They just had to choose a suitable cal and bullit weight to KIS and stop idiots shooting Sambar with a .223.

You only have to leave the dedicated forums and brows FarceBook to see you can kill anything with a .22lr.
Some only head shoot deer lol.
Then they will tell you they can head shoot the running deer at 200m with their 30-30.
If these blokes have ever hunted anywhere off FacePlant, it could only be a caged hunt.
In the real world of public land hunting, I couldn't imagine any veno in their freezers.
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by Oldbloke » 08 Feb 2025, 2:03 pm

Fester wrote:The trouble is, we want less regulations rather than more, and they have to KISS.
They can't take into consideration, for example, a 6.5 Grendal vers a 6.5 PRC or the older fast 6.5 cartridge.
They just had to choose a suitable cal and bullit weight to KIS and stop idiots shooting Sambar with a .223.

You only have to leave the dedicated forums and brows FarceBook to see you can kill anything with a .22lr.
Some only head shoot deer lol.
Then they will tell you they can head shoot the running deer at 200m with their 30-30.
If these blokes have ever hunted anywhere off FacePlant, it could only be a caged hunt.
In the real world of public land hunting, I couldn't imagine any veno in their freezers.

Yep, the gossip says it's happening.
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by bigrich » 08 Feb 2025, 2:38 pm

Tomotron wrote:Anyone know why 6.5 mm (.264) calibre is not legal for hunting large deer and non-game deer in Victoria? Overseas, moose, elk and other larger animals are taken down with 6.5x55 and 6.5 Creed with no ballistic or ethical issues. I understand the minimum is .270 calibre.

in simple terms mate , i've used handloaded 6.5's and HL 308 on pigs mainly , and there's a big difference in energy dump between the two . 6.5's will kill with the bullet in the right place , but the 308 is more forgiving with shot placement due to the amount of energy and bigger wound channel . it's rare to have the time to place a perfect textbook shot IMHO . i've knocked over a red stag at around 160 meters with a 150 nosler accubond out of a 7-08 . it did the job . you mention "large deer" , sambar i take it . if it were me i'd opt for a 30-06 with a good 180gn bullet or something similar for sambar . 6.5's are accurate and penetrate with those javelin 140's, but can't compete with 30 cals or bigger for killing power . JMHO :thumbsup:
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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by Coxy383 » 09 Feb 2025, 1:28 pm

bigpete wrote:Just deal with it.
Better than people running around trying to shoot them with 22s trying to be heroes

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Re: Large deer calibre in Victoria

Post by Tomotron » 20 Feb 2025, 4:31 pm

Heard back from DJSIR Game Policy.
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